Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim - School Libraries Role

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Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Shifting Perspectives: Educational Aim – School Libraries Role

Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role

Shifting Sands School Librarianship, 2012 Shifting Sands of School Libraries, IASLodconferenece, DohaDoha 2012. Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb, Croatia Croatian Association of School Librarians Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role

• “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” John Lennon

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role Happiness and Educational paradigms • Even within the academic community, any discussion about the attainment of personal happiness has been tabooed and almost forbidden for a long time.

• Personall goals are “in contrast to the utilitarian goals of government which uses skills of its subjects as a tool for fulfilling its objectives”. Hartmut von Hentig

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role Educational Aims – Mainstream and Alternative

• Strong bond and interconnectedness between the chosen educational paradigm and the projected social values

At least since the emergence of the early capitalism, the educational curriculum have been adapted to the demands of labor markets and the expectations of the mainstream society Although various attempts to establish a different and more holistic educational frame have been undertaken. i. e. Waldorf or Montessori pedagogical approaches, none of them has been widely accepted Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role “Happiness: Towards a Holistic Approach to Development” •

"Having far outlived its usefulness, our fundamentally flawed economic arrangement has itself become the cause of all problems. Within its framework, there lies no solution to the economic, ecological, social and security crises that plague the world today and threaten to consume humanity.“

“The measurement of economic growth should not be limited to national income but should include happiness of a country's people. It should strengthen communities, protect the environment, provide universal health services and education, as well as preserve traditional culture and heritage.“ Jigmi Y. Thinley, Prime Minister of Bhutan Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role

“Happiness: Towards a Holistic Approach to Development” •

“the gross domestic product indicator by nature was not designed to and does not adequately reflect the happiness and well-being in a country.” More pointedly, it implied that public policies in many countries have encouraged “unsustainable patterns of production and consumption,” at the expense of “a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness and well-being of peoples.” U.N. General Assembly Resolution 65/309

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role Shiftnig perspectives: gross national happiness instead of general bruto produkt The government of Bhutan announces that the idea of happiness “ has nothing to do with its colloquial meaning which normally denotes a fleeting momentary feeling. The term denotes a deep and lasting feeling of contentment and life in accordance with nature, our environment, our cultural and spiritual heritage, encountering other human beings with respect.

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role Happiness as the result of satisfied needs • • • • •

Physiology (hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.) Safety/Security/Shelter/Health Belongingness/Love/Friendship Selfesteem/Recognition/Achievement Self actualization

Happiness as the phylosophical imperative • Know thyself!

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role Happiness as educational aim - School libraries role

Although the technological development has dramatically changed the scope of information and accelerated its availability, we propose that a substantial change would include a change in purpose of information usage. In this kind of revolutionary development, a school library might play an important role.

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role Happiness as educational aim - School libraries role Library is holistic institution by defenition. It collect, preserve and disseminate information and knwledege from all science fields, arts and human activities. School library: - encourage autonomous learning and research - encourage a more harmonious development of individuals (utilizing information and experiences from multiple branches of knowledge and art) - provide learning and knowledge acquisition for personal needs with the purpose of development of one's personality as a whole, with the goal of self-exploration and developing integrity (intrinsic motivation) Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role • “The 21. century will not emerge as a static creation, year by year, it will become what we make out of it". Hartmut von Hentig • „Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire". Pierre Teilhard de Chardin • „Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Rumi

Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

Shifting Perspectives: Happiness as a Legitimate Educational Aim – School Libraries Role

Thank you for your attention!!! Shifting Sands od School Librarianship, Doha 2012 Vanja Jurilj, Primary School Antuna Mihanovića, Zagreb Croatian Association of School Librarians

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