New from Timothy Keller
Why Should I and How Can I? 978 0 525 56074 6
Timothy Keller HC: $27.00 US | 11 01 2022 | 272 pages | carton 12 | Viking Adult
Forgiving anyone in a meaningful way is one of the hardest things a person has to do. If you do not, resentment and vengeance begin to consume you. It is nearly impossible to move past transgression without forgiveness, but few people have the resources and the tools to forgive others fully and move on with their lives. Forgiveness is an essential skill, a moral imperative, and a religious belief that cuts right to the core of what it means to be human.
In Forgive, Timothy Keller shows readers why it is so important and how to do it, explaining in detail the steps you need to take in order to move on without sacrificing justice or your humanity.
Hope in Times of Fear
The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter 978 0 525 56081 4
Timothy Keller TR: $17.00 US | 03 01 2022 | 272 pages | carton 24 | Penguin Books
She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. (John 20:14)
Hope in Times of Fear is a book that unlocks the meaning of Jesus's resurrection for readers. Easter is considered the most solemn and important holiday for Christians. It is a time of spiritual rebirth and a time of celebrating the physical rebirth of Jesus after three days in the tomb. For his devoted followers, nothing could prepare them for the moment they met the resurrected Jesus. Each failed to recognize him. All of them physically saw him and yet did not spiritually truly see him. It was only when Jesus reached out and invited them to see who he truly was that their eyes were open. Here the central message of the Christian faith is revealed in a way only Timothy Keller could do it filled with unshakable belief, piercing insight, and a profound new way to look at a story you think you know. After reading this book, the true meaning of Easter will no longer be unseen.
Prices subject to change without notice
For more information call 1 800 603 7051 ext. 895671 or email 2
Keller’s books have sold over 3 million copies!JENNIE ALLEN
Find Your People
Building Deep Community in a Lonely World 978 0 593 19338 9
Jennie Allen HC: $25.00 | 02-22-2022 | 272 pages | carton 12 |
In a world that’s both more connected and more isolating than ever before, we’re often tempted to do life alone, whether because we’re so busy or because relationships feel risky and hard. But science confirms that consistent, meaningful connection with others has a powerful impact on our well being. We are meant to live known and loved. But so many are hiding behind emotional walls that we’re experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.
In Find Your People, bestselling author Jennie Allen draws on fascinating insights from science and history, timeless biblical truth, and vulnerable stories from her own life to help you:
• Overcome the barriers to making new friends and learn to initiate with easy to follow steps
• Find simple ways to press through awkward to get to authentic in conversations
• Understand how conflict can strengthen relationships rather than destroy them
• Identify the type of friend you are and the types of friends you need
• Learn the five practical ingredients you need to have the type of friends you’ve always longed for
Get Out of Your Head
Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts 978 1 60142 964 3
Jennie Allen HC: $23.99 | 01 28 2020 | 256 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
Jennie inspires and equips us to transform our emotions, our outlook, and even our circumstances by taking control of our thoughts. When we submit our minds to Christ, the promises and goodness of God flood our lives in remarkable ways.
For more information
Nothing to Prove
Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard 978 1 60142 962 9
Jennie Allen TR: $17.00 | 02 06 2018 | 256 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
The visionary behind the million strong IF:Gathering challenges Christian women to discover what it means to do life with God rather than always striving to impress Him, in this trade paperback edition of her perspective shifting work, which now includes bonus material to enhance your book club experience, including discussion questions and easy to create recipes.
800 603 7051 ext. 895671 or email
Core 52 Family Edition
Build Kids' Bible Confidence in 10 Minutes a Day: A Daily Devotional 978 0 593 23629 1
Mark E. Moore & Megan Howerton; Illustrated by Grace Habib HC: $16.99 | 10-18-2022 | 224 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
While there are lots of one year Bible reading plans and family devotionals, few help kids understand the words that they're reading. In this new addition to the popular Core 52 line of resources, Mark E. Moore and his daughter, former teacher and stay at home mom Megan Howerton, coach you and your family through 52 of the Bible’s key verses. Each week provides you and your child with a simple 5 day plan.
