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Knightly News Meritorious Service Award
Knightly News
The Grand Commandery Meritorious Service Award is a new medal available to every Commandery Meritorious of the Grand Encampment to award to a worthy Sir Knight. It is not a Grand EnService Award campment award. It is a local Commandery award, although the medal itself is available through the Grand Encampment. Now Available No approval of the Grand Encampment is required, only a vote of each Commandery. This award is purely optional to each Commandery. Only one such award should be given out each calendar year by each Commandery.
Prior to this award being made available, a Commandery could only recommend a worthy member for the Knight Templar Cross of Honor, but only one such award could be given out per Grand Commandery per year. Thus the Commandery had no other award available to give to a worthy Knight. This award was created to address that problem.
If your Grand Commandery approves this award, then each Commandery will be able to reward one worthy member each year. This medal was created and in use in California for thirty years and is very well received. The recipients are very proud of this award and wear it proudly on their uniform.
The medal is available through the Grand Encampment office, and the cost is $100.00.
In the Bonds of our order. Kenneth G. Hope, KCT chairman, Grand Encampment Heraldic Committee
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