Knivesandtools Magazine UK 02/18

Page 15



The Buck 110 family got a lot bigger this year: the sturdy 110 Pro and the light-weight 110 LT. Two knives that are very similar to its legendary family member. Very, but not completely…

BUCK 110 PRO & 110 LT

As its name already suggests the Pro is made for the professional user. The blade was upgraded and enhanced with CPM S30V steel. Strong, stainless and retains its sharpness well. The handle also changed. Messing and wood made way for nickel silver and G10. Sustainable and can handle its own. Exactly what you are looking for when you use a pocket knife intensively. The 110 LT is standing on the other side of the spectrum. No anabolic shot but a strict diet. The 420HC steel remained, the handle got a complete meta­ morphosis. Brass and wood stepped aside and made room for black nylon. Incredibly light material making the LT weigh half as much as its predecessor. The classics enhanced with a new wardrobe, made for everyday carry. There is no other way to say it: Buck has introduced two amazing knives. Two knives definitely worthy of the name 110. The saga continues!

K N I V E S A N D T O O L S M A G A Z I N E 02 //   2018

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