Knox Magazine - Spring 2018

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A.B.L.E. at 50

DeVone Eurales, Associate Director of Admission





Though the Office of Admission moved to the newly refurbished Alumni Hall in late 2014, DeVone Eurales keeps a small memento from their old digs in the Ford Center for Fine Arts in his new office. Just inside his door is a glass Mission-style lamp that used to sit in the reception area in their former location. Beth Jonsberg, the longtime Admission visit coordinator who passed away in 2015, remembered that DeVone especially liked the lamp, and she brought it to his new office when they moved in. DeVone spends weeks on the road each year visiting college fairs and high schools, but his office is anything but impersonal—the warm and welcoming space is filled with inspirational artwork, souvenirs from his travels, family photos, and an impressive collection of Star Wars memorabilia.

Welcome to his office.

Open Door



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1. Photos of friends now gone. Devone keeps photos of his longtime pastor, Reverend Jon Sibley Sr., and former colleague Beth Jonsberg on display. “The funny thing is, Beth did not like having her picture taken, so I don’t know if she’d even approve of having this here.” 2. The cabinet doors he won’t open in front of company. “Like every office, you have things that are enclosed that are an absolute mess.” 3. His collection of movie memorabilia. “Everyone knows I’m a Star Wars nerd.” He keeps Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader Pez dispensers, as well as a plastic Yoda head, within arm’s reach. 4. Comic books. “I’m a also a huge Marvel and DC nerd—yes, I am a fan of both.” He keeps a couple of back issues of The X-Men on display beside Colleges That Change Lives.

5. A shelf of his favorite books. Note that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sits between The Illustrated Study Bible and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare and a few volumes away from The Autobiography of Malcolm X. 6. Ecuadoran cloth from a prospective student who came to visit. The two white chairs across from his desk are where he prefers to conduct student interviews. “Typically, students talk to me about who they are, where they’re from, and their passions.” 7. An abundance of lanyards. They’re souvenirs from the many, many college fairs and conferences he has attended. 8. A chalkboard full of motivational sayings on the way out the door puts DeVone in the right frame of mind as he goes out to share the story of Knox College with prospective students. Join DeVone for a video tour of his office at


6 Ways of Looking at a Star Star donors are the largely unacknowledged heroes of Knox College. It’s time to give them their due.

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Spring 2018

Departments Open Door

Inside front cover

2 East South Street

Page 4

The South Lawn

Page 24

Yes, College Is Worth It Busting Myths about Higher Education

Knox Writes

Page 38

Knox Magazine set out to take on a few of the headlines--or bust a few of the common myths--about higher education to help us all understand why a college degree is still worthy of pursuit.

Class Knox

Page 41

Parting Shot

Inside back cover

Page 10

Tellin’ It Like It Is: A.B.L.E. at 50

On the cover: This issue’s cover features a detail found on a special stole for graduating seniors and active A.B.L.E. members to be worn during Commencement exercises, a tradition which began with the Class of 2013. Photo by Peter Bailley ’74

In celebrating and chronicling the 50th anniversary of A.B.L.E. (Allied Blacks for Liberty and Equality), Knox Magazine interviewed A.B.L.E. alumni and students from various generations of this integral campus organization.

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Expanding Options for Science Students Knox students will now have the opportunity to pursue a bachelor of science degree in nine fields of study, and a renovation of the Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center is on the horizon.

Page 22

layout designers Ami Jontz

assistant editor Pam Chozen

Contributors, Writing & photography

assoCiate editor

Adriana Colindres

Peter G. Bailley ’74,

Brea Cunningham

News & Photography

Special thanks to Lori Reed and Amanda Malik.

Becky Hale

Cheri Siebken Meryl Davis ’19 Elise Goitia ’18 Bailey Musselman ’18

Knox Magazine is published twice yearly by the Office of Communications, Box K-233, Knox College, Galesburg, IL 61401-4999; Phone: 309-341-7760; Fax: 309-341-7718; Email: It is distributed free of charge to Knox alumni, students, parents, and friends. The magazine welcomes information and story ideas. Please query before submitting manuscripts. ISSN: 0047-3499 Visit us online at


editor Megan Scott ’96

Rolling Out Big Muddy Jeff Douglas, director of Seymour Library, shows anthropology students the “ribbon map” of the Mississippi River that is housed in the library’s Special Collections & Archives. The map was published in 1866 in St. Louis and is two-and-a-half inches wide and 11 feet long.

Editor’s Note And the Survey Says . . .


very so often, we conduct a formal survey of Knox Magazine readers that allows us to compare ourselves to peer institutions. Our most recent survey was conducted this winter, roughly five years after we launched a redesign of the magazine. We were gratified to see that readers have responded positively to the new Knox Magazine—ratings for our content selection, photography, and writing improved, and readers noted that they were more willing to engage with Knox after reading the magazine than before. But there is one question that didn’t see as much improvement as we had hoped: To what degree do you consider Knox Magazine to be a credible source of information about the institution?


Five years ago, 30 percent of readers said the magazine portrayed the institution accurately and objectively; 45 percent said it contained some spin; and 13 percent said it portrayed Knox only in a positive light. These results are what you’d expect from a magazine whose mission is to build pride among its alumni body, but we did make some conscious decisions in the redesign to provide more ways to cover potentially controversial campus issues, events, or speakers. We added the “Fired Up/Smouldering/Burned Out” section as a way to highlight potentially controversial or negative campus news. Topics touched upon in this section have included changes to the curriculum’s diversity requirement, student concerns over the transition to Bon Appétit, and, in this issue, a discussion of the cancellation of the winter term mainstage theatre production. We’ve also tried to cover Title IX issues, along with student protests, when they arise; and President Amott frequently touches upon larger issues in the higher education landscape, such as academic freedom, and their impact on campus.

I’m pleased to report that we have made some positive headway: according to our most recent survey results, 35 percent of readers view the magazine as portraying Knox objectively and accurately, and the same percentage of readers say it contains some spin. That’s clearly better than five years ago, but 18 percent of readers say that it portrays the institution only in a positive light. That’s up five percent from our previous survey, and I’m admittedly a bit disappointed. I wish the changes would have moved the needle in the opposite direction. With only two magazines a year, it can be difficult to cover all campus issues, but I do believe there are ways we can continue to provide a more complete picture of the Knox experience. For example, this issue’s story celebrating the 50th anniversary of A.B.L.E. features nearly a dozen alumni and student voices, which tell a compelling and honest history of one of our most important student organizations and cultural centers. While we can’t cover every campus issue or event in the pages of Knox Magazine—isn’t that what social media is for?—we do promise to continue our efforts. We may not always get it quite right, but we are confident you’ll let us know when we don’t! Sincerely, Megan Scott ’96 P.S. Thanks to the 200+ alumni who took time out of their busy lives to complete the survey. We truly appreciate it.



2 East South Street Letters to the Editor Thanks for the Memories Sherwood Kiraly’s article about the creative writing program at Knox struck a huge chord with me. I was at Knox from 1970 to 1974. I was a theatre major, but I wanted to write. I took poetry writing from Sam Moon. I can still remember his delight when I told him I was “writing regularly every morning for 2-3 hours”—the discipline of the creative process was very important to him. I took a class from Robin Metz also—Fiction Writing maybe. I remember him asking me if I would edit Catch. Knox provided so many wonderful opportunities, and I had to turn down a few of them. Who knows, if I had been more involved with Catch, my life might have been very different. (Not that a 41-year career in insurance hasn’t been what a girl dreams of.) Knox prepared me for the real world. I quickly realized that, whatever one wants to do in life, effectively expressing oneself in writing is a crucial skill. We are blessed with two sons and a daughter-in-law who all write beautifully. There was no creative writing major in 1974, but Jack Gallalee graduated from Knox with a music/ creative writing double major in 2010. I will always consider my Knox years as the best years of my life. Thanks, Sherwood, for the trip down memory lane. And thanks, Knox, for the gorgeous memories. —Linda Guastaferri Gallalee ’74 Sherwood Kiraly’s article stirred a memory. Apart from being an audience member when he gave readings, I encountered Dr. Metz only once. As a sophomore in 1967, I met him at a

reception for new professors. He asked me about my plans for the future. I answered that I pictured myself either as a wife/mother or (in lieu of marriage) as dedicated to some sort of career. My recollection of his response: “Why do young women feel that, in order to open a door, they must close one behind them?” Is that, I thought, this man’s idea of some kind of advice? Has he not seen the movie Mildred Pierce? More to the point, being new he is probably unaware that Knox women are required to be in their dorms by a certain hour at night. That, if caught outside the locked dorm door, they are brought before a board of their peers. Fast-forward to my senior year. Not only are women free to go where and when they choose, they can opt to wear jeans, live in a (gasp) co-ed dorm, take The Pill. Even those of us heavily influenced by Father Knows Best-type television began to see we had choices. I value my years at Knox for so many reasons, not the least of which was the gift of a new way to imagine myself in the world. Thanks to Knox for opening doors at a pivotal time for me. And I have, ever since 1967, considered very carefully before closing any door. —Judee Settipani Hansen ’71

Catch a Correction

was the year we began publishing it as a bound paperback. Nick Brockunier (who is quoted in the article) was the editor the previous year, and I believe it was called Catch then as well, but I’m not positive. In any case, the magazine had its current name at least by 1969, if not 1968. —Don Knefel ’70 Editor’s Note: Thank you, Don, for sharing this information. We greatly appreciate it and are sorry for our error.

Send us your letters! Knox Magazine welcomes the opinions and comments of its readers. Write to the Editor, Knox Magazine, Box K-233, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 614014999, or email Letters should refer to material published in the magazine and may be edited for length or clarity.

I have a small correction to offer about the history of Catch. On page 18 of the fall 2017 issue, you say that the student literary magazine “officially became Catch in 1971.” This is incorrect. I was the editor during the 1969-70 school year, and it was called Catch then. That



From the President The Liberal Arts, Changemakers, and a Human-Powered Education


e hear much talk today about the need for “disruption” in higher education, but those of us who study the history of our venerable institutions know quite a bit about disruption. Since 1837, Knox has faced multiple disruptions and thrived because we are flexible, nimble, and adaptable.


Still, since the Great Recession brought on by the financial collapse of 2008, colleges and universities have faced increased scrutiny about the value of higher education. And liberal arts institutions, in particular, have been criticized as too costly and for not preparing students for the workplace. We are seen as impractical, irrelevant, and elitist. Yet, the evidence of the career paths of liberally educated graduates points very much in the opposite direction. Today, our graduates are much sought-after by employers because of the skills of the future they bring to the workforce. Surveys show that employers are much less interested in a student’s major than they are in the combination of specific and broad knowledge and skills. These skills include oral and written communication, collaboration and teamwork, ethical judgment, critical and creative thinking, as well as the ability to analyze and solve complex problems, locate and evaluate information, engage current technologies, and work with people from different backgrounds. The application of knowledge and skills in the real world, as realized through internships, independent research, and off-campus studies, is more important than ever before.

I recently read a column by David Brooks in The New York Times entitled “Everyone a Changemaker,” arguing that we are in a historical transition in which computers can now (or will soon be able to) do almost any job that requires repetitive skills. And if this is the case, what types of jobs will be available for humans in the future? What types of skills will we need to succeed in this new economy? Brooks says we will need “changemakers.” Citing social entrepreneur Bill Drayton, Brooks defines these as “people who can see the patterns around them, identify the problems in any situation, figure out ways to solve the problem, organize fluid teams, lead collective action, and then continually adapt as situations change.” To me, that sounds like the definition of a Knox College graduate.

“A Knox education is helping to create changemakers for the 21st century.”

When I talk to parents, I tell them that Knox educates students for the future by preparing them for jobs that don’t exist today, and that we focus on nurturing human skills, such as emotional intelligence, curiosity, creativity, adaptability, resilience, and critical thinking. As we say at Knox, we provide a human-powered education, one uniquely suited for success in a world of rapidly evolving technology. Our faculty engage directly with students both in and out of the classroom, and students put their knowledge to the test in hands-on applications and real-world situations. Our students live and learn with individuals with vastly different backgrounds from their own, form clubs with them, debate with them, travel the world with them, collaborate and create with them. In short, a Knox education is helping to create changemakers for the 21st century. How we teach and learn with today’s students has adapted to the new demands, and our faculty at Knox have been actively engaged in this process over the last two years, resulting in new approaches and areas of study, a new bachelor of science degree, and new immersive study opportunities. While “changemaker” may be a new term, I believe that liberal arts colleges like Knox have not only produced changemakers throughout their history but also practiced the art of changemaking as well, responding to the world around us and ensuring that our graduates are prepared to find success no matter what the future brings. —Teresa Amott




Martha L. Abrams ★ Amani Rajaie Abu-Hashim ★ W. Edward Ackerley ★ Nicole E. Acton ★ Laura F. Adamczyk ★ Sara Patterson Adamek ★ T. Paul Adams ★ Jane Seamans Adams ★ Miranda K. Adams ★ Miranda E. Higdon Addonizio ★ Sameer A. Afsar ★ Mary Lu Aft ★ Richard N. Aft ★ Jefferson Jonathan Aguirre ★ Krista L. Ahlberg ★ Lucy A. Ainsworth ★ Naomi E. Akagi ★ David H. Aken ★ Yaa Owusua Dwete Akosa Antwi ★ Sarah M. West Alber ★ Joshua P. Alber ★ Ann M. Albright ★ Sara Jane Allensworth ★ Reed R. Allison ★ Robert C. Alvarez ★ Kyle G. Alvarez ★ Kristina M. Anderson Alvarez ★ Maria Athanasia Anastos ★ Laura E. Anderman ★ Douglas S. Andersen ★ Robert J. Anderson ★ Jean Kester Anderson ★ James N. Anderson ★ Thomas L. Anderson ★ Ronald H. Anderson ★ Sue Fuerst Anderson ★ Brian R. Anderson ★ Linda Stofferahn Anderson ★ Jean O. Anderson ★ David T. Anderson ★ Kyle J. Anderson ★ Jennifer Carey Anderson ★ Mackenzie M. Anderson ★ Laurel J. Andrew ★ Vicky Anderson Andrews ★ Martin R. Anker ★ Steffi Teresa Antony ★ Adedoja Adeola Aofolajuwonlo ★ Yuta Aoshima ★ Amanda Wollrab Archer ★ Gregory C. Armstrong ★ Brent J. Aronowitz ★ Andrea L. Arrington ★ Akwasi A. Asabere ★ Cole A. Atcheson ★ Dy’Anna Augustus ★ Jan Augustyn ★ Selina Marie Aviles ★ Mya Myint Mo Aye ★ Colleen Harden Aziz ★ Abesh A. Aziz ★ Agnieszka M. Babinski ★ Michael W. Bailey ★ Erica L. Bailley ★ John G. Baillie ★ Carolyn D. Baird ★ Victoria L. Baird ★ Torri A. Baker ★ Eric A. Ballard ★ Anthony R. Balthazor ★ Anne N. Barker ★ Lauren Elizabeth Barkey ★ Cindy L. Barnes ★ Marilyn Angelina Barnes ★ Anne Heberle Barnett ★ Brynna L. Barnhart ★ Harriet Drew Barringer ★ Erika F. Barrish ★ Kenneth Jon-Edward Bartelt ★ David S. Barton ★ Hannah E. Basil ★ Laura Jane Basten ★ Megan J. Bohi Batt ★ Mary E. Batterman ★ Martha S. Baumgarten ★ Karl E. Bayer ★ Andrew B. Bazan ★ Thomas J. Bazan ★ Elizabeth L. Presley Bazan ★ Kimberly Seitz Beachy ★ Alan R. Beber ★ Cory Bieber Beck ★ Kevin M. Beck ★ Charles L. Beckam ★ Brent M. Becker ★ Jessica L. Rainey Becker ★ Annalise M. Becker ★ Brett A. Beckman ★ Brian K. Beeman ★ Michael W. Belitz ★ Madison Elizabeth Belka ★ David J. Bell ★ Chrystal C. Bell ★ Emily K. Bell ★ Alexander McKenzie Bell ★ Lisabeth Simms Belman ★ Alejandro Beltran ★ Griffin J. Belzer ★ Robert L. Bennett ★ Crisanda R. Benson-Davis ★ Christopher D. Berger ★ Noelle I. Bykowski Berger ★ Geoffrey S. Bergstrom ★ Martina Bergstrom ★ Carly R. Berinstein ★ Zoe K. Berman ★ Celia Gualandri Bernardi ★ Clarice Alyssa Bernett ★ Tracy Palmer Berns ★ Aleza M. Berube ★ Jessica M. Ramos Bess ★ Jonathan R. Betts ★ Julia A. Grupe Bevenour ★ Emma M. Beyer ★ Holly Ann Bieber ★ ShirJia A. Bielefeld ★ Carmen Rohwer Billick ★ James J. Billimack ★ SueAnn Sage Billimack ★ Natalia Binkowski ★ John C. Bird ★ Lauren Lee Bird ★ Katherine A. Biver-Newcomb ★ Mary Catherine Blair ★ Barbara Woods Blasch ★ Claire A. Serieyssol Bleser ★ Amy L. Blonn ★ Elizabeth Susan Bockrath ★ Madalyn Rose Boehm ★ Raeann Grace Boero ★ Donna Frances Boguslavsky ★ Chloe H. Bohm ★ Abigail L. Bond ★ Taliah A. Bond Martin ★ Maximilian John Bonder ★ Mason G. Boomershine ★ Claire Matekaitis Boomershine ★ William B. Bouman ★ James R. Bowman ★ Michael A. Boyd ★ Elizabeth A. Mushill Bozicevic ★ Emiley E. Brand ★ Tracy Dahlen Brandon ★ Daniel W. Breed ★ Anastasia Zooey Brewer ★ Nicolette C. Bridgeforth ★ Samuel R. G. Briggs ★ Jennifer Quinn Broda ★ Reid R. Broda ★ Quinn Caitlyn Broda ★ Jessica L. BrodeFrank ★ Ryan A. BrodeFrank ★ Kathryn A. Brooke-Beyer ★ Marilyn B. Brooks ★ Richard T. Brown ★ Jennifer L. Brown ★ Carol J. Brown ★ M. Todd Brown ★ Camille J. Brown ★ LaShawn L. Brownlee ★ Nolan K. Bryant ★ Sicily A. Bua ★ Kathleen Donovan Bucher ★ John R. Bucher ★ Richard “Kyle” Buchman ★ Ernest D. Buck ★ Jacob H. Buddell ★ Allison May Sebastian Buiser ★ Nicholas B. Bunnell ★ Amy M. Zoch Buscher ★ Marcia Arnez Butler ★ Patricia Wilson Butts ★ Thomas R. Butts ★ Allister K. Byrd ★ Martha Heerde Brislen Byrne ★ Robert E. Cable ★ Catherine Elizabeth Calderon ★ Charles L. Caldwell ★ Rosemary Nauss Caldwell ★ Benjamin F. Calvert ★ Chad A. Campanelli ★ Alison J. Campbell ★ Stephanie D. Campbell ★ Michael B. Caplan ★ Erin Michelle Carder ★ Zane D. Carlson ★ Kirsten Elizabeth Carlson ★ James T. Carpenter ★ Robert B. Carroll ★ Amber L. Felton Carroll ★ Anne H. Carter ★ Allison B. Cascio ★ Jason A. Cascio ★ Abenicio Santiago Casias ★ Lil ★ Castro-Rosabal ★ Shannon Jo Caveny ★ Patrick L. Cavins ★ Nancy Celaya ★ Fabiola Cervantes ★ Sarah Weed Chandler ★ Chauncey R. Charlson ★ Amanda M. Chavero ★ Adrian Chavez ★ Marlene Chavez ★ Mark K. Chelmowski ★ Samuel D. Chen ★ Rachel Cheng ★ Weston P. Chenoweth ★ Moriah Helene Chermak ★ Joseph David Chirbas ★ Sean M. Choate ★ Joanna K. Chodorowska ★ Joel O. Christensen ★ Tiffany Alyse Christensen ★ Jessica Marie Chrzan ★ Robert J. Clark ★ Rachel A. Clark ★ Elizabeth Ann Clay ★ Sophia M. Click ★ Hannah O. Cloh ★ Caroline G. Coatney ★ Cheryl Agowah Cobbold ★ Matthew E. Cochran ★ Rachel K. Rucker Cochran ★ Liliana Charney Coelho ★ Evelyn Irene Coffin ★ Robert W. Coffman ★ Melissa J. Cohen ★ Jenna G. Cohen ★ Chelsea L. Coley ★ Carly R. Colgan ★ Laura Foster Collins ★ Caitlin E. Collins ★ Clare Brandt Colt ★ Hannah R. Compton ★ Jason L. Connell ★ Colleen Conway ★ Kip D. Conwell ★ Andrew M. Cook ★ Elizabeth J. Cooley ★ Shirley Huggins Cooper ★ Stephanie Cordero Gonzalez ★ Caitlin E. Corkins ★ Caroline G. Burgland Cormier ★ Carter Corsello ★ Charlotte I. Craig ★ Mackenzi Harmon Crank ★ Margaret A. McVie Crittell ★ Sophia D. Croll ★ Laura M. Crossley ★ Genevieve L. Crow ★ Will G. Culbertson ★ Kathleen M. Cunningham ★ Donna J. Curry ★ John S. Cusimano ★ Matthew A. Cutright ★ Jason P. Czyz ★ Alissa Wells Czyz ★ Cody W. Dailey ★ Heather Milliken Daina ★ John Stephen Damits ★ Laura R. D’Angelico ★ Dushawn D. Darling ★ Michele C. Darrow ★ Christin M. Datz ★ Erin G. Daugherty ★ Jennifer A. Davids ★ There are two sides ★ toLianna everyG. ledger sheet: the Kaly Elizabeth Davidson ★ Roberto Amy Davila ★ Jane E. Davis ★ Celinda K. Davis Davis ★ Brenna C. money Davis ★ going Monicaout Dayand ★ Devin C. Day ★ coming in.★Money goes out of Knox via a thousand★ Celeste M. Delap ★ Debra S. De Crane ★ Rachel M. de Hartog ★ Thamindri I. Dethe Silvamoney ★ Rachael L. Dean Jen Shipley DeBuhr ★ Rachel A. Deffenbaugh Erik D. DeLapp ★ Richard N. DeLong ★ Douglas A. DeLong ★different Theodorestreams: R. DeLongfaculty ★ Sara and F. DeMaria ★ Brigetteelectric N. Demke ★ Brandon C. Dempsey ★ Jenna staff salaries, bills, upgrading R. Dercole ★ Raleigh E. DeRose ★ Stephanie A. Hasan Detterline ★ Allison D. Diamond ★ Andrew M. Diaz ★ John Dick ★ Russell B. Dieterich ★ Michael J. fire features in June the Edwards residence halls, producing this magazine Dietz ★ Noah Anthony Dina ★ Jinglun Ding ★ Justin M. Dingle ★ safety Kyle James Dinse ★ Dodd ★ Catherine Manning Dodman ★ Allen Doederlein ★ Kelsey Lynn Doerflinger ★ Susan Billett Doerner ★ Bridgetyou’re S. Doherty ★ Keegan Dohm ★ Shane T. Donegan ★ Dennis Donham reading But money comes into KnoxE.via two ★ Sruthi Doniparthi ★ Michele E. Doris ★ Amanda M. Fluegel Dougherty ★ Kinsey JoAnn Douglas ★ William Black Dowling ★ Melissa J. Doyle ★ Melissa M. Moster Dragoo ★ channels only: tuition dollars and donations. Jan Novak Dressel ★ Dienna A. Danhaus Drew ★ James W. Drew ★ Sofia A. Drummond-Moore ★ Josephine M. Dudek ★ Joann Litke Duer ★ Erin C. Duff ★ Mickella A. Duffy-Webb ★ Gregory F. Duick ★ Jakub Antoni Dulak ★ C. the Scottlist Dunnewind John Durham ★ will Yetunde Durotoye ★ Jennifer E. Lee Dye ★ This fall, price of ★ a Knox topO. $56,000 a year, Joyce M. Christensen Dykema ★ Laura A. Miller Dyrda ★ Daniel G. Dyrda ★ Caroline Anna Dzik ★ Sarah J. Bigus Eagen ★ Erin J. Jacoby Easter ★ Abraham room and board. As hard as it may to believe, sum J. Eastman ★ Leala Elysia Eastman ★ James C. Eberhardy ★including R. Calvin Ebersole ★ Eric J. Eckdhal ★ Janelle Curtisbe Eckdhal ★ Lindathat Ehrlich-Jones ★ John F. Eisemann ★ Uduak-Obong Iniabasi Ekanem ★ Sara J. Eldridge ★ Tara L. Mantsch Eliason ★ Kirk W. Elifson ★ Christina M. Ellis ★ Arianna B. Elnes ★ Bree E. does not cover the actual cost of delivering a Knox education. (For Elrod-Novak ★ LeAnn Williams Ely ★ Bill Ely ★ Ryan D. England ★ Alex E. Enyart ★ Monica Lund Erickson ★ Julie A. Ericson ★ Laura R. Ernst ★ Christopher thing,★fully 96R.percent of students receive aid E. Etheridge ★ Emily A. Ewers ★ David A. Fabianic ★ Anne O. one Fagerburg Esther Farler-Westphal ★ William A. Fayfinancial ★ Barbara Leeand/or Fay ★ Catherine Skinner adding up to more than a year.) a Feagin ★ Stefan P. Feer ★ Gloria Feliciano Feltman ★ Jinglin scholarships, Feng ★ Joshua often B. Ferchau ★ Adam Corey Ferkin ★ $30,000 Janice Thies FettigAs ★ Hannah R. Fidoten ★ BY PAM CHOZEN Austin T. Finley ★ Jacob R. Finn ★ Joshua A. Fishman ★ Cynthia L. Fitch ★ Andrew I. Fitz ★ Kelsea M. Lipe Flanagan ★ Margaret R. Fleetwood ★ Colleen E. result, Knox relies on donor support for about 17 percent of its Flint ★ Andrew G. Flock ★ Stanley R. Flood ★ Carol Everly Floyd ★ Christine Kirby Floyd ★ Anna Wilson Flynn ★ Lindsay J. Fondow ★ Caitlin A. Fones ★ Anne Every every gift is important to L. Ford ★ Ann T. Ford ★ Patrick Devon Ford ★ Donald C. Fortioperating ★ Carolinebudget. Mallory Foulk ★ donor Ryan Leeand Foxall ★ Sarah A. vitally Jajesnica Foye ★ Danielle Betty Fraser ★ Mara Down Frazier ★ Erin Suzanna Frey ★ David P. Fridovich ★ Katherine Kodl Fridovich ★ Jessica Katherine Fritts ★ Joseph W. Frondorf ★ Catherine L. our mission, but those donors who can be counted on to keep giving Fry ★ Kathryn Peregrine Fryxell ★ William Ross Fuller ★ Megan M. Funk ★ Sarah Kilch Gaffney ★ William C. Gallmeyer ★ Maxwell V. Galloway-Carson ★ year after year? They provide stability in even the most financially Margaret R. Gamble ★ Anastasia Yasmeen Gamble ★ Rebecca A. Ganster ★ Amelia L. Gant ★ Andrew J. Garrison ★ Joshua T. Garties ★ Michelle L. Williams uncertain times. ★ Casey W. Gatz ★ Brian J. Gawor ★ Susannah Gillian Gawor ★ Annabeth Garvey ★ Michael A. Gasparro ★ Melissa Newburn Gathje ★ Daniel L. Gathof McClelland Gay ★ Sarah B. April Gaynor ★ Sarah Dahl Gednalske ★ Joanne Parrish George ★ Victoria L. Bures Georgoff ★ John T. Gibas ★ Michael J. Giese ★ Keshia L. Teverbaugh Gipson ★ The most loyal of these are M. theGingold alumni★we callGipson Stars. ★ ★ Anita Traher Gilbertson ★ Alyssa M. Gill ★ Miriam M. Gillan ★ Robert G. Gillespie ★ Emily Jeffrey Elyssa Nicole Glenn ★ Barbara Sinclair Glick ★ Dwight D. Glinsmann ★ Bethany K. Vittetoe Glinsmann ★ Heather Robb Godin ★ Brooks A. Goedeker ★ Erin Rockwood Goedeker ★ Shih Y. Goh ★ Ira Gold ★ Robin Petrie Gold ★ Makenzie G. Goldstein ★ Bridget A. Golembiewski ★ Zizhao Gong ★ Ashley R. Gonzales MAGAZINE SpringM. 2018 7 ★ Sbeydi Gonzalez ★ Amanda C. Scripp Goodness ★ Benjamin N. Goodness ★ Devyani Anirudha Gore ★ Megan KE.NOXGorka ★ Hayle Gosnell ★ Ashley Steinsdoerfer Gottlieb ★ Jane A. Goubeaux ★ Elizabeth V. Grana ★ Carl W. Graning ★ Virginia B. Graves ★ Shakisha LaShondra Grays ★ Mitchell H. Grayson




