Knivesandtools Magazine IE 02/18

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Today you can no longer escape it. Wherever you go you see people using cell phones, smartwatches, tablets or even laptops. And you use them as well. Quickly checking status updates on social media, or ordering a practical multi-tool via Knivesandtools.

OFF GRID but not offline

But what if you decide to go off grid? Will you accept that you have to go without for a while? Of course not! Off grid, after all, does not mean offline. With the new off grid power products made by Powertraveller and Texenergy you will always have enough power to check out the weather or call home! From power banks to hand cranks and from wind generators to solar chargers: we have got everything to make sure your off grid adventures end well. Wherever you are, in the bush or on top of the Mount Everest, these off grid power products will make sure you always have power. Charge your cell phone, smart watch, tablet or other electronics on the road with the sun, wind or even your bare hands and stay connected! So, are you stranded on a rock in the middle of nowhere and have no clue how to make a fire? Don’t worry, you can simply look it up. Welcome to the twenty-first century!

K N I V E S A N D T O O L S M A G A Z I N E 02 //   2018

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