2012 holidays

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BY THEPRESIDENT OF THEPHILIPPINES PROCLAMATTON NO. t05 DECLARING THE REGULARHOLIDAYS, SPECIAL(NON-WORKING) DAYS,AND SPECIALHOLIDAY(FORALL SCHOOLS) FORTHEYEAR2012 WHEREAS,RepublicAct (RA)No. 9492,datedJuly24,2007,amendedSection 26, chapter 7, Book I of Executiveorder (Eo) No. 292, also known as the Administrative Codeof 1987,by declaringcertaindays(specificor movable)as special or regularholidays; WHEREAS,RA No. g4g2 providesthat holidays,except those which are religiousin nature,are movedto the nearestMondayunlessotherwisemodifiedby law, orderor proclamation; WHEREAS,RA No. 9849providesthatthe EidulAdhashallbe celebrated as a national holiday; WHEREAS,the EDSAPeoplePowerRevolution, whichrestoredand ushered political,social and economicreformsin the country,seryes as an inspirationto everywhere Filipinos as a nationandas a people; WHEREAS,on January23,2012,the Chinesenationals all overthe worldwill celebrateSpringFestival,popularlyknownas the ChineseNew Year,whichis one of the most reveredand festiveeventscelebratednot only in China but also in the Philippines by both ChineseFilipinosand ordinaryFilipinosas well; and the joint is a manifestation celebration of our solidaritywith our ChineseFilipinobrethrenwho havebeenpartof our livesin manyrespectsas a countryand as a people;2JJanuary 2012 may be declaredas a special(non-working) day withoutdetrimentto publit interest; WHEREAS,Friday,2 November2012,fallingbetweenThursday,1 November (All 2012 SaintsDay) and Saturday,has beentraditionally declareda special(nonworking)daythroughout the country; WHEREAS,to give full opportunity to our peopleto properlyobserveAll Saints Day with all its religiousfervorwhich invariablyrequiresthem to travelto and from differentregionsin the country,Friday,2 November2012,maybe declaredas a special (non-working) daywithoutdetriment to publicinterest;


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NOW,THEREFORE, l, BENIGNO S. AQUINOlll, by virtueof the powersvested in me by the Constitution as President of the Philippines, do herebydeclare: SECTION1. The followingregularholidaysand specialdaysfor the year2012 shallbe observedin the country: A.


NewYear'sDay MaundyThursday GoodFriday Arawng Kagitingan


January1 (Sunday) April5 April6 April9 (Monday)

LaborDay Day lndependence NationalHeroesDay Day Bonifacio Day Christmas RizalDay


May1 (Tuesday) June12 (Tuesday) August2T(LastMondayof August) November 30 (Friday) December 25 (Tuesday) December 30 (Sunday)


Special(Non-Working) Days January23 (Monday) August21 (Tuesday) November1 (Thursday) November 2 (Friday) December 31 (Monday)

ChineseNewYear NinoyAquinoDay All SaintsDay special(non-working) Additional day LastDayof the Year C.

SpecialHoliday(for all schools)

Anniversary EDSARevolution

February 25 (Saturday)

SECTION2. The proclamations declaring nationalholidaysfor the observance of Eid'lFitrand EidulAdhashallhereafterbe issuedafterthe approximate datesof the holidays have lslamic beendetermined in accordance withthe lslamiccalendar(Hijra) or uponlslamicastronomical or the lunarcalendar, calculations, whichever is possible To thisend,the National or convenient. (NCMF) Commission on MuslimFilipinos shall informthe Officeof the President on whichdaythe holidayshallfall. SECTION3. The Departmentof Labor and Employment(DOLE) shall promulgate guidelines the implementing for thisProclamation. 4. ThisProclamation SECTION shalltakeeffectimmediately. SECTION5. This Proclamation shallbe published in a newspaper of general circulation -2 @ftitrot tle $rerilrnt ottUe$!ilhpines


lN WITNESS-WHEREOF,I have hereuntoset my hand and causedthe seal of the Republicof the Philippinesto be affixed.

Donein the Cityof Manila,this 24th Lord,TwoThousandand Eleven.

By the President:

day ofrypyenber-in the year of Our

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