Welcoming spaces open their doors for local residents
Venues across Filwood and Knowle have opened their doors to help residents through the Cost of Living Crisis and give them a warm place to go during the winter. With rising energy prices, many families are being forced to choose between heating and putting food on the table - and the Welcoming Spaces scheme is being introduced across the city to help.

A Welcoming Space is one already established in the community – such as a place of worship, community or children’s centre – where people can keep warm and socialise but also have access to support if needed.
Each space is likely to provide hot drinks, mobile phone charging points, Wi-Fi and activities - with many also serving a community meal or toast.
Support is also being provided by city-wide organisations including advice about money and finance as well as emotional wellbeing and mental health support, employment and skills.

Who are we?
Officially launched in spring 2019 - Knowle West Alliance is a growing network of local residents, organisations and business. Everyone is welcome - and we believe by working together we can achieve more.
What do we do?
Knowle West Alliance (KWA) is about working together - we collaborate and we support each other. We believe that everyone has something to contribute, and we seek out opportunities for people to have a say on things that matter to them.
We have five part-time employees: Lucy Holburn (Network Development Manager), Frances Coates (Community Facilitator), Claudia Collins (Community Communications Facilitator) and our brand new staff members, Gemma Mathieson (Administrative Coordinator) and Hannah Llewellin (Project Co-ordinator).
Our Working Group, made up of active local residents and
We know that people have different opinions about what is important, and that every voice should be heard. We believe in locally-led, grassroots action - which is why we run a Small Grants Programme (see p 3). We believe in the power of a connected community - which is why we are proud to partner
workers, meets monthly to direct the Alliance work.
Representatives of the founding organisations (re:work, KWMC, the Health Park, The Park and Filwood Community Centre) provide strategic and practical support.
with so many residents, local groups and organisations; providing support and opportunities to come together, learn and take action about important local issues.
Everyone is welcome, anyone who wants the best for Knowle West is part of the picture – together we are better!
Working Group Voices
Vicky Beckwith
I have been working for re:work since September 2007 and have been involved in KWA from the beginning. I enjoy going to the Working Group meetings because it gives me an opportunity to think about the “bigger picture” and how
#WeAreKnowleWest (Continued from front page)

Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees says: “…Bristol is a city that will continue to step up and support each other in difficult times. Welcoming Spaces have been made possible because of our incredible community, voluntary, and faith organisations, as well as city council services responding to this crisis…”
One of the local spaces is at Inns Court Community and Family Centre. Boing! Cafe Coordinator, Jo Mereweather, says: “We had one lady in last week who said it's not just about the free tea and toast, it's about the company."

Another venue opening its doors is Redcatch Community Garden (RCG) which provides a community meal and activities on Tuesday lunch
the things we do at re:work can fit in with what else is happening in the area.
The Alliance has made a huge difference. I want to put a sticker on each thing it has started, supported, paid for or helped. I think you would be surprised by how much there is.
KWA would like to thank Phil Lawrence for his contribution to the setting up and work of the Alliance. Phil is stepping down from our Working Group and we wish him all the best for the future.
times and has just started an after-school meal for families on Mondays up to 5pm.
RCG Founder Kate Swain says: “We have loved meeting new people in the garden and surprising them with delicious food cooked with fresh produce from the garden.
“Michelle, Cafe Supervisor, has been making a hearty pudding as an extra treat and volunteer, Jenny, has been leading a craft activity - the favourite so far has been flower arranging.
“We have between 15 and 22 attendees come each week and the number is growing…”
One user said: "Everyone was so friendly and welcoming and the food was amazing. It was the highlight of my week."
See the insert for a full list of Welcoming Spaces or for regular updates visit www.knowlewest.co.uk/welcomingspaces
Got an idea for a local community project?
Community Infrastructure Levy or CIL is funding from developers to pay towards facilities the city or community needs - such as a new arena, new roads or updating parks.
The majority of the money is held centrally to pay for large-scale work, but 15 per cent is decided on locally for smaller projects or work that the local community feels is necessary - such as dropped kerbs or new benches.
Four local projects received funding last year - including new computer equipment for the IT room at Filwood Community Centre.

Kate Bruce who works at the centre said: “We are extremely happy with our new kit. We had two lads on school placements helping to install it, and the kit will enable us to keep going with essential support in the community.”
If you’ve got an idea about how CIL funding could be spent locally or want to find out more, contact Frances (frances.coates@kwalliance.co.uk, 0794 267 7131), look out for the CIL ideas board in your local community centre and keep an eye on the KW Alliance Facebook page for the link to the CIL survey and meeting dates in the New Year.
KW Alliance Small Grants
Applications for our Small Grants keep coming and we’ve awarded funding to another two projects since we last went to print.
Eagle House received a grant to cut back and clean up their outside area and local foraging group, Wander Gather, will be running a free foraging workshop