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★ Christopher R. Green ★ Jessica C. Corlett Gregory ★ Christine L. Glover Grela ★ Nicole M. Tupik Gress ★ Lauren E. Greve ★ Danielle A. Griffith ★ Donova M. Guthrie ★ Frances E. Hackler ★ Michelle E. Hackman ★ Charles C. Haggerty ★ Carol Spiegler Haggerty ★ Allison Smith Hahn ★ Saira M. Haider ★ Erin C. ★ Gregory H. Hanson ★ Paul E. ★ Hanson ★ Donald F. Harmon ★ Karen S. Harris ★ Lindsay A. Harris ★ Maurice S. Harris ★ Donald Bernard Harris ★ Samu A. Hazarika ★ Jacob D. Hebert ★ Chantal M. Heckman ★ Benjamin Steven Heichman ★ Lynn E. Heidinger-Brown ★ Kevin H. Heimann ★ Christopher J. Heim Nicole E. Henniger ★ Adilene Lidia Hernandez ★ Helen Qing Hershey ★ Aled E. Hertel ★ Amalia R. Hertel ★ Stephen M. Herzog ★ Rebekah R. Heusel ★ Jona Donald A. Hines ★ Benjamin T. Hirby ★ Rebecca J. Hixon ★ Nay Myo Hlaing ★ Jennifer M. Hoben Quick ★ Barbara Dymond Hofflander ★ Terence M. Hogan Homburger ★ Allison L. Honaker ★ Ashleigh L. Honaker-Malec ★ Daniel S. Hong ★ Aaron K. Hook ★ Aaron Thomas Hoover ★ Debra Leaf Hope ★ James R. Ho ★ Lynda Faut DeborahONE L. Gertz Husar ★ Todd C. Huse ★ Eric C. Hutchcroft ★ Tricia A. Liermann Hutchcroft ★ Jill Cornman Hutmacher ★ Kat 1.Hungerford THERE’S★ ONLY WAY TALEE.OF TWO Ishimaru ★ Talal N. Jabari ★ Teresa K. Jackson ★ Polly Booth Jacobs ★ Emalie E. Jacobs ★ Erica A. Jaffe3.★A Miranda James ★ Samantha Newport Jane ★ K TO BECOME A STAR SUPERSTARS Jewell ★ Mia Patricia Jiganti ★ John B. Johnson ★ Andrew S. Johnson ★ Jennifer Kuschel Johnson ★ Kim T. Ferguson Johnson ★ Susan C. Vitous Johnson ★ C haveJones to attend Knox College. Johnston ★ First, Tanya you E. Frank ★ Cassidy B. Jones ★ John W. Jordan ★ Margaret E. Jordan ★ Alec William Jordan ★ Sarah L. Juist ★ Kristin M. Clarke Jurc Dick ’57 and Joan Whitney Whitcomb Next,★ you need make★a gift toMitchell the Anna Karwowska Beth M. to Kaspar Paisly Kauth ★ Courtney Jensine Kayiza ★ Arthur H. Kaz ★ Abigail E. Kean ★ Anushree G. Kedia ★ Linda C. K ’56 were both business administration Jason F. Kesselring Kesselring ★ Monica L. Kessler ★ Kelsey A. C. Keyes ★ Helen K. Kilian ★ Heather A. Papp Kilic ★ Talip Kilic ★ Virginia E. K College★atSonia leastHibberd once a year after you 2 . THE STAR DONOR INDEX majors at Knox when they met in★the ★ Sarah E. Kobernat Karen ★ Matthew Steven Koester ★ David W. Koh ★ Agnes Mahung Kolbeck ★ Nicholas J. Kontos Karl T. Kooistra ★ graduate1★ . It’s easyKuhfuss to be a Koch Star when graduation, they★reA. Kozlowski ★ Angelo R. Kozonis ★ Anna K. Kraemer ★ Judith B. Krause Abigail R. Kravis Kimberlymid-1950s. E. Kreiling ★After Alexandra C. Kremer Kara L. Krewer ★ ★ Number of★ Star donors: 1,447,★or you’re a recent graduate—the Class of E. Kurtz ★ David A. Kurtz ★ Yumi Kusunoki ★ Jerry F. Kuzanek19★percent VictoriaofCrawshaw Romelo Lacy ★ Elena K.D. Lahti ★ Erin M. Lahti ★ connected in Chicago and married. last year’sKwarciany donors ★ DaMarcus for★instance, currently boasts Lane ★ Ruth2017, E. Lane Jessica Alicia Langsted ★206 Eric J. Langston ★ Todd A. Lanser ★ Julie C. Larsen ★ Dick Lisa M. Larson-Bunnell ★ Molly Ann Lascelles ★ Cynth took a job with U.S. Gypsum, a donor longest all of whom part in the Martz Lee★★ Star ★ Sara LearyStars, ★ Kimberly L. Coxtook Lee ★ Caroline Amanda R. with Lee ★the Rachel W. tenure: Lee ★ Laura Christine Lee ★ YeEun Lee ★ Andre Davis Leewright ★ career that eventually brought the couSinclair GlickL.’46 (72 years) ★ Nils E. Leitz ★ Simon Lepkinproject. ★ Dana E. Lesus Leverton ★ Heather Kolber Levine ★ Katherine A. Lewis ★ Allison R. Lewis ★ Joshua R. Lewis class’s After just a★ Sara N.Barbara to★ Atlanta, their family stillA. Llavaneras ★ Lindstrom ★couple D. Richard Lindstrom ★ Eva Steckley ★ Ellen M. Lipo ★ Dale J. Litney ★ Nina E. ple Litoff Jeromewhere S. Litton ★ Sebastian of years, however, those num-Lindstrom ★ Percentage of the Class of 2017 who lives today. 1970,A.heLyman decided it was St. Aubyn Lyn ★ Lowe ★ Grant P. Lowe ★ Mackenzie M. Loyet ★ Laura E. Lueninghoener ★ Michelle Lyn Luna ★ Jacob Mitchell Ly ★In Rachel ★ Patrick bers drop precipitously. The Class of are Star donors:Mahmood 74.1 Jean Madderom ★ Paul E. Madsen ★ Elizabeth C. Leahy Madsen ★ Nashra ★ Allison Wenk time Makito ★ become Stephen his C. Malcom ★ Allison own boss—“I hadO'Mahen Malco 2010 includes 47 Stars. The ★ Class Wentink Marcasciano ★ Li just A. Rose L. Marco James E. Marks ★ Jennifer Nefzger Marler ★ Eva S. Marley ★ Michael J. Marshall ★ Trevor ★ Percentage of the Class of 2010 who always been kind of a rebel”—and co-James Marshall of 1999 hasMasabathula just 23. The ★ Class of 1978 Marzoni ★ Srichandra Andrew G. Maselli ★ are Sarah A. Hultine Massengale ★ Daniel Philip Mateling ★ Bonne Mae Matheson ★ Paula L. Matz Star donors: 14.5 founded Gypsum Management and McCallum ★has Katherine Molumby Kieran only one. Forget McCarthy to make a ★ gift to R. McCarthy ★ Hannah E. ★ McCullough ★ John G. McCurdy ★ Sarah Mae McCurley ★ Kalie A. McGui early E. days were exciting ★ Percentage Class of 1990★who P. McShane ★ Thomas Meehan ★ Bruce G.gone Meeker ★ Robert P. Meeskeof ★the Mary S. Mefferd Kevin L.Supply. Megli ★The Kimberly Sorensen Megli ★ Anna A. Meier ★ Knox one D. year, and your Star is “There were times when ★ Monica Bern J. Metcalf ★ Lauren E. ★ Metcalf ★ Rebecca A. Meyerson ★are Zeyu Miao ★ Richard M. tough. Michelson ★ Bradley T. Middleton Star donors: 6.9 C. Michels ★ Davidbut forever. Wait to start giving to Knox Daniel Paul Miller ★ Greggory Scott Miller ★ Mara S. Mindell ★ Kerry I. Mindeman ★ Thomas H. Miner Joan ★ Amanda E. Mitchell ★ Jesse L. Mitchell would say to me, ‘Is it okay to buy ★ Hiromi Mi ★ Smallest gift from a Star★donor: until after you’ve in Rebecca Wymore Moo ★ David D. Mooestablished ★ Maya M.yourself Moody ★ J. Montgomery Morad Jazmin$1Moralesgroceries ★ Danielthis D. Moreland ★ Gabriel G. Moreno ★ Levi A week?’” your career, and, asJ.much ★ Robert J. Moyer ★ Laurence Msallas ★ your Mary J. Msall ★★Caitlin M. Muelder N.donor: Mulhausen Median gift from★a Eli Star $72 ★ Mark C. Muniz ★ Anne Cooper Munson ★ McKinley P. M Throughout the years, the WhitNash ★ Michelle Dunnewind ★ Frederick generosity will beNathan appreciated, we Jay Nawrot ★ Harmony H. Neal ★ Benjamin H. Neale ★ Shashank Neelagiri ★ Lauren E. Neiheisel ★ Aimee ★ Largest gift from a Star donor: kept giving Ng to Knox. “For long ★ Stephan ★ Claire T. Neri ★ to Meghan ★ Abigail Grace Neuhauser ★ Elizabeth Patton Newberrycombs ★ Anne Rennison ★ Krista E. aNieraeth regret informMoriarty you thatNester you cannot time, couldn’t do anything he J. O’Connell ★ Nussbaum ★ Tyler R. Oakey ★ Chad H. Obermark ★ Kristina $5 M. million MacLaren Obermark ★ Colleen T. O’Brien ★ IJean Anderson O’Brien much,” ★ Bernard become a Star. You can’t even marry ★ Jessica R. Ohmert ★ Theresa Lee O’Keefe ★ Jesse Chigoze Okwu ★ Maureen E. Olesen ★ Ashley E. Olson ★ Mary C. O’Malley ★ Michael remembers. “I wasn’t making any J. O’Mary ★ Hal ★ Number of Star donors who have into Star status; if you give jointly with Page ★ Geraldine Harlan Pahel ★ Corey E. Palmer ★ Cassandra Rodriguez Panganiban ★ Andrei L. Papancea Madeline JaneIPape ★ Derek money.★But once I did, decided KnoxF. Papp ★ Nata given more than $1 million to your spouse butR.don’t have a ★ Star of E. Paul ★ Michael B. Payne ★ George M. Pearce ★ Alan G. Peaslee ★ Celina Mae Pedit ★ Kayla S. Peifer ★ ★ Casey L. Patrick ★ Anjali Pattanayak Brian one of the places I wanted to supKnox: 6 (thank you!) ★ Justin E. Petersonwas ★ Nicholas J. Perry ★ Rachel Wintheiser Daniel A. Pers ★ Peter R. Petersen ★ Larissa E. Roy Peterson ★ Elizabeth F. Petrick ★ Ros your own, unfortunately, youPerry don’t★get port.” The couple funded scholarships ★ William L.toPlatt ★ theirs. Susan Coates Plomin ★ David M. Plomin ★ Erick N. Plumb ★ Hillary F. Myers Plumb ★ Mateusz J. Pluta ★ Zlatan Pobric ★ Emma C. Po share for business andL. economics students, Michael W. Pope ★ Heather V. Courtney Porter ★ Beth E. Potter ★ Max R. Potthoff ★ Alessandra C. A. Power ★ Casey Norton Powers ★ Timothy W. Powers Maxine M. Quinney ★ Tammy Thorsen Ragnini ★ Jeremy Tyler Rainey-Brown ★ Hariharan Ramanan ★ Narendra Ramkissoon ★ Ellen E. Ramsey ★ Joanne Lync contributed to the renovation of 1 There are a handful of Star donors who left Knox Reno ★ Richard W. Reno ★ Heidi Schwanz Rettler ★ Bailey S. Rewoldt ★ Brenda Pittington Reynolds ★ Oakton A. Reynolds ★ Julia I. Ricciardi ★ Myleen S. Rich Alumni Hall, and, in 2015, donated before graduation but continue to make a gift every L. Ripley ★ Jeffrey A. Ripperda ★ Katherine L. Wiegmann Ripperda ★ Mindi Pampel Ritchie ★ Lisbeth Rivera ★ Emily P. Roberts ★ Jaime J. Schaub Robles ★ M more than $5 million to support the year. Now that’s dedication. ★ Janyl Tranette Romero ★ Norman J. Rose ★ Megan A. Rose ★ Crystal A. Mellen Rosenberg ★ John A. Rosene ★ Laura M. Rosene ★ Christina L. Rosier ★ A construction of the Art ★ Gina J. Salamo Ruffolo ★ James A.T. Ruml ★ Susan R. Runyon-Davis ★ Elinore Boehm Rupp ★ Michael C. Russell ★ Meghan L. Rutledge ★ Whitcomb William B. Rutter Center. Jennifer Frier Sarna ★ Megan E. Elliott Sarver ★ Samuel J. Sarver ★ Tiffany R. Satterfield ★ Audrey R. Savage ★ Jacqueline F. Dehne Scafidi ★ Sarah E. Schantz Peter Schmidt ★ Aimee Petersen Schnabel ★ Kate P. Schneider ★ Aleksandra E. Schriber ★ Hayley H. Schueneman ★ Pamelaa R. Schuller Angela F. Schultz ★ “Joan is probably little more★excited Michelle S. Secunda ★ Scott A. Seeliger ★ Brynn Seibert ★ Melissa A. McMahon Sendra ★ Janet Minerabout Sessions ★ Renata Szczygiel Seward the building than I am. She has★ Linda Sokody S Jared H. Sheppard ★ Lin Shi ★ Adrienne J. Shilton ★ William H. Shomos ★ Mary Beth Erffmeyer Shomos ★ Tina E. Shuey ★ Andrew J. Shule ★ Elizabeth Cockre See a complete list of Star donors at always loved art, and she served on the Sawyer Silver ★ Katie C. Campbell Singer ★ Crystal Arlene Singletary ★ Vincent L. Singleton ★ Stephanie M. Roosa Siuda ★ Lizabeth Fiedorow Sjaastad ★ Eric boards of the★High Museum of Art and ★ Amanda M J. Smith ★ Kara L. Smith ★ Wingo F. Smith ★ Charli E. Smith ★ Callandria Smith Alison K. Snyder-Warwick And the next time N. you see★ Oliver Smith ★ Erik B. Smoy the ★ Museum of Contemporary Art of C. Spaide ★ Ro Sonarikar ★ Stephanie M. Sorensen ★ Georgia Raft Souris ★ Kelly Cadigan Southworth ★ Samuel D. Sowl Susan Seils Spachman ★ Stephen telltale Star on someone’s name tag E. Steele ★ Hannah M. Steele ★ Alana C. Papernik Stein ★ Molly A. Stein ★ Sowparnika D. Srivatsan ★ that Margaret Mae Stanger ★ Christine Reuter Starr ★ Justin Georgia.” She also traveled to Europe ★ Austin S. Stephenson ★ Richard "Bill" Stewart Larry L. Stites ★ Michael J. Stockov ★ Pamela Harrison Johannah Claire Stokes at a Knox event,★consider taking a moment eachStoffel year to★visit museums there. “I’ll★ Michelle Mari Strehlow ★ John E. Stuckel ★ Padraig Fionn Chingwe Sullivan ★ McLeod Jones Sumner ★ Robert James Suntken ★ Matthew Thomas Surprenant ★ Krystle A. admit, that’s not really where my intertoJulian say Sy thanks. Takane ★ Philip J. Tallman ★ Tan ★ Joshua R. Tatro ★ Hannah Bloyd-Peshkin Tatro ★ Courtney Wiles Taylor ★ Susan D. Taylor ★ Melvin E. Taylor ★ lies,” laughs Dick. “I think the★only Thompson ★ Glenna L. Thompson ★ Myra J. Thompson ★ Tracy Taubert Thornton ★ James J. Thorntonest ★ Emma Maxine Thornton-Kolbe Brett W. Tilly ★ Ar time I’ve been to theRose High Museum Torres ★ Joseph J. Tortorelli ★ Benjamin S. Tovrog ★ Gail Wagner Tovrog ★ Giang N. H. Tran ★ Sean Russell Treacy ★ Emily Trevor ★ Graham A. Troyer-Jo Turner ★ Darcy D. Turner ★ Stefanie L. Turner ★ Hajah K Turpin ★ Jeremy J. Ulmer ★ Brian F. Ulwick ★ David Urlakis ★ Sa'Misty A.really, Utley ★ was toR.stock sheet rock. So, theMirella Valdivia ★ ★ Michael Vanlandingham ★ Corey M. Vanskike ★ Carmen I. Vargas Lamas ★ Brady T. Vaughan ★ Samuel J. Veague ★ Kilee Ann Vega ★ Rosanna M. Van Le building’s for Joan as well as for Knox.” E. Voss ★ Carl E. ★ Voss ★ Cynthia J. Moore Waddell ★ Glenn H. Waddell ★ Christina D. Wagner ★ Pamela M. Wagner ★ Nicholas A. Wagner ★ Kyle R. Wale ★ Gary K. Wanke ★ Stephen B. Warner ★ Leslie Joanna Goudie Warner ★ Mary E. Warner ★ Mirelle N. Warouw ★ Nicole T. Warren ★ Anna Mae Normandin W Weaver ★ Malissa Kent Webber ★ George Alex Weigel ★ Laura J. Weiss ★ Ryan Patrick Weitendorf ★ Mariola Dobersztyn Weithers ★ Ronald D. Weitzel ★ Em ★ G. W. Weyerhaeuser ★ Logan H. Wharton ★ Dorothy Thomas Wharton ★ Sylvia Davidson Wheetman ★ Emily M. Whelchel ★ Joan Whitney Whitcomb ★ Ric ★ Monica Jaehee Wichmann ★ Michael W. Widmeier ★ Caleb J. Wiedner ★ Kelly E. Wiggen ★ Micah Orrin Wilger ★ Margaret M. Willer ★ Elizabeth Rohol W Karen Russell Wipper ★ Michael A. Wipper ★ Amelia J. Wisehart ★ Margaret Konzo Wolf ★ Jennifer M. Wolf ★ Ashley M. Wolfgang ★ Melissa N. Wollmer ★ 8 K★ NOXCassandra MAGAZINE Spring 2018 ★ Chuyang Xu ★ Jonathan W. Yates ★ Jonathan Michael Yeoh ★ Tristan J. Yi ★ Mark E. Yoder ★ Sojung Yoo ★ Abiga Bagot Wunnicke C. Wylie Anne Zarnoti ★ Gerald E. Zavorka ★ Creal C. Zearing ★ Danielle Marie Zepeda ★ Joy E. Thiel Ziegler ★ Geoffrey N. Ziegler ★ Amanda Weimer Ziehm ★ Mark


