Knivesandtools Magazine COM 01/19

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At the end of the nineteenth century the Field and Stream magazine published the adventures of Horace Kephart in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. He was one of the firsts who introduced the outdoor life to ‘ordinary men and women’. His books are legendary, just like his Kephart Sheath Knife. Throughout the years many different versions of the Kephart knife were produced. However, the edition Ethan Becker produced for KA-BAR is probably the most special. After all, he was able to make the dream of any bushcraft enthusiast come true: he bought an original Kephart Sheath Knife. The only edition that is privately owned. The other can be found in a museum. When designing it he definitely had the most accurate blueprint at hand. On the basis of this 100 year old knife the BK62 was designed. Made from 1095 carbon steel, walnut wood: traditional materials for a knife such as this. The shape of the blade and handle are seemingly simple, but work extremely well. It is for a reason that the KA-BAR Becker BK62 turned out to be a winner shortly after its introduction. Kephart would have been proud.

K N I V E S A N D T O O L S M A G A Z I N E 01  //   2019


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