What is SAT

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What is SAT ?? The full form of SAT is Scholastic aptitude Test which is a standardized test used for college or university admissions in the United States and Canada. It is created by the College Board and the main idea is to provide colleges with one common criterion that can be used to compare all the applicants all over the world. Besides SAT, colleges or universities also consider your high school scores, academic transcript, and letters of recommendation, extra-curricular activities, interviews, and personal essays. The weight placed on SAT scores varies from college to college.

An overview of the SAT exam:  It is conducted seven times a year in the months of October, November, December, January, March, May and June.  The duration of the exam is 3 hours (50 minutes optional essay).  Scoring scale is from 400 to 1600.  In New Sat there is no guessing penalty.  It is available as paper based test or computer based test.  There are two sections for both Mathematics (Calculator and No Calculator) and Verbal (reading and writing & language).  There are 4 answer choices per question and some Grid-in questions for Mathematics.  Mathematics section has now higher level mathematics and includes trigonometry.  There are 154 questions in total having 58 of Mathematics, 52 and 44 for reading and writing & language respectively.  The reading passage includes complex structures and vocabulary.  Calculators are allowed in the longer of the two mathematics sections.  The essay is optional and scored separately depending upon the need of University or College.

How to prepare for SAT exam? 1) Believe in yourself- First and foremost thing to do is to believe yourself that you can crack SAT exam. You yourself are your strength. So if you DREAM BIG then try to DO BIG. Search for the BEST SAT PREPARATION INSTITUTE which will help you to be confident and prepared. 2) Make a GOAL for yourself and fix a TIME TABLE- Of course, a proper time table will help you to go through the topics in a better way. A minimum of 3-4 hours in a day is mandatory to start the preparation of SAT exam. 3) Proper syllabus and list of topics of all the modules in SAT- There are numerous websites which give the information about the syllabus of SAT exams. You can take help from any of the websites but make sure that the content should be genuine and write the common topics and start from the chapters which you think are easy. 4) Make strategies for MATH - Mathematics is one of the subject which is not a favorite one of most of the people appearing for SAT but if you try to learn the strategies and make proper handwritten formula sheets it will be beneficial for a start. Always start with the basic chapters and from a basic book and then refer yourself a book of higher order. Try to solve puzzles to improve your analytical skills. 5) Make proper formula and shortcut sheets for different topics of MATH - As discussed above, proper formulas and concepts will help you to answer in a better way even if you do not know or forget the shortcut of any type. Always search for new questions and puzzles on internet. 6) Proper WORD LISTS with SYNONYMS and ANTONYMS- Make a proper word list with their synonyms and antonyms followed by the usage of the word in a sentence. 7) Start doing READING COMPREHENSIONS from very basic level and minimum 5 in a day Reading comprehensions are one of the major and strategic part in verbal section. Write that word from the comprehension in your notebook which is new to your vocabulary list. This will also help you to make proper sentences.

8) Try to complete 2 topics of MATH daily and 1 topic of reasoning and start with the

grammar in English- Firstly, try to clear the concepts of English language like PARTS OF SPEECH, TENSES, SENTENCE FORMATION, MODAL VERBS AND VOCABULARY (the most important part). After preparing for the basic level, try to solve some old SAT exam papers or Sample papers which will help you to score yourself and the further preparation you need to do.

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