an R. Griffith ★ Jennifer L. Grindstaff ★ Jose Angel Guevara ★ Janet Gulbis ★ Kathleen G. Gullion ★ Christopher M. Gunderson ★ Joshua M. Gunter ★ Lance Haley ★ Miranda June Hallmark ★ Nancy Gallagher Hamel ★ Kyle Austin Hammock ★ David Han ★ Lonna E. Haley Hancock ★ Kathleen R. McCabe Hanson uel W. Hart ★ Liam P. Harty ★ Katharine R. Haslem ★ Emily M. Hastings ★ James E. Hauffe ★ Amy B. Wanggaard Hausmann ★ Stephanie C. Hawes ★ Tariq mann ★ Leah E. Heister ★ Susan Burns Hellberg ★ Kyle Jeffrey Heller ★ Lynn A. Hellwig ★ Caitlin M. Hemby ★ Lee D. Henderson ★ Mary Reindl Henderson ★ athan C. Hewelt ★ A. John Heyer ★ Jane J. Hibbs-Magruder ★ Edward W. Hieronymus ★ Vicki Webster Hieronymus ★ Courtney C. Hill ★ Saige Lynn Hillier ★ n ★ Devin M. Hogan ★ Mary E. Hogarty ★ Shelby N. Holdener ★ B. J. Hollars ★ Jack E. Holmes ★ Heather J. Holmquest ★ Barbara Baird Holowka ★ Erin R. orn ★ Mary Grace Houlihan ★ Jeffrey J. Howard ★ Katie L. Megli Howard ★ Chelsey Christine Howard ★ Justin E. Hoye ★ Helen M. Hoyt ★ Daniel J. Hrozencik trina J. Hutton ★ John S. Hyatt ★ Kristine S. Ilagan ★ Adam M. Iona ★ Emily C. Ioppolo ★ Holly Engelhart ★ Andrew T. Isaacson ★ Vickie Miyashita 6.Isaacson AN INSIDER’S Kimberly A. Jansen ★ Thomas G. Jaros ★ Tara E. Jarvie ★ Samuel P. L. Jarvis ★ V. Jayasinghe ArachchilagePERSPECTIVE ★ Emily E. Jensen ★ON EricaSTARS Skog Jessen ★ Jennifer A. Christopher R. Johnson ★ Jessica L. Johnson ★ Daniel Robert Johnson ★ Elizabeth Woodyard Johnson ★ Brya K. Johnson ★ Mark K. Johnston ★ Lloy Brodnicki Mel Karajic Arney held a variety of titles chen ★ Robert4.Z. FOUR Kamerer ALUMNI ★ Karen E. Kampwirth ★ Mary Szopinski Kannawin ★ Meagan L. Kapes ★ Almira ★ Edward A. Karr ★ Nirupa A. Kartha ★ WHO WILL during her 26 years at Knox, but Kelahan ★ Conan L. Kelly ★ Allison M. Kelly ★ Alex W. Kemmsies ★ Olivia Simone Keneipp ★ Ryan Patrick Kennedy ★ Jazmine D. Kenny ★ the Joseph D. Kerley ★ GO TO ANY LENGTH TO Kim ★ Nina L. Neitzke Kindelin ★ Darren W. King ★ Caroline Scliffet King ★ Emma Palmer Kirk ★ Shannon M.most Klinealumni ★ J. Terrance Klopcic ★“Star Joseph A. Knutson one know her by is KEEP THEIR STARS Linda Antkowiak Kooper ★ Heather A. Kopec ★ Caleb C. Kotz ★ Bruce H. Kovanen ★ Anthony Kowal ★ Keeper Sterling of P. Kowalski ★ Joseph L. Kozlowicz Knox College.” It’s how she ★ Dorothy 5. THREE PEOPLE WHO LOYALIST Jill A. KrippelTHE ★ Hansini Krishna ★ Brian G. Krivsky ★ Kelley P. Kruger ★ Georgine M. Kryda ★ Zoe Y.S. Kudla ★ Aparna Kumar ★ Gregory J. Kupsky ★ Thomas used to sign her reminders letting GAVE THEIR STARS ★ Nicolette M.“Even Laird though ★ Mrudula Raograduate Lal ★ Laurie Lam UP ★ Rachel Marie Landman ★ Barbara Miner Landon ★ Kellie Monroe Lane ★ Michael P.A. I didK.not fromFitzpatrick people know their Star status was in (BUT STILL LOVE KNOX hia Morse Latta ★ Amy J. Lawin ★ Cammi Knox (I got my degree fromHeimann a collegeLawrence ★ Drew E. Lawrence ★ Zachary E. Lawrence ★ Ngan Kim Le ★ Anna M. Leahy ★ Brigid F. Leahy COLLEGE) danger ★ of Gregory lapsing. B. Not that she’d let Cheryl L. Lefler ★ Brittany N. Leggans ★ Elizabeth Beadle Legue ★ Robyn Victoria Lehner ★ Andrea A. Leibach Leibach ★ Meghan K. Leiseberg in Texas), it has always had a special s ★ Meizhizi Li ★ Tevin Liao ★ Matthew R. Lichty ★ Helen H. Drysdale Lillard ★ Kevin A. Lillie ★ Cameron L. Lilly ★ Yun R. Lin ★ Alexander M. Lindsay ★ J. A. any Star go without a fight. Every year A lot of people graduate as Star donors, place in my heart. I have lived inE.Texas Robert M. Long ★ Amanda K. Look ★ Hillary Loomis ★ Ronald F. Lord ★ Sarah Elizabeth Lottman ★ Olivia M. Louko ★ Timothy E. Lovett ★ Paige Anderson on June 30, the last day of the fiscal but many don’t keep their status longer for more than 40 F.years now and Eiszner MacDonald ★ James J. Lynch ★ Mackenzie Lynch ★ Janet ★ James H. MacDonald ★ Lou Ann Reichle Mack ★ Karen Lutgens MacKenzie ★ Morgan year, she’d arrive at work with a pile of a single year. Others will★keep om ★ Hannahconsider E. SherryitMalley ★ Elizabeth Hannah ★ Jessica Adelman Mandel Elizabeth M. Mandel-Bausch ★ Madhuri S. Mansukhani ★ Laura J. my home, but I still have Malonethan $1 If a Star donor Kenyon had donated for a year or two—but then ★ Karina bills. ★ Victoria Beth Martin ★ Chip ★ Michael giving C.F. Martinez ★ Zuleyma A. Martinez Martinez ★ Cynthia Marty ★ Elizabeth S. fond memories of Martin-Chaffee Illinois and Knox.” in years past, she’d S. donate a ★ Kenneth J. zek ★ Andrew J. Mauck ★ Diane R. Mayer ★ Franzesca M. something Mayer ★ Julia M. Wilson McAllister ★ Rose L.regularly Dunphy McAndrew ★ Peter McAvoy happens. We asked a few —June Dodd Edwards ’57 ire ★ Emily E. McKendry-Smith ★ Eden McKissick-Hawley ★recently Cassie L.lapsed McLaughlin ★ Spencer G. McNeil ★ Elizabeth A. McPhail ★ Elizabeth A. McRill ★ Marisa dollar on their behalf, then send a note Stars what had changed ★ Holden R. Meier ★ Lisa Ptasienski Meinert ★ Eric D. Meling ★ Klara Mendrisova ★ Kristina Marie Mengis ★ Dean J. Mento ★ Aisha M. Mergaert ★ Stephen letting them know she’d bought them a for them. (Note: We’re sharing their CHANGEMAKER nabe Miguel ★THE David P.C. Mika ★ Christopher M. Miles ★ Dawn N. Thorndyke Miles ★ Jennifer L. Milius ★ Stacie S. Miller ★ Kristin L. Miller ★ Ai J. Miller ★ second chance.3 comments anonymously, because it’s ★ Caitlin iura ★ Matthew Robert in Moe ★ Adam Moeser ★ Erin M. Vorenkamp Moeser ★ Joseph T. Mohan O. Moloney ★ Rosemary Oziohu Momoh ★ Lynne “I believe putting my E. money where “The thing about Kelley Stars, Moses they weren’t not our ★ intention to publicly admonish A. Morgan ★ Kenji A. Mori Ellaif Major Morin ★ Naomi Jamie Morrell ★ Sarah Elizabeth Mortensen ★ Colleen ★ Donald E. Moyer my mouth is,★and I believe in this in- Morishita the biggest donors, but, over the years, Murphy ★ Sasha A. Murphy ★ Theresa Marie Murphy ★ Laura M. Myers ★ Marisa Nachman ★ Christopher A. Najim ★ Zachary P. Narus ★ William Henry anyone who chooses not give.) stitution and if I believe in the strength E. Neilan ★ Dale A. Nelson ★ Carol J. Nelson Nelson ★ Jennifer C. Foster Nelson ★ Christopher I. Nelsonwe ★ got Evelyn M. Decherd Nelson ★ Morgan L. B. Nelson to know them as well as, and of alumni giving,Koenig then INordling need to lead by nie Nicole Nikitenko ★ Jamie ★ Samantha Nordstedt ★ Charles R. Norgle ★ Anna Novikova ★ Cara M. Novy ★ Melati Nungsari ★ Erik D. THE GRADUATE STUDENT sometimes better than, we knew the example and I need to show my class★ Michael E. O’Connell ★ Barbara J. Kupperman O’Connor “I ★ had Nichole Linsky O’Donnell ★ Michael B. Oelkers ★ Christine U. Oettinger ★ Eleanor K. Ognacevic a lot of other personal expenses. people who made large gifts. We knew N. Oppermanmates ★ Dennis C. Ortman ★ Mary that it’s meaningful to beA.aBohaty Osborne ★ Maricruz A. Osorio ★ Carly L. Oto ★ O. James Owen ★ Christian A. Padilla ★ Joseph A. M. I was working for AmeriCorps, got when they had moved or were overseas asha N. P. Pamenter ★ Carolyn Swartz ★ Jennifer Larsen Park ★ Carol Romsa Parke ★ Coltan G. Parker ★ Timothy E. Parmenter ★ Jodi Graves Patek donor,Paris and even though we’rePark young, married in the summer, and most of or were getting Samantha J. Pelkey-Flock ★ Carmen B. van Roon Pence ★ Allan S. Penwell ★ Liesl A. Pereira ★ Gayle C. Holverson Perez ★married.” Carin J. Perilloux ★ Donald P. Perry even though we may not have deep financesLillian went into semary Pappas Petroll ★ Christina M. Pfaff ★ Linda L. Phanour ★ Madison Pierroplanning ★ Sylviaour MesserklingerAPiggott ★ George Pitsoulakis ★ Steuart particular favorite of hers was Talal L. Pittman pockets, we ★ canKathryn still make change.” oland ★ Brandon E. Polite M. Koca Polite ★ Nikolaos T. Polizos Andrew J. Polk Irene PonceJabari ★ Esai Guadalupe Ponce ★ Roberta wedding. And ★ then shortly after★our ’99. One year, the filmmaker, Schlick Poor ★ —Tim★Schmeling s ★ Emily A. Powers ★ Tanika Pradhan Mitch Ryan’11 Prentice ★ Jennifer L. Garson Preston ★ Monica R. Prince ★ Allison Florence Pritzl ★ Mary E. Purrazzo ★ wedding, I started graduate school.” living in Palestine, was unable to get his ch Rancich ★ Yi Rao ★ Crystal J. Reeves ★ Krista M. Reeves ★ Megan L. Rehberg ★ Gail Dietrich Rehfeldt ★ Maren J. Reisch ★ Samuel A. Reiss ★ Donna Scott contribution to the United States hardson ★ Helen Richmond ★ Haley Elizabeth Richter ★ Jonathan C. Riemitis ★ Sally K. Rigler ★ Malinda Heerwagen Riley ★ Jennifer C. Ripka ★ Amanda THEM. TEAM PLAYER THE NEWLY SELF-SUFFICIENT because his town was under bombardMeghan E. Rockwood Roby ★ Joseph E. Roby ★ Ashaunti Capri Roby ★ Erin Roche ★ James C. Rodd ★ Laura A. Rogers ★ Paloma Romero ★ Kristal A. Romero “I came to Knox to play basketball in of my ★ parents’ and ★ment Angela J. Rossman ★ Callie Jane Rouse ★ Duncan M. Rowles“I★moved Staceyout S. Rucker Judith house Wey Rudman Alisonand C. Rudy ★ Patricia Ruffolo ★ Michael S. mail service wasCraig unreliable for Tim and one ★ Martin1985 D. Salazar ★ Heimann Michael C.’70, Sales ★IShannon M.into Sampedro ★ Jessica M. Sandoval ★ Daniel C. Sands ★ Noah J. Sandstrom ★ James Saranteas ★ my own apartment and giving to (Knox didn’t yet accept online donaenjoyed my career. Pratt I think it’s impor- ★ Thomas D. Scheiding ★ Sharon L. Schillereff ★ Timothy R. Schmeling ★ Ashley Nicole Schmidt ★ Jeremy ★ Helen M. Scharber ★ Martha Scharfenberg the alma mater dropped in priority. tions). “He emailed me and said, ‘Please ★ David A. Schulz C. athlete, Schwartz ★ Kathleen tant,★asVirginia a former that we feel A. Schwartz ★ Andrew C. Schwartz ★ Karen Fauth Schwenk ★ Carolyn Long Scott ★ Gerald J. Sebesta ★ Additionally, I felt that if I couldn’t please me keep my I.Star.’ I put Seybold ★ Gwyneth L. Seymour ★ Ashish ★ Jennifer Firth Sharrock ★ Andrew M. Sheehan ★ Ashlee HeinzletSheely ★ Kurt Sheffer ★ aJulia F. Shenkar ★ like we’re teammates to the Shah current make a substantial donation, then I dollar in, later, ell Shule ★ Marnie C. Shure ★ Amanda M. Sicoli ★ J. Keegan Siebken ★ David I. Sierpina ★ Caroline A. Sietmann ★and Ian aE.couple Silanderof★weeks William H. Silver ★ Karen student-athletes.” shouldn’t one at all.”2 ★ Francis M. Small c C. Sjoding ★ Chase C. Skarda ★ Madeleine L. Skypala ★ Priscilla A.make Wilkins Slaughter Terence arrived. L. Smith I★always Charles F. Smith ★ Elizabeth his★ donation told Anderson ’89 Putri Soemardi ★ Scott A. Soloway ★ Steven K. Sommers ★ Jo Strehle Sommers ★ Kalyani Rajendra M. Smith Sodomka ★ Elizabeth P.—David Soehngen ★ Radiandra people, if Talal can make his gift from a obert J. Sparks ★ Andrew Neal Sparrow ★ Teresa S. LazarzTHE Spicer ★ Michael J. SpiresWITH ★ Wendy C. Spizzirri ★ Nadia Kneale Spock ★ Sophia Irene Spooner ★ PHILANTHROPIST war zone, then you can make your gift, ★ Tyler R. Steinemann ★ Bruce G.W. Steinke ★ Sarah D. Van Niewaal Steinke ★ Katiannah T. S. Stemple ★ Jane Bergquist Stephenson ★ Zachary L. Stephenson THE PERFECTIONIST CONFLICTING PRIORITIES too!” ie Stomberski “The ★ Gary B. isn’t Stonereally ★ Susanna L. Stone Star anything. It ★ Randi K. Stouffer ★ Jordan A. Stoune ★ Dannielle C. Grant Strassner ★ Jerremy J. Strassner ★ Julia M. “Right now, all my extra funds are Though Mel retiredTakahashi from Knox in Susmani ★ Kathryn A. Sutcliffe ★ Ryan A. Switzer ★ Jacqueline D. Symonds ★ Rachel M. Sypniewski ★ Kyle C. Szuta ★ Eishin ★ Yvonne I. Ramirez doesn’t come with any benefits or perks going toTemple support emergency homeless Anthony J. Tedeschi ★ Ingrid Malm Temple ★ Samantha Claypool ★ Christopher M. Ternes ★ Brooke T. Tetzlaff ★ Catherine Thompson ★ Benjamin J. early 2015, the tradition of buying like United Airlines lounge★ memberrianna L. Timko ★aMatthew S. Timmerberg Juliana Tioanda ★ Laurel A. city Tippe ★ Riya Tiwari ★ Jasmin second M. Tomlins ★ Alanna M. donors Toomeycontin★ Clara Getsemani shelters in the where I live.” chances for Star ship or anything likeC.that. But★honestly, oy ★ Vakhtang Tsereteli ★ Ariana Tuckey Erica L. Stringfellow Tully ★ Kimberly Black Turnbull ★ Jeffrey R. Turnbull ★ Lindsey Bantel Turnbull ★ Donald A. ues within the Office of Advancement. ★ Rose M. VanI Grinsven ★ Paula van Roon ★ Fabio2This A. van Roon ★ Kimberly D. Van Winkle-Spires ★ David K. Vanderberg ★ Kimberly A. VanderSchaaf have it, and I just Dieterich want to keep seeing bears repeating: Any gift to Knox—even a ear Velat ★ Alan Vestnext ★ Todd” Volker ★ Chloe Isabella Vollenweider ★ Keith P. Vollmar ★ Edward A. Vondrak ★ Mary Alice Soeldner Vondrak ★ Marianne 3 to my single dollar—will not only maintain Star status, but To keep their Star, second-chancers have to make two enga ★ Peter A. Walker ★ James R. Wall ★ Max Byron Wallace ★ Gretchen E. Walljasper ★ Xiong Wang ★ H. Craig Wanggaard ★ Janice Hasper Wanggaard will also be deeply appreciated. —Graham Troyer-Joy ’08 gifts before the end of the next fiscal year. Watson ★ Paula Ramsbotham Watson ★ Craig E. Watson ★ Lisa Poor Watson ★ Keith L. Watson ★ Amy L. Watts ★ Catlin Nicole Watts ★ Kathryn A. Lambert mma L. Weitzel ★ Kameron C. Wells ★ Adam R. Wende ★ Julie C. Wertheimer ★ Erick M. West ★ Benjamin C. Wetherbee ★ Ned Wetmore ★ Jill Thiele Wetmore chard A. Whitcomb ★ Tammy L. White ★ Katie D. White ★ James A. Whitehill ★ Andrew L. Whitehill ★ Allison Lauren Whitehill ★ Katarina Teresa Whittenburg Williams ★ Brian S. Williams ★ Sara A. Lindstrom Williams ★ Eric C. Wilson ★ Kristina M. Neal Wilson ★ Robert A. 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Busting Myths about Higher Education BY MEGAN SCOTT ’96



“Student debt is out of control.” “Unemployment rates for college graduates are high.” “College is not worth the money.”

Average Annual Percentage Increase in Net Price at Private, Nonprofit College by decade*

It’s not a myth that faith in higher education is on the decline, but the headlines (like the ones above) we read in the newspaper or see on social media are just that—headlines. Many are based upon extreme cases and not reflective of the experience of the vast majority of college graduates. So how do we know what’s a myth and what’s real? Knox Magazine set out to take on a few of the headlines—or bust a few of the common myths— about higher education to help us all better understand why a college degree is still worthy of pursuit.





2.00% 1982-1992



MYTH: College is too expensive.

*Adjusted for inflation

FACT: College is expensive, but schools work hard to defray the costs.

Tuition, room, and board can add up quickly, particularly if you attend a private school, where the sticker price can exceed $50,000 per year. Even in-state tuition at many public colleges and universities is upwards of $20,000 per year. A college education does cost more today than it did a decade ago, but when you account for inflation, the growth in tuition, room, and board is not accelerating. At Knox, the increase in net price (tuition, board, and fees) has mirrored inflation over the last decade. Further, the vast majority of students who attend college do not pay the sticker price, thanks to scholarships, federal financial aid, and institutional aid. The average price for a college education is $16,164 per year; at Knox, that average price is $20,804, and 98 percent of our students receive some form of aid, whether that be financial aid or merit scholarships. Sources: College Scorecard, IPEDS, The College Board: Trends in College Pricing 2016




Knox is

in the nation among liberal arts colleges for operational efficiency

MYTH: Colleges spend too much money on fancy residence halls and climbing walls. FACT: Yes, some do, but most do not.

As the competition for students has risen among colleges and universities, climbing walls, lazy rivers, and other amenities are now found on some college and university campuses as a means to make their schools more attractive to prospective students. The additions to campus aren’t always paid for by tuition; for example, Louisiana State University covered the cost of its new recreation center, which includes a lazy river, with student fees. But a large number of college and university campuses haven’t entered into what some call the new “arms race,” either because they choose not to or face budgetary or other constraints don’t allow for such amenities. In fact, once you start to read the stories that highlight these amenities, you’ll find that these may be more of an exception than a rule. At Knox, we are mission-driven in all that we do and have worked diligently to control costs so that our tuition dollars are used to support the core inputs of a liberal arts education— high-quality faculty and staff who are dedicated to undergraduates, small class sizes, modern scientific equipment and instructional technology, and opportunities for students to put their education to practice outside the classroom.

MYTH: Students are drowning in debt. FACT: The average debt level of a bachelor’s degree recipient is equivalent to the average price of a new car.

We’ve all read the stories about students graduating from college with burdensome amounts of debt, sometimes topping $100,000. While it is true that college debt has grown over the last decade, the extreme stories you read about in the news are just that: extreme. In 2014, only 4 percent of all borrowers owed $100,000 or more in student debt, and the vast majority of large debt is incurred at the graduate level or at for-profit educational institutions. The average debt incurred by a Knox graduate is $27,000, below the national average of $30,000, and 72 percent of Knox graduates start to repay their loans within three years, compared to the national average of 48 percent. While we recognize that $27,000 of debt is substantial, here’s another way to think about it: Many of us don’t blink an eye at incurring a car loan of $30,000, and you’ll only own a car for roughly a decade, give or take a few years; your education will last you a lifetime.


