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Main Office Directory

Offered at Fred S. Engle Middle School For :

11th grade only

Test Date:

Saturday, October 16th

AVON GROVE HIGH SCHOOL BOOK SWAP Avon Grove High School will be hosting its annual Book Swap in November. We are hoping to gather age-appropriate books for our students to enjoy. Please drop off any new or gently used book donations to 516.

Smoking Policy In an effort to create a healthy and comfortable environment for all in the Avon Grove High School Community, we would like to remind all visitors, students and employees that smoking is NOT permitted in the school building, on school property or in vehicles on school property. This includes during afterschool activities and athletic con-

Picture Retakes Student Pictures/ID Retakes for underclassmen will be taken on Friday, Oct. 22nd.

It’s Easy to Contact Us When calling the school number (610-869-2446), you will be given four options: 1) administration or the main office, 2) guidance, 3) attendance office, 4) nurse. Choose the number that will connect you with the option that you need. For the list of daily athletics and activities check the web site at The Avon Grove website ( also has the email address of all our staff members to facilitate the use of email. In addition, the website is a great place to get information about things going on at the high school as well as throughout the district.

THOMAS M. ALEXANDER Principal GARY A. BENASUTTI Assistant Principal JAMES CONNOR Assistant Principal/Athletic Director CHRISTOPHER MATSANKA Assistant Principal MICHAEL BERARDI Assistant Principal/Activities Director TARA HILL Administrative Assistant to the Principal LYNNE STRAWHECKER Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principals DANA CULLEY Main Office Receptionist/ Secretary CHRISTINE KUDERKA Activities/Athletic Secretary EARLINE PERRY Athletic Dept. Aide


Citadel Heart of Learning Award Do you know a teacher at Avon Grove High School whose innovation and enthusiasm in the classroom inspires students to want to learn? How about a teacher who goes that extra mile to work with students outside of school hours? Citadel and the Chester County Intermediate Unit have teamed up again to give local teachers the recognition they deserve – the Citadel Heart of Learning Award. As principal, I feel strongly that we have outstanding teachers on staff that deserve this award recognition. How about you? If you feel the same, please take some time to show your school spirit by nominating the great teachers here at Avon Grove. Nominations will open October 1st through December 31, 2010 and may be submitted on-line at: and

What is Citadel Heart of Learning Award? The Citadel Heart of Learning Award is a teaching excellence award for Chester County teachers. Each year, fifteen finalists and three overall winners are selected for their outstanding contribution to the community through teaching. All finalists and winners are honored with an award, cash prizes and a night of celebration at the annual awards banquet.

October/November 2010 Calendar of Events OCTOBER

13 14 16 22 25-29 28 31

PSAT for 10th grade at AGHS School Board Meeting at AGIS Audion - 7:30 pm PSAT for 11th grade at FSEMS Picture Retakes for Underclassmen PSSA Grade 12 Retesting Window School Board Meeting at AGIS Audion - 7:30 pm Halloween

NOVEMBER 1-5 2 5 6 10 11 18 19-21 19 19,22, 23, 24 22 23 23 25 25-29 30-12/3

PSSA Grade 12 Retesting Window Teacher In-Service Day - School Closed End of 1st Marking Period SAT Veterans Day School Board Meeting at AGIS - 7:30 pm Conferences - 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm HS Play Performances of James and The Giant Peach Winter Sports Begin Early Dismissal Conferences - 12:50pm - 2:50pm and 6:30pm - 8:30pm Conferences - 12:50 pm - 2:50 pm School Board Meeting AGIS - 7:30 pm Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Recess - School Closed FCCLA Holiday Canned Food Drive

The 2011 After-Prom

Contact Tina Hanson 610-255-0899 The Avon Grove High School Parent Association & SADD Urges parents to get involved in this years After-Prom Event. The AfterProm takes place at the Avon Grove High School, Saturday June 4th, after the Senior Prom. It is for juniors and seniors and provides a safe/ chaperoned place to celebrate. The following parents have stepped up to important jobs for this year. There are still some positions in need of help: Treasurer – Deb Cahue Food Donations – Karen Holveck Donations – Kim Brendle – Kim needs someone to assist with this job ** Donations co-chair ** Fund raising coordinator – It’s never too early to send in your contribution. It is time to send deposits in order to reserve entertainment. Please consider sending your donation soon. Checks are made payable to: AGHS Parent Association And mail to: 257 East State Road, West Grove, PA 19390 Please come to the meeting and learn more about the After-Prom and where you can help. It’s a great end of year event for the students of AG!

