IBPS PO Reasoning Preparation The Reasoning is a very important and common part of the competition exam. The reasoning section contains 50 questions of 50 marks out of 200. You can score full marks in it if you have a good preparation of these types of questions. Essential Topics – Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning for IBPS, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Miscellaneous. Reasoning Syllabus for IBPS PO exam in three categories.
Easy question types include Classification/ Odd pair, Series Completion/ Analogy, Direction based tests/ Direction Sense Test, Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test and Alphabet test/ Dictionary.
Medium difficulty questions include Syllogisms, Inequalities, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding and Data Sufficiency.
Hard types are Seating Arrangement, Complex Puzzle, Floor Puzzle and Input-Output Machine.
Some Important Tips for IBPS PO Reasoning Preparation:
Your primary focus should be on accuracy because there is negative marking for every wrong answer.
Don’t spend lots of time on a single question.
Identify straightforward thinking questions for high accuracy.
If you are not perfect in reasoning section, take it at last. Remember it is a time-consuming part doesn’t waste your time here if concepts are not clear.
Divide time for reasoning questions.
Your score depends on your accuracy with speed. So try some reasoning practice test.
Plan yourself from easy to hard questions.
If your reasoning is perfect, then attempt difficult questions at the same time otherwise not.
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