Springfield Community Allotment update

The site is now cleared, safe and looking good – with the September open day well attended by residents and people representing groups and organisations from Filwood, Knowle and the wider city.
People explored the site and shared ideas. Some residents were keen for quiet sessions to connect with nature/read a book, others wanting to see it busy with groups back on site; others just keen to get growing! All ideas and suggestions were taken to a pre-Steering Group meeting, which helped to plan the (over winter) next steps:
1. Set up a weekly volunteering session (for details contact info@reworkltd.org.uk).
on the Northern Slopes for Knowle West residents in December.
We also have a new pot of money specifically for men’s wellbeing projects so, if you’ve got an idea and fancy applying, check out the information and application form on our website – it’s really easy and you don’t have to be part of a group or organisation to apply: www. knowlewestalliance.co.uk/grants
2. Set up a formal steering group – that will meet quarterly and start in the new year, for details of how to get involved contact Jasmine: jasminetippett0788@gmail.com
3. To follow up all requests from the different user groups – to build a more detailed picture of everyone’s aspirations and potential contributions.
4. To explore funding opportunities, specifically for an
accessible toilet, some shelter and general equipment.
The aim is to learn together and build together, and that by spring we will have built the systems and processes to ensure the site can be well used, accessed by a wide range of people - and that it is growing good quality produce for the benefit of local residents.
Residents concerned about plans for new Redcatch Quarter
Plans for a £150m transformation of Broadwalk Shopping Centre including new homes, restaurants and shops have concerned residents.
Outline planning proposals for the planned Redcatch Quarter were submitted by developers in August – who say the plans will “secure the future of local shopping.”
But the Knowle Neighbourhood Planning Group (KNGP) is worried about the height of the planned 12-storey apartment blocks, lack of affordable housing and the density of homes within the site – as well as loss of light to surrounding properties.

Members are also concerned about the impact so many additional residents will have on key services such as GPs, dentists, schools and parking, as well as loss of any services during construction - and whether there will be shops and facilities that cater for all socio-economic groups.
Laura Chapman from KNGP, who has started the Knowle Deserves Better campaign, says they are definitely “pro-development” as the current Broadwalk Shopping Centre isn’t fit for purpose – but it feels like they are going from “one extreme to another”.
She says: “The landscape of Knowle will be forever changed by the tower blocks, not to mention the
Survey for a Local Lettings Policy
Many new homes are planned for Knowle West over the next few years.
A Local Lettings Policy would mean that local housing can benefit
skyline of Bristol…
make a comment on the application, so we are doing a huge flyer campaign to raise awareness and guide people through the commenting process…”
The group will be holding drop-in sessions at Church of the Nazarene (on Broad Walk) on December 10 (11am-3pm) and 13, (6-9pm). Visit Facebook Broadwalk Redevelopment Community Group.
Friends of Redcatch Park (FORP) has been working closely with the developers and recently held a survey of park users – with the main concerns loss of trees, impact of tall
residents and a proportion of new and re-let council homes can go to local families.
Knowle West Alliance is gathering views on what should be included in an LLP, identifying the important factors - including who should be eligible and the area boundary.
Visit https://tinyurl.com/ localletting to complete the survey.
For a paper copy ring: 0776 578 4537 or email heather. barham@bristol.gov.uk
Temple Quarter Consultation
A consultation on early
buildings on the park, how the boundary will look and the effect of over 2,000 people using the park and the community garden.

A spokesperson from Redcatch Quarter said: "We are mindful of the concerns that have been raised and have sought to address these in a detailed presentation, which you can find on www.redcatch quarter.com We are committed to working in collaboration with FORP and RCG to understand how we can best support Redcatch Park and ensure the proposals compliment and celebrate the park."
To get in touch with the developers you can also email hello@redcatchquarter.com
proposals for the Temple Quarter Regeneration Programme will run from December to early March 2023.
Visit www.BristolTemple Quarter.com from December.
Bristol’s Local Plan
Bristol’s Local Plan is being reviewed and will update all existing policies for deciding planning applications.
It will also guide development across the city over the next 20 years.
Survey responses are due by Friday January 20, 2023.
Visit www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ Bristol-Local-Plan-2022/
really want to empower people to get involved and to
New sixth form block opened by Bristol Bears

Bristol Bears were guests of honour at the official opening of Knowle DGE’s new sixth form block in November.
The new building funded by Bristol City Council took 20 months to complete and hosts a range of state-of-the-art facilities. These include a sports hall, science room and catering
Community buses saved
Community minibuses used by many older and disabled people returned to the streets of Bristol in October - following a £435,000 cash injection from the West of England Combined Authority.
Elderly residents and those with disabilities were left without a vital lifeline after Bristol Community Transport (BCT) announced in August it would be forced to axe
First cancels services due to driver shortages
Bus passengers have been struck another blow – with First announcing it will be cancelling 1,450 bus journeys each week until the spring due to driver shortages.
They will show as cancelled on the First Bus app, and on the
Jubilee Pool - saved for the community
After years of campaigning - the much-loved Jubilee Pool is now the first in Bristol to be transferred into community ownership.
A dedicated group of supporters, The Friends of Jubilee Pool (FoJP), have become the new

kitchen, as well as a construction workshop and yard, intervention rooms and an e-gaming room.
There are also two independent living houses where students can stay and develop their skills including cooking, budgeting and cleaning.
Head Teacher Kate Lee-Wells said: "We are delighted to be opening this building and welcomed pupils into it in
September. It is a fantastic asset to our facilities and will provide a wealth of opportunities to our pupils.”
The Big Lemon group, The Sprint in Knowle West, CATT Community Bus in Hartcliffe and Lawrence Weston Community Transport –have together taken over the running of these services.

