Knitectonics Machine Prototyping - Chapter III

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Chapter III

Machine Prototyping

Vertical deployment _ Interior View

machine prototyping

Knitting machine for producing tights by Benito Manini

Double skin knitting machine by Edoardo Furia



After understanding machine, method and metaphor of knitting, the challenge was to explore the tectonic possibilities presented by the technique, resolve the issue of scale as an architectural prototype and adapt the system for on-site deployment. Knitting is an aged old craft and it has been an integral part of the 200 year old textile industry; so to understand large scale production of fabrics and knitwear we researched some existing industrial knitting machines and other patented machine proposals.

Industrial Jacquard Knitting Machine

The industrial jacquard knitting machines can knit multiple layers, colours and patterns simultaneously, by using multiple knot heads and yarns supplies. Their way of operation resembles the system of the household machine we used for our experiments, with one difference i.e. the head and cam system move through the needles, and the needles are fixed allowing the knitted fabric to remain static. Some exemplary industrial systems like the ‘Diamant’ machines used the principal of rotating circular bed machines in the 1980’s, however flat bed knitting technology had taken the lead in the industry due to the increased speed for production of knitwear.

Diamant - Rotating Circular Tracks

Stoll - Linear Parallel Tracks

Amongst the patented machines, we analysed the knitting machine for producing seamless tights by Benito Manini. This machine has two opposite and parallel rectilinear needle beds with a head on each to knit and a rotatable central unit. While knitting the ‘legs’ the two rectilinear components function as two distinct machines, but for knitting the ‘body’ they come together with the central unit, as one machine with a larger perimeter. This machine gave us fundamental pointers; firstly, any closed loop needle bed produces a cylinder irrespective of the shape. Secondly, needle beds can be connected with removable bridges to form larger perimeters and thirdly, the needles can be fixed and the yarn feeder can be a mobile agent moving on different beds and bridges. We examined another patented machine for knitting tights by Edoardo Furia. This machine consists of two circular machines of same diameter. Machines are placed one on top of the other such that the output from the one above falls into the output from the machine below, forming a double skin. For the ‘body’ the machine knits an open cylinder, which are then sewn together. 71

machine prototyping

Conceptual machine reconfiguration

Circular knitting machine

Parallel rectilinear needle beds

Bridging multiple units

Rotated position

Bridged position

Unit 01


Unit 02


Knitted Fabric Section

Knitectonics To evaluate the possibility of a knitting machine at an architectural application scale, we studied the art installation ‘Sleeping Beauty’ by Dutch designer Nadine Sterck. The knitting machine knits in real time the screen of a lamp and it is described by its designer as, “A lamp that develops like a living organism: switch it on and it slowly starts growing by knitting its own lampshade at a speed of three rotations per hour.” All these case studies directed us to possible solutions for our knitting machine. The first version of the knitting machine proposed was a reconfiguration of the household knitting machine we had experimented with, in its mechanics. The conceptual machine was closed loop rectilinear component with parallel needle beds and a moving knot making head. Similar to the patent machines, two of these rectilinear needle beds could be combined using a bridge to form a longer machine and change the circumference in the process (as shown in the opposite page). Two of these machines stacked together aids in achieving double skin knitted structures. The machine prototype conceptualised for on-site deployment was composed of three functions. First step was to knit with the rectilinear machine, followed by pulling the output over a conical shell to preserve the cylindrical shape of the knit. Next step was to impregnate the fibres with resin and finally to pass it next to a heating die to set it to shape.

Sleeping Beauty _ Nadine Sterck


machine prototyping



Horizontal Deployment _ Interior View


machine prototyping

Knitting Machine 10 enihcaM

Horizontal Machine Knitted Shell Resin Impregnation

niks lanretnI

sdeb eldeen raenilitcer lell redeef nraY

Curing Die and Expandable Ring

20 enihcaM

tinu lartnec elbatatoR metsys maC sdeb eldeeN tinu lartneC cirbaf dettinK

reyal roiretxE - cirbaf dettinK reyal roiretnI - cirbaf dettinK

KnittingKnitting Machine Machine Knitted Knitted Shell Shell Resin Impregnation Resin Impregnation Wheels Friction Friction Wheels

enihcam raenilitcer lellaraP - elbuoD

enihcam raenilitcer lellaraP



Curing Die and Curing Die

Expandable Ring

airuF odraodE yb enihcaM gnittinK nikS elbuoD

ininaM otineB yb sthgit gnicudorp rof enihcaM gnittinK

Vertical Machine

hod 3: Resin Impregnation Concept

Knitted Shell Resin Spray Nozzles

KnittingenMachine ihcaM gnittinK

Knitted Shell llehS dettinK ResinnoImpregnation itangerpmI niseR


Curing Die dna eiD gniruC gniR elbadnapxE

The proposed machine had knit, tension and solidification mechanism. For this prototype we considered two scenarios, one with the machine as vertical and the other with the machine as horizontal. The horizontal machine had friction wheels as ean additional component to help retain the cylindrical shape nihcaM gnittinK llehS dettinK against gravity. noitangerpmI niseR sleehW noitcirF dna eiD gniruC gniR elbadnapxE