In just a year, Core 52 Family Edition takes children aged 6 to 12 from biblically curious to spiritually confident and competent. Best of all, it's a journey you'll take with them!
895671 or email
A Yearlong Pursuit of Jesus
Quest 52
A Fifteen Minute a Day Yearlong Pursuit of Jesus 978 0 593 19372 3
Mark E. Moore
TR: $17.00 US | 11 16 2021 | 384 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
No individual has ever come close to the impact Jesus made in thirty three short years. He introduced God to the world as Father, changing prayer forever. He challenged us to love our enemies, reordering the rules for social engagement. He prioritized the least and the lost, revolutionizing social justice. He introduced servant leadership, transforming politics. He demands that we examine our hearts not just our behavior, recasting ethics. There is no quarter of our modern life that has not been impacted by Jesus of Nazareth education, science, religion, society, law, ethics, art, entertainment. If you want to know him, the authentic Jesus, if you want to absorb his influence and influence others for him, Quest 52 will guide your way.
Quest 52 Student Edition
A Fifteen Minute a Day Yearlong Pursuit of Jesus
0 593
TR: $14.00 US
16 2021
Written in Mark E. Moore's characteristic clear, engaging style, Quest 52 Student Edition is a field guide on a journey into the heart of Jesus. Although it takes more than a lifetime to fully follow Jesus and an eternity to become like him, you can travel a long way down the road by focusing on parts of the Gospel that can impact your understanding of the person, the power, the preaching, and the passion of Jesus.
Students who carve out fifteen minutes a day, five days a week, for one year, will move from knowing about Jesus to knowing him well. Welcome to the quest.
Prices subject to change without notice
Pastor John Mark Comer
Live No Lies
Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace 978 0 525 65312 7
John Mark Comer
HC: $25.00 | 09 28 2021 | 336 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
In this provocative and practical book, bestselling author John Mark Comer combines cultural analysis with spiritual formation. He identifies the role lies play in our spiritual deformation and lays out a strategic plan to overcome them.
Do you feel the tug-of-war in your own heart, the inner conflict between truth and lies? The spirit and the flesh? The Way of Jesus and the world? It’s time to start winning. It’s time to live no lies...
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World 978 0 525 65309 7
John Mark Comer; foreword by John Ortberg HC: $23.99 | 10 29 2019 | 304 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
Who are you becoming? That was the question nagging pastor and author John Mark Comer. By outward metrics, everything appeared successful. But inwardly, things weren't pretty. So he turned to a trusted mentor for guidance and heard these words: "Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life." It wasn't the response he expected, but it continues to be the answer he needs.
For more information call 1 800 603 7051 ext. 895671 or email
Pastor Rich Villodas
Good and Beautiful and Kind Becoming Whole in a Fractured World
978 0 525 65441 4
Rich Villodas
HC: $24.00 | 07 12 2022 | 240 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
We long for a good life, a beautiful life, a kind life. But clearly that’s not the world we live in. We carry the stress of our fractured world in our bodies and relationships. Families that once gathered around tables have converted those tables into walls. Hostility, rage, and offense is the language of our culture.
How did we lose goodness, kindness, and beauty? And more important, how do we get them back into our lives? These are the two questions crying out in our streets, homes, churches, and from deep within our souls.
Pastor and author Rich Villodas is convinced that only Jesus offers a way of being human that is both strong and tender enough to tear down the walls of hostility we experience daily.
Filled with fresh energy, classic truth, and practical solutions, this is your road map for stepping beyond distraction and division to love like Jesus. Doing so will change the atmosphere within you…and around you!
The Deeply Formed Life
Five Transformative Values to Root Us in the Way of Jesus 978 0 525 65440 7
Rich Villodas
TR: $16.00 | 08 31 2021 | 288 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
Most believers live in the state of “being a Christian” without ever being deeply formed by Christ. Our pace is too frenetic to be in union with God, and we don’t know how to quiet our hearts and minds to be present. Our emotions are unhealthy and compartmentalized. We feel unable to love well or live differently from the rest of the world to live as people of the good news.
