Are you inspiring to Wield Dual Swords: Here is All You Need to Know
Without a doubt, the act of wielding dual swords is quite unique and risky in its own way. Many people even wonder what stance they ought to adopt while wielding a pair of dual swords. Training with dual swords is evidently different than training with a single sword. It wouldn't be wrong to state that the act of wielding dual sword while imagining to cutting and slicing through some "ninja fruits" seems kind of impractical to me as well. Among the various risk factors associated with the act of wielding and practicing with dual sword is that one can also cut through their own limbs if they miss their timings or suffer from a "slip of hand". Therefore, it is crucial to go through sufficient training as well as professional training before one actively involved in the act of wielding and practicing with a pair of dual swords. Simply put, I would never unnecessarily ring the alarm if the risks weren't this high; hence, proper
training cannot be avoided if you are serious for letting your inner ninja out with the help of maneuvering an awesome pair of dual sword. The Preparatory Steps for the Wielding of Dual Sword The first thing which you have to keep in mind is that the act of dual wielding requires preparation; hence, the first task which you would want to do is to practice the various moves with your dominant hand while wielding one of the dual sword. If you are left-handed, then your dominant hand would be your left hand; all you need to do is start with learning to cut with your one dominating hand first. With regards to the basic cutting dual sword cutting movements, we are talking about the basic 6 moves: the ups and downs (diagonal from either side) and the rights and lefts (horizontal direction). Once you will feel confident enough to wield one of the dual sword with your dominant hand while maneuvering the 6 basic moves, you will be ready to practice the moves with your other hand. This aspect of learning the 6 basic sword-wielding moves might look like an easy task; however, the bitter truth is that it is not as easy as it looks and sounds. It takes time and constant effort until you will reach the point where you will be able to practice the act of slicing and cutting with your dual sword while using both of your hands. Throughout the training course of learning the maneuverability of the dual swords with your dominant hand, you will be able to estimate the percentage of reliability you have with regards to your "off-hand" which you will use for the stabilization and controlling of your dual sword. This is quite crucial and part of the learning since you will get to know how much you can rely on your "off-hand" while practicing the essential cutting and slicing movement with your dual swords. Some Precautionary Tips for the Practice of Dual Swords Trust me, the art of maneuvering and wielding dual swords requires much of your strength; therefore, it is normal to get overly exhausted. However, with the passage of time, the muscles of your hands and arms will get used to the exertion which is required for the wielding of your dual swords. Nonetheless, it is important to not overdo oneself. In addition, there is the possibility of getting a wrist injury on one over-exerts them and overdoes the training sessions. In this respect, it is recommended to take things slow and steady which means that you ought to make more use of your moving
your body instead of exerting your body strength while practicing the basic moves with your dual swords. In this case, it is recommended that you increase the repetitions of movements instead of exerting the strength of your body. Advise your onlookers i.e. family and friends to keep a safe distance while you are practicing with your dual sword. In addition, it is recommended that you learn the six basic moves while dry cutting with your dual sword. You ought to continue with the act of dry-cutting until and unless you feel happy and satisfied with the movements of your dual swords.