Knitectonics Parallel Rectilinear Double Skin Knitting Machine

Double Fabric Machine

Single Fabric Machine Yarn Feeder Rotatable Central Unit Cam system Needle Beds

Machine 01

Central Unit Track Knitted Fabric

Internal Skin

Machine 02

Knitted Fabric - Exterior Layer

Isometric of double parallel rectilinear knitting machine

Knitted Fabric - Interior Layer

Resin Impregnation

Knitted Shell Resin Spray Nozzles

‘Soft’ textiles unite structure, geometry, aesthetics, material sciences, parametric design and digital fabrication, but to compete with ‘hard’ construction materials, they need to be reinforced with stiffener material. The textiles can be reinforced during the assembly of form. The method proposed for reinforcing is ‘resin impregnation’ and this process is followed post knitting. In this process, the knit output from the machine traverses through twin rings with resin spray nozzle. The fabric is sprayed with resin and allowed to set in the required profile. This process of resin solidification could be accelerated by the aplication of heat. 77

machine prototyping

Digital simulation process for vertical and horizontal deployment




machine prototyping



Interior view of intersection of two tubes into one


machine prototyping

Modular Machine Before explaining the machine design process it is important to understand although the rectilinear track has a linear or a cross shape, the outcome is still a closed loop, which with gravity takes the minimal surface of a cylinder; unless it has a predefined shape of attachment. The idea of rectilinear needle beds and removable bridges could be extended to multiple machines, to achieve topological formations in the knitted fabric. Four beds could be connected with bridges, but since only one bridge could be activated at a time, we modified the four rectilinear beds to form a cross track and this could then bridge at four different points to other tracks. But this design limited the configurations to a rectilinear geometry. In order to break the orthogonal geometry, the next track version proposed was hexagonal with six connection points each, inspired by hexagonal circle packing systems. Thus, the idea of a singular machine with continuously moving needles around a fixed yarn head, gave way to a system of modular components with fixed needles and hence a new vocabulary of machine and its parts. The modular components here function as ‘tracks’ for the needles and can be used as singulars to produce identical shapes; or can be combined together with connector ‘bridges’ to produce morphological variations. Rectilinear Track

2 Tracks

Machine Head



Needle Bed

System allows tracks to bridge




Machine Heads

Outcome (Section)

Knitectonics Cross Track Machine Head

System allows tracks to bridge

Needle Bed

4 Tracks

Perspective Machine Heads



Outcome (Section)



Outcome (Section)

machine prototyping

Hexagonal Track

Knitted Fabric

Needle Bed

Machine Head

Machine Head Needle Bed

System allows tracks to bridge


Bridging Tracks


Knitectonics Machine Anatomy The machine is essentially composed of three parts: the head, the track and the bridge. The head carries the yarn and makes the knots, multiple heads can work on the same track simultaneously. The track holds the needle bed and the needles. The hexagonal track is an evolution, over a number of iterations, as by dividing the circular machine into six parts we facilitate the bridging between tracks, allowing the heads to go from one track to another. Machine Head

System allows tracks to bridge

Void where the knitted fabric falls

Machine Head Needle Bed



Yarn Needle Bed

Yarn Feeder Needles

Track Axonometric Bridge

CAM System

Track Wheels

The head holds the yarn and makes the knots. It knits the fabric and is the element that can be programmed with the knitting rules in order to make holes, change density, create bends, etc.


The bridge allows the head to move between two tracks, else the head goes around and continues to move on the same track. The bridge is rotatable in order to allow the tracks to connect, but a mechanic gate system can be developed to maintained it on a fix position.

The programming of the head decides which direction to move in or go through or skip a bridge.


machine prototyping

Multiple Track Configurations and Hexagonal Circle Packing In mathematics circle paking is an optimization problem, which involves packing a group of circles in the most efficient and dense arragement. “In two dimensional Euclidean space, Carl Friedrich Gauss proved that the regular arrangement of circles with the highest density is the hexagonal packing arrangement, in which the centres of the circles are arranged in a hexagonal lattice (staggered rows, like a honeycomb), and each circle is surrounded by 6 other circles.”1

Machine Head


The density of this arrangement is;

This formaula shows how the hexagonal packing produces 90% efficiency. “In 1890, Axel Thue proved that the hexagonal lattice is the densest of all possible circle packings, both regular and irregular.” 1 At this stage the geometry arangement allowed us to have a modular system for the knitting machine, that could be easily reconfigured according to the deployment, while maintaining our pursuit for ‘economy of means’ in the track configuration efficiency.