People can start booking journeys with the four operators by calling 01273 681 681 or for The Sprint 0117 904 8215
its Dial-a-Ride and community group transport services. But now four companies –
real time information screens at bus stops – and the changes are expected to remain in place until at least April 2.
First said: “…We regret having to do this as we appreciate it will cause some disruption, but by giving customers advance notice of cancellations rather than having to learn of them on the day, we
guardians of the building.
They say they are working hard to develop it as an “accessible, friendly, welcoming, and environmentally sustainable facility” for the whole community.
Chair of FoJP, Jules Laming says: “…But before we can do this, we first need to overcome an unforeseen hike in energy bills.
“Whilst we have been successful in securing some grants, this funding can’t be used to meet the increased energy costs. So, we need to fundraise the shortfall
Visit www.travelwest.info/ community-transport
want to make it easier for travel plans to be adjusted.
“We would like to thank customers for their patience and understanding as we manage this difficult situation.”
For details of cancellations visit https://www.firstbus.co.uk/bristolbath-and-west/news-and-serviceupdates/
over the next three months to stay afloat until the spring.”
The group has been holding fundraising events, including a race night and Aqua Disco. It says people can help by using the pool and taking out membership, joining a work party or by donating to https:// localgiving.org/appeal/FOJPWinter Energy/
At time of going to press, Jules had been named runner up in the Marsh Commercial For the People Awards 2022 – winning £1,000 towards the Winter Energy Appeal.
Visit Facebook: Friends of Jubilee Pool
Full stories: www.knowlewest.co.uk
Filwood Hope celebrates 25 years helping the community

Filwood Hope has celebrated its 25th anniversary of serving the Knowle West community.
Throughout these years, the charity has often been the first port of call for people seeking support – including debt, benefit and housing advice.
Centre Manager
Pearl Aitken says: "We have adapted over the years to the needs people express to us and have increased our services. Having an advice centre that is accessible is important.”
A celebration for volunteers and local people which took place at St Barnabas Church in October was led by the Rev Dr Trevor Dean (former GP at Merrywood Practice).
Pearl explains: "…We were overwhelmed by the response of many in their giving. The appeal brought us back from the brink and we are now in a more resilient place."
The centre on Filwood Broadway which currently has eight volunteers and three part-time staff, has had over 1,291 clients access its services either in person or by telephone between April and October 2022.

Support for re:store after fire damages shutters
By Claudia CollinsMessages of support have been pouring in once again from the community after a fire at re:store on Filwood Broadway.
On Saturday November 19, donations in black bags left outside the re:store shop were set on fire, causing damage to the shutters and the windows of the building.
The shop was previously closed for a year - after there was a fire caused by a defective heater back in January 2021.
On this occasion, the re:store staff team cleaned the damage on the Sunday and the shop –which sells low-cost furniture, DIY supplies, clothes and brica-brac – was back open for business on Monday!
Social enterprise and charity re:work, which runs the shop,
Chair of Trustees, Ed Palairet, said: "It was lovely to see the faces of Filwood Hope, past and present. Even Viv Faull - the Bishop of Bristol - expressed her gratitude for the work of Filwood Hope…”
This has been a particularly eventful year for the charity following an emergency appeal in April this year, to raise enough funds to prevent it from closing.
also supports young people by offering long-term work experience. The shop hosts training, meetings and skill sharing and also offers a Friday Welcome Space with tea, toast and crafts for locals from 2-4pm.
In a statement re:work staff said: “Filwood/Knowle West is a wonderful area and is home to a lot of wonderful people, many of whom are wonderful children.
"I don’t know who set fire to the rubbish bags, but I don’t think they represent all “kids” and I doubt if they fully thought their actions through…”
Staff have highlighted that leaving bags of unwanted belongings outside a charity shop when it is closed is not a donation - it is fly tipping and a fire risk.
re:store is open Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am-4pm for donations.
The Centre is now working on a booklet to mark its anniversary which it hopes to have completed in January – including photographs from the beginning through to present day, and articles written by former managers.
It will also extend its 25th anniversary celebrations into next year by having Music on the Green either in the spring or summer. Look out for the date on Facebook or the charity’s website.
For more information visit www.filwoodhope.org
You can support the charity by shopping at re:store, donating your time or items for the shop or through cash donations - https://www.paypal. com/paypalme/reworkltd
Awards for Green Spaces
Groups working hard to maintain and preserve green spaces across the area have been recognised for their achievements with a string of awards.
Both Redcatch Community Garden and Bramble Farm, a smallholding on the Northern Slopes, received Level 5 Outstanding in the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and the South West in Bloom It’s Your Neighbourhood awards.

The Northern Slopes – a nature reserve stretching across Knowle and Bedminster looked after by volunteers - received a Level 4 Thriving, along with Parson Street
Grapplethon to raise funds for a defibrillator
A local martial arts group is half way to raising the funds to buy a defibrillator for the community – after holding a 24-hour Grapplethon.
Aftermath Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Knowle has its own premises on Filwood Broadway – and runs classes for both adults and children seven days a week.
Nick Jordan who leads the club explains: "As part of the Filwood Broadway community we want to do our bit to make it a stronger one.
“Our Aftermath BJJ club is committed to raising the funds for a defibrillator
GAP programme
A programme designed to help young people aged 16 to 25 develop confidence and skills in communities across Bristol is in full swing.
The Grassroot Activators Programme (GAP) is working with young people in Knowle West – to help them be the changes they want to see.
Ben Carpenter from Grassroot Communities says: “'GAP supports young people from 16-25 years old through a year-long modular programme that creates a pathway for them to grow in confidence, skills, knowledge and connections to ensure they will realise an opportunity in employment or education based on their passion by the end of GAP!
Railway Station.
Other winners in the South Bristol area were Manor Woods Valley Group and Stockwood Growing Together which also won a Level 5 and Friends of Brislington Brook who were awarded a Level 4.
Redcatch Community Garden grows and sells produce which is also used in its Roots Café and runs many wellbeing courses and food events on the site.
Founder Kate Swain said: “We are super pleased and proud to receive this especially as our entry focused on us using sustainable growing techniques and encouraging everyone in our community to give growing a try - and
enjoy and encourage the benefits of being outside!”
The event in October involved all age groups - many of the families brought sleeping bagswith some members doing two-hour shifts and others spending the whole night.
At time of going to press, the group had raised just over £1,000 towards the £2,000 target.
that we want to make available 24-7 to the community and the Grapplethon is just the first of many of our community fundraising efforts we're planning."
“If any young person who reads this is interested to find out more, get in touch, as we aim to deliver our second GAP group from September 2023.”
Emma who is taking part says: “The Grassroot Activators Programme has really helped me develop my confidence in communication and has really got me thinking about my community and impact I can make.”
One of the GAP modules is to produce a community-themed social project – and the group will be delivering a Wellness Walk on Wednesday December 14 at The Roundhouse on Springfield Allotments from

To donate visit: www.gofundme.com/f/to-get-adefibrillator-for-our-localcommunity
Facebook: Aftermath BJJ Knowle
5-7pm. The event is for all ages and about people “coming together, getting out in nature, talking, meeting new people and self-care.”

Mental Health Mates Bristol - Yellow Heart Campaign
By Rachel RaynerRunning since February 2019Mental Health Mates Bristol provides a safe place for people to talk without fear of judgement.
The group differs to many - as there are no sign up forms, no self-declaration when you arrive and you can talk about almost anything.
This relaxed nature has helped it grow into a community, and roughly every two weeks the group meets for a gentle walk and talk. Occasionally walking in the rain, and even snow, but as mental health issues don’t disappear due to the weather, neither does the group.

New CASS worker at the Healthy Living Centre
By Community Reporter Kasia GrovesA new Community Access Support Service (CASS) worker has recently joined Knowle West Healthy Living Centre –helping raise awareness and reduce stigma around mental health.
Emma Smallwood, the Centre’s newest Community Engagement Worker is enjoying getting to know local groups and people in the area.
New choir in Knowle West
Knowle West is alive with the sound of music – and choirs springing up across the area. One of the latest to be launching
Other local choirs: Goldies Sing and Smile: Alternate Tues and Wed, 11am-12pm at Inns Court Centre. Next date Tues Dec 13.
As we head into the colder months, and face additional challenges such as costs rising, we’ve started another project with yellow hearts.
You may have seen these popping up around Bristol and although they are small, their message is huge. You Are Not Alone.
Yellow hearts are hanging in trees, on painted stones and in windows. To keep the message

She explains “I’m here to connect with and support community... and improve awareness of mental health.
“We all have mental health and there are some easy things we can incorporate into our routines that will make a big difference and help our mental wellbeing.”
The Centre not only runs activities with groups to learn more about mental health but
is an acapella vocal group/nonreligious choir at the Inns Court Community and Family Centre.
It’s been started by Chris Boddington who runs the community garden who says:
https://www.golden-oldies.org. uk/bristol.html
Gospel Generation Community Choir: Mon (fortnightly) Knowle West Healthy Living Centre at 7.30pm. Facebook: Gospel Generation Community Choir

going we are asking people to add a yellow heart to their window - you never know who it could help.
Mental health issues can really grow in isolation. So whether it’s talking to someone, sharing with them or simply walking beside them, we believe that getting connected is important.
Everyone is welcome to join the walks - check out mentalhealthmates.co.uk or search Mental Health Mates Bristol on social media.
also works closely with Thrive Bristol to run training sessions with them.
Emma says: “In a job like this it can be hard to have tangible outcomes but if I can help even one person start to want to look after their mental health I will have done my job!”

Moving to South Bristol three years ago – she has incorporated her hobby into the Centre. When not doing CASS work she runs a choir - which meets there fortnightly on Monday evenings (see below).
To contact Emma email: emma.small wood@knowlewesthealthpark.co.uk or call 0117 377 2255
“Singing is good for you and singing with other people is one of the best things for your health and wellbeing. It makes you happy.”
Anyone interested in joining can email him at chrisboddington@mail.uk or text 0790 596 1876
Gurt Lush Choir: Thurs 7.30 - 9.30pm at Knowle Methodist Church. Visit www.gurtlushchoir.com
Soundwell Music Therapy Trust is based at the Quaker Meeting House in Wedmore Vale. Visit www.soundwell.org
The Amazing Book Nook
Interview by Claudia CollinsA new Book Nook recently launched at The Park Centredescribed as ‘an amazing little gem” - is bringing residents together to share their love of reading.
Local people are swapping old books from home for new ones they have been wanting to read.
The free scheme is the brainchild of resident Sherrie Gibbs, who says reading really changed her life during lockdown.
Not wanting the books to go
Tree planting at The Park celebrates its role in the community
A tree planting ceremony at The Park Centre in November celebrated the community role the organisation continues to provide in the local area.
The alder planted at the centre in Daventry Road was part of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

It stood outside Buckingham Palace in the Tree of Trees Installation and has now become part of the Queen’s Green Canopy.
Local business recycling ocean plastics
A local business helping groups to clean our oceans has been transforming waste plastics into plant pots.
Tyrone Probert, owner and founder of Ecotribo, lives in Knowle but grew up overlooking a beach in South Africa.
Having seen ocean plastics washing up on the beach and floating in the sea when surfing and swimming - he was motivated to do something about it.
to waste, she started passing them on to friends and family as well as writing notes in them and leaving them around the city.
She explains: “Then I thought why can't I set up a space where people can come and pick these books themselves to give them the escapism they gave me, to help them like they helped me?
“…What better time to have started this up than now, when life is a bit crazy for us all and cost of living is a struggle. What a great gift to give friends and family for Christmas and it's cost you absolutely nothing…”
The tree was planted by HM Lord-Lieutenant of the County and City of Bristol, Peaches Golding OBE.
She was assisted by Tom Reynolds, Project Manager of Wates Construction - which is working on the new secondary school next to the centre, and Craig Buck from The Park.
The Lord-Lieutenant said The Park was chosen as one of the sites because of the way it brings “the community together”.
Director of The Park, Emma Hinton, said: “…Recognition for
The Book Nook is based in the reception area at The Park and has a range of titles for all ages.

You don't need to register or become a member and there’s no time curfew for how long you can keep the book.
all of the work The Park does is always appreciated. The tree is planted at the front of the building for everybody to enjoy.”
In both Scotland and Cornwall, Ecotribo works with beach cleaning charities that organise groups to collect plastics washed up on the shore, as well as a sailing boat to collect waste from the sea itself –including fishing nets.
look at ways of creating his products.
He explains: “We started by gathering ocean plastics and mixing them with bio-resins to create simple moulds to start making ocean plastic plant pots…

“I’ve been able to come in with my ideas and liaise with the team to brainstorm the best way of doing things…. With a limited budget, I was able to turn my ideas into reality and get to the stage I’m at now.”
“If the idea is good, or even if it’s not so good, get going because the planet needs your ideas…”
Visit https://ecotribo.com
Local voices
Knowle West Fest welcomed back with host of music and activities

On Saturday October 1 residents came together for the longawaited Knowle West Fest – held for the first time in real life in three years!

From 12-8pm Filwood Community Centre and the Broadway were abuzz with music and activity. food, stalls and the Filwood Community Market.
As well as the sounds of all the amazing music - including 3Culture, Chelsea Watts, Lakedown and Capriella – laughter from the crazy golf and the sound of the SS Great Britain’s rocket launch filled the air.
Local dance group Everybody Dance Now taught
everyone the Knowle West Bling – as radio presenters Martin Evans and Steve Yabsley were broadcasting the festival live on Radio Bristol.
People were able to post Knowle West Fest postcards to those that couldn’t make it – and a Zoom room and live stream were also shared for people to festival from home!
To view the video of the event visit: https://vimeo.com/763829926 or visit www.knowlewest.co.uk to view more photos.
If you have any feedback or would like to be part of the planning group for next year’s festival email claudia. collins@kwalliance.co.uk
Hearts and Stars Awards
Knowle West’s answer to the Oscars returned in November after a three-year absence to honour the area’s volunteers for their huge contribution to the neighbourhood.

The Hearts and Stars awards ceremony at Filwood Community Centre provided a glittering evening – paying tribute to those local celebrities working away in the background.

People’s Choice went to Kevin Williams and Kerry Rees for
their tireless work running Filwood Community Market.
Kerry said: “(It’s) absolutely brilliant. And I thank everyone that's voted for me… and I'm actually shocked with the result we got and really thankful for the gift."
Lifetime Achievement went to Ann Smith, a long-serving volunteer until her death in 2021, who used to help host the event and won People’s Choice in 2018.
The award was received by her family who said: “We are so proud of it – it means a lot to all of us…”

The event was hosted by Denise Britt and organised by Shelbie McNeill.
Shelbie said: “People that are not usually recognised have been
Food Networking Group
By Alliance Community Facilitator Frances CoatesOur local food networking group had a very successful meeting on October 19 attended by 20 residents and representatives from local organisations - all with an interest in food.

Last year we identified three key themes which came out of conversations with residents: food joy/events, access to food, food education/knowledge. At this meeting, we agreed several actions to work on around these
Community meals
Sitting down to eat with others is one of life’s simple pleasures – which many of us have missed over the past few years.
Check out Welcoming Spaces (see insert) for the opportunity to connect
themes before our next gettogether planned for March 2023.
One of these ideas is to develop regular community feasts with the opportunity to get involved in the cooking. Our ‘Knowle West’s Favourite Home-cooked Meal’ survey, carried out at KW Fest and online, revealed that the good old roast is the most popular choice.
With all the local community garden projects producing fantastic fresh veg, we want you to get involved with #KnowleWestRoastBoast!
with others through food during the winter months. There are also organisations which host regular meals throughout the year.
Square Food Foundation runs a community lunch on the second Monday of every month at 11.30am. Cost £5 for a hot, home-cooked two course meal. Email info@squarefood foundation.co.uk or call 0117 462 2686 to book.

St Barnabas Church Messy Church for families offers
Keep an eye on the Knowle West Alliance social media to find out more.
If you want to join the food conversation and come to the next meet-up, email: lucy.holburn@kwalliance.co.uk
A delicious vegan recipe for Veganuary provided by Chris Boddington who runs Inns Court Kitchen Garden.
You could make this just with potatoes, tomato puree, salt and pepper - but here I've put in a few other things that I had in the kitchen.
Serves 4 as a side dish/light meal or 10 as a small tapas dish
Oil (preferably olive oil) 900g of potatoes
1 onion
Tomato puree
2 tomatoes
2 cloves of garlic
Cayenne or chilli powder
1. Cut the potatoes into cubes and boil until just starting to soften. Drain and put potatoes on kitchen roll.
2. Put a generous amount of oil in a non-stick frying pan to shallow fry and put the potatoes in when it's getting hot. Don’t mix them around too much, especially early on before the potatoes start getting brown.

3. When the potatoes have started to brown on one side,
activities and a meal from 3.30pm on the third Friday of the month during term time. For info: filwoodparishoffice@gmail. com or ring 0117 953 1060.
Sprint meals
The Sprint based at the Inns Court Community and Family Centre runs meals during the year for special occasions. The next one is on December 20 at 12pm. Call 0117 904 8215 to join The Sprint and book a place. Others are planned for Easter and the King’s Coronation.
turn them over, ideally individually - labour intensive but worth it.
4. Slice the onion and add with the chilli powder around the potatoes. Cook until soft, then add the chopped/crushed garlic and mix carefully.
5. Slice the tomatoes and stir in with the tomato puree. Cook for a couple of minutes.
6. Add salt to taste.
7. Add anything else you like. I put in chick peas here for protein because I had some in the fridge, but generally mix in sunflower seeds when I have them.
8. Serve with a little vinegar.
Our next year is looking busy – we already have 25 live acts booked with the first event on January 28 welcoming solo singer and pianist Jon Clare.
We’ve also got an Easter Party and our Summer Skittles as well as a boxing event in June and Biker’s Rally in July. Our café is open four days a week at the moment on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays with breakfasts from 9-11am and lunch Wednesday and Friday to connect to the clubs. We have space on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for extra groups from crochet to men’s groups. Contact Ian Vowles to use our venue on 0750 597 5277. Facebook: /groups/novers
up until 5pm) where parents and children have enjoyed a hot meal and the children have challenged our staff and volunteers to classic board games. Parents have said they have felt looked after, the food has been delicious and the endless cups of tea much needed!
Wehave had our fourth week of offering Community Lunch (Tuesdays – 12-1.30pm) as part of Welcoming Spaces at Redcatch Community Garden.

We have also just started our After School Dinner (Mondays – pick

Our New Wednesday Club meets every Wednesday at 12.30pm. December 14 is our last meeting before Christmas break and it starts back January 4. In September we celebrated a 90th birthday for our oldest member Eileen Maloney. We surprised her with a birthday cake, flowers, chocolates and buffet. Young Women's

Registration is open for the How To Be A Chef training programme at Square Food Foundation!

This FREE 12-week course is for young people aged 16-25 who are not in full time work or education. It takes place at Square Food’s brand new, purpose-built teaching kitchen at the newly built Park Community Centre.

Join us in future sessions – learn to draw animals, make some Christmas craft and most importantly enjoy the hot food and drinks. Email redcatch communitygarden@outlook.com or text 0785 863 0597 to book.
Group meets Fridays at 12.30pm and skittles matches are on most week nights during the winter plus Sunday lunchtimes.

We are hosting a number of events during the Christmas period, including a Kid’s Party on December 17, followed by a Christmas Jumper Family Night Disco. Claire Charles is performing on
The programme starts on February 22, 2023 and runs on Wednesdays and Thursdays (10am-4pm) over 12 weeks. No previous experience necessary –we’re more interested in your commitment, enthusiasm and motivation for attending the course.
Find out more and register your interest at: www.squarefood foundation.co.uk/how-to-be-a-chef or call 0117 462 2686
Boxing Day and we have a New Year’s Eve Family Night Disco.
New memberships will run from April 2023 to March 2024. Details/dates for applications will be available after Christmas. New members always welcome.
Facebook: Eaglehouse Club

www.kwmc.org.uk / 0117 903 0444 / Leinster Avenue, Bristol, BS4 1NL
What’s happening at Knowle West Media Centre?
For all of our events, email enquiries@kwmc.org.uk or call 0117 903 0444 to get involved.
National Portfolio Organisation
We are pleased to announce that KWMC has been awarded funding from Arts Council England, from 2023 – 2026.
“I want to say thank you to Arts Council England and the support they are offering to us. I would also like to acknowledge that it is a difficult time for many in the arts and culture sector and we will do all we can to offer our
in the South West and Bristol City.” Carolyn
Activities for Young People

Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 4.30 up to 7pm.
If you are aged 10-18, we have after-school sessions with a range of different arts and tech activities for you to get involved in. We also run work experience for 14–18-year-olds looking to familiarise themselves with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) and creative industries.
The Factory Membership
KWMC The Factory is South Bristol's community makerspace. Becoming a part of The Factory as a member gives you access to the community, machine hire and materials. Factory membership is open to anyone over the age of 18 and costs just £5 per month. Want to know more? The Factory offer tours of their facilities and an overview of their membership scheme weekly at 11am. No booking required - just turn up.
Call: 0117 914 9216 email: info@filwoodcentre.org.uk
Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road, Knowle West, BS4 1JP

Belly LaughsTuesday January 10
A comedy fundraiser with foodorganised by the comedian Mark Olver and friends. Last year was a sell-out, with comedian Jayde Adams as compare! Keep a look out on our socials for confirmed times and ticket prices.

Filmwood - Welcome Spaces
Free monthly film screenings as part of the Welcome Spaces project.

Doors open 12.45pm, the film starts at 1pm. Next dates Saturday December 10 – Elf and Saturday January 21 TBC.

Dance group to perform at Bristol Museum
Local dance group Everybody Dance Nowwhich holds classes on Wednesdays at our centre - will be performing at Bristol Museum again on Sunday January 29. The group will be taking part in the Chinese New Year Celebrations - for the Year of the Rabbit.

Knowle West Healthy Living Centre’s Wellbeing Groups

Helping you to achieve better health and wellbeing, no matter where you are starting from
Downton Road, Bristol, BS4 1WH T: 0117 377 2255 E: info@knowlewesthealthpark.co.uk www.knowlewesthealthpark.co.uk
Nature Ease Group
If you’re feeling low or isolated or a little stressed out by life, this group could be for you. We are really just beginning to recognise the importance of nature and green spaces and see the benefits of taking time out from our busy lives to explore it. This new course will help you learn how to find your place in the world, let your worries slip away and just stop to take notice of the beautiful space around you. There is a new 12-week course that is FREE, starting on Tuesday mornings in January. To find out more call Nick Hudson on 0745 455 4495
When things get tough, sometimes you need to prioritise your own health and wellbeing, to stay strong for yourself and others. Knowle West Healthy Living Centre has a range of groups in your community that you may find helpful.
Walking Groups
Enjoyable walks for people of varying levels of ability, mobility or fitness. Benefits of regular walking include meeting other people, exploring green spaces, exercise with others to keep you motivated. Not to mention the health benefits, which include reducing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Ask for Liz Nash when calling.

Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Support in Bristol 2022

This new booklet contains information about local mental health support in Bristol, including groups, helplines and one-to-one support. The services are free.
To pick up a bookletdrop in to the Healthy Living Centre, or call our main phone line above.
As winter draws in along with the cost of living crisis - re:work will be offering ways to make your home cheaper to heat.

If you need help identifying where you are losing the heat from your home, we can offer free heat loss surveys to people with BS4 or BS13 postcodes. To find out more call or email our office: 0117 963 2521 or info@reworkltd.org.uk
If you know where the draughts are coming from but need help in fixing them, we will be running training courses over winter.
The groups will be small and you will get plenty of opportunities to practise and take home the supplies you need:
1. Draught proofing strips
2. Caulking guns and caulk

3. LED light bulbs
4. and borrow any tools that would be useful.
To find out more use the same contact details as above.

T: 0117 903 9770 enquiries@theparkcentre.org.uk
Start the new year as you mean to go on! Get fit, healthy and meet some great people in The Park Gym. There are additional classes available too. Please see the New Year offers and get in touch.

everyone has pulled together another during 2020 has been amazing. the area has shone through.
delivering more great youth work in 2021.
Bringing communities together
During the October half-term we took a group of young people, predominantly from Knowle West, to Barton Camp based in Winscombe in North Somerset.
On the second day for the first time, we were joined by our partners Hartcliffe Club for Young People, who are members of Young Bristol. They brought young people from Hartcliffe, and both groups merged.
A total of 50 young people played together in the pool and the surrounding areas, and all postcode barriers were broken down and long forgotten.

Youth Moves youth worker Laura said: "It was great to finally be able to mix the two youth clubs together, with the well-known issues between both areas. But to be honest it wasn't an issue on the day, and you wouldn't have known where they are from.”

Youth worker Jack from Hartcliffe Club For Young People was really pleased with how everything went. He said: "The meeting up was met with some trepidation by the Hartcliffe young people. But we set up mixed teams, and the barriers literally fell within
minutes. The kids instantly forgot where they were from.

“From a club viewpoint this is something we look forward to continuing," he added.
The staff at Youth Moves agree wholeheartedly, and we hope this is the start of more partnership work and targeted projects to bring together groups of young people from across South Bristol.
Youth-Moves info@youthmoves.org.uk 0117 363 4969

Hi to our members and hopefully some new members! Have you heard of or seen The Sprint vehicles in your street? Have you wondered who we are and what we do?
The Sprint is your local Community Bus and we are here to make life easier for you or someone you know. Our service is there for anyone in our community that cannot access the public bus service. Maybe the bus stop is too far away, maybe you need to use a walking aid or wheelchair and are concerned you are slowing people down or have you lost confidence since lockdown?
Whatever the reason The Sprint is here to help!

Do you need to get to the doctors, dentist or Hengrove Hospital?
Do you want to shop independently but need help getting there and carrying the shopping?
Would you like to join some of the local community groups and social clubs?

We even offer day trips and pub lunches and a monthly sing along with lunch!!

The days are getting wet and cold, so why not go door to door with TEAM SPRINT?
Do you know or work with someone who you feel would gain from using our service?
Does your group or service ever need transport?
Do you or your service need MIDAS training (make your drivers more aware of the differences in driving a minibus)?

Useful Contacts
Bristol South MP karin.smyth.mp@parliament.uk 0117 953 3575.
Filwood Councillors cllr.christopher.jackson@bristol. gov.uk cllr.zoe.goodman@bristol.gov.uk
Knowle Councillors cllr.christopher.davies@bristol. gov.uk cllr.gary.hopkins@bristol.gov.uk
Young Minds: Text YM to 85258 for urgent mental health support. Available all day every day.
Off the Record (OTR): Mental health support for 11-25s: 0808 808 9120 (Mon-Fri 2-5pm).
Mind: Mental health support: 0808 808 0330
Bristol Mental Health: (emergency number): 0300 555 0334
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 200 0247
Age UK: Local support helpline: 0117 929 7537
Citizen’s Advice Helpline: 0808 208 2138 (Mon to Fri, 9am-5pm).
Carers Support Centre: Carers Line 0117 965 2200
The Compassionate Friends (TCF): For bereaved parents and families: 0345 123 2304
WECIL: Disabled people’s helpline: 0117 947 9922 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).
Talking Money: Debt advice: 0800 121 4511 or 0117 954 3990
StepChange: Debt advice: 0800 138 1111 (Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-4pm).
Consumer Service: 0808 223 1133
Filwood Hope Open Mon to Thurs, 9.30-1pm. Services include benefit and debt advice, referrals to foodbank. Call 0771 266 1241 or email advice@filwood hope.org
South Bristol Advice Service Support around debt, financial confidence and welfare benefit matters. Visit www.southbristoladvice. co.uk, email admin@south bristoladvice.org.uk or call 0117 985 1122.
Centre for Sustainable Energy: Free energy advice line: 0800 082 2234
Help through Hardship: 0808 208 2138
Free counselling Wait list but please email: counsellingcoordinator@ knowlewesthealthassoc. org.uk or call/text: 0734 007 9316 to be added to it.
Peer Support Group Wed at Redcatch Centre from 1.30-3.30pm for ages 18 plus. Visit www.changes bristol.org.uk for info.
Andy’s Man Club Mon 7pm at KWMC in Leinster Ave, BS41NL. Peer support for men over 18. https://andysmanclub. co.uk/
Food Clubs
Inns Court Family and Community Centre: Thurs 1-3pm, 1 Marshall Walk, BS4 1TR. Contact: janet.nawrocki @bristol-schools.uk
Salvation Army in Padstow Road Facebook: Bristol South Salvation Army Ilminster Avenue Nursery School Visit their Facebook. St Barnabas Church By referral, Wed 12.30-2pm.
Uniform and clothing
Free donated clothing for children aged 0-16. Drop-offs and collections at KWMC in Leinster Ave or Filwood Community Centre in office hours. Items posted on KWA Facebook.
Community Learning Free courses for adults

Visit Facebook: Knowle West Alliance or www.knowlewest.co.uk for more events and activities.
19 plus with few or no formal qualifications. Contact Lucy on 0778 835 3446 or email lucy.fieldhouse@ bristol.gov.uk www.communitylearning west.net/all-courses/
The Friendship Club Befriending group for over 40s. Tues 10am-12pm at Filwood Community Centre. Contact KWHA on 0117 963 9569 or info@knowlewest healthassoc.org.uk
Inns Court Garden Wed mornings from 10am. Gardening, chat, tea/coffee and cooked lunch. Contact Chris on 0790 596 1876.
Filwood Chase History Society Wed 1-4pm at Filwood Library. All welcome to view historical collection. Email jimsmith012@ yahoo.co.uk
Community Yoga Class Fri 2-3pm, Bedminster Quaker Hall, Wedmore Vale with Nicola. Concessions available. Contact lotusyoga bristol@gmail.com
Fun and Fab Women’s Support Group. Thurs 10am-12pm at Knowle West Healthy Living Centre. Call Sally on 0773 964 9842. Slimming World Mon 10am, and 5pm in the main hall at Filwood Community Centre. Call Sarah on 0787 944 3888.
Man Alive Men’s group. Breakfast first Fri of the month, 10am12pm at The Round House, Springfield Allotments.
Knit and Natter Weds 1-3pm at Filwood Library.
Families/Young People
Filwood Library Baby Bounce and Rhyme, Wed 11.30am. Storytime, Fri 11.30am (in term-time). Skemer’s Boxing Gym Visit www.skemerscbc.com
Salvation Army in Padstow Road
Saplings Toddler Group for 0-4s,Thurs 10.30am- midday. Free kids choir - Thur 6-6.30pm.
Free brass instrument lessons –Thurs 6.30 -7pm. Facebook: Bristol South Salvation Army
Filwood Community Centre Range of activities for children and young people including dance, boxing, martial arts and circus skills. Visit: www.filwood centre.org.uk
South Bristol Children’s Centres Visit www.southbristolcc.org.uk or Facebook SouthBristol Childrens CentreHub
Beavers, cubs and scouts
Wed evenings term time only at Inns Court Community Centre. Email: knowlewestscoutsgroup@ gmail.com
Coffee morning
Thurs, 10-11.30am, St Barnabas Church, Daventry Road.
Free pet clinic
For local people on benefits.Thurs 10am-1pm (by appointment at Filwood Community Centre. Call Bristol Animal Rescue Centre on 0117 977 6043.
Filwood Community Market
First Sat of the month, 10am2.30pm Filwood Community Centre sports hall (except January). For a stall, to volunteer or busk email filwoodcommunity markets@gmail.com
Tea dance at The Park
Live jazz and swing band and afternoon tea from 2-4pm. Next dates Thurs Dec 15 and Jan 26.
Carols on the Green Wed Dec 14 at 6pm on Filwood Broadway. All welcome.
Christmas detached youth sessions
Mon Dec 20, 2-4pm and Fri Dec 24,10am-12pm at Filwood Courts. Thurs Dec 23, 4-6pm at Malago Skate Park. Food and games.
South Bristol Jobs and Apprenticeships Fair
Thurs Feb 23, 2023, 11am–2.30pm at South Bristol Skills Academy, Hengrove.