Average Car Loan in 2016


Average Knox Debt 2016

Sources: Chronicle of Higher Education, U.S. News & World Report



Sources: Council for Independent Colleges, College Scorecard,,

MYTH: A bachelor’s degree isn’t worth the investment. FACT: A bachelor’s degree is one of the most important—and beneficial—investments you can make.


Knox is one of the top 50 private colleges where alumni feel they got a great return on their investment.

The sentiment that the expense of attaining a four-year degree, particularly at a private school, isn’t worth the outcome is certainly growing. But we need to remember that a college degree has benefits that last a lifetime. According to a report by The College Board, college graduates also earn roughly 73 percent more than high school graduates—and those with advanced degrees earn two to three times as much as high school graduates. On average, college graduates earn $1 million more over their lifetimes than high school graduates. A recent study by the Brookings Institution further shows that college graduates ultimately lead healthier, longer lives. So while the cost of a bachelor’s degree is not inconsequential, the benefits that graduates realize over their lifetimes are well worth the initial investment. Sources: Chronicle of Higher Education, College Scorecard, College Board

MYTH: Liberal arts graduates aren’t desirable employees in today’s marketplace.

FACT: Liberal arts graduates are highly desired by employers.

While it may seem counterintuitive that a broad-based education may be more beneficial than a skills-based one, it’s true. The core outcomes of a liberal arts education—the ability to think critically and creatively, work collaboratively, communicate clearly, adapt to new technologies, and navigate today’s global economy—are not only desired by today’s top employers, but also provide students with the skills they need to adapt to an ever-changing world. Today’s graduates may have two or more different career trajectories during their lifetime, which makes a broad-based education even more beneficial. Companies in the tech industry aren’t shy about the benefits of a liberal arts degree—Google often touts its appreciation for employees who can think creatively and adapt to evolving technologies, and Microsoft president Brad Smith and EVP of AI and research Harry Shum wrote in their new book, The Future Computed, that lessons from liberal arts will be critical to unleashing the full potential of AI. We hear this exact sentiment from employers who hire Knox graduates on a regular basis. Take Epic Systems, whose human resources recruiter says, “Epic values the well-rounded liberal arts education students receive at Knox College and actively recruits students majoring in everything from classics to computer science.”


of employers think students should acquire a liberal arts education

Sources: Council for Independent Colleges, Knox College Bastian Family Center for Career Services, microsoft-president-says-tech-needs-liberalarts-majors-2018-1



Tellin’ It Like It Is:

A.B.L.E. at 50


The sentence “Knox College was founded by anti-slavery activists” or some variation thereof is now repeated so often in telling the history of the College, it gives the illusion that the race issue was settled on day one, and we’ve been continually progressing ever since. But continuous progress has not been the experience of Knox’s African-American students, then or now. In 1868, Knox’s first Black graduate, African native Barnabus Root, wrote that “the feeling of prejudice is almost universal in this country.” One hundred years later, in 1968–69, it was a convenient, comforting narrative of progress that African-American students challenged when they created A.B.L.E.—Allied Blacks for Liberty and Equality. Shortly after that critical year, the College’s Admission office produced a brochure written by the students who founded A.B.L.E. They wrote: “If you’re a Black student who is interested in Knox College, we’re the ones who can tell you what it’s like. We are simply ‘Tellin’ It Like It Is.’” In celebrating and chronicling A.B.L.E., tagged by an alumnus interviewed here as one of the most important student organizations in the history of the College, Knox Magazine interviewed about a dozen A.B.L.E. alumni and students from various generations, who could tell it like it was and is.

Editor’s note: All interviews here have been edited for length and clarity. Extended versions of these interviews, as well as others that could not be included due to space limitations, including videos with A.B.L.E.’s current co-presidents, are posted on





Although open to African-American students, for most of its history Knox enrolled few, if any, in a given year. Charles Hopkins, a 1902 graduate, was the first AfricanAmerican graduate since Barnabus Root more than 30 years earlier.

Galesburg’s Public Square hosts a rally for the U.S. presidential campaign of segregationist George Wallace. Knox students protested at the rally and held anti-Wallace rallies on campus.



CULTURE SHOCK Knox College prides itself on having one of the first Black graduates in Illinois. But African-American students at Knox have always found themselves in the minority and not always welcome. If I live to be 100, I’ll never forget August of 1968. I’m in a freshman orientation group, probably 100 people, talking about race. A girl at highly prestigious Knox College stands up and says that for years and years she thought all Blacks had tails. That really shocked me. I respect [her honesty about her opinions] but I don’t understand it. [That student had] just never come in contact with any diversity whatsoever. —Dan Taylor ’72 I came from an environment that was almost 99 percent African American. Then, when you go to Knox, it’s the complete opposite. You had students from other countries, but in terms of American diversity, there was relatively little in that regard. And there were some pretty wide economic disparities. You had some very wealthy people who went to Knox. It was the first time I was exposed to that level of wealth. —Robert Johnson ’90

I remember a party at [my fraternity] FIJI and someone said “there’s too many n----s here.” And we fought, obviously. People said, “Oh he’s just making a joke.” That’s not a joke. That’s not something we’re going to let stand. No. —Jordan Lanfair ’11 Knox College is a great place. But, when I was there, it was better for some than others. Every student of color came to Knox so that they could get a great education. They felt that they were sacrificing some things socially, but it was worth it, to get this awesome education. How do we make sure that the total Knox experience is a great one for all students on campus? —Bernard McCune ’88 When the movie Boyz in the Hood came out—early ’90s, South Central LA, gang violence—I had a white guy on campus tell me, “I didn’t know you had it like that.” My reaction was, “Like what? I didn’t grow up in that type of environment.” There was this perception that you were poor, from the ghetto, and only got in because of affirmative action. Always having to be the Black voice in class, any time there was a racial component, as the Black person in the classroom, I had to speak to it. —Esther Wilson ’99

FOUNDING OF A.B.L.E. On February 11, 1969, AfricanAmerican students walked into Old Main, confronted President Sharvy Umbeck and two deans, and read out a statement: “Knox has failed through the years to provide adequate academic and social accommodations for Black students . . . A.B.L.E. has taken the problem in its own hands and has decided that our suggestions and demands should be followed despite the opposing views of our white colleagues.” The emotional and mental state that we were in that year, there were a lot of things going on in the country—the Civil Rights movement, the Black Panthers. When Dr. King was shot, it was heartbreaking. We had nothing that we could identify with culturally at Knox College. We needed a place to go, and we needed a voice. When I went home at the end of the year, I had a whole change of mind. I came back in the fall of ’68 with an Afro and thinking “something’s gotta change.” —Jeanne Franks ’71

1969 May: Dick Gregory, also a candidate for U.S. president, speaks at Knox: “Good evening. How do you say ‘It’s a pleasure to be in Galesburg.’ I’ve been practicing it, but it won’t come out…”

Fall: A.B.L.E. is founded. “One of the main objectives of A.B.L.E. is to make life at Knox College more relevant to Black students.”

On February 11, 1969, A.B.L.E. students confront President Sharvy Umbeck and present 10 demands. An administration news release praises the thoroughness of the document. The College’s response is covered by media, including the Peoria Journal Star.



When I was on campus [in 2016], people asked me, “What was it like being a founder of A.B.L.E.?” I was not a founder of A.B.L.E. by any stretch of the imagination. In 1968, I was just a freshman coming into Knox, one of only three African-American freshmen that year. The groundwork had been set for A.B.L.E. by the Black students that we already had on campus. Alfreda Dortch ’69 (I would give her a lot of credit), Yvonne Brown ’70, another upperclassman, and Pat Ware ’70—they set the groundwork. —Dan Taylor ’72 I remember walking into the president’s office and making the demands. We were afraid, but also confident that we were going to do this. We all dressed in black and walked into President Umbeck’s office, stood in a circle. One of us read the demands, and, as I recall, we walked out. President Umbeck turned so red that I thought, “Oh my God, I hope this man is not going to have a heart attack and die, right here while we’re handing him these demands!” It was one of the moments in my life that I’ll never forget. —Jeanne Franks ’71

The first A.B.L.E. House opened in 1969 at 362 S. Academy, shown here in 1973.

HOUSE & HOME Spanning generations of students, A.B.L.E. has had a wide vision for “The House,” as the Black Cultural Center was called: In the early ’70s, A.B.L.E. students described it as a “gathering place . . . study center . . . library . . . a common place where Blacks can come and feel comfortable.” In 50 years, that hasn’t changed. A.B.L.E. House was a home away from home that allowed AfricanAmerican students like myself to let down our hair; conduct our own meetings; play our own music; sing and dance at our own parties; cook our own foods; laugh at our own jokes; and speak in our own voices as we carved out an oasis within what the late Lu Palmer (former ACM Urban Studies Professor) termed “a sea of whiteness.” We shaped our own majority space at “The House” and allowed others to

enter as respected minorities who had to adjust to a different set of prevailing norms. —Eric Z. Williams ’85 My experiences in the A.B.L.E. Cultural Center were phenomenal, because of the love that Dr. Fred Hord [professor and chair of Africana Studies and founder of the Association for Black Culture Centers] provided to us students. My all-time favorite experience at the A.B.L.E. Cultural Center involved


Spring: In the wake of A.B.L.E.’s demands, its posters are vandalized. A black flag is mounted on the brick tower between Old Main and Alumni Hall.



The Admission Office publishes a brochure, “Tellin It Like It Is,” written by A.B.L.E. students. The brochure says Knox is working to hire Black faculty.

1970s Knox’s first Black faculty are hired—Karl Helms and Phyllis Bracey-Helms. He teaches sociology from 1969 to 1976; she teaches English from 1969 to 1979.

February 1970: The first Black Kaleidoscope—a student talent show— is held.

the years when the male students cooked three-course meals for the female students (and vice versa). —Norman Golar ’02 I went to A.B.L.E. House to study. There were also times that less pleasant things happened, and we gravitated toward the house as a safe haven. When Mike Brown was killed [by police in Ferguson, Missouri], the house was a place to air our frustrations that Black people keep getting killed by the police in this country. Another big rally point was when Ariyana Smith ’16 protested on the basketball court [at a Knox game being played near Ferguson]. I was the house monitor at the time, and she was my resident. When Tundun Lawani ’14 was killed [in a 2012 traffic accident], in addition to her sorority sisters, black and brown students were really grieving hard. The first place I wanted to go was to the A.B.L.E. House, because that was the place on campus where I felt safest, the most at home. —Kathryn Todd ’15 Among my responsibilities when I returned to work at Knox in the 1990s was to serve as the director of the renamed A.B.L.E. Center For Black Culture. I worked with A.B.L.E. officers, student leaders, and faculty/staff to build the new

house’s library, cultural artifacts, and programming. We launched outreach efforts like the Umoja Community Gospel Choir with Jesse Dixon ’89, the A.B.L.E./Knox Math Club Tutorial Program with Jameta May ’97, African Storytelling and Poetry Workshops with Fred Hord, a Community Kwanzaa Celebration, and other cultural events. —Eric Z. Williams ’85 We are a safe space for all students, not just Black-identifying students, who want to talk about Black culture, celebrate Black culture. We’re not just talking about issues and leaving depressed. Yesterday, we sat and colored and talked about Black talent. We’re open for campus, a space you can feel comfortable in. —Naja Woods ’18 I remember something really simple. We got everyone together and made dinner. I remember one with Maurice McDavid ’10, Christian Mahone ’11, some underclass students. We hung out and laughed and complained. That is something that’s small, but it’s not. There were nights where I had a really bad class, defending my blackness or my perspective or my history. And if I didn’t get a space where I could just let it out, I’d explode. I could go over to the house and not have to carry that. That’s what I remember the most. —Jordan Lanfair ’11

1973: A.B.L.E. members gather in Founders Lounge in Seymour Union for an iconic, oft-reprinted group photo.

1976: A.B.L.E. members on the front steps of A.B.L.E. House.

ORGANIZING ISSUES, DEMANDS Even after the solidification of A.B.L.E. House, significant increases in both African-American enrollment and employment, and the creation of the Africana Studies Program with two dozen courses, A.B.L.E. students and alumni feel that nothing has come easily. One of A.B.L.E.’s roles on campus is an advocate, when things are not as they should be. One of the things that I recall vividly was that there were not many books in the library by Black authors. This was before the internet, and the library was our connection to the world. We weren’t asking for stuff that was not in step with what the College should have been doing. —Robert Johnson ’90 During my senior year, our leadership called for a meeting with then-President John McCall. We challenged him to do more to diversify the faculty and administrative staff. We not only increased and diversified AfricanAmerican student enrollment but, eventually, forged the creation of an Office of Minority Affairs and a Black Studies Program. —Eric Z. Williams ’85 We were interested in what most students of minority descent tackled in that region of the United States—we didn’t want to be viewed as “invisible:” we wanted to have a say in student

1978: The Black Alumni Association of Knox College is founded by alumni living in the Chicago area. Its expressed goal places support for current students on equal footing with alumni gatherings.



activities and that our voices would receive as much attention as the voices of other students. Off campus, we wanted to assist in “nurturing” African-American youth around Galesburg. We found ourselves inviting high school guys to campus for basketball scrimmages, inviting the youth to Knox football games where we would facepaint, and populating other student organizations that maintained afterschool programs. —Norman Golar ’02 When it comes to activism, everybody’s on a different level. That’s what I like about A.B.L.E.—we have a wide range of opportunities to participate. Our daily meetings—I see that as activism, the fact that we are having a dialogue. Some people want to know more about Black students and their experiences but don’t have the opportunity to do that. And, of course, this year is A.B.L.E.’s 50th anniversary, and we’re hosting events where we’re able to talk about the Black experience. —Nikyra Washington ’20 When students took over the faculty meeting in 1988, [that showed us the importance of activism]. And Dr. Fred Hord and the Black Studies program came on campus as a result of activism. We saw it in the tragedy that happened this year [at Parkland High School] in Florida. Students have a power and a voice, and you can see that in A.B.L.E.. —Esther Wilson ’99

Members of A.B.L.E. in 1980.

Our biggest issue that we raised [in a 2015 meeting with President Teresa Amott] was that as students, we are the backbone of the college, but we felt mistreated. We talked about the fact that Ariyana [Smith ’16] was suspended from the basketball team for peacefully protesting, and that was unacceptable. We had a die-in at the MLK Convocation, which was on the day of an Open House, and they guided the prospective students away from our protest. We felt like being Black on Knox’s campus, we were made the poster child for the campus, but there was not much reciprocity when it came to resources. —Kathryn Todd ’15 One of the things about the 1960s is that the time, and the school too, promoted students speaking out. Every class, I don’t care what it was, we were debating the issues. So for us to

make demands really fits what Knox College was about. Knox, in a sense, made us awake. We thought, “We’ve got some complaints, but you know what, we can do this, because this is how they do it here at Knox College.” I recognize that the negative parts are what generated those demands. But I think the other side is that Knox and the time also emboldened us. —Jeanne Franks ’71



Sometime prior to 1988… A.B.L.E. students paint three murals in the basement of the original House on South Academy, which has been used for offices and employee housing and is now the chapter house for the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority.

Conversion of A.B.L.E. House to offices is one of the incidents that sparks protest. Demands presented to faculty and President John McCall include a permanent house for A.B.L.E., more Black faculty, a stronger Office of Minority Affairs, and workshops to help faculty “deal with minority students on a one-to-one basis.”



RESULTS, REACTIONS A.B.L.E. alumni were asked to talk about the areas where they felt that A.B.L.E. had succeeded and the areas where they felt the struggle continues. Allied Blacks for Liberty and Equality has stood the test of time. A.B.L.E. was not a fraternity or sorority [with the resources of a national organization behind it]. I think it’s very admirable that the incoming students over the years have kept it going and enhanced it. When the historians look at Knox College, A.B.L.E. will be high on the list of influential organizations. —Dan Taylor ’72 Current African-American students may not realize it, but Knox is much more diverse from the time when only four of us entered as first year students in 1981. There are also tenured African-American faculty members when there were none when I was enrolled. Whether A.B.L.E. members are disrupting faculty meetings, sitting down with the Knox president over lunch to discuss change, or taking over the president’s office, the organization continues to serve as a catalyst for change and inclusion. —Eric Z. Williams ’85

We took over a faculty meeting and presented a list of 10 demands. I felt that we had some immediate effect. One of the big issues was having a permanent A.B.L.E. House that wouldn’t be moved around. We wanted the director of minority affairs to report directly to the president of the College. We wanted targets for increasing African-American enrollment. That’s how Fred Hord got hired and the Black Studies Program was created. We had everyone’s attention, and we wanted to create some structure around it. It was not just “We’re mad,” but “we have something to contribute to an academic perspective.” —Robert Johnson ’90 We were the class when Rick Nahm, the president, made a commitment to A.B.L.E. House as a culture center, and part of that was getting us some decent furniture. That was a great experience, because we had to get a budget, do comparison shopping. Looking back on it now, as a person with a career, I do that type of research on a regular basis, and I first did it at A.B.L.E. —Esther Wilson ’99

I believe the administration heard us, and I believe the student government wanted to make sure that the college experience would involve all students. At the same time, I remember thinking that EVERYBODY could do better/more. Also, it helped that we had many administrative personnel of minority descent, for they understood culturally our concerns. I remember Xavier Romano, Tony Franklin, Daniel Johnson, Sheldon Davis, Cathy Walters and Marjorie Fuller [in the Office of Student Development]. I also recall the influence A.B.L.E. played on Lo Nuestro when the College recognized Casa Latina as a cultural center—this was historic because the organization didn’t have to worry about losing their “house.” —Norman Golar ’02 We sat down with the administration when tuition was raised. I asked if they felt it would be a factor in retaining lower income students. The conversations were all for show and nothing ever came of it. But they were patting themselves on the back for trying. [If you’re a Black student struggling in class,] trying is not enough. Our administration felt that trying is enough, and that’s unfortunate. —Kathryn Todd ’15 I think A.B.L.E. was effective. I’m not sure we were as effective as we wanted to be, because we’re still grappling with some of those same issues. —Bernard McCune ’88


Fred Hord is hired to a joint appointment in English and Black Studies.

A.B.L.E. spends one year in a house on Tompkins before moving to its current location, the A.B.L.E. Center for Black Culture, 168 West Tompkins.

The Association for Black Culture Centers, a national organization founded by Professor Fred Hord, holds its first national conference at Knox. ABCC has grown to more than 50 member institutions and more than 150 affiliates.





African-American alumni have created two organizations—the Black Alumni Association of Knox College (BAAKC) and the Black Alumni Network (BAN). BAAKC has had a Chicago focus, and BAN has taken upon itself a multi-year oral history project featuring video interviews. Both organizations have reached out to current students.

Fifty years on, what's ahead for A.B.L.E., the College, our communities? Students and alumni were asked what they see on A.B.L.E.'s to-do list.

We bring a sense of maturity and our experience of being in the real world and understanding the administration’s point of view, what their mission is, and how that impacts the students. I think students can also see us as models, I would hope positive ones. They can look at us and think, “OK, look where they are, look what kind of people they are, look at their values. Look at what the experience at Knox did for them.” —Jeanne Franks ’71

At Homecoming weekend, I got close to some alumni and they gave me very good feedback. The Black Alumni Network told us how they used to do things. Even though they’ve left, there’s still a lot of things they’d like to see A.B.L.E., and Knox as a campus, do for Black students. —Nikyra Washington ’20 I’m very proud to be a part of BAN. But most Black alumni go through a period where they have to be far away from Knox, before they’re really able to want to make a change. There’s a feeling of not being made a priority, even though we pay tuition like everyone else. It takes time to get past that frustration before we are more likely to come back to campus and give back. So we resort to donating directly to A.B.L.E., to TRIO, to the programs that served us. —Kathryn Todd ’15

One of the reasons I stayed involved was because I wanted to give to students what I had gotten, how I had made it through. Alumni like Alfreda Williams ’69, Chris Chaney ’80, Carl Bibbs ’82, Brenda Butler ’71, Debra Banks ’73 helped me and a number of other students get through. And I got my first job out of college because of an alum, somebody who’s a member of A.B.L.E. That network of support was so important. —Bernard McCune ’88

I think it’s important for alumni to remain engaged. We have to continue reminding the students and administration of the vitality and importance of A.B.L.E. You come to realize, as you get older, that when you’re a student, you may not see the the bigger landscape of A.B.L.E., how it’s important to the campus. Once you leave campus and look back, you realize the role that A.B.L.E. played in your formation. —Esther Wilson ’99

However ambivalent some may feel about our experience as students, we owe a measure of support to those who follow us to campus and to those who are still on campus. It’s not surprising that the most active members of BAN and BAAKC were leading officers of A.B.L.E. as students. —Eric Z. Williams ’85

1990s Following A.B.L.E.’s 1988 demands to faculty and administration, Knox sought to recruit “and retain more African-American faculty and students.


Because of Knox’s reputation, Knox can be a catalyst for change, in the state and nationally. Historically, when you talk about the Abolitionist movement, Knox showed that it has the passion to lead. Students and the college itself should continue to lead. Be not afraid to lead in things that are not popular, but are right. —Bernard McCune ’88 In addition to continuing the push for more diversity and inclusion at Knox, I think that A.B.L.E. should be mentoring African-American students coming behind them, both on and off campus. A community service outreach is a must. —Eric Z. Williams ’85 I think [A.B.L.E.’s role on campus] changes, as the interests of the student body change. It has the potential for advocacy. It also has the potential to lessen the alienation and isolation that Black students have on campus. It has the potential to be a voice in [campus] conversations. A.B.L.E. can serve as a model of an affinity house, to inspire other groups to organize and develop spaces for themselves on campus. —Esther Wilson ’99

2010 African-American Faculty 10

African-American Enrollment 15


7% 6%




1% 0





0 1980





Tianna Cervantez ’06, initially director of multicultural student advisement, is named director of the Center for Intercultural Life; duties include serving as A.B.L.E.’s faculty advisor.

VOICES OF A.B.L.E. January 2015: A.B.L.E. organizes a demonstration in solidarity with Ariyana Smith ’16, holding a die-in outside Harbach Theatre after the annual Martin Luther King Day Convocation.