New York pastor Rich Villodas says we must restore balance, focus, and meaning for our souls. The Deeply Formed Life lays out a fresh vision for spiritual breakthrough following five key values.
For more information call 1 800 603 7051 ext. 895671 or email
Color-Courageous Discipleship
So you’re for Jesus and against racism. But racism is such a fraught topic can’t we just talk about Jesus?
Michelle T. Sanchez has discovered through her own journey that it’s impossible to separate racial discipleship from our relationship with God. When we choose to courageously resist racism, we discover opportunities to encounter Christ in fresh and exciting ways.
Color Courageous Discipleship is our guidebook to a deeper connection with God through the adventure of racial discipleship. Grounded in the gospel, this practical and thought provoking book:
• reveals multiple ways that the racial dynamics of our society have already formed us
• explores what it means to biblically and proactively address racial inequity for the sake of God’s glory
• equips us to engage in challenging conversations about racial reconciliation with grace and truth
• offers hope, creative answers, and a path forward both individually and as beloved community
Includes Small Group Discussion Questions
Whatever your race or background, Color Courageous Discipleship invites you to experience more of Jesus as you pursue racial righteousness in his name.
Courageous Discipleship
Follow Jesus, Dismantle Racism, and Build Beloved Community 978 0 593 19384 6 Michelle T. Sanchez TR: $18.00 US | 11 01 2022 | 304 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
ColorCourageous Discipleship Student Edition
Follow Jesus, Dismantle Racism, and Build Beloved Community 978 0 593 19386 0 Michelle T. Sanchez TR: $14.00 US | 11 01 2022 | 272 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
God's Beloved Community A Picture Book 978 0 593 19388 4
Michelle Sanchez; Illustrated by Camila Carrossine HC: $12.99 | on sale 11 01 2022 | 40 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
Mission Possible Adult Resources
Mission Possible
Go Create a Life That Counts
0 593
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory
03 08 2022
224 pages | WaterBrook
The New York Times bestselling author and athlete challenges you to find your mission and pursue a bolder, brighter, more fulfilling life.
Mission Possible Bible Study
0 593 19403
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory TR: $12.00 | 03 08 2022
128 pages | WaterBrook
Take the practical steps you need to find your unique, God given sense of mission and purpose in this motivating, interactive, biblically based companion study to Tim Tebow's Mission Possible
Mission Possible Goals Guide
A 40 Day Plan to Making Each Moment Count
0 593 19405
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory TR: $18.00 | 03 08 2022 | 224 pages | WaterBrook
With targeted questions and thought provoking exercises, Tim Tebow helps you personalize the principles from Mission Possible and craft an action oriented plan to start living on mission and reach your goals one day at a time.
Mission Possible One-Year
365 Days of Inspiration for Pursuing Your God Given Purpose
978 0 593 19411 9
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory HC: $22.00 | 11 08 2022 | 384 pages | WaterBrook
In his first devotional, Tim challenges you to find your mission and pursue a bolder, brighter, more fulfilling life by building your faith every single day.
Mission Possible
Young Reader's Edition
Go Create a Life That Counts 978 0 593 19407 2
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory HC: $18.00 US | 03 07 2023 | 176 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
The New York Times bestselling author and athlete challenges young Christians to find their mission and pursue a bold, bright, fulfilling life.
Mission Possible One-Year Devotional for Young Readers
365 Days of Encouragement for Living a Life That Counts 978-0-593-19413-3
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory HC: $18.00 | 11 08 2022 | 384 pages | carton 12 WaterBrook
This 365 day devotional from the New York Times bestselling author and athlete inspires young Christians to find their mission and pursue a bold, bright, fulfilling life every single day.
