August 2022 Edition

Page 24

Lessons in

Mastering the I

t’s seldom clear to us how we impact the long after us. people around us, the people following Importantly, the question is put, do us, and even the “whole picture of the we exemplify a commitment to be and point of our work.” do our best? Whatever we do should be Even when it is clear, any insight done whole-heartedly. Our actions are not gleaned is often limited by self-imposed or outcome dependent; they should spring circumstantial constraints. from a desire to do right. This is true Freemasonry’s symbolic and moral inspiration. The work is its own reward, as instruction harnesses this phenomenon: we say. the candidate undergoes experience before Depending on your ritual, the prologue receiving explanation. In the Royal Arch, we to the Royal Master may focus on a bowl, an get the final lesson regarding our capacity undefined object, or a three-tier candelabra, for teamwork: when we three do agree, our but each shows that Adoniram’s activity individual strengths are enhanced when and skill produced a result. Adoniram aligned with the strengths of others. In created something under direction for Council we are exposed to the observer’s the sake of creation itself. In some cases, perspective. Decrypting, if you will, the neither he nor Hiram (his “supervisor”) value of differing perceptions, strengths, knew the intended use of the object prior and experiences allows for intentional to its completion: The best example of our cooperation. The Royal Master degree gives dedication is evidenced in labor. us fundamental insights on the impact of Do we intend our work to complement personal effectiveness. the work of others? Effective education Are we proactive? Even when we think guides the student from the basics to the we understand the “overall picture” and have complex and illustrates how various skills a goal in mind, circumstances beyond our and concepts interact to reveal the whole control may interfere with our intentions. through the parts. The Biblical references But action itself is valuable. Hiram’s and the lecture in the Royal Master reveal instruction during the circumambulations how each golden vessel was brought to the plainly states that we contribute to what Holy of Holies, there placed around the comes before us, that the time we have is Ark to properly incur the presence of God. a precious – and finite – opportunity, and When we intentionally focus our activities though we may not recognize the impact and efforts as part of a team, we complement we have, actual understanding awaits us each other and manifest a greater vision. when we move on. Our ideas, work, and “In the event of an emergency, please creations are valuable and should be acted ensure that your oxygen mask is working upon. How they manifest through time is properly before assisting others.” To beyond us – the seed may yield fruit in time effectively serve others, we must first


august 2022

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