Working with other groups is really important. There are Afro-Latino students on campus, and A.B.L.E. is seeking to have dialogues about intersecting identities. I’d like to see more collaboration with Harambee. I know a lot of them have said that they don’t experience racism back in Africa. But when you come to America, people see you as Black. —Naja Woods ’18 My senior year, A.B.L.E. left a time capsule in the archives in the library, to be opened in 20 years from 2015, in 2035. There are some very strong letters from students about what was happening on campus at that time. We in A.B.L.E. did it for our A.B.L.E. students of the future. That was the legacy we wanted to leave— that even though we are no longer on campus, there are people out there that care about you, that have been in your shoes and want to be contacted. —Kathryn Todd ’15 When I was in college, I was bright eyed and bushy tailed and thought I could change the world. I hope that today’s generation still feels that

way. There is still a plethora of injustices that they can look at. Whatever your gift, you owe a debt to society for the space that you occupy and the time you’ve been given. Martin Luther King said that life’s most persistent question is what are you doing for others. We often lose sight of that, while we’re pursuing our individual dreams and don’t understand that we are global citizens and are responsible for each other and to each other. —Robert Johnson ’90

Jeanne Franks ’71 is director of marketing for Brook Architecture, Inc, of Chicago and host of “DCB Jazz” on WDCB-FM in Chicago. Dan Taylor ’72 is senior vice president at PNC Bank, Pittsburgh, in charge of 14 regional branch banks and, in 2016, was an inaugural speaker in Knox’s Alumni in Residence program. Eric Z. Williams ’85 served Knox as associate dean for Intercultural Life and is currently a college and career specialist for Chicago Public Schools. Bernard McCune ’88 is chief schools officer for Blue School Partners, an educational philanthropic collaborative in Denver and recipient of a 2010 Knox Service Award. Robert Johnson ’90 is managing partner of The Solomon Group in Chicago, a consulting firm that focuses on business, management, and leadership development. Esther Wilson ’99, a public affairs specialist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is a founding member of BAN and its current president. Norman Golar ’02, is assistant professor and chair of the Department of English at Stillman College and recipient of Knox’s 2012 Young Alumni Achievement Award. Jordan Lanfair ’11 was selected the 2011 Senior Class Speaker and currently teaches middle school in Chicago. Kathryn Todd ’15, selected as the 2015 Senior Class Speaker, is director of operations and Spanish interpreter at We Rock the Spectrum–Austin.

A.B.L.E. students and alumni gather at Homecoming 2016.

Nikyra Washington ’20 and Naja Woods ’18 are co-presidents of A.B.L.E. Woods has a self-designed major in Gender and Women’s Studies and journalism, with a minor in Spanish. Washington is an education major with a double minor in Africana Studies and Spanish.




Ariyana Smith ’16, a member of Knox’s women’s basketball team, lies down on the court prior to a game at a college near Ferguson, Missouri, site of unrest following the police shooting of Michael Brown. Smith is suspended from playing, a decision that is subsequently reversed. Her protest receives wide coverage.

Founding of BAN, the Black Alumni Network. See their website,, for information on 50th anniversary celebrations.

Opening of the time capsule placed in the College Archives by A.B.L.E. students in 2015.



Expanding Options for Science Students Knox will offer a bachelor of science degree in fall 2018 BY MEGAN SCOTT ’96

Knox College will now offer science students a choice between two degree programs. Beginning in fall 2018, students will be able to pursue either a bachelor of arts degree (B.A.) or a bachelor of science degree (B.S.) in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, mathematics, neuroscience, psychology, and physics. “The bachelor of science degree is a great option for students who are considering a professional career or planning to attend graduate school in the sciences,” said Michael Schneider, interim vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College. “We are confident that the addition of the B.S. will provide our science students with more robust preparation for life after Knox and will be of great interest to prospective students who plan to pursue careers in the sciences but still want the benefits of a residential liberal arts college.” Programs offering a B.S. degree will require at least four credits beyond the requirements for the B.A. degree, with at least one of the credits in the sciences, mathematics, or computer science taken from a department outside the primary major. Both current students and incoming students will be given the opportunity to pursue the bachelor of science degree program. “Adding a bachelor of science degree program shows that you can do serious science here,” said Thomas R. Moses, professor and chair of physics. “Knox is a liberal arts college, and we also have a serious science program with strong outcomes for our graduates.” Knox is ranked by the National Science Foundation in the top 10 percent for graduates who have earned doctorates in mathematics, computer science, and the natural and physical sciences. Dean Schneider noted that liberal arts colleges occupy half of the top 50 schools in terms of percentage of science students going on for a Ph.D.

Science Outcomes Recent science majors are pursuing graduate degrees at some of the nation’s leading universities: • Computer science major Dakota Stipp ’17 is currently at Yale studying sound design • Chemistry major Bradley Musselman ’16 is pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Michigan • Neuroscience major Coltan Parker ’16 is pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Illinois • Biology major Caitlin Hemby ’16 is in veterinary school at the University of Illinois Others are in the workforce at the nation’s leading companies: • Math major Nathan Johlas ’14 is a software developer at Epic Systems Corporation • Physics major Rohail Khan’16 is a project management associate at IHS Markit, a financial services company in New York

Bachelor of Science Degree By the Numbers

2 22


Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) schools offer a bachelor of science degree: Knox & Beloit


Fields of Study

Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Computer Science Mathematics

Environmental Science Neuroscience Psychology Physics

2/3 of Knox science graduates already met the B.S. degree requirements before the degree was offered

A New Life for the Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center

As a result, the classes Knox offers within SMC today are both smaller in size and less lecture-oriented than they were when it was originally designed. The large amphitheatre-style classrooms at the core of the building now sit unoccupied most of the day. Instead, visitors often encounter students sitting in the corridors between classes with books, papers, and devices spread out around them. At the same time, the boundaries between academic disciplines—psychology and biochemistry, or physics and biology—are no longer as distinct as SMC’s four separate wings seem to imply.

moving forward with renovations that will re-envision SMC to ensure that faculty and students can continue their transformative teaching and learning. Working with faculty from every SMC department, and architects Holabird & Root (who also renovated Alumni Hall), Knox is pursuing a phased renovation plan that will deliver immediate improvements to the student experience. The first phase of the five-phased renovation will create a vibrant welcome to the sciences at Knox, beginning with the central core and adding much-needed collaborative space to the center of the building. It will also add five modern classrooms, while laying the groundwork for improvements to each of SMC’s wings. The additional phases will address the four individual wings of the building, each of which houses individual departments.

“At more than 40 years old, Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center is one of the oldest science buildings among our peer institutions,” says President Teresa Amott. “Renovating this key academic building is our top priority at the College, as we must ensure that our faculty and students work in a building that is as innovative as they are.” To date, Knox has raised nearly $6 million toward phase one of the renovation, and construction documents are currently being developed. The College will make a decision on the start of the first phase of renovations this coming summer. More information on the renovation can be found at


Science and science education have changed profoundly since the Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center (SMC) opened in 1971. Courses are more discussion-based and hands-on. Students work with technologies that no one could imagine even a few decades ago. While independent research has always been a critical component of the Knox curriculum, today’s students are taking on projects as early as their first year.

Recognizing the changing needs of our science students and faculty, Knox is




Schmid Golf Performance Center Features Indoor Green, State-of-the-Art Simulator Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night is going to stop the Prairie Fire men’s and women’s varsity golf teams from improving their game, thanks to Knox’s new state-ofthe-art Schmid Golf Performance Center. Dedicated at Knox’s Homecoming in October, the 1,500square-foot facility below Memorial Gymnasium features a contoured putting green, a high-tech course simulator, custom lockers, and a 70-inch video screen. It’s the only facility of its kind in the Midwest Conference. Paired with

the teams’ home course, Soangetaha Country Club, largely considered to be the best in the conference, the Schmid Golf Performance Center completes an unbeatable package for aspiring varsity golfers. “The simulator is helping me get my distances and dial in my clubs,” says men’s team member Jason White ’21. “A lot of teams have to travel to use something like this. We’ve got it right here on campus, five minutes from everywhere,” White says. “It’ll be an advantage for us going into competition.” The Schmid Golf Performance Center was made possible by gifts from Bob ’62 and Barbara Cady Schmid ’62. Other lead donors were Robert ’65 and Judy Boynton, Chad ’97 and Donna Campanelli, Lowell ’65 and Mariclarie Dixon, Joseph ’95 and Rachelle Heinen, Andrew ’99 and Holly Engelhart Isaacson ’99, Thomas and Patricia Isaacson, William ’55 and Virginia Ives, William Silver ’77, Robert ’56 and Katherine Sparks, and Richard ’57 and Joan Whitney Whitcomb ’56. “The opening of this facility is an extraordinary vote of confidence in our golfers, our athletic program, and our College. We’re grateful to Bob and Barb and all the leadership donors. This gives our golfers the tools they need to compete and succeed at the highest level,” said President Teresa Amott at the center’s dedication.

Prairie Fire Soccer Sets Midwest Conference on Fire The Prairie Fire women’s and men’s soccer teams both secured spots in the Midwest Conference (MWC) tournaments this fall, thanks to two outstanding seasons. This was the fifth consecutive tournament appearance for the men and the third consecutive tournament appearance for the women. The women’s soccer team earned a spot in this year’s NCAA Tournament by winning the MWC Tournament, defeating Monmouth College in the championship match. Knox traveled to Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, for the tournament, where they fell to



Wheaton College (Illinois) in the opening round, ending their 2017 season with a final record of 14-6-2. This marks the second consecutive year the Prairie Fire women’s soccer team earned a berth in the NCAA Tournament after winning the MWC Tournament Championship. For the first time since 1986, the MWC crowned co-champions in men’s soccer. Knox College and St. Norbert

College both finished the regular season with identical 8-0-1 records. The team finished the season with a final record of 13-3-4 after a 3-2 overtime tournament loss to Grinnell. The men posted a modern MWC record by only conceding one goal in regular season play on their way to their second regular season championship in the last four seasons. Their defense also set a MWC record for shutouts in a season by blanking 12 total opponents. In total, 11 soccer players—six women and five men—were named to the respective MWC All-Conference teams, which recognizes athletic excellence across all conference teams.


The South Lawn

A small group of Knox students and faculty members spent 11 days in Cuba over winter break interacting with the country’s people and culture while taking classes in Cuban styles of dancing and drumming. All 18 students had to take at least one of three classes to participate in the trip: Cultural Perspectives in Dance, Music of the African Diaspora, and Culture and Identity in the Caribbean. Students and faculty members also met once a week during fall term for “lab time” to prepare for the trip. While in Cuba, the Knox group worked four hours a day with the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional—Cuba’s national folkloric troupe—to learn about Cuban dance and music. Other highlights of the trip included a walking tour of Old Havana, a visit to Museo Nacional de la Ruta del Esclavo (National Museum of the Slave Route) in Matanzas, a nature walk at Las Terrazas, and an evening with Cuban students. “I think it was probably one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life,” said Aiyana Godsil ’18.


Knox in Cuba

Knox students and faculty with members of the Conjunto Folklorico Nacional—Cuba’s national folkloric troupe (at top) and exploring the Cuban countryside (inset). They were part of the Cultural Perspectives in Dance, Music of the African Diaspora, and Culture and Identity in the Caribbean trip.



Jennifer Foubert

Hilary J.C. Lehmann

Assistant Professor of Educational Studies

Assistant Professor of Classics

Jennifer received her bachelor’s degree in special education from Gonzaga University, her master’s in education in curriculum and instruction from the University of Washington, and her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her teaching interests include critical pedagogy, elementary teaching methods and curriculum development, and sociology of education.

How did you first get interested in your academic field? I majored in elementary and special education as an undergraduate, and I taught in Seattle Public Schools early in my career. I joke that I chose education as an 18-year-old the day before freshman classes started because someone scared me away from the pre-med program with stories of “how hard the math would be.” This is only half true. During my first practicum experience, I worked one-on-one with a third-grade child and taught her how to read. I decided to become a teacher because of her.




Five new faculty members joined the Knox community this fall, two joining the classics department and one each in computer science, educational studies, and psychology. Meet our new faculty members.


Knox Welcomes New Faculty

Hilary received her bachelor’s degree in classics and English from St. Olaf College and her master’s degree and Ph.D. in classics from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her teaching interests include Greek and Latin languages, classical mythology, Greek and Roman gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity in the ancient Mediterranean, and classical reception.

Why did you choose to teach at a liberal arts college? My undergraduate experience at St. Olaf College fulfilled many of my predetermined ideas of what college should be like. It felt like the life of the mind— reading great books, making art and music, encountering new ideas, having dinner at professors’ houses. I loved the way my friends and I could bring together ideas from our different classes and make connections that blossomed and vined between disciplines; I dreamed of one day being in the position of my professors, facilitating these conversations and blowing my students’ minds like ours had been blown. I have been delighted to discover that the liberal arts truly are just as fruitful and exciting from the professor’s side of the classroom!




The South Lawn

Monica McGill

Kara Moore

Mitchell Parks

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Assistant Professor of Classics

Monica received her bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics from the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, her master’s degree in computer science from George Washington University, and her Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction from Illinois State University. Her teaching interests include introduction to computing, game design and development, software development processes, and applications of new technology.

Kara received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Texas at Arlington and both her master’s and Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Arkansas. Her teaching interests include cognitive psychology, psychology and law, developmental psychology, and memory.

Why did you choose to teach at a liberal arts college? I was able to tour Knox in 2009 and was so very impressed, learning quite a bit about small liberal arts colleges. Even then I sensed that Knox’s mission was still rooted in its abolitionist past. Many of these aspects drew me to Knox. The holistic approach to students impressed me then and impresses me even more today. I have found students at Knox to be curious, inquisitive, intellectual, accepting, and motivated to learn, and it strikes me that Knox’s environment and curriculum encourages the exploration and growth that they seek.

How did you first get interested in your academic field? From when I was a very young child, I remember being fascinated with understanding the world and the way things work. I remember taking car rides with my dad and asking him all of my questions. As I grew up, my questions became more honed in on why people do the things they do. I became particularly fascinated with understanding how serial killers differ from the rest of us. I loved watching shows like Dateline, 20/20, The First 48, and so on. This interest ultimately motivated me to go into psychology. Eventually my interests evolved into understanding errors in human thinking and memory, particularly in the context of the legal system.

Mitchell received his bachelor’s degree in classics from Grinnell College and his Ph.D. in classics from Brown University. His teaching interests include citizenship, law, and civic values in the ancient world, and Greek and Roman myth and its reception in modern literature.

Describe one of your favorite teaching moments? Fortunately I get to have favoriteworthy teaching moments on an almost daily basis: I teach a course called “The Classical World of Harry Potter,” and it is immensely satisfying to hear students make connections between ancient and modern literature and start to understand both on a deeper level. When they start talking about how Harry’s relationship with Ron Weasley is like how Odysseus interacts with his mutinous crew, I know they are hooked, and so am I.




New Director of Athletics Daniella Irle joined the Knox community in February.

Knox Welcomes New AD Daniella Irle Knox welcomed Daniella J. Irle as its new director of athletics in February, following a nationwide search. Prior to Knox, Irle served as deputy director of athletics and senior woman administrator at the University of North Dakota (UND), a position she had held since 2013. She succeeded Chad Eisele ’93, who left Knox in July 2017 to serve as director of athletics at HampdenSydney College in Virginia. “We are excited to welcome Daniella to Knox and to the Prairie Fire athletics program. Her years in athletics administration, as well as an awardwinning career as a coach, make her a dynamic and experienced leader for Knox athletics,” said President Teresa Amott. “I believe in the power of athletics to transform a collegiate experience for a



student and to enhance the campus experience for all members of the community, particularly at the Division III level,” said Irle. “I look forward to working with the coaches, studentathletes, and the entire campus community to continue the excellent work of the last decade and to build even more robust and competitive programs within the Midwest Conference and Division III.” In her 25-year career in collegiate athletics, Irle has seen success as both a coach and an administrator. Prior to her role at UND, Irle served as the assistant athletics director of business and student services operations at Tulane University. She also served three seasons as the head coach of the Tulane women’s swimming and diving team, a program she revived after a

13-year hiatus, and was twice named the Conference USA Coach of the Year. Irle’s coaching experience also includes 10 years as the Fresno State swimming and diving coach, where she was twice named the Western Athletic Conference Coach of the Year, and a combined three years as an assistant coach at Louisiana State University and the University of Texas at Austin. Irle received her bachelor’s degree from Lamar University and her master’s degree in public administration from the University of New Orleans. She is a graduate of the NCAA Women’s Leaders in College Sports Executive Institute 2017. You can follow Irle on Twitter (@KnoxCollegeAD) and Instagram (@knox_college_ad).

The South Lawn Internship to First Job at Goldman Sachs When a professor suggested to Phelipe Graske ’18 that he apply for an internship with Goldman Sachs, he did not feel confident. Then a sophomore, Graske had only just begun taking economics classes at Knox. But with the encouragement of faculty, staff, alumni, and fellow students, he took the risk. Graske was not only offered the position of summer analyst following his sophomore year, but, after the internship, he was offered a full-time position as an analyst to begin after his graduation from Knox in June. According to Graske, the number of resumes received by Goldman Sachs in 2017 approached 360,000. What set him apart? “The differentiator, the catalyst, is are you an interesting person? Can you work well in a team? Can you make people laugh?” he said. Knox prepared Graske to be that “interesting person” through diversity on the men’s soccer team, in the economics department, and within the campus at large. As soccer captain, Graske learned how to work as a team with people of varying cultures and values. “At the end of the day, these people who are going to hire you, they’re also the ones who you’re going to be sitting by, the ones who’ll be at the coffee machine with you in the morning,” Graske said. “Being able to understand different paradigms and different cultures makes these people want to be around you.” He also had the opportunity to experience diversity in academics, studying economics not only at Knox, but in Chicago and London through off-campus and study abroad programs. “I think that encompasses the Knox experience,”

Graske said. “It gives me a different way of thinking about the world.” Graske said he would not have gotten the internship or job with Goldman Sachs without the support of Knox faculty and alumni, namely John Spittell, Wagner Distinguished Chair in Business and executive-in-residence, and Helen Lin ’94, vice president at Goldman Sachs and Knox trustee. “The key point is the support I had at Knox,” Graske said.

Building the Connections Experiences like Graske’s represent the connections that the Bastian Family Career Center hopes to build for Knox students thanks to its new position, the assistant director of employee relations. “The role of the assistant director will be to create the relationships that’ll open doors to Knox’s talented students,” said Terrie Saline, director of the career center. “This position will be responsible for facilitating connections with companies and organizations that lead to opportunities like internships and job shadowing for our students.” Six alumni came together to support this new addition to the career center: Joseph Bastian ’67, John Cooke ’52, Nancy Carlin ’72, Keith Lee ’94, Helen Lin ’94, and Alex Kemmsies ’09.

U.S. News Ranks Knox in Top 10 for “Operating Efficiency” Knox is one of the top 10 colleges in the country for “operating efficiency,” according to a new study by U.S. News & World Report. The rankings, released last fall, placed Knox seventh among the 25 best liberal arts colleges in the nation noted for “spending wisely to create a top-quality education.”

“Every decision we make at Knox, from the content of our educational programs to the ways in which we allocate our resources, is driven by our commitment to our students,” said President Teresa Amott. “We focus our spending on teaching and learning— the programs and services that truly matter to our mission.”

U.S. News said the colleges in the operating efficiency ranking had “controlled spending while still keeping students enrolled through graduation, maintaining a high academic reputation for excellence, and fostering an engaged alumni network.”






Left: Some of Knox College’s past and present McNair Scholars got together at Homecoming 2017, which featured a panel discussion by alumni of the McNair Scholars Program. Below: Knox faculty and staff play a key role with students in the McNair Program. From left are: McNair Seminar Director William Hope, a Knox assistant professor of anthropology-sociology; Sam Leinbach, assistant director of the McNair Program at Knox; and Jon Crider, the program’s director.

As a first-year, first-generation student at Knox, Lily Ibarra ’01 had never considered the possibility of attending graduate school. But that changed in her sophomore year, when she was accepted into the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, also known as the McNair Scholars Program. Ibarra, now a tenured associate professor of Spanish at Dominican University, gives much of the credit for her professional success to Knox’s McNair Program. “I am certain that I would not have come to this point if I had not had McNair as part of my undergraduate experience,” she said. “McNair was more than an opportunity; it was a life-changing experience.” The overarching goal of the federally funded McNair Program is to “diversify the academy” to include more people from underrepresented groups, said Jon Crider, director of the McNair Program at Knox. “We provide research and other scholarly activities that prepare students for obtaining a Ph.D.” The program is named after Ronald E. McNair, an astronaut who died in the 1986 Challenger space shuttle explosion.



The multi-faceted experience for Knox’s McNair Scholars includes: • Designing and conducting research projects with assistance from faculty mentors. • Presenting research at national conferences. • Having work published in the McNair Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. • Engaging in seminars that offer enriched academic preparation, development of research skills, and familiarization with the process of applying to and preparing for graduate school. Knox received its first grant for the McNair Program in 1992, and the federal government awarded Knox another five-year renewal in September 2017. As of last year, there have been 233 McNair Scholars at Knox. Twentytwo of them have received Ph.D.s, 101 have earned master’s degrees, and 19 have obtained professional degrees, such as in law, medicine, or dentistry. About 10 new McNair Scholars are added each year. “We’ve been very successful. We’ve been very proud,” Crider said.


25 Years of McNair

During Homecoming festivities last year, Ibarra and other Knox alumni returned to campus to observe the McNair Program’s 25th year. Monica Prince ’12, now the Creative Writing Fellow in Poetry at Susquehanna University, said the program “over-prepared me for graduate school. My first year, I watched my peers drown in homework and personal writing, while I wrote and read and flew through my courses.” Current McNair Scholars at Knox continue to excel as they work toward their goal of attending graduate school. For example, psychology major Justin Bell ’19 researched how feelings of social isolation relate to drug cravings. “My ultimate goal, and one of my reasons for joining McNair, is to attend graduate school. I’m really looking forward to having a ‘Dr.’ in front of my name,” Bell said. “I’d like to pursue a lifelong career in research and wherever that takes me.”

The South Lawn Fired Up/ Burned Out Fired Up


#GoFire is a popular phrase on campus. After Midwest Conference Championships for men’s and women’s soccer (and two NCAA DIII tournament appearances by the women), the best football team record, 5-5, since 2002, an outstanding season for women’s volleyball and women’s tennis, and the best women’s basketball season since 1996–1997, folks are excited. Add to the mix a new golf performance center, growing momentum for a renovated soccer field, and a seasoned new director of athletics, and you can feel the Prairie Fire building, folks.

NSF Grant Funds “A Whole Lot of Microscope” A $188,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant will help students gain a more in-depth understanding of the world. Thanks to the efforts of faculty across five departments, students will now have access to a new scanning electron microscope (SEM) for use in class and training. “Major kudos to Katherine Adelsberger (environmental studies), Esther Penick (neuroscience), Andrew F. Mehl (chemistry), and Nicholas J. Gidmark (biology),” said Mike Schneider, interim dean of the College, thanking a few of the many faculty who contributed to the grant proposal. “This $188,000 will buy a whole lot of microscope.” “The difference between an electron microscope and a regular light microscope is that you’re limited as to how small you can look by the wavelength, and light has a way bigger wavelength than electron beams. It’s the difference between 400 nanometers and 0.2,” said Katie Adelsberger, lead writer for the grant, explaining the new instrument’s significance In terms of her research, this is the difference between knowing that a rock has interesting layered structures and knowing that a rock was constructed, elemental layer by elemental layer, by thousands of years worth of hard-working microbes. Students in environmental studies won’t be the only ones who will get to take advantage of the new equipment; the SEM will be used in biology, chemistry, history (as part of a an archaeological site in Dhiban, Jordan), and neuroscience.

Smoldering This fall, the Knox Department of Theatre decided to cancel the winter term mainstage production of Brecht’s The Good Person of Szechwan after students expressed concerns over the play’s representation of women and of Asian culture. The decision gained national attention, particularly from conservative media, and added Knox’s name to the many colleges and universities that some fear may be sacrificing academic integrity to student activism. The decision was a considered one, made after many discussions between students and faculty, and the department continues to discuss issues regarding race, gender, and power in theatre. Not everyone may agree with the decision, but the dialogue continues, and a different Brecht production was performed this winter.

