Luzon Jurisdiction
Gen. Luna cor Sta. Potenciana Streets, Intramuros 1002 Manila, Philippines
Recognition for Squires Academic Excellence Statement
P urpose
The purpose of the Knights of Columbus, Luzon Jurisdiction’s Recognition for Squires Academic Excellence Program is to recognize the efforts of active Columbian Squires, who give importance to Academic Education as one step towards developing leadership ability. This program aims to inspire and motivate Columbian Squires members to exert more efforts academically, and exemplify leadership in their respective schools. It can also help Knights to organize Circles and recruit new members.
Subject The Knights of Columbus, Luzon Jurisdiction’s Recognition for Squires Academic Excellence Program is an award given to deserving Columbian Squires members who are graduating Top Five for School Year 2011-2012 in the Primary and Secondary levels.
C riteria Awardees must be currently listed Columbian Squires members, who have at least reached the Shield Bearer level of the Squires Advancement Program and shall be in the Top Five of the graduating class2011 -2012.
R equirements Awardeesare required to submit the following documents to the Columbian Squires Luzon Jurisdiction Office, Intramuros, Manila on or before March 15, 2012: 1. Letter of Endorsement by the Grand Knight/ Faithful Navigator and attested by the Squires Area Chairman and the District Deputy. 2. Certification of the ClassAdviser and attested by the School Principal.
A wards Specially designed medallions and certificates will be awarded to the following recipients: a) Luzon Deputy Academic Excellence Gold medallions and certificates for graduating valedictorians. b) Luzon Deputy Academic Excellence Silver medallions and certificates for graduating salutatorians. c) Luzon Deputy Academic Excellence Bronze medallions and certificates for the graduating first, second and third honorable mentions respectively. The awards shall be given by the Luzon Jurisdiction, through the District Deputy, assisted by the Squires Area Chairman and Grand Knight or Faithful Navigator, during the Schools’ Graduation/ Recognition Days.