Best GMAT Coaching Centre in Jalandhar

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GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) This test is taken by the students who are applying for admission to either MBA or other graduate management programs. It tests analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative, and verbal skills. GMAT is computer adaptive test . In Verbal Section there are different sections which are Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction. Following are the some tips for Reading Comprehension. There will be 41 questions in 75 mins in verbal section.

A) Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension questions are commonly about the main idea of the passage, the factual details, inferences, or “application” of content. In this section, a passage will be given on a topic and multiple choice questions based on the same. Aspirants need not have an in-depth knowledge of the topic, rather should be able to • Understand the underlying concept of the passage • Grasp the key idea and the relationship between the various entities involved.

How to Approach Effectively(RC) Find an approach that helps you make the best use of your personal reading abilities. (1) Skim the passage, try to pick out the most important pieces of information in the first or last sentence of every paragraph. (2) In an effort to save time, competitors might skip the passage and use key words in the questions to search for the relevant information, a method that does not work well for inference and general purpose or main idea questions. (3) Students might rely on a single thorough reading, which can be very timeconsuming, since going back to the passage is almost always necessary because it is impossible to memorize everything, and never know which details can come up in the questions. (4) The most effective approach, though, to read the whole text quickly, paying minimum attention to details and focusing on the main idea or purpose of the passage. In GMAT verbal you do not need a profound understanding. It aims at simply- to grasp the four basic elements of a passage: its main point, its purpose, its structure, and the author’s attitude toward the subject. GMAT passages stem from a variety of subject areas—life sciences, social sciences, and business among the most common also will most likely get one unfamiliar topic, regardless of your background. Must get the information from the passage only to answer all the questions.

B) Critical Reasoning In this section the passages are in the form of an argument with five answer choices. Try to find out - The useful information from the irrelevant matter - Identify the key points that influence, strengthen or weaken the given argument Carefully go through the argument to logically analyze it, read through the options carefully to be able to decide which option would be the best possible answer. One of the basic but essential skills for critical Reasoning questions is understanding the structure of GMAT argument, for example , recognizing the conclusion or an

assumption. Cannot evaluate, weaken, or strengthen a conclusion if you do not know an assumption is. Argument include three types of information: Evidence(factual information) Stated or unstated conclusion( based on evidence) Assumptions( unstated but essential information) Evidence- is factual information presented as true. Evidence can be identified by the presence of dates or data ( percentage, statistics and general information). Introduced by words such as because, since, owning to. The function of the evidence is to provide grounds for the conclusion, to support it. Conclusion- is the main point the argument attempts to make. It is often placed at the very beginning or end of the argument. GMAT argument often introduce conclusions with the words such as so, therefore, means that, indicates that. Some arguments may also have sub conclusions that are based on evidence and can be used to support the main conclusion. A good way to identify a conclusion is to find the one sentence or phrase in the argument that best conveys its messages. Assumptions- are not stated in the argument. Questions ask about an argument’s assumptions are similar to those that ask what would weaken the argument. In either case find out what must be assumed in order for the argument’s conclusion to be reasonably inferable.

C) Sentence Correction Sentence correction questions present a statement in which word are underlined. Then choose the answer options the best expression of the idea or relationship described in the underlined section. This section basically judges the grammar rules. Which are- 1 Agreement: noun-verb and pronoun. 2 Diction: among/ between, as/like 3 Idiom: prepositions, forms of comparison, correlatives. 4 Parallelism: check the phrases, clauses, verbs and other sentence elements parallel each other. 5 Rhetorical questions and verb forms questions –make sure that verbs are used in correct tense.

Integrated Reasoning The integrated reason section basically a test of your data analysis skills. Questions are asked in the form of charts, graphs and words and involves picking out insights based on the question types. The scores range from 1-8 and are reported separately in the exam. There will be 12 questions in 30 mins. In this section. Here are the best strategies for GMAT Integrated Reasoning section: •

Be familiar with graphs and charts: Graphs and charts are familiar sights in this section. Get over your mental block of charts and graphs. You will be expected to analyze pretty simple charts/graphs.

Get over ‘Excelphobia’: This section gives you a good chance to get rid of your phobia with Excel sheets. As future managers, you will deal with tons of them in the future. The problems are pretty simple if you know even the slightest bit of Excel.

Read the questions well: - Make sure you read the questions well and understand the questions presented, especially for the reasoning area.

AWA (ANALYTICAL WRITING ASSESMENT) This section requires aspirants, to write a critique of the given argument by analyzing the reasoning presented in the argument. You are not supposed to present your own views on the subject, are expected to critically analyze the presented argument and evaluate if it is a logically sound one. As part of your analysis of the argument, should present your analysis by identifying weaknesses in the present argument and provide suggestions to strengthen the argument. For score high in GMAT Test, join Knowledge Icon which is known as the Best GMAT Coaching Centre in Jalandhar. Our trainers deliver standardized test preparation services and quality education to students through useful sessions. Our GMAT course offers the students to focus on their individual strengths and guide them to improve their weaknesses.

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