Mission Possible Weekly Planner
Plan Your Day, Track Your Goals, and Live a Life That Counts
978 0 593 19410 2
Tim Tebow with A.J. Gregory NT: $18.00 | 09-20-2022 | 192 pages | carton 24 WaterBrook
Identify and achieve your goals and organize your schedule with this inspiring weekly planner built on lessons from New York Times bestselling author and athlete Tim Tebow's Mission Possible
Bronco and Friends: Mission Possible
978 0 593 23206 4
Tim Tebow with A. J. Gregory; Illustrated by Jane Chapman HC: $17.99 | 04 12 2022 | 40 pages | carton 20 WaterBrook
From the New York Times bestselling author of Bronco and Friends: A Party to Remember comes a hilarious and heartwarming adventure featuring Bronco and his friends as they undertake a daring rescue.
New from Pastor Stephen Chandler
Stop Waiting for Permission Harness Your Gifts, Find Your Purpose, and Unleash Your Personal Genius 978 0 593 19423 2
Stephen Chandler; Foreword by John Maxwell HC: $24.00 US | 09 27 2022 | 224 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
Pastor Stephen Chandler believes that each of us has a specific, life giving purpose in this world. Sadly, many people never discover the unique genius that has been embedded within them by the Creator of the universe. But that doesn't have to be the case
Stop Waiting for Permission offers a four step process to unlocking your unique calling and activating your innate, God given strengths. Chandler provides the tools you need to:
• Identify What Is Holding You Back
• Discover Your Unique Genius
• Maximize Your God Given Greatness
• Live In Your Purpose with Perseverance
Stop Waiting For Permission is a biblical boost of encouragement filled with original insights to help those seeking to scale the heights of their calling, map out the territory of their purpose, and discover their unique and personal area of genius.
for Permission Study Guide
Your Gifts, Find Your Purpose, and Unleash Your Personal Genius
0 593 19426
Stephen Chandler
$10.00 US
09 27 2022
112 pages
carton 24
The Stop Waiting for Permission Study Guide is your road map to the journey of a lifetime, one that requires your active participation.
Each of the ten sessions aligns with chapters from the book. Ideal for group or individual settings, this guide offers ample space to reflect on key questions and insights through four key sections:
• Soak It In with a key biblical passage
• Reflect on It through thought-provoking questions
• Live into It with activities and prompts that make it real
• Pray It Out by wrapping it up with focused prayer
For more information call 1 800 603 7051 ext. 895671 or email
At Your Best
How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor 978 0 7352 9136 2
Carey Nieuwhof HC: $24.00 | 09 14 2021 | 240 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
An influential podcaster and thought leader provides time, energy, and priority management tactics to help you crush it at work and thrive at home.
Motivational Reads
The Word Before Work
A Monday Through Friday Devotional to Help You Find Eternal Purpose in Your Daily Work 978 0 593 19311 2
Jordan Raynor HC: $20.00 | 11 15 2022 | 304 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
A weekday devotional to help Christians connect the gospel to their vocation and appreciate the eternal significance of their work no matter what it is from the entrepreneur, thought leader, and bestselling author of Redeeming Your Time
Win the Day
7 Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less & Accomplish More 978 0 593 19278 8
Mark Batterson TR: $17.00 | 02 21 2023 | 256 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
The New York Times bestselling author of Chase the Lion reveals seven powerful habits that can help you tackle God-sized goals by turning yesterday's regrets and tomorrow's anxieties into fuel for a better today.
Also Available:
Win the Day Journal
Harness the Power of 24 Hours 978 0 593 19286 3
Mark Batterson
TR: $16.00 US | 11 02 2021 | 176 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
Do It for a Day
How to Make or Break Any Habit in 30 Days 978-0-593-19284-9
Mark Batterson HC: $17.00 | 11 02 2021 | 272 pages | carton 12 | Multnomah
603 7051 ext. 895671
Chase the Lion
If Your Dream Doesn't Scare You, It's Too Small 978 1 60142 887 5
Mark Batterson
TR: $15.99 | 04 23 2019 | 240 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
In this compelling manifesto, the New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker challenges readers to chase the lions in their lives and to be prepared for when they catch them! Now available in trade paperback with a brand new bonus chapter, this work from Batterson is a thematic sequel to In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day.