If you can not donate your time – please consider sending us a contribution at your earliest convenience. Please make checks payable to AGHS Parents Association Mail them to our attention at Avon Grove High School 257 East State Road, West Grove, PA 19390

Name______________________________________________ Donation amount______________ Address____________________________________________ E-mail address ______________________________________ Phone#______________________ I am interested in volunteering________ I am interested in being a Chair-Person? _____ Additional questions: I can help with set-up ________ I can help with clean-up ______ I can chaperone the night of June 4th (between 11:00 – 3:00 am)____ I am willing to help with food/beverage donations? __________

Come see "James and the Giant Peach" at Avon Grove High School "James and the Giant Peach" is a family show that is fun for all ages. Come see our very talented high school cast joined by some special guests from Penn London and AGI

The show dates and times: Friday, November 19 @ 7pm Saturday, November 20 @ 2pm and 7pm Sunday, November 21 @ 2pm Advanced tickets sales run until October 23 Senior citizen and student tickets: $4.00 Adult tickets: $8.00. After October, 23 prices go up $2.00 Senior citizen tickets: $6.00 Adult tickets: $10.00. Please see our website for a ticket order form: email Patricia Egner @

Conference Dates Parent conferences at Avon Grove High School will be held on: November 18, 22, and 23, 2010 Evening conferences begin at 6:30 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. Afternoon conferences begin at 12:50 and end at 2:50. Parents may call the school after 9:00 am beginning Monday, November 2, 2009 to schedule appointments. ***Please have your child’s teachers’ names available when you call (869-2446). {this does not include second semester classes}. Please make note of the following conference times: Thursday, November 18th

Evening 6:30p.m. – 8:30p.m.

Monday, November 22rd

Afternoon AND Evening 12:50 – 2:50 and 6:30 – 8:30

Tuesday, November 23th

Afternoon 12:50p.m. - 2:50p.m.

Friday, November 19 and Wednesday, November 24 are both early dismissal days but there are NO CONFERENCES on these two days. Please note: To parents of ninth graders - Conference scheduling at the high school level is handled differently than the Middle School process. You will not be contacted by the high school to set up conferences. If you would like to meet with any of your student’s teachers, you must contact the school directly to make appointments.

PSSA DATES ARE SET The PA Department of Education has set this year’s PSSA dates as follows: March 14 - April 1 PSSA Math & Reading – Grades 3-8 & 11 March 28 - April 1 PSSA Writing – Grades 5, 8, & 11 April 4 - 8

PSSA Science Assessment - Grades 4, 8 & 11

These tests are very important! Please plan accordingly so that students are present on those days. We will be sharing more information about the PSSA throughout the year. Your support is appreciated.

FOUR YEAR HIGH SCHOOL CHECKLIST – First Semester Freshman Year Counselors will come into classrooms to discuss Career Pathways and course selection. The 9th grade Counselor will also meet with students throughout the year for “getting to know you” appointments. The career counselor will work with the 9th grade class and investigate careers by using the DISCOVER program.

Sophomore Year October – The PSAT is administered to all 10th grade students during the school day. The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT that many colleges and universities use for admissions. This year it will be administered on October 13th. December/January – The Guidance Department will hold an Information Night in December/January to distribute results of the PSAT and help students and their families understand the score report. Consult with your guidance counselor to investigate ways to improve scores on standardized tests.

Junior Year December/January – Receive results of the PSAT. The Guidance Department will hold an information night to distribute results and help students and their families understand the score report. Consult with your guidance counselor to investigate ways to improve scores on standardized tests. Student Athletes who want to participate in Inter Collegiate sports should register at the NCAA clearing house for eligibility requirements.

Senior Year During spring of your Junior year, you began to explore your options for post-secondary plans. If you are still unsure about your future plans, schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor. Obtain applications from prospective colleges or go online. Pay attention to deadlines! Research financial aid options via the Internet. If you have not already requested letters of recommendations from teachers, approach them now. The senior and Post Secondary Counselors will schedule appointments to discuss post-secondary plans. College admissions representatives will come to AGHS to present information. Students can sign up in the Guidance office. October - Send early decision applications if applicable. Attend college fairs to further investigate your choices. Check to see if your schools require your test scores to be sent directly from College Board. Check out the Guidance Website for helpful information, tips, dates, and scholarship opportunities. November - Complete your college applications. Make copies before you turn them into Guidance. Visit Financial Aid websites, or December – If you have not already mailed your applications, keep in mind deadlines are fast approaching. If you applied early decision and have been accepted, follow instructions for admitted students.

ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS If your child’s name is spelled incorrectly on his/her report card and other school documents, please contact the guidance department to have this corrected. Diplomas are printed using the students’ names as they appear in PowerSchool, our database for student information, so please make these corrections as soon as possible.

Welcome to PowerSchool Avon Grove High School and Fred S. Engle Middle School use this internetbased tool to help parents stay abreast of the grades of their children and facilitate communication among parents, students, teachers, and administrators. PowerSchool gives parents access to real-time information including *attendance *grades *detailed assignment descriptions *school bulletins and more Both students and parents can access the system, and we encourage you to utilize this tool at any time. Due to the availability of this system, Avon Grove High School and Fred S. Engle Middle School will not distribute progress/interim reports during the year. Students will receive report cards at the end of each marking period in school. Final report cards are provided to students at Fred S. Engle Middle School and are mailed to parents from Avon Grove High School. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact us so we can make arrangements to keep you connected to your child’s grades.

NON-PUBLIC AFTERNOON BUS ROUTES The non-public school afternoon bus routes are established for eligible non-public school students returning from their respective schools and using the High School/Middle School as a transfer point. Avon Grove High School and Fred S. Engle Middle students may use these buses if there are unoccupied seats. The buses will follow the route(s), as posted and make stops at the locations posted, except they may also stop at other designated bus stops on the same roadway(s).


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