4 minute read
Grand Encampment web site: www.knightstemplar.org www.knightstemplar.org/KnightTemplar/archive knight templar
Grand Master’s Message Grand Master Jeffrey N. Nelson .....................4 La Forbie — The Beginning of the End for Frankish Outremer Sir Knight George L. Marshall, Jr., PGC.............7 What’s the Point of a Sword? Sir Knight John D. Barnes, PGC...................... 12 Modern Day Chivalry Sir Knight Thomas Hendrickson, PGM........... 21 Time To Move On Reverend and Sir Knight J.B. Morris.............. 27 Knights Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage for Sir Knights, their Ladies, and Friends ....... 30
VOLUME LXVI NOVEMBER 2020 NUMBER 11 Published monthly as an official publication of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America. Jeffrey N. Nelson Grand Master
Jeffrey A. Bolstad Grand Captain General and Publisher 325 Trestle Lane Lewistown, MT 59457 Address changes or corrections and all membership activity including deaths should be reported to the recorder of the local Commandery. Please do
not report them to the editor.
Prelate’s Chapel ..................................................... 6
Focus on Chivalry.................................................. 14
Leadership Notes - Delegating Effectively.............. 15
The Knights Templar Eye Foundation ........5,16,17,20
Grand Commandery Supplement.......................... 18
Knights Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage .................. 26
Beauceant News................................................... 32 Lawrence E. Tucker Grand Recorder
Grand Encampment Office 5909 West Loop South, Suite 495 Bellaire, TX 77401-2402 Phone: (713) 349-8700 Fax: (713) 349-8710 E-mail: larry@gektusa.org
Magazine materials and correspondence to the editor should be sent in electronic form to the managing editor whose contact information is shown below.
Materials and correspondence concerning the Grand Commandery state supplements should be sent to the respective supplement editor.
John L. Palmer Managing Editor
Post Office Box 566 Nolensville, TN 37135-0566 Phone: (615) 283-8477 Fax: (615) 283-8476
E-mail: ktmagazine@comcast.net Benjamin Williams Associate Editor E-mail: ben.kt.1@comcast.net
Knights at the Bookshelf....................................... 34
Cover photo of a Spanish Templar castle by Sir Knight Piotr Kalinowski.
knight templar
Grand Encampment web site: www.knightstemplar.org www.knightstemplar.org/KnightTemplar/archive
Grand Master’s Message
The officers of the Grand Encampment join me in wishing you a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. We sincerely hope that in these uncertain times you are able to take comfort in peaceful celebration and reflection with family and friends.
In the autumn of 1621, the colonists at Plymouth and Wampanoag Indians shared a harvest feast that is today acknowledged by many to be one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the new colonies. The American experiment was still in doubt, but through perseverance and divine providence, our forefathers endured to found this great nation. Two hundred forty-one years later, in a presidential address to Congress, President Abraham Lincoln defined the United States as the “last best hope of earth.”
These words reflect optimism in America’s future and the uniqueness of the American experiment, American exceptionalism if you will. America still manifests the ideals of self-government, liberty, and the freedom to pursue happiness. Today, in the midst of the worst pandemic to beset the United States in over a century, the Sir Knights of the Grand Encampment are reaffirming these values.
The officers of the Grand Encampment acted early and decisively to address this new challenge. As it would have been imprudent to bring a large number of Sir Knights together in an enclosed space for an extended period of time, the fall department conferences and annual conclaves were held virtually. One unanticipated benefit of this decision was that an increased number of Sir Knights and Sir Knights from disparate parts of the country were able to participate in the conferences and conclaves. Based upon this experience, the officers are exploring additional avenues by which technology may be used to enhance and expand the Templar experience.
In this regard, we have established the “Reopening Templary 2021” committee. This committee is tasked with examining how we will be able to best practice Templary as we enter the “new normal.” We use the term “new normal,” as we realize that it will likely be some time before we return to the “old normal.” Evolve or evaporate.
Courteously, Jeffrey N. Nelson GCT Grand Master
4 november 2020
LIMITED TIME OFFER For a donation of $100 or more. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery
Dear Sir Knights, In support of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. and its mission “to improve vision through research, education, and supporting access to care” a collectible YETI Tumbler specially made for and with the Foundations etched logo on the front is now available to all Sir Knights. The YETI Rambler 20oz Tumbler will keep your drinks as cold (or hot) as you would like. With stainless steel construction, double-wall vacuum insulation, and no sweat design, they’re perfect for an on-the-move person. Plus they’re dishwasher safe. The special Tumbler is available for a limited time for a donation of $100 or more to the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. but please note this is a Tumbler promotion and is entirely separate from any other programs the Foundation oers.

Jerey N. Nelson President Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc.
❑ Enclosed is my check or money order in the minimum amount of $100.00
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