The many crows who roost on the Knox campus in winter brought with them more than noisy cawing this year. It started with a call from The Register-Mail asking whether or not Knox cuts down trees to prevent these winter visitors from roosting (no, we do not), as Galesburg was considering the idea. Many letters to the editor and calls to the city followed. A few weeks later, we received a Facebook message asking about a crow hanging in effigy on the campus. Turns out, there were a few realistic-looking artificial crows hanging around campus as part of a biology research project. We don’t know the results of the research, but we do know that we were happy when our avian friends finally departed.



A Q & A with Garikai Campbell, Knox’s Ne What drew you to this position?


First and foremost, Knox is an excellent liberal arts institution. I believe wholly, as Knox does, that “every experience is a kind of education,” that immersive opportunities can be great catalysts for development, and that the relationship between faculty and students is critical to achieving great outcomes. Equally important, Knox has a deep commitment to diversity and access and is a place that not only believes higher education can be an engine of social and financial mobility for those of all backgrounds and experiences, but also works hard to live up to that goal. That commitment resonates with me. Dr. Garikai Campbell will join the Knox community in June as the College’s new provost and dean of the College. He most recently served as provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, and previously served as associate vice president for strategic planning at Swarthmore College. Campbell received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Swarthmore and earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from Rutgers University. He returned to Swarthmore as a member of the faculty in 1997 and, subsequently, held several leadership positions. In 2013, Campbell joined the administration at Morehouse, where he facilitated the first change to the general education program in nearly three decades, enhanced the culture of shared governance, and reshaped the academic leadership. He played an instrumental role in securing resources for academic programs and broader institutional needs, including a $1.2 million grant from the Gates Foundation to develop and evaluate innovative student success initiatives. “I am eager to gain a better understanding of the College and its community—to understand the culture, the traditions, the things that make the place tick,” Campbell told Knox Magazine.



What do you believe are Knox’s greatest strengths? And greatest challenges? In addition to all that attracted me to Knox, I have also been struck by the strength of the College’s community and the resolve around its values. While I look forward to discovering more strengths, I have to believe that the Knox community, its values, and the College’s commitment to those values are among its greatest assets. As for challenges, almost every institution of higher education is struggling to deal with a financial model that is tough on both the institution and the families of students who want to attend the institution. Digging a bit deeper, I have been struck by the degree to which Knox’s location is both a challenge and an opportunity. A school’s location impacts which students, faculty, and staff are attracted to the institution; academic year internship (and other) opportunities for students; and potential partnerships with corporate, academic, or other organizations, all of which ultimately have an impact on finances. I think we will need to think innovatively about how to best leverage our location on one hand and how to augment the Knox experience in ways that address any challenges about our location on the other.

The South Lawn w Provost & Dean Please discuss the importance of a liberal arts education in the 21st century. First, there is often a tension between a liberal arts education and a more focused learning environment, one that people articulate as more practical. I don’t like those dichotomies because I think they are false. The liberal arts are quite practical, and what we typically classify as vocational can, in fact, be a wonderful component of liberal learning. I think that Knox’s own history of having started out as Knox Manual Labor College through to the College’s current position on the importance of experiential and active learning is a testament to the inaccuracy of that dichotomy. More directly, the 21st century is an extraordinarily complex, globally connected environment where technology and our ability to engage and relate to each other are changing rapidly, making broad thinking and the capacity to engage in continuous learning a necessity. We are currently doubling human knowledge about every year, and that rate is accelerating. And there are ethical, environmental, political, and social issues mounting. A liberal arts education is critical to producing the citizens capable of not only operating effectively in this new world, but also being able to solve the challenges we face as a global society.

What do you hope to contribute to Knox during your tenure? Clearly, Knox is already committed to supporting a fully diverse group of students. But I would like to see Knox become more of a recognized leader and innovator in this area—an institution that people talk about when it comes to being a true engine of social mobility. In part, that means talking with faculty, students, and staff to understand how best to strengthen, add to, and, where needed, reshape the Knox experience; it means synthesizing those ideas so that President Amott, the Advancement staff, and the entire community can share our ideas with the world in ways that say, “Hey, we are worthy of investment. We are doing great stuff. We are important to the ecosystem, and we need your partnership to bring these ideas to life.” I’m excited about magnifying our work and our capacity to do that work.

Historic Year for The Knox Student BY BAILEY MUSSELMAN ’18

The Knox Student (TKS), Knox’s student-run newspaper, received three awards at the annual Associated College Press (ACP) convention in October 2017. TKS received the renowned Pacemaker award, which is often referred to as the Pulitzer Prize of collegiate journalism, along with an honorable mention for Reporter of the Year going to the paper’s previous editor-in-chief, Rachel Landman ’17, and a third-place award for Opinion/Editorial Writing going to Sofia Tagkaloglou ’18’s discourse piece titled “I’m Sorry, Knox.” “Three awards in the annual ACP conference is entirely new ground for TKS. We’ve never had even two in one year,” said Tom Martin, editor of Galesburg’s The Register-Mail and TKS advisor since 2009. “It’s an historic year for TKS.” Martin said he has witnessed continuous progress in the paper over the years. “The staff earned best in state recognition in 2010, 2013, and again in 2017. By 2012 the editors began entering national contests and bringing home awards,” said Martin. “TKS has had a steady line of strong editors with talented and diligent staffs,” added Martin. “They take journalism seriously, and the awards show that.”

Read more about Campbell’s impressions and thoughts about Knox, the liberal arts, and the challenges facing higher education online at



I am Knox — William Parkinson ’19 Vitals Hometown: Glencoe, Illinois Major: Physics Campus Involvements: Knox Engineering Club, Math/Physics Tutor―SMC Red Room, Physics Club, Sigma Chi, Assistant Science Technician

Three Facts about Will He is in a dual-degree program between Knox and Washington University in St. Louis and will ultimately earn a degree in physics from Knox and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering from Washington University. He co-founded and is shop coordinator of Knox’s Engineering Club, where members share their knowledge about their particular area of focus, from physics to computer science. One of his goals is to join Engineers without Borders, a nonprofit that takes on infrastructure projects in the United States and around the world to help communities better meet basic human needs.




What have been some of your favorite projects with Engineering Club? The satisfaction is in the little things. For a hydroponics farm, my friend and I developed a circuit that drove the LEDs of the system and implemented microcontrollers to receive and distribute the data collected. We used a computer-aided design software called Eagle to design and order a printed circuit board for the project. Doing this involved learning a new program, as well as learning about the different integrated circuits. There is also a certain technique to PCB design that we had to learn as we went. Even small projects, like blinking an LED with a microcontroller (one of the first projects most electronics hobbyists do) is satisfying because it demonstrates the power of being able to write code and see it interact with the physical world. What courses have taught you the most? All of the physics professors are great. My favorite class was PHYS 205: Modern Physics; while it was a challenging course, the material was so interesting. Professor Mark Shroyer blew my mind with his lectures covering special and general relativity, the birth of the atomic model, and an introduction to quantum mechanics. Professor Shroyer is great at explaining things in comprehensive ways, and, through the intense coursework and his high expectations, he really makes sure you learn your stuff. How have you changed since starting college? I have discovered new interests, become more educated about social issues, and made a diverse group of friends. I developed more efficient ways of managing time.

The South Lawn India’s Premier Comedian, Knox Alumnus Vir Das, to Give 2018 Commencement Address

“It’s a great example of an academic-driven student initiative to make environmental

CHANGES on campus.” Sophia Tagkaloglou ’18 discussing the College’s first solar power installation on the Wilson House, which started as a class discussion and was fully funded by students, September 10, 2017

“Meet each other as

HUMAN PERSONS, sharing what brings us joy, what brings us grief.” Rabbi Ted Falcon at the Interfaith Amigos lecture “Interfaith Dialogue for Challenging Times,” October 18, 2017


Comedian and actor Vir Das will be the speaker at the 2018 Commencement exercises to be held in June. Since graduating from Knox in 2002, Das has cemented himself as the biggest English-speaking comedian in India, as well as one of the country’s top actors, writers, musicians, and festival producers. Thanks to his Netflix comedy special, Vir Das: Abroad Understanding, and a recently announced Hulu comedy series, Das is poised to break into the American entertainment world with his unique brand of humor. “While I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Vir while he was a student at Knox, I have enjoyed watching the trajectory of his career both in his home country of India and here in the United States,” says President Teresa Amott. “You can see in Vir’s approach to his comedic work, from stand-up and acting to writing and producing, that he is adept at navigating across cultures and overcoming stereotypes to provide his audiences with new perspectives on complicated issues and events. It is an honor to welcome him back to campus as this year’s Commencement speaker.” Featured in The New York Times in 2011 as a one of a new set of emerging comedians in India, Das is known for bringing an American style to topics rooted in contemporary Indian culture. Over the course of his career, he has sold more than a million tickets as a stand-up comedian, touring internationally with Unbelievablish, the largest domestic comedy tour ever by an Indian comedian; The History of India; and Battle of the Sexes. In the last year, Das has traversed the globe, performing stand-up in 35 cities on five continents. Das has also climbed the ranks of the Bollywood elite in various films, including BadMaash Company; Delhi Belly; Go, Goa, Gone; and Revolver Rani, gaining a reputation as a leading man with impeccable comedic chops. In addition to stand-up and acting, Das leads his own multimedia consulting and production company, Weirdass Comedy. After completing schooling in both India and Africa, Das attended college in the United States, graduating from Knox College in 2002 with a degree in theatre and economics. He also studied acting at the Stanislavsky School at Harvard University before returning to his home country to pursue his career in comedy. Mary Meg McCarthy, the executive director of Heartland Alliance’s National Immigrant Justice Center, and Michael W. Young, American geneticist and 2017 Nobel Prize Winner, will also receive honorary degrees during the exercises. The 2018 Knox College Commencement will be held on Sunday, June 3.


“It felt incredibly special and

ALMOST SACRED.” Sam Duffy ’18 after Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson’s Caxton Club reading, October 23, 2017

“There’s more than one

DREAM JOB out there, I promise. I’ve had several.” Karen Kinderman ’07, advice she gave to students at the annual Career Impact Summit, November 20–21, 2017

“To this day, I benchmark my personal winter weather comfort by how brutally icy I felt walking to Beta Toga in flip-flops and a bedsheet Winter 2003.

#FIRST YEARMISTAKES” Joe Roby ’06 in response to a photo of the Windchill Fashionista (aka President Amott in winter gear) on Twitter, January 2, 2018




Students Connect Academic, Residential Experience in Living-Learning Community A small group of Knox first-year students are connecting their academic and residential experiences in a new way, with everyone in the same class also living in a suite together. These Living-Learning Communities, or LLCs, give firstyear students the chance to quickly build relationships with their classmates through both a shared classroom and residential experience. “I was able to immediately have a tight-knit group of people that I could trust and bond with, inside and outside of the classroom,” said LLC participant Isaac Hughes ’21. “Whether I had a question about an assignment or about what they were planning to do for fun, my classmates were always there.” Hughes and his 16 classmates took the First-Year Preceptorial course This American Life, taught by Chad Simpson, associate professor of English. Simpson not only taught the

Go Figure

94 36

Percent of the expected coverage of energy needs will be covered by the solar panels installed this fall on the Wilson House


.04 Pounds of waste generated during the 2017 Commencement lunch— the first time less than a pound of landfill-only waste was produced

.224 All-time leading attack percentage set by Rose Griffin ’18



course, which uses radio programs and podcasts to investigate notions of identity, community, and creativity, he also coordinated events for the group throughout the term. Students traveled to Green Oaks Biological Field Station, spent an afternoon bowling, and enjoyed a dinner together that featured food from local restaurants. As part of the LLC, Simpson will also plan events throughout the rest of the year, even though the class finished with fall term. What Simpson likes about the LLC is knowing that learning isn’t just happening in the classroom. “It’s about carrying those conversations you’re having in the classroom to the Gizmo or to the gym or the basketball game. It’s about continuing to think about and work over challenging ideas, like what is activism or what it means to protest,” he said. Vice President for Student Development Anne Ehrlich says that research shows many benefits to students who participate in LLCs. “Living-Learning Communities are linked to a number of positive student outcomes, including an easier academic and social transition into college, enhanced communication with faculty, a more inclusive campus community, and higher retention rates.” Simpson agrees that LLCs ease the college transition. “One of the hardest things about being a first-year student is figuring out who you are in this new place that you’ve moved into,” he said. The LLCs help students “figure out who they are more quickly, and that carries over into how they learn in all their other classes.”

The South Lawn Accolades for Whitcomb Art Center Design, Construction The Whitcomb Art Center and its designer, Lake|Flato Architects, recently received a 2017 Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects, San Antonio chapter. The center, which opened last January, also won a 2017 Metal Architecture Design Award from Metal Architecture magazine, while the facility’s general contractor, P.J. Hoerr of Peoria, won a “Master Builder of the Year” award for 2017 from Star Building Systems. “These distinguished awards are richly deserved recognition for the architect, Lake|Flato, and the builder, P.J. Hoerr, and all the craftspeople who worked on the design and construction,” said President Teresa Amott. “They confirm what Knox students and visitors are experiencing—one of the most exciting new art facilities today.”

42 Total number of Knox Student Laureates of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois, recognizing outstanding academic and personal achievements

60 Members of the Class of 1973 who attended Homecoming 2017, winning them the attendance award

1,375 Donations made to Knox during the last two weeks of December 2017, a 13% increase over 2016



First Impressions “Jack McAdoo wished he didn’t know His landlord His landlord’s wife And daughters” The first stanza from the poem “Jack McAdoo” in Bronzeville at Night: 1949 (Awst Press, 2017) by Vida Cross ’88, writer, academic, and community organizer Nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Bronzeville at Night is Cross’s debut poetry collection. Her work references her ancestry as a third-generation Chicagoan and a Bronzeville resident, the artwork of Archibald J. Motley Jr., and the poetic research of Langston Hughes.



Consumerism Meets Cartoon Known for his research on materialism, Professor of Psychology Tim Kasser had been dabbling with the idea of writing a book on hypercapitalism (extreme capitalism at the expense of traditional values) since 2007. But his ideas weren’t coming together in a way he liked. Then, in 2011, he collaborated on a project with the Center for a New American Dream on an animated video that spotlighted his work. As Kasser narrates, an artist’s arm and a sketch pad are shown on-screen while the artist creates drawings that illustrate the concepts being explained by Kasser. The video has been viewed almost 800,000 times. “After the video did so well, far better than any of us expected,” said Kasser, “it made me start thinking about cartoons as a way to express my ideas about hypercapitalism that hadn’t been coming together as a regular book.” Kasser’s children had grown up reading books by cartoonist Larry Gonick, best known for The Cartoon History of the Universe. They encouraged him to reach out to Gonick, who agreed to collaborate with Kasser. The result is Hypercapitalism: The Modern Economy, Its Values, and How to Change Them, published by The New Press in January 2018.

What was it like collaborating with a cartoonist in writing this book? It was really a pleasure to work with Larry. I’ve collaborated a lot over the years in my articles, and one of my books is co-authored. This was the most unusual collaboration I’ve experienced. Really, the framework for the book is mine, and Larry had his input as the artist. I’d write my piece, send it to Larry, and he’d send back a rough sketch of what I’d done. One of the struggles I had when I was first writing was that I was trying to write it as a comic, and I didn’t know what I was doing. He eventually wrote me, “That’s not your job. I’m the comic book writer, you give me materials.” I think it’s a beautifully drawn book. I fed Larry organized raw material, thoughts, and data, and he’d draw it all as a comic and send it back to me. We’d Skype pretty regularly. He would ask me very on-point, penetrating ques-

tions about the argument I was making, not because he necessarily disagreed, but because he wanted to make sure he understood so he could represent it best visually. But that’s why you write with someone else. If you can both come to agreement on something, it’s more likely to be correct than writing it on your own. It was definitely a very challenging book, probably the most challenging book I’ve ever written. This is my fifth book, and it by far encompasses the widest swath of ideas of any of my books.

How did you get interested in hypercapitalism? Since I was in graduate school, I’ve been studying people’s values—what’s important to them, what their goals in life are, and, in particular, what happens when people prioritize materialistic values for money, status, possessions, and image. Over the years, the research that’s accumulated has shown that the

Knox Writes s

Books by Members of the Knox Community more that people focus on those materialistic values, the less happy and satisfied they are with their lives, the less nicely they treat other people, and the worse they behave towards the environment. Contemporary humans are in this funny situation whereby the values that our political/economic system requires in order to run smoothly are values that actually undermine personal, social, and ecological wellbeing.

What is your goal for this book? I have three goals for this book. One is just to clearly lay out for people, “Look, this is what this economic system is, this is how it operates, these are its basic principles and tenets, and this is what it needs to socialize people to believe in order for the system to work.” It’s amazing, but you can go through high school and college without learning about the basic social, economic, and political structure in which your life unfolds. I hope that the book provides people a kind of map of how capitalism works. The second goal is to argue about capitalism in a different way than most other scholars who have critiqued capitalism. I think what my work has been doing is to lodge that critique in what psychologists have empirically demonstrated about how values work and how values are related to behavior and quality of life. There’s a lot of science in this book, and that’s one of the reasons I reached out to Larry— he’s a cartoonist who does science. The third goal is to show that there are alternatives to capitalism. Margaret Thatcher was famous for the

idea that capitalism is the best we can have. She called it TINA—There Is No Alternative. Throughout the book, we represent hypercapitalism as a juggernaut, as a powerful, lumbering tank that seems invincible. What we’re trying to say is, that’s wrong. We use the research to point to what new economic systems would look like that can create alternatives. So, the third goal is to give hope. Tim Kasser has authored more than 100 scientific articles and book chapters on materialism, values, goals, well-being, and environmental sustainability, among other topics. He has also authored four other books, including The High Price of Materialism (2002); Psychology and Consumer Culture, co-edited with Allen D. Kanner (2004); Meeting Environmental Challenges: The Role of Human Identity, co-authored with Tom Crompton (2009); and Lucy in the Mind of Lennon (2013).

La Pava Ediciones Inubicalistas, 2016 Mandy gutmann-gonzalez ’10 GutmannGonzalez’s novel follows three children who indirectly experience the trauma of the Pinochet military dictatorship through the Chilean collective consciousness.

Software Development and Professional Practice APress, Inc., 2017 John F. dooley, the William and Marilyn ingersoll professor emeritus of Computer science This book is an introduction to software engineering—from the application of engineering principles to the development of software. Run a software development project, examine the different phases of a project, and learn how to design and implement programs that solve specific problems. It’s also about code construction—how to write great programs and make them work.



Knox Writes Order and Insecurity in Germany and Turkey: Military Cultures of the 1930s Routledge Press, 2017 emre sencer, associate professor of history As a native of Turkey and specialist in German history who trained, and now teaches, in America, Sencer brings a unique combination of background, research, and interests as he explores the relationship between Germany and Turkey during the period following World War I.

Organizing for Policy Influence: Comparing Parties, Interest Groups, and Direct Action Routledge Press, 2017 benjamin Farrer, assistant professor of environmental studies Farrer’s book helps activists determine the best way they can be effective on behalf of the causes they’re supporting. He uses various research methods to examine how different types of organizations can exert greater influence on policy, even when opposing groups might seem to have more resources.




Life After Rugby

W.W. Norton/Liveright, 2018 Will boast ’01

Gold Wake Press, 2017 eileen g’sell ’02

In his debut novel, Rome Prize–winning author Boast turns the myth of Daphne and Apollo into a modern love story about social anxiety and physical debilitation. Set against the vivid backdrop of a San Francisco flush with money and pulsing with protest, Daphne is a gripping and tender modern fable that explores both selfdetermination and the perpetual fight between love and safety.

G’sell’s first book-length poetry collection is peppered with odes to films and stars, an elegy for Whitney Houston, and more than a few surprises. The volume includes more than 50 poems, several of which previously appeared in Boston Review, Denver Quarterly, and other journals.

Libya: From Colony to Revolution Oneworld Publications, 2018 (revised edition) r. bruce st John ’65 This authoritative history spans the time of the early Greek settlements, colonization by Mussolini’s Italy, Qaddafi’s four decades of rule, and the internal rivalries that have dominated the country in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the colonel’s ousting. Essential reading for those seeking a greater understanding of this complex North African state, Libya: From Colony to Revolution is rich in detail and analysis.

Ecocinema and the City Routledge Press, 2017 Joseph K. heumann ’71 Heumann and co-author Robin Murray’s book emphasizes the increasingly transformative power of nature in urban settings, explored in both documentaries and fictional films, such as Children Underground, White Dog, Hatari!, and Lives Worth Living. Ecocinema in the City provides a space to explore human and nonhuman nature, revealing how ecocinema shows that both can interact sustainably and thrive.

Class Knox

Flashback Concentration on the Court The Prairie Fire women’s basketball team had a successful 2017–18 season, qualifying for the Midwest Conference tournament for the first time since the 1996–97 season. Their 16 total wins are the most since back-to-back 17-win seasons in the 1988–89 and 1989–90 seasons. Who is in this ’90s women’s basketball photo and what season was it taken? Let us know at To read responses to last issue’s Flashback photo, Pulitzer-winning Poet, visit



We Are Knox Homecoming 2017




Come Home to Knox for Homecoming 2018! October 19-21



Alumni News Two Alumni Included in Best American Essays

As part of Knox’s traditional Homecoming celebrations, the College recognized several individuals for their accomplishments, teamwork, and service.

2017 Knox service award Winners • Maurice Harris ’08 • Nalina Prakash Hart ’03 • Joyce Herko ’82 • Gary Moses ’65

2017 Knox-lombard athletic hall of Fame inductees • Frank Adams • Kyle Anderson ’93 • David Ladner ’69 • 1978 Men’s Soccer Team

2017 scroll of honor recipients • Bob Callecod ’61 • Judie Elifson Hoffman ’61 • Jo Ann Ooiman Robinson ’64 Knox thanks everyone who submitted nominations for these awards. Nominate a deserving friend or classmate for Knox’s 2018 alumni awards at or contact Carol Brown ’99, director of alumni programs, at 888-KNOXCOL, extension 7980, or




Knox Recognizes Notable Alumni at Homecoming 2017

Two Knox alumni have been honored in the 2017 edition of Best American Essays, which showcases the best writing of the year. These are not the first appearances in Best American Essays by Anna Leahy ’88 and Andrew Monson ’97. Both have been recognized by the publication in the past and have received numerous awards and grants for their contributions to the literary world. “[This recognition] further reinforces our belief in the successes of the creative writing program and the arts community at Knox, where Leahy and Monson began their writing careers,” said Monica Berlin ’95, professor of English and chair of the English and creative writing programs at Knox. Leahy’s essays have been honored in Best American Essays in 2013 and 2016. Her essays have also won top prizes from publications Ninth Letter and Dogwood. Her book of poetry, Constituents of Matter, won the Wick Poetry Prize. Leahy is a professor of English at Chapman University and edits the international journal TAB: The Journal of Poetry and Poetics. Monson’s essay was one of only 26 works published in Best American Essays in 2013, and he was honored as notable in the 2016 edition. In addition to his essays and poetry, Monson has written six books and is working on another with the funds from a Guggenheim Fellowship, which he received in 2017. This $50,000 fellowship is awarded to fewer than 200 people who, according to the Guggenheim Foundation website, “have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.” Knox awarded Monson the Young Alumni Achievement Award in 2008. Monson said that Knox grew his creative abilities with an atmosphere that he has tried to spread throughout his career. “Being part of an exciting and supportive community imprinted on me somehow, and every place I’ve been after that I’ve been trying to remake that community to help grow writers and students,” he said. Professor Berlin said that this honor is not only for the faculty and alumni to take pride in, but also the current creative writing students. “Both of these writers have had an extraordinary year in the literary world, and we look forward to seeing what they do next,” she said. “We look forward, too, to working with newer writers who may be acknowledged by the Best American series in the future.”