Detail of Honeycomb



3 Tracks - All Bridges On

4 Tracks - 1 Bridges Off

7 Tracks - 4 Bridges Off

Detail of Conceptual Track Model (Spheres represent the knitting yarn heads through the system)


machine prototyping Configurations

Outcome (Section)


The numerous possibilites to connect a track to its sorrounding six neighbours, gave us the opportunity for varition as seen in the catalogue above of 7 tracks. Conceptually we could connect, separate, mirror, group, subgroup, offset and integrate elements being knitted at the same time from different tracks. After studying the hexagonal geometry and designing the first machine prototype, we realized that as the fabric was being knitted inside the hexagonal tracks, it was logical to make the track module in the interestitial spaces created by the hexagons, and group these modules to form the hexagonal grid. The first machine track prototype consisted of 96 latch needles, with a CAM system and yard feeder assembly, that runs on the inside of the track. This model consisted of 3 tracks and 3 bridges, each track being part of a different hexagon and it gave us a thorough insight into the mechanics of the machine. 88

Outcome (Section)


Machine Prototype Model


machine prototyping

Circular Track (Hexagonal Configuration) Though the hexagonal track gave us the opportunity to connect at six points and achieve more spatial topologies, the construction of the machine prototype presented the need to modify the mechanism of our modular system. As the fabric knits and falls inside, negotiating the bridges with the fabric becomes mechanically difficult. Additionally, the topologies do not connect continuously when track bridges switch. It became logical to consider going back to a circular track, with six connection points, as it resolved the limitations of the previous tracks and made the mechanics easier, eliminating the need for a bridge mechanism. The configuration follows on the same principle as the hexagonal circle packing, with an efficiency of 90% in space used, thereby giving us the opportunity to achieve maximum output from minimum input. Track Machine Head

System allows tracks to connect

In all the previous track designs, the CAM system has been physically connected to the yarn head. For this new machine we proposed that each circular track had an individual CAM system, independent of the yarn feeder, such that the yarn feeder becomes an agent that circulates independently on a separate circulation track. The yarn head synchronizes itss movement with each track; as the head arrives on top of the needle bed, the CAM raises sequentially the latch needles, holding and releasing each knot. This new system allowed the tracks to have smoother transition from one track to the next one, avoiding the mechanics of a rotating bridge.


Knitectonics Machine Anatomy

Yarn Cone

Yarn Feeder

Bottom Track ( 6 points of connection)

CAM System

Needle Bed ( 60 needles)

One Machine

Seven Machines

Three Machines


machine prototyping

Machine Design Evolution In the evolution of the conceptual prototype design of the machine, we started with a circular machine and eventually came back to a circle. But the process allowed us to incorporate and evolve patented designs, mathematical optimization in the configuration and the reduction of the machine to its simplest functions. We established certain conclusions through this evolution; starting with the fact the shape of the knitted fabric is independent of the track shape. The track or the attachment shape is retained only for a short length along the fixing plane, beyond which it takes the minimal shape of a cylinder. Each singular machine is composed of six needle beds, separated by track connection points. Multiple machines are arranged in a hexagonal circle packing, as it is the most optimal arrangement of circles. This ‘part and whole’ approach gives us the flexibility in the number of tracks we use and also in the configuration we use them. The separation of the mechanical elements of the machine i.e. the CAM system and the yarn feeder, allows us to choose as to which connection point we activate or deactivate, along with the flexibility to use different materials on different yarn feeders. Ultimately, the connection points activated by the yarn feeder agent, govern the topologies created and also permit us to change these topologies by activation and deactivation of connection points at any given time. This makes the fabrication a dynamic time based process, wherein connections and bifurcations could be introduced actively. We also reviewed our conceptual machine design with the knitting machine manufacturers, who appreciated and acknowledged that our conceptual intuitions were accurate. But being the experts, they could foresee that due to the mechanical complexity of the machines, the precision in the working of each needle and the synchronization required between the tracks to maintain the required tension for the knitted fabric, the estimated time for the development and improvement of a working model of this machine would be in the range of ten years and beyond. In order to explore the conceptual machine model and the opportunities the tectonic opportunities it presents, in the absence of a working physical machine, we decided to commence with the development of a digital machine model. The aim of this digital system, used as a real time simulation tool, was to generate design solutions. Developing a digital interface, which embodied all the machine knowledge we had attained through our research and also enabled us to choose tracks, bridges and yarns and organize them to perform desired actions in order to explore topologies, connections, punctures etc, by choreographing the yarn feeders to certain action sequences. The proto system permits to address specific tectonic issues with generic technique of knitting; the system has the capability to be singular and modular, micro and macro, continuous and transformational. Notes for Chapter III 1. Circle Packing, taking from



Rectilinear Track Bridging 2 points

Circular Track Close Loop

Cross Track Bridging 4 points Circular Track Bridging 6 points

Hexagonal Track Bridging 6 points

Design evolution of machine


Frozen Fibers S a n h i t a C h a t u r v e d i [India] E s t e b a n C o l m e n a r e s [Colombia] T h i a g o M u n d i m [Brazil]


Marta MalĂŠ-Alemany Jeroen van Ameijde Daniel Piker

Machinic Control 2.0 Design Research Lab v13 Archit ectural Association London Phase II Copyright Š Frozen Fibers 2011, otherwise indicated and used only for academic purposes.

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