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The heart behind these pages is to encourage you.
Our prayer is that when you read these words that you would be reminded of God’s great love for you; that in this cluttered world, the Creator cares for YOU. You are known by Him. You matter to Him. We also pray that the personal testimonies, stories, and articles in this magazine point you to Christ and help you better know the character of God.
This new endeavor is a work in progress, but there are core ideas that you can expect from every forthcoming issue of Known. We will always feature a heart story, a missional story, and a family engagement story.
Every heart story will be focused on a culturally relevant topic through the lens of the gospel. The knowledge that God knows everything about us yet still loves us is powerful. Because of this great love, we are able to confront challenging topics head-on and to not shy away from a topic just because it may feel uncomfortable.
Missional stories will share insights into local, domestic, and global mission partnerships we have here at Mars Hill Church. The more we know God, the more we desire to love like He does. One physical manifestation of this is serving others. Missional highlights in this magazine will better equip you to pray for and help with needs right here in our community all the way to the ends of the earth.
Our focus on family engagement will always be to help parents shepherd their children to Christ. We want to partner alongside you as you help your children know God. The family segments in this magazine will include ideas, resources, and activities for families to engage together in meaningful, gospel-centered family time.
Along with these three segments, every issue of Known will have many other fun, interesting, thought-provoking stories, all focused on helping you Know God and to remind you that you are Known by Him.
And if you find yourself wanting to know Him more, please know you are always welcome at Mars Hill Church.