Class Knox Knox Alumnus Chosen to Lead Paul Simon Public Policy Institute

John Shaw ’79, a longtime journalist and author of five books, has been named the next director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University (SIU) in Carbondale. As a congressional reporter with Market News International, Shaw has covered political and economic issues for 26 years. He also has contributed to The Washington Diplomat, a monthly magazine, for the past 20 years and has served as a congressional analyst for PBS Newshour, C-SPAN, and other outlets. Shaw, who grew up in Peoria, Illinois, earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Knox and a master’s degree in history from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He also did graduate work in international relations at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. His appointment as director of the Public Policy Institute was approved by the SIU Board of Trustees in December, and Shaw began his new job on January 16.

The institute was founded in 1997 by former U.S. Senator Paul Simon of Illinois. According to the institute’s mission statement, it “acts on significant and controversial issues impacting the region, the state, the nation, and the world.” In addition, it is “committed to developing and working to implement approaches that could bring concrete, positive results in tackling some of the most difficult challenges in the public policy arena.” The institute focuses its efforts on ethical conduct in government, opportunity and fair treatment for people in America and throughout the world, and promoting responsible citizenship for all Americans—particularly for young Americans. “I am excited John Shaw accepted our offer to lead the highly respected Paul Simon Institute,” SIU Chancellor Carlo Montemagno said in an article on the SIU website. “John will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience


John Shaw ’79 is the second Knox graduate to serve as director

from his more than two decades covering national and international politics and public policy.” Shaw is the second Knox alumnus to lead the Public Policy Institute. Mike Lawrence ’64 joined the institute in 1998 as associate director, working with Simon, and he became director after Simon died in 2003. Lawrence retired in 2008. Shaw’s books include Richard G. Lugar: Statesman of the Senate; JFK in the Senate: Pathway to the Presidency; Washington Diplomacy: Profiles of People of World Influence; and The Ambassador: Inside the Life of a Working Diplomat. His most recent book, Rising Star, Setting Sun: Eisenhower, Kennedy and the Presidential Transition that Shaped America, is being published in 2018.

Celebrate 75 Years of the FYC In 2018–2019, the FYC (Fifty Year Club) will observe its 75th anniversary! Watch for special events, articles, and exhibits in the coming year to highlight and commemorate the ways the FYC has supported its members and Knox College for three quarters of a century. The FYC provides members with the opportunity to meet locally and across the country, gather for Reunions past the 50th, and attend days of lifelong learning.



“All I can say is God bless those wonderful firefighters.”

1940-1942 Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1943 We are Knox. You are, too. Whether you attended Knox for one year, two years, or graduated with honors, you are a Knox alumnus/a. You are the best reflection of Knox College and the education it provides. So, keep us informed. Tell us what you’ve been up to, if you’ve been promoted or honored, or simply say hello. Here’s how: • Contact your Class Correspondent; • If you don’t have a correspondent, e-mail, call, or “snail mail” us directly (see below); • Or have other media sources send us press releases, articles, and publicity. Please send information about births, marriages, and deaths directly to: Alumni Records Knox College, Box K-230 Galesburg, IL 61401-4999 E-mail: Send all other updates, correspondence, or questions to: Pam Chozen Class Notes Editor, Knox Magazine Knox College, Box K-233 Galesburg, IL 61401-4999 E-mail: Please note that Class Notes may be edited for space.



At the end of last year, Wayne Hult sent greetings from Mason City, Iowa, to all his classmates. [Eds. note: We are saddened to report that Wayne passed away peacefully on January 13, 2018. Our condolences to his family and friends.] ❯ Art “Jack” Holst wrote the following to share with his classmates. It is entitled “Reflections.” “It was 78 years ago this past June that I graduated from Galesburg High School—June of 1939. It’s strange how events that don’t seem particularly important at the time turn out to be life-changers. My mother was a high school graduate. My father, who had grown up a badly abused and neglected child, had not finished seventh grade. (He later became a well-read man.) None of my family had ever been to college, but about two weeks after high school graduation, my mother said to me, ‘You’re going to college!’ I immediately told her I did not want to go to college, that we had no money, and that I did not know what I wanted to do in life. She said, ‘Get cleaned up and let’s go.’ At the registrar’s office, she informed them of the problems of finance and that I was going to college. An hour later, I was enrolled with two jobs and a loan. I assisted the janitor at Old Main. It was on that job that I vowed if I graduated and became a man with a future, I would NEVER again clean a venetian blind! I also worked in the kitchen at Seymour Hall— now the Union, then the men’s dorm—and washed dishes, cleared tables, and anything else that Elsie and Deacon wanted me to do. Elsie was head of the kitchen, and Deacon was the chief cook. Knox had a great impact on my entire life. The famous poem entitled ‘The Road Less Travelled’ by Robert Frost is certainly appropriate in every life. I did not know it then, but I do now. ROTC was kind of an automatic decision. My best friends, Leo Munson and Bob Kemp, were enrolled in it, so I followed suit. That decision did not seem important at all at the time but turned out to be one of the life-changing decisions in our lives. Bob was killed in Belgium in November 1944, and Leo was severely wounded just a few days after Bob was killed. I was one of the lucky ones. Many touched and influenced my life at Knox. Dr. Rothwell Stephens, the head of the math department, was such a talented, patient, and helpful professor, as was Dr. Harold Way in physics and Dr. Neifert in chemistry, among many others. Dean Trevor, the athletic director, was also a part in shaping my life for the better. Incidentally, he did not drive, didn’t even own a car! He was the taxi company’s numberone customer! I played on the golf team one year and learned more about the discipline that is a significant factor in success, not only in the field

of sport but in life. So now, approaching age 96, I look back with grateful heart at the things that helped shape my life. Our generation grew up during the greatest depression in history. We graduated in 1943 to become part of the biggest and most destructive war that mankind has ever seen. We have done things we never thought we would do. I have met people I never dreamed I would meet and been to places I never expected to see. I was recently interviewed on a radio show and was asked to share the things that were most influential in my life. First, as with all of us, my parents, who insisted I could do more than I ever dreamed. Secondly, growing up through the greatest depression in history was a profound lesson in family loyalty and that hard work is the glue that holds a successful life together. Third was the three and a half years’ experience as an infantry soldier in World War ll, starting as a private and ending as a captain in General Patton’s Third Army in Germany. That time had a profound influence on all of us. Here, we learned that all people have value and contribute to the success of whatever we hope to accomplish. But those four years at Knox provided the glue that held it all together. Today, the Class of 1943 may be reduced in number, but not in spirit.” ❯ Tom Howes had a narrow escape last fall but survived the Tubbs wildfire in Santa Rosa, California. He writes, “When that massive fire reached a mile from my house and l could see the huge blaze, I decided to evacuate, along with my neighbors. Unfortunately, my wife had been in the only operative hospital in Santa Rosa, so almost all of the patients in her hospital were evacuated and moved to a hospital in San Rafael. Since I am unable to walk unaided, I have help on a roundthe-clock basis. Luckily, the ladies also helped me pack me up, along with my little black cockapoo, Charlie. We went to stay with my son’s long-time friends in Novato, 30 miles south of Santa Rosa. (My son and his wife now reside in England.) Charlie stayed at the Humane Society, and my caretakers continued to provide for my care so that we were of minimal inconvenience to my generous hosts. To make a long story short, that terrible fire was eventually stopped, contained, and extinguished just a mile from my property by those wonderful and heroic firefighters. We have been back home for about three weeks. No damage to our house or grounds, and the same situation for my neighbors. All I can say is God bless those wonderful firefighters.” Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1944 Keith Bratton emailed to say that he and wife Jewel now live in a retirement home. They are doing well, and Keith still drives. He says that he always planned to get back to Knox to graduate but never made it. “I attended the University of Illinois for three semesters, University of South

Class Knox —Tom Howes ’43, on surviving the Tubbs wildfire in Santa Rosa, California Carolina, and several other colleges. Altogether, I have 750 semester hours but no degree!” Degree from Knox or not, we still claim you as one of our own, Keith! Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1945 Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1946 It was good to hear from Shyla Slobodkin Wollman, who lives in Sturtevant, Wisconsin, but summers in Ellison Bay. She says she spent the long summer days appreciating the music, drama, and art of all kinds that flourishes in Door County. And, if she doesn’t feel like going anywhere, she can still enjoy the glorious scenery and fantastic sunsets! Says Shyla, “I am truly blessed.” Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1947 Joy Kerler King is back to serving her HOA board after taking a six-year hiatus. She reports being very busy keeping folks informed about all the happenings in her community. She also enjoys trips to her family cabin in Allenspark, Colorado, and to nearby Rocky Mountain National Park. She would love to see any of you who are still travelers. Look her up if you are in the Boulder area. ❯ Jim Crawford is happy to be back in Fort Myers for the winter. At 93, he doesn’t miss the winters in Green Bay, Wisconsin, especially when he can watch his favorite Green Bay Packers in his shorts and flip flops! Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1948 Harry Babbitt writes, “Greetings from Argentina. My spouse and I currently live in Buenos Aires. Every three months, we make a move to another lovely city in South America—Santiago (Chile), Lima (Peru), and Medellín (Colombia). What an exciting life at 90! I am about to publish my first book through Amazon, Spanish Heritage in the USA. I continue to work 8-10 hours a day on my projects. I may not have told you that I married Luis two years ago in Florida so he might get a green card. He was denied owing to a technicality. He has double citizenship (Peru and Argentina), so we live here, where I am very happy. He waits on me hand and foot, and we love each other a great deal. I am lucky enough to

have pretty good health for 90. We just came back from a 20-block walk (round trip). It’s summer here. Next week, my 90 days are up, and we will go to Santiago for three months—another beautiful city. We’ll have an apartment on the 20th floor with a good view of the snow-capped Andes.” ❯ I received this from Jim Moser: “Time marches on with its incumbent changes. I have moved into an apartment in an excellent location that is more like a club for older folks than a senior facility, and I was able to incorporate many of the treasures of my former home. A surprising number of fellow residents are former friends and acquaintances, so, in a way, it is like old home week. And the food, which I need not prepare, is superior. It has been an excellent move for me. I still enjoy the learning experience at OSHER. Knox helped prepare me for that. Although my days here are full and pleasant, I often also recall my days with family and the times of my rewarding life. Hopefully you and my remaining classmates can as well. Best wishes.” ❯ Bob White writes, “May 2018 be the best year yet. I still play bridge and, hopefully, golf.” ❯ From Arlyth Rogers Atkinson: “I worry about the country under the present leadership, but when I look out at the sky, the trees, and the waterfall across the way I so enjoy what I see. Life is so amazing. Knox seems so long ago; it was a wonderful part of my life. I especially enjoyed the library and the choir. I still crochet, which keeps my fingers nimble and makes me feel I am being useful. I donate the hats to the cancer center.” Class Correspondent: Sidney E. Norris 3135 Agate Street, Eugene, OR 97405, 541-683-6160,

1949 Bill Wedan has made the decision to return to the States. He arrived in early December to spend the holidays with relatives near Niagara Falls, New York. He plans to look for an apartment in the Tonawanda-Rochester area in the New Year. ❯ Stella McMaster Trench doesn’t mind being 90. Though she says she is somewhat limited with physical activities, she keeps her mind active with lots of reading and puzzles. She also lives close enough to Notre Dame to take advantage of concerts and plays, and she very much enjoys spending time with family who live nearby. Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1950 Bob Willett wrote to say how much he enjoyed the article on the Peace Corps preparation work at Knox in the last magazine. He shared that his daughter joined the Peace Corps and spent two years teaching on the Mekong River in one of Thailand’s poorest areas. Bob writes, “We got to

visit her twice, and it was an eye-opener. There are many other organizations that provide for alumni with special skills to travel to interesting places and offer their expertise to areas of need. I went to Romania, Poland, and Far East Russia with Citizens for Democracy; to Uganda and Petrozavodsk, Russia with ACDI/VOCA; to Moldova and Vladivostok with Financial Services Volunteer Corps; Shanghai with International Executive Service Corps; and to Ho Chi Minh City for Bank World. Plus, I had an assignment in Amman, Jordan, and Baghdad in 2005 with VEGA. So there are lots of organizations that need skilled Americans to help out where skills are in short supply, and in all areas.” ❯ Kenneth Radnitzer writes that he suffered a fall last September and was in rehab for several months. He’s ready to get back to his regular activities. He says his wife, Ruth, has taken good care of him during his recovery. [Eds.’ note: Sadly, Ken passed away on January 1, 2018. Our deepest sympathy to his wife and family.] Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1951 George Rendall and wife Jane are happy living in their retirement community. Though he gave up driving, he still walks and works out several times a week. He also reads The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, and The New York Times regularly. He would welcome calls from his classmates. ❯ Mary-Lee Patterson spent a busy summer attending some farm-related events. She took part in the Illinois Soybean Field Day, a forestry field day of an Illinois State Forester, and Farm Journal’s Corn and Soybean College. Mary-Lee says the lectures and field work were graduate-level agricultural science. ❯ Richard Stranahan wrote to say that he recently attended the 70th reunion of his high school class of 1947. Attending this reunion of Maine Township High School were three others who joined Dick at Knox College in fall 1947. They were Dick Carter, Cleon “Lee” Fulle Nelsen, and Milt Koehler ’53. Dick said that there have been quite a few Maine grads who attended Knox over the years. ❯ It is always a pleasure when alumni write about special Knox memories. I loved reading the following from Marian Tenhaeff Trythall: “When reflecting about Knox College days, I often think of my time being a waitress in the dining room at Whiting Hall. It was a way to help pay my college expenses, but it also turned out to be a way to create great friendships and add to the fun of college life. At dinner time, we waitresses would often sing in crazy ways while waiting for Miss Smyth to arrive at her table. When everyone had gathered, we all would sing, ‘While twilight shades are falling upon our Whiting Hall . . .’ Then everyone waited for Miss Smyth to sit down, and everyone else would follow suit. I have lost or lost contact with all my



“Al Paulus ’56 and I trade groaners—terrible puns. Sorry I have a word former waitress friends except Martha Jacobsen Roskam ’52. I’m sure ‘all the ladies in white uniforms’ remembered our fun times.” ❯ There is fun news to share from Jay Burgess. He and wife Shay welcomed the arrival of twin great-grandchildren in 2017. He also shares that their son is the new general manager of the Orlando Magic NBA team in Orlando, Florida. They are happy to have more family close to them in Florida. Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1952 Myrle Trieger Summerford regrets the lack of any mention of The Siwasher in the most recent Knox Magazine article about student publications. She writes that it was the literary magazine during her years at Knox. “Joe Cerny was editor, and I was managing editor. Our yearbook lists Barb Dunsmore Ross, art department; Lois Gord Graham, make up; and proof editor, Gene Graham. Janet Grieg Post 1894 sponsored a writing contest, and we printed the winners in one edition—which is undated! We had to appeal to everyone to submit SOMETHING for each issue. I have two copies from our senior year—neither dated nor volume numbered. How did we forget to do that? One ‘filler’ made me laugh, after all these years: ‘Lines on the Tragedy of Living Upstairs in Grace Stayt House; or, An Extension Would Cost Only Two

Dollars a Month’ —by Nancy Cragwall, and, ‘Here’s to the boy, may he rot in hell one day, Who telephones his girl at eight a.m. on Sunday.’ The literary endeavors of the present students are marvelous, and I hope all of them keep on writing beyond their college days.” [Eds. note: Fear not! The Siwasher is neither gone nor forgotten, but was highlighted in the article under its current title, Catch.] ❯ John Cooke writes, “After eight years of work, we opened Prairie Ridge of Galena, LLC, in August 2017. This is a 50-independent senior living apartment complex with 14 memory care units. It is a for-profit business. We have about 25 investors and a bank loan, for a total investment of $18 million. Marge and I moved into a corner unit on the third floor in late August. I am 90 this year and expect to build a second complex in a similar city in the next year or two. Why not, now we know how to do it? Anyone out here with a few shekels and an interest in getting into one of the fastest-growing industries, just let me know. I still work full-time, even though I’m not getting paid. I would like to see a major co-op develop resources in the Driftless areas of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. This is a 24,000-square-mile area the glaciers passed on the way to flattening out Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois some 800,000 years ago. There is a community foundation I had a hand in organizing, work for the big River Museum in Dubuque, and miscellaneous smaller projects. Stay busy, live longer.” Class Correspondent: Megan Clayton Knox College, Box K-210, 2 East South Street, Galesburg, IL 61401, 309-341-7476,

1953 Calling all ’53 classmates: As you know, this year (2018) will our 65th Reunion at Homecoming on October 19-21, 2018. I don’t know of any firm plans at this time for any Reunion activities, but I’m sure more information on that will be forthcoming later. Now here’s some notes on a couple of our classmates, some of which are not too encouraging. ❯ A note from Roland Peaslee ’55 about the passing of retired colonel Don Rocke on September 4, 2017, in Helotes, Texas. Don and his wife had retired there after serving in the Medical Service Corps. He served in Vietnam, was a professor at West Point, and, after leaving the service, was a hospital administrator in South Texas. He was a 32nd Degree Mason and is interred at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, San Antonio, Texas. ❯ From Fresno, California, Harlow Hosford says he is recovering well from heart surgery on April 15, 2017. It was major surgery, as his aorta was under 30 percent capacity. He no longer drives due to macular degeneration and takes injections to maintain sight, but with no guaranty of improvement. Harlow is still in touch with his old TKE roommate, Vern Spencer, who has been in Japan now for more than 60 years. We wish Harlow the best for a speedy recovery. ❯ As for me, I’m still plodding along. Last year I made two trips, one to the Carnival de Quebec (Winter Carnival) in Quebec City and another to Boston for the Tall Ships Regatta in Boston Harbor. Also two trips to South Carolina to visit my daughter. Don’t forget Homecoming in October, and I look forward to seeing those who can make it. BTW: Would like to hear more from the rest of our ’53 classmates. Class Correspondent: Nevin C. Lescher 295 Reed Avenue, Windsor Locks, CT 06096, 860-623-0550,



Marian Tenhaeff Trythall ’51 shared this photo of the Whiting Hall waitresses. “I often think of my time being a waitress. It was a way to help pay my college expenses, but it also turned out to be a way to create great friendships and add to the fun of college life.”



The fall issue of Knox Magazine reminded me that 18 years ago, I decried the use of email. No more! With the passage of years and the steady decline of my hearing, I now rely strongly on email. It is so-called social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc., that I decry as allowing cantankerous cranks to foist their anti-social ideas on others. ❯ For this issue, I’ve had email from a few. As planned, Ron Leganger spent five summer weeks in Europe before returning to Chicago and then to Florida for the winter. ❯ Bobbie Schlick Poor winters in St. Louis but waxed rather poetic and had my mouth watering with her report of summers in Leland, Michigan, “where the season begins with white trillium to admire and locally grown asparagus to savor. Summer seems to be navigated not by months but what is growing … the harvest of strawberries, cherries and raspberries, blueberries, and sweet corn become miniature seasons … and enjoying the stream of family and friends who come to visit. When apple-picking is half-done,

Class Knox limit, or I would share a few.” —Dorothy Thomas Wharton ’55 and the maple and beech trees are wearing scarlet and gold, it is time to head back south.” ❯ While Knox may be known as a small college, our alumni can be found everywhere. In Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, Betty Darnell Nelson shares a book discussion group with Dr. Sue Boland ’81, who heads the psychology department at Lock Haven University. ❯ Don Stoffel offered a favorable comment on my lawn bowling. ❯ Clark Andrews provided the sad news of the death in October of “a great friend and ex-roommate,” Ron Hill. Not a roommate of mine, but indeed a great friend. Ron saw much of the world as a career Navy dentist. Our sympathy to Virginia and family. Class Correspondent: Jim Dunlevey 27419 Embassy Street, Menifee, CA 92586-2005,

