1 minute read
A word from the Vice-Presidents
By now the Annual General Meeting will be over and you will have a new committee in place to continue the growth and advancement of the Knitters’ Guild NSW. Unfortunately, personal reasons prevent me from continuing on the committee. Hannah is also stepping back this year for similar reasons. Sometimes life gets in the way of our other plans.
Many of the incoming committee members are not new, so the Guild will be steered by a very experienced team, with a sprinkling of newcomers to learn the processes. Incoming President, Sally Ogilvie, is certainly very experienced and knowledgeable. The only way the Guild will continue to flourish is with involvement of members and it is wonderful to see both new and old members continuing to be of service.
Last year was a big year for the committee but we managed to cope with each problem as it arose. The membership database is now up to date, the website is being updated and new software is being installed. The Knitters’ Certificates have been completed and are in the process of being tested, and FibreFest has moved to a bigger and better venue to bring you a more enjoyable experience.
Remember, if you would like to help but don’t want to commit fully you can always volunteer to be a test knitter for the Knitters’ Certificates or help on the day at FibreFest. Keep an eye on KGBytes - there is often a call out for volunteers to help at various events or do some charity knitting.
By now your winter knitting is probably well under way, and we always find that an enjoyable part of what can sometimes be a miserable part of the year. Keeping in touch with your local group is always a way to hear about new patterns, yarns and ideas. Just sitting, knitting and chatting with friends is always a lovely way to spend a few hours. We hope you continue to enjoy and learn through membership of your local group and participation in Knitters’ Guild events..
Best Wishes,
Julie Hogan and Hannah Smith Outgoing Vice-Presidents,
Guild NSW
A Good Yarn Edition Deadlines:
August: 15 July | November: 15 October
If you wish to place an ad in the magazine please contact: editor@kgnsw.org.au