1 minute read
In Memoriam
from April 2022 Edition
The Knight Templar magazine is now available on your smart phone including your state supplement. Just download the application from either the Apple App Store at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/knight-templarmagazine/id1422046085?ls=1&mt=8 if you have an I-Phone or the Google Play Store at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.axiosdigital.KnightTemplar if you have an Android based phone. Then each month, you will be automatically notified when the new issue of the magazine is available. One tap and you are reading the magazine!
If at some point in the future, you want to discontinue the delivery of your paper copy and save the Grand Encampment some printing and postage expense, the recorder of your local Commandery can have it stopped by updating the membership database.
Of course, the current issue of the magazine and all previous issues are still available on-line at http://www.knightstemplar.org/KnightTemplar/.
John Robert Clime OHIO Grand Commander 2010 Born: December 19, 1950 Died: January 23, 2022 Gregory Lee Andersen IOWA Grand Commander 2012 Born: May 22, 1962 Died: July 12, 2022
William Jackson Jones ILLINOIS Grand Commander 1984 Born: March 12, 1939 Died: January 31, 2022 Most Eminent Past Grand Master 2000-2003
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