1955 Greetings and salutations from Christmas past— I’m writing this in December, and you will read it in the spring. As usual, I have had enough responses (thank you), so I did not have to fulfill my threat to write the entire column about my family. ❯ Mina Stumpf Bentsen had a memorable trip to Norway last June. Husband Harry died in 2016, and, shortly after, the family began organizing a trip to connect to his Norwegian roots. There were 21 of them who met ancestral families and learned about their heritage on this customized journey. (Since I am a genealogy nut, that sounds wonderful to me.) Carol Boldt Bentsen married Harry’s brother, Ron, and, having an interest in genealogy, got Mina interested, too. Mina and Harry’s four children have all prospered, and, if my math is correct, there are 12 grandchildren. Mina and Harry had many travels thanks to Franklin Life. She credits her Knox years for many good things in her life. ❯ As always, Walter Larkin and wife Susan Clare had wonderful trips during the year. They were in Hong Kong in January 2017 to celebrate the New Year (Year of the Rooster); it was an intermediate stop on Susan’s journey to Shenzhen. In September, they visited the vineyards of Lavaux, Switzerland, which is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. They also were in Gruyere, Switzerland; Dayton, Ohio, at the Wright Brothers/National Aviation Heritage Area; The Isle of Lewis, Scotland; and Vienna. They get the “most traveled” award. ❯ Bill Ives has the most exciting travel story. He was attending a client meeting at a Napa resort and given 10 minutes to evacuate because of nearby wildfires. His drive through smoke and falling ash was exciting for an old guy. (His word; mine would be “terrifying.”) A more positive thrilling experience was watching his grandson, Thomas Ives, playing for Colgate and being featured on ESPN’s football plays of the day twice in October for his onehanded catches. Bill says his grandson may not be a chip off the old block but is at least a shaving. ❯ Don ’53 and Gail Holmes Curtis continue to

enjoy their boat, Dolphin. They planned a trip to Cape Canaveral in January to watch a space launch. They have two more great-grandbabies on the way, which will make a total of three. ❯ Paul Johnson and Pat are in good health, which is always great to hear. Paul is still in residential real estate in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley. He joined Russ Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty following about four years of retirement from Johnson Industrial Sales in 2000. About every three months, Paul writes The Johnson Report, an update on the real estate market in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, and the Phoenix area, and Pat edits. It always includes home improvement suggestions … the part I like. ❯ Sally Dolder Stewart writes that she and Willy, in the midst of several health challenges in their household, enjoyed a bright spot in their summer with a visit from their daughter and son-in-law and their son and daughter. They live in Qatar, where the children are getting a wonderful international education with students from 90 different countries. They have also lived in Ireland and England. They didn’t mind the summer heat in Arizona since, as we know, it is a dry heat. What amazing experiences for those children. ❯ Al and Barbara Behringer Paulus ’56 were in Chicago in September enjoying beautiful fall weather. They stayed with son Dick Paulus ’82 and visited the grade school that Al graduated from 70 years ago. The neighborhood he grew up in is now upscale; his boyhood house is gone, and there is not even a plaque commemorating the hallowed ground. They have a grandson who is a student at Northwestern and saw a Northwestern game. Back in Tucson, they also have done a lot of refurbishing. Al and I trade groaners—terrible puns. Sorry, I have a word limit, or I would share a few. ❯ Diane Ridge Ogdon ’55 was at niece Jennifer Haley’s induction into the Elgin Sports Hall of Fame. In her acceptance speech, Jennifer gave credit to mother Donna Ridge Haley for encouraging her in pioneering for girls’ sports equality. Jennifer was in sports at Larkin High School in Elgin, and later coach and head of the athletic department. Her mother would have been so proud of her, as all of us are. Diane is a great-grandmother of a little boy, and he will have a baby sister soon. Diane plans to fly to Florida early in January with Jennifer to see her son and family and have some beach time. ❯ Russ Fuiks and wife Jan looked forward to Christmas in Denver with their two sons and their families, who live nearby. After Thanksgiving, Russ took grandson Morgan to a Denver Nuggets vs. Chicago Bulls basketball game as part of a Denver Knox event. He says he is always the oldest alumnus at the Knox events. (We’re the oldest just about anywhere we go.) Also, in November, the Fuikes were in Branson, Missouri, to see the Christmas shows and lights. ❯ The Whartons? We have two great-granddaughters! They were born two days apart early in December—one in St. Louis, one in San Francisco. One is named Campbell (a family name); the Pauluses

also have a great-granddaughter named Campbell. Any relation? That will be an ancestry project for me. Our youngest granddaughter, who graduated from Georgetown Law in May, will marry here in Stuart this May. Our other attorney granddaughter is with a law firm in West Palm Beach. Grandniece Meagan Kapes Busby ’14 married in Flossmoor in July. Husband Elliot is from Glasgow, and he and his groomsmen wore kilts. Look at the wedding pictures in 2014’s Class Notes to see Meagan and her Knox friends at the event. Great fun. ❯ Thank you again for sending me news. That makes my job as glue for the class so much easier. (Wally Larkin gave me a tube of Gorilla Glue at our 50th as a trophy of my position.) All my best. Stay well. Class Correspondent: Dorothy Thomas Wharton 3511 S.E. Fairway West, Stuart, FL 34997-6033, 772-220-9433,

1956 Stan Anton writes that he and wife Jenny enjoyed meeting up with classmate Mack Trapp this past April for the very inspirational Phi Delta Theta Foundation trustees event in Naples, Florida. They had fun comparing notes roughly 61 years after college days, even though it seems like yesterday. Stan also mentioned that daughter Georgina spent November hiking the “W” route in Patagonia, stretching from Chile into Argentina. Clearly, Georgina inherited Stan’s and Jenny’s adventure genes. ❯ Bob and Judy Bowers Rothe ’58 plan to move into a retirement community in 2020. That will be one well-planned move! In preparation, they are decluttering their home of 54 years. That will include the removal of the large model railroad Bob has been adding to for more than 70 years. His artistic labor of love has been visited by more than 13,000 persons since 1964. In an attempt to preserve a memory of this miniature empire, son Christopher is assembling a Shutterfly photo book about the Yampa Valley Railroad. In addition, Bob has created a website where the YVRR can be viewed as an art museum, complete with a number of different “galleries.” Tour this highly detailed realistic world-in-miniature at: ❯ From David Yount comes the news that wife Rebecca Tobin Yount has just published the sixth thriller in her series featuring Scotland Yard’s Anglo-Indian Chief Inspector Michael (Mick) Chandra. He gives a synopsis of the story: “When the BBC’s top foreign correspondent, Jo Eccleston, is viciously murdered on her London doorstep in broad daylight, immediate suspicion centers on her political and military sources in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is only after Mick and partner Elizabeth Chang concentrate on Jo’s private life that they believe a lover may be her killer. Then they learn that Jo may have mothered a young child in England—father unidentified. Mick and Elizabeth do locate a young autistic girl locked



Larry ’59 and Barb Woods Blasch ’61 survived Hurricane Irma by away in a facility outside London, whose bills are being paid by persons unknown and who receives no visitors. The story revolves around a lively cast of characters, including Mick’s American-born concert-pianist wife, Jessica Beaumont; his best friend and occasional undercover aide, Jamie Geller, another ex-pat; and Jo’s hitherto-unknown half-sister Leah, who, in the end, comes to the girl’s rescues.” Wow! ❯ In August, I had a delightful visit with my sister, Ann Jung Finney ’58, at her home in Elk Grove Village. As usual, she was fully engaged with life and full of plans. When she died suddenly in November, the shock was stunning. I am thankful for the happy memories. Class Correspondent: Ricky Jung Schwarzler 854 Cessna Street, Independence OR 97351,

1957 At press time, we learned that Class Correspondent Jack O’Dowd passed away on April 3, 2018. Our condolences to Joan, his wife of 54 years, as well as his family and friends. Class Correspondent: TBD

1958 I recently acquired some old issues of The Knox Student and found the news of 1954–55 interesting. Going through the yellowed newspapers, the ads were fun to read. You could get half a fried chicken and trimming for $1 from the Huddle, with free delivery. You could purchase an Arrow white dress shirt for $3.95 from Continental Clothing Store. Campus Roundtable questions included lighting in the library, clearing the stench near Seymour Hall, and adding new stop lights. Required Chapel on one Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. was a movie, The Quiet One, to be held in the theatre. President Sharvy Umbeck accepted a $50,000 gift from 1895 Knox grad Otto Harbach on his 80th birthday. Harbach wrote many famous Broadway hits. Tom Williams, director of the Galesburg Community Chorus, presented The Messiah in the Knox Gym in December 1954. The 60-member Knox-Galesburg Symphony presented its first concert in 1955 on the new stage of Beecher Hall. One article remarked that Knox had an unusually small number of people representing other countries: Julia Santos and Pepe Papadrainou from Greece, Michiko Tsukii Tanaka ’57 and Dave

Hairi from Japan, Sachie Ozaki Ohata ’55 and Michie Ozaki Seki ’57 from Hawaii, and Woody Pierce from Canada … much different from the diversity on today’s campus. It’s fun to remember the good old days at Knox. What do you remember? ❯ One sad piece of news: Ann Jung Finney died on November 22, 2017, in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. Her 44-year career in marketing and public relations earned her a Clio and other marketing awards. When Ann finished Knox, she continued education courses at Northwestern and Roosevelt University throughout her life. She retired as vice president for Harris Bank but continued to be active in a variety of activities. She married Raymond William Finney in 1964 and divorced in 1974. She was so proud of her daughter, Sarah (Mrs. Jim Hernandez), and two grandchildren. Her sister, Erica Jung Schwarzler ’56 (married to Bob Schwarzler ’55) is also a Knox graduate. ❯ I’m always looking for class news. Class Correspondent: Letitia Luther Schactner 246 East Dayton Street, Galesburg, IL 61401-1833, 309-342-0748,



Cathy Witschey Tompson reports that her family has grown to include eight “grands” and 11 “great-grands,” with one more arriving in February. ❯ Paul Hohe and wife Elva have sold their winery and moved back to their old home in San Rafael, California. They still have their place in Chicago. ❯ Jenice Jaekel Tremelling sent greetings but had no news. ❯ Larry Blasch was surprised by an 80th birthday party. He and Barb Woods Blasch ’61 survived Hurricane Irma by evacuating to their daughter’s home in Richmond. They are active as members of the Development Board for the School of Education at the Citadel. ❯ Barbara Fowler Nagel sent pictures of three generations of their family in a park in Lake Forest. ❯ Carol Nelson Nelson and husband Ken have been enjoying traveling with University of Illinois Alumni. Ken plays golf and tennis frequently. ❯ Jan Shroyer says her 80th birthday was the biggest event of the year. Class Correspondent: Louise Bost Wolf 3 Gilbert Park, Knoxville, IL 61448, 309-337-6435 (cell),

1960 Bill Beanblossom ’60 and wife Susan hosted a dinner party for fellow Chicagoarea alumni last fall. Standing (l-r): Bob Schmid ’62, Jim Valentine ’61, Linda Lenz Allen ’61, Denny Geraghty ’60, Susan Mitchell Nienhuis ’61, Bill Fay ’61, Barb Fay ’61, George “Iggy” Matkov ’64, and Karl Nienhuis ’61. Seated (l-r): Karl Nagel ’60, Barb Fowler Nagel ’59, Jeanne Geraghty, and Bill Beanblossom ’60.



We’ve reached the age at which time spent “coaching” younger colleagues is replacing our office hours. Joe Pankus shared a recent Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article that described his continuing leadership in business. “With a background that ranges from Wurlitzers to Winnie the Pooh,” it read, “Joe Pankus shared his business knowledge with leaders of companies in south central Wisconsin … Pankus established a group of CEOs and business owners from

Class Knox evacuating to their daughter’s home in Richmond. Waukesha, Dane, Jefferson, Rock, and Walworth counties … During meetings, CEOs are welcome to discuss issues they might be facing and seek guidance from other members.” Conversations with my contemporaries, along with Joe’s news and my own experiences as a career coach, remind me of a magazine cartoon I saw years ago. In it, a Blackfoot elder said to a younger brave, “When you get too old to hunt, you teach others to read buffalo droppings.” ❯ Fran Rogers Ippensen wrote that she and John Ippensen experienced a near-miss of Hurricane Irma’s storm surge damage to their resort-style retirement village home in Fort Myers. Mandatory evacuation led them to Branson, Missouri, where they “spent much of the week watching the news on TV with little idea how Southwest Florida and our area was weathering the storm. We also went to a few music shows and felt survivors’ guilt that we were enjoying ourselves while we knew the conditions back home must have been bad from the news on TV.” ❯ Maury Klein shared this news: “We have had a good year. Wife Kim continues to work as a branch office administrator for Edward Jones and still loves her job. Most of my time has been spent writing, consulting mostly in the role of expert witness, and teaching in University of Rhode Island’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute program for people over 50—a thoroughly enjoyable experience. In September, we took a weeklong bus tour through the great canyons and monuments of the Southwest, all of which I had been around but never got to see. We loved it. Two weeks later we drove out to Galesburg, where I served as Alumni Professional in Residence, giving a public talk and meeting with students exploring what they could do with a history major. One pleasant surprise was seeing Bob Baker at my talk. Stepdaughter Shannon Perry ’15 still lives and works in Denver. In October, she welcomed her first child, Ronan Lee Ferro (Knox ’35?), which made Kim a delighted grandmother. For the first time in my adult life, I’m not working on a new book and haven’t decided whether I will do another one. For now, I am content writing shorter works and enjoying life more.” ❯ Ed Vondrak, who is a mathematical physicist, wrote that during his three decades of full-time teaching, he wrote three dozen articles about his primary hobby of model trains. They were published in various model railroading magazines. Following retirement, he helped his church launch a “community assistance ministry.” Ed shared that his half-century of ballroom, polka, and swing dancing ended when he started using a walker. That, however, hasn’t stopped his continued writing of memoirs … five dozen to date. Like many of us, including your Class Correspondent, he said, “My brain generates ideas faster than I am able to write.” Class Correspondent: Dick Aft 775 Windings Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45220,

1961 Although the Suellas did a minimum of pitiful pleading, some of our classmates came through with enough material that we don’t have to pad this issue’s column! ❯ We begin with an email from Tom and Suzanne Summers Knauss. “Thank you for maintaining the 1961 contributions to the Knox news. We were on campus last August and were pleased to see how well-maintained are the grounds and buildings. The new art building is a great addition. With the proposed science building, Knox will be more competitive in attracting students. Dr. Amott has contributed so much to improvements and outreach. We are very happy living in the beautiful Northwest, where we have one daughter and her family (two grandchildren) in Portland. Our other daughter and her family (one grandchild) live on the island of Kauai. So, we have nice vacations, too!” ❯ When you read this note from George Johnson, keep in mind that old ditty “I Am My Own Grandpa.” “Dear Susan and Ella: All right, I am sending a little news. This past October, one of my six grandsons became a member of the Beta Theta Pi chapter at St. Lawrence University, where he is a sophomore. So now this grandson is also my brother! I also want to encourage all Knox Betas to contribute to the $1.6 million project to renovate our beloved Beta house. More than $1.2 million has already been donated.” ❯ This message is from Nancy Fuchs Krueger. “We now have three great-grandchildren: a 1-year-old girl and 3- and 9-year-old boys. Happy they live nearby, and we get to have them over weekly. Giving violin lessons to the boys. A new hip helps me keep up with the youngest. They give us much joy.” (Nancy and husband Brian play in the KnoxGalesburg Symphony Orchestra.) ❯ Norm Porter wrote: “Wife Gail and I love to go on cruises in small ships, and one of our favorite tour companies is Lindblad Expeditions. They are paired with National Geographic, and their companies are interested in promoting the environment and the communities that are impacted by their visits. The ships range in size from 30 to 150 passengers, and, in July, we were fortunate to be able to cruise with them among the Greek Isles on a ship called the Sea Cloud. This ship is a fourmasted hand-sailed tall ship with 58 passengers and 60 crew (needed to handle the 30 sails, many of which were set much of the time). Built in 1931 by E.F. Hutton for wife Marjorie Merriweather Post, it is not only beautiful to look at, but is so stable that we had no seasickness on board even when we had gale-force winds on a few occasions. We visited the Cyclades, seven isles south of Greece in the Aegean Sea. Each has a fascinating history going back to B.C. times. One favorite was Amorgos, which had a dazzling white monastery on the side of a cliff. This was reached by driving on a steep road and then climbing 300 steps straight up. I was proud that my wife, who has a fear of heights, was able to

talk herself to the top! I’d highly recommend this voyage for anyone who likes to sail and needs a little adventure in life.” ❯ And, finally, this from Jim Marks: “I thought I would share with everyone my memories of classmate Danny Little, who died in January 2017 and was put to rest in London Mills, where he grew up. Danny was older than most of us, married, and, as I remember, came to Knox after time in the service. Because my father also came from a farm near London Mills and my mother from nearby Delong, I remember Danny quite well. All three individuals were the first in their families to attend college, a distinction that past-president Roger Taylor ’63 thought was one of Knox’s finer attributes. I came to know Danny because I played basketball with him. Danny was a terrific ball handler because his big upper torso, long arms, and big hands made it nearly impossible for anyone guarding him to steal the ball. I’ll never forget our midwinter trip to Grinnell where he and I were assigned to the same room on the second floor of a rambling old white-frame hotel in downtown Grinnell. On entry to the room, we both began to laugh because the solution to fire was a big thick rope tied around the radiator. I could have understood if it were the date of my birth in 1939, but that rope seemed a little outdated for 1963. I’m happy to relate that we slept through the night after the game and had no need to open the window, throw out that rope, and climb down to the ground. I suspect fire was an ever-present risk for that hotel, because Grinnell is one of the colder places in the continental United States.” ❯ Farewell, esteemed classmates, and keep writing! Class Correspondents: Susan Shea Worthington 1611 South Street, Lexington, MO 64067-1431, 660-259-4559, Ella Major Morin 11234 54th Avenue N., St. Petersburg, FL 33708-2949, 727-290-6984,

1962 Class Notes from the Remarkable Class of ’62: A good number of us made the pilgrimage to Knox to celebrate our 55th Reunion. We looked pretty darn good and had tales to tell. Knox had infused in us a commitment to making the world a better place. Have to say I was quite proud of us. Cynthia Morse Latta worked with the Knox team to put it all together. ❯ Joan Dude Callecod went home from the Reunion to an operation reconstructing her spine (or something equally challenging). Think it was aggravated from cheering hubby Bob Callecod ’61, who received the Outstanding Male Citizen award for lifetime service to the people of Bowling Green. ❯ Pat Gronemeyer Carrell missed the Reunion to get a new knee—she joins many of us who have replaced one or more joints. She writes, “Craig and I have been retired from faculty and administrative positions for 15 years and enjoy retirement in Sun City Anthem in Henderson,



“NASA just published a report on the experiment that I worked on Nevada.” She is finally used to the dry, hot summers and thoroughly enjoys the mild rest-of-theyear. “We traveled a lot during our careers and continue to keep that pace in retirement, including cruises and land tours all over the world. Now we enjoy road trips to spectacular places in the U.S. (including Galesburg). We enjoy being contacted by old friends who are coming to Vegas and want to get together. If you are coming our way, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to show you some of the many wonderful parts of our area off the Strip!” ❯ Steve ’61 and Ellen Louthan Hawley tell us they are loving their golden years in sunny Florida at Palm Aire Country Club in Sarasota. “Imagine our surprise when we discovered Bob Bennett ’60 lives here as well.” They went to Boston for a lovely visit, where Ellen broke her ankle and spent the rest of the trip icing her ankle and traveling in a wheelchair. That was followed by an overnight in a shelter when Hurricane Irma came by and a trip to Mexico City shortly after the earthquake. “Maybe that is why Steve stays home with the rescue poodle? That’s the excitement for that year!” ❯ Norm Ilchene, John Sauter ’63, and Jim Marks ’61 will meet for their annual Cubs Spring Training gathering in Mesa, Arizona. They will join to watch several Cubs games and will also repeat their tradition of dinner at the Stockyards Restaurant. They very much enjoy the fellowship and the opportunity to recall their fond memories of Knox days. ❯ It is with sadness that I report the passing of fellow classmate Bruce Butterfield on December 18. Bruce had been in failing health for the past few months. He was a professor of literature at University of New York at Plattsburgh. Bruce was an enthusiastic Knox alum who cherished his Knox connections and, with great reluctance, had to miss our 55th Reunion. I am sure he is leading his fellow Knoxites in “Hail Knox All Glorious.” Journey well-traveled, Bruce. ❯ Keep writing, so I am not forced to make up your life stories. Class Correspondent: Kate Bloomberg

1963 Class Correspondent: Ramona Reed Landberg 21500 Baltic Drive, Cornelius, NC 28031, 704-892-4637,

1964 From Leigh Scott: “Sometimes results from career efforts take a while to become easily visible. NASA just published a report on the experiment that I worked on as a young scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center back in the early ’70s. I saw a serious limitation in the version of the ionmass spectrometer that was being used and came up with the idea of opening up the end of the measuring tube, using a charged mesh instead of a solid plate to collect the ions, and adding a vent



to allow the neutral particles to flow out through the side of the satellite. This reduced the internal pressure, enabling the experiment to measure the positive ions at lower altitudes and higher spacecraft velocities. NASA flew my design not only on the new Atmosphere Explore E satellite, but also to Venus (Pioneer Venus Mission). The measurements made of the Venus atmosphere were mankind’s first made from direct probes.” [How rewarding is that!] ❯ Pam Norton, who returned from a week in Arkansas with friends, writes: “I know, who goes to Arkansas? Well, if you ever have a chance to go to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, don’t pass it up. The architecture is as astounding as the art, and it is free! I was doubly blessed, as there was a Chihuly exhibit in their sculpture garden that was lit at night: spectacular! Also got to the Louisiana Purchase Historic State Park, the starting point for all the land surveys for 13 states; it was in a swamp (of course!) but has a nice elevated walkway out to the marker so as to avoid the snakes and alligators.” ❯ Steve Gamble reports: “The last trip we completed was a fall hike in the Pyrenees with Backroads. We were in Barcelona the week prior to the vote, visiting Gaudi’s buildings. Sagrada Familia is as remarkable as described in Dan Brown’s latest book, Origin. Then off for 5.5 days of long walks and great dinners, back to Barcelona the day of the vote, and off to Paris before flying back to Washington, D.C. (where Grace and I met and were married). We love D.C. [Understandably.] Finally, we have sold our home in New Canaan, Connecticut, and are now residents of Cordillera, Colorado.” ❯ Mike Pope: “We had a great bus tour of the Eastern Canadian Maritime Provinces in September. October/November saw us visit family in Virginia and Illinois. We also had a visit with Terry Klopcic and wife Val in Ohio. We spent time in Amish country and many hours chatting at their wooded homestead, which includes a stream and waterfall for added charm.” [We love visitors —Terry.] ❯ Martha Peterson Riley and husband Jim spent much of 2017 celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. A few of the highlights were April in Europe, an anniversary celebration with family over Labor Day weekend, a mission trip to a Costa Rican orphanage for a week in December, and many trips to visit family throughout the year. ❯ Dave Grossman is also a bucket-lister: “2017 was a great bucket list travel year. Top trip was to Quito and Galapagos, but we also went to Hanoi, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong (a second home to us after we lived there 12 years). I went to Phoenix for baseball spring training and reunion with my roomie, Mike ‘Scoop’ Lawrence. Attended two reunions at Stanford, one for the Stanford Program on International and CrossCultural Education (SPICE) that I started in 1976 (and still going strong). Continue to consult for the East-West Center in Honolulu and enjoy life in our valley home on the edge of a rainforest. In 2018, we plan two big trips: one to Europe and the other to Bhutan, Nepal, and India.” ❯

Karen Hummel Crumbliss reports: “Al Crumbliss is now formally retired after a marvelous weekend retirement celebration and reunion of his former graduate research students, undergrads, and post-docs, beautifully organized by Duke University.” ❯ And, finally, Babs Kothe Fiala’s annual accounting of the “magnificent eight:” “For our 27th annual get-together, Karen Dittmer Bowyer ’63, Jean Howell Card, Kathy Molda East, Avis Sorenson Erickson, Nancy Anderson Levin, JoAnn Dworzynski Pierce, Jean Scott Welch, and I gathered in St. Louis on the last weekend of August, and, as always, had a glorious time together. For our first day’s outing, we all donned our purple Knox T-shirts (relics from our 50th Reunion), which drew a lot of attention from people we passed along the way and resulted in several short but fun conversations with friendly strangers, most of which were prefaced by ‘Where and what is Knox?’ At the Old Courthouse Museum, one of the docents engaged us in a long, fascinating discourse on the life and times of Mother Bickerdyke, who was one of his personal heroes! We took the bumpy, spooky ride to the top of the Arch; toured several magnificent museums in Forest Park; and met up with Scoop Lawrence and wife Marianne and George Shea ’66 and wife Janet at the Boathouse Restaurant in Forest Park for dinner on our last evening in town. [Scoop gets around!] Because our time in St. Louis happened to coincide with Hurricane Harvey’s attack on Texas— closing the two Houston airports—Jean and JoAnn had to change their departure plans at the last minute: Jeannie flew to Chicago to stay with a sister, and JoAnn flew to Tulsa to stay with a daughter and grandchildren. Happily, their homes were not damaged by the storm, and they were able to return home in less than a week. Next year we plan to visit Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and LeRoy, New York—the home of the Jell-O Hall of Fame! Can’t wait to tell you all about that!” Class Correspondent: Terry Klopcic

1965 Mary Welch Bendezu is a retired Spanish teacher living in New Canