Do you urgently need cash? Do you urgently need Cash to pay bills? We are providing mortgage and pawn services for IT Gadget products based on Current market value. We give you cash in 2hrs and we Mortgage your item through a legal procedure with some simple agreement. What else we take: - Laptop / Notebooks (iMac/Macbook/Apple/Acer/Asus/Lenovo…) - DSLR Camera (Nikon/Canon/Sony…) - HandPhones (Apple/Samsung/HTC/Blackberry…) - Tablets (Apple/Samsung/HTC/Blackberry…) You can temporary sell your item and buy back with a reasonable price. Dont need to worried, your gadget are safe with us and all information inside will not be deleted. Besides that, we are buying your used or new Product IT Gadget for CASH. You may directly sell to us if you want to do so. We also serve Buying in Bulk or Bulk Purchase (large quantities of items) for used or pre-owned Macbook, Laptops, Phones, Tablets, Cameras and TV from:* Individual * Government * Company A personal aggrement will be make for the mortgage item, we can meet at Petaling jaya Ss2, Kelana Jaya, Kepong, Subang Ss15, or tell me your area to decide. 24 hours service availabe We have our own Company For more info: Pegadaian Online & Butuh Dana cepat For more information please feel free to contact us! Address: Jalan Jembatan Tiga No. 11J Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara
Phone numbers: GSM : 082211111030 CDMA 1 : 02199991030 CDMA 2 : 02199992125 Pin BB : 28C52AA1 Working hours: Mon – Sat 9AM-5PM Email: Find us on: