2 minute read

A Biblical Woman is Happy and Faithful

by Sarah Argo

“...a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” -Proverbs 31:30


Deep in the heart of humanity is the desire to be happy. One can spend their whole life chasing after the pursuit of happiness only to find that none of the things in which they sought satisfaction lasted.

It is common for a girl to be asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This question, though mostly stemming from pure motives, often presents a false reality that you need only know what you would like to do, and then upon doing it, you will be happy. But a person left only with the task of pursuing happiness will quickly find that the daily tasks of life can overwhelm even the noblest of dreams. A person must first learn faithfulness before they can expect any lasting happiness.

Throughout the book of Proverbs, words of wisdom are taught on how to live a faithful, godly life. In Proverbs 31, we see a woman who epitomizes these virtues and in turn receives a bountiful life. She is a worker who is diligent and resourceful. She has made a rhythm of faithful habits for her life, and within those routines, she is happy. Instead of fearing the future, she is able to laugh and be at ease.

Her faithfulness to put regular steady effort towards managing her affairs allows her to rest in the present day, knowing that she has what she needs for the near future. Instead of complaining of the cold, she can choose to be happy when it snows, because she has already prepared appropriate clothing for her household. The faithfulness to do the little tasks of each day and not be idle become the platform that allows lightheartedness where she might otherwise have been weighed down.

There is a definite sense of contentment within the life of the woman depicted in Proverbs 31, and verse thirty reveals the source of her ability to be faithful and experience such a deep contentment that even charm and beauty cannot outshine. She fears the Lord. In all of her efforts, she is driven by the knowledge that God is primary in her life, and He is the supreme worker and her great provider. To fear the Lord is to know that we, like the birds and lilies of the field, are taken care of by our heavenly Father. It is the perspective of God being her creator that alleviates the weight of her own efforts and allows for whatever work she pursues to be one of joy.

Journaling Page on Happiness

What are some things in your life that you MUST have to be happy?

Does not having these things determine your attitude?

Other thoughts and scriptures about happiness:

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