1 minute read
Recipients of the Membership Jewel
from June 2022 Edition
Grand Encampment Membership Awards
1275 Brian Patrick McDonald Mobile Commandery 2 Mobile, Alabama
1276 James C. McGee Mobile Commandery 2 Mobile, Alabama 4th Bronze Cluster
1277 John Wallace Shipes Dothan Commandery 25 Dothan, Alabama
1278 Ricky L. Holden Florence Commandery 39 Florence, Alabama
1279 Ted Ahara Loggins DeMolay Commandery 14 Decatur, Alabama
1280 Timothy R. Brinkmeyer H.E. Lackey Commandery 67 Indianapolis, Indiana
1281-1282 Paul Friend St. Lucie Commandery 17 Stuart, Florida 1st Silver
1283 Vater D. Webb EuTah Commandery 66 Toledo, Ohio 1st Bronze
1284 William Spencer Ghent Lancaster Commandery 19 Lancaster, South Carolina 1st Bronze
1287 Douglas Trent Carter Nazareth Commandery 41 Southern Pines, North Carolina 2nd Bronze
sions. Perhaps the most crucial and enlightening chapter is Chapter 24, “Cave Art,” dealing with inscriptions in the cave and the presumed signature of Washington.
In summary, the book is interesting, well-written, and profusely illustrated, and it presents a lot of local history of the cave, its environs, and of Washington himself, but a Masonic connection with the cave is speculative at best.
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