August 2022 Edition

Page 26


n Saturday, April 9, 2022, two Beauceant members were honored at the Beauceant Brunch at the 169th Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Texas, Waco. (Mrs. Bill) Maggie Matyashk served as Worthy President of Waco Assembly No. 199 in 1978, 1999, 2006, and 2013. She served as Supreme Director of Music for three different Supreme Worthy Presidents and recorded a CD with popular Social Order of the Beauceant songs and marches, which she shared with other assemblies. As an accomplished pianist, she performs as Director of Music for her Assembly and many others for installations when requested.


t Elizabethtown Assembly No 265, Penn., meeting on April 9, (Mrs. David E.) Sonja Alcon, Past Supreme Worthy President, was awarded the Faith, Loyalty and Love certificate by the Worthy President for her generous donation to KTEF.


august 2022

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