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Recipients of the Membership Jewel
from March 2022 Edition
23. Nohl, Johannes. The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague. Yardley: Westholme
Publishing, 2006. 24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Jews_during_the_Black_Death.
Accessed November 2020. 25. Raspe, Lucia. The Black Death in Jewish Sources: A Second Look at “Mayse Nissim.” Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. 26. Zentner, McLaurine H. The Black Death and Its Impact on the Church and Popular Religion. http://thesis.honors.olemiss.edu/338/1/Zentner%20Thesis.pdf,
May 2015. Accessed November 2020. 27. Ziegler, Philip. The Black Death. Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co., 1969. 28. http://jewinthepew.org/2015/09/26/26-september-1348-pope-clement-vi-exonerates-jews-from-causing-the-black-death-otdimjh/ Accessed November 2020.
Grand Encampment Membership Awards
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