Be the Bridge
Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation 978 0 525 65288 5
Latasha Morrison; Foreword by Daniel Hill; Afterword by Jennie Allen TR: $17.99 | 10 15 2019 | 256 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
A leading advocate for racial reconciliation offers a clarion call for Christians to move toward relationship and deeper understanding in the midst of a divisive culture.
Ready to Rise
Own Your Voice, Gather Your Community, Step into Your Influence 978 0 7352 8984 0
Jo Saxton
TR: $16.99 | 04 14 2020 | 224 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
A powerful call to step into your full potential that biblically affirms the need for women to rise up and work together to make a better world.
You've Been Chosen
Thriving Through the Unexpected 978 0 593 35941 9
Cynt Marshall HC: $28.00 | 09 13 2022 | 256 pages | carton 12 | Ballantine Books
A relentlessly optimistic memoir by one of the most influential Black business leaders in America today, offering hope and practical guidance for navigating life's most difficult challenges
Jesus Followers
Real Life Lessons for Igniting Faith in the Next Generation
Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel Ruth Lotz Wright TR: $17.99 | 09 20 2022 | 240 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
The daughter and granddaughter of Billy Graham offer a warm and inspiring glimpse into their family life, sharing stories that reveal spiritual wisdom and practical insight for raising the next generation of Jesus Followers.
Point Man, Revised and Updated
How a Man Can Lead His Family 978 0 525 65352 3
Steve Farrar
TR: $17.00 US | 04 26
2022 | 304 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
The bestselling guide for Christian men who want to lead their families well is now revised and updated to help fathers and husbands navigate the complexities of today's challenges.
Living Your Best Life
The Last Arrow
Save Nothing for the Next Life 978 1 60142 955 1
Erwin Raphael McManus
TR: $17.00 | 08 13 2019 | 224 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
A challenge to live the singular life you were created for, from an iconoclast, thought leader, widely respected speaker, pastor, and bestselling author. Now available in trade paper.
Things That Matter
Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life 978 0 593 19397 6
Joshua Becker HC: $25.00 | 04 19 2022 | 256 pages | carton 12 | WaterBrook
Discover practical steps you can take today to live a life focused on things that matter, from the bestselling author of The More of Less and The Minimalist Home.
The Life We're Looking For
Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World
978 0 593 23734 2
Andy Crouch HC: $25.00 | 04 19 2022 | 240 pages | carton 12 | Convergent Books
A deeply reflective primer on creating meaningful connections, rebuilding abundant communities, and living in a way that engages our full humanity in an age of unprecedented anxiety and loneliness from the author of The Tech Wise Family
The Treasure Principle, Revised and Updated
Unlocking the Secret of Joyful Giving 978 0 7352 9032 7
Randy Alcorn HC: $12.99 | 07 18 2017 | 160 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
The classic book on the rewards of generous giving, with nearly 2 million copies already sold, is now available in a fresh package with added content and updates throughout.
Teaching Resources
Simple Money, Rich Life
Achieve True Financial Freedom and Design a Life of Eternal Impact 978-0-593-19365-5
Bob Lotich
TR: $18.00 | 04 26 2022 | 304 pages | carton 24 | WaterBrook
A hope-filled money guide to increase savings, earnings, and giving and actually enjoy it all while designing a life of freedom and eternal impact, from the founder of SeedTime Money.
You Owe You
Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why 978 0 593 23498 3
Eric Thomas, PhD HC: $27.00 | 09 13 2022 | 288 pages | carton 12 | Rodale Books
You owe it to yourself to recognize your gifts, your power, and your place in the world, no matter your story or your struggle, and Eric Thomas celebrated motivational guru, educator, and problem solver to many of the top athletes and business leaders-has the blueprint to get you there.
Teaching to Change Lives
Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive
Dr. Howard Hendricks TR: $16.00 | 05 07 2003 | 160 pages | carton 24 | Multnomah
One of the most effective and influential Christian teachers of this century reveals how all teachers can make the most of their priceless opportunity to inspire, to instruct, and to permanently impact lives for the kingdom of God.