Music is Magic – Use It: Especially in Templary!
s a newly raised Master Mason in 2003, I had the benefit of learning the Blue Lodge “Examinations” from a very well-traveled and masonicallyeducated Brother: W.B. William C. Adams, who earned many Masonic titles in his life, including being knighted a Knight of the York Cross of Honor. During our many hours together at his kitchen table in my Masonic infancy, he shared many valuable bits of wisdom with me, including stressing that everything we do as masons during our ritual work is for the candidate. When he mentioned this, he would often chuckle and add, “that man paid good money for that degree.” Several years later when I joined Commandery, I was moved by the use of classic Christian hymns during the Order of the Temple, particularly during the Ascension. It added so much. It made me commit right then to stay active in Templary. Soon after my knighting, I began traveling around as a new Sir Knight to other Commanderies but was disheartened 22
by George E. Moore
to see an Order of the Temple that did not employ the use of any music whatsoever. It wasn’t “wrong” by any means, but to me it was a completely different Masonic experience. As Freemasons, we are separated from all other groups and organizations, which fiercely compete for the modern man’s time. We are fortunate that we get to impress our candidates with beautiful ritual work. And, by its very nature, Commandery is in prime position to impress a candidate beyond his imagination, in ways he has never experienced before in Masonry. Our Masonic ritual work is comprised of thousands of beautiful small experiences which combine for an unforgettable overall experience which, if done well, can encourage the candidate to make a lifelong commitment to our fraternity. Sometimes this extends to creating multiple generations of Masons, as well. Unfortunately, some of these beautiful moments in our rituals are overlooked by modern Masons for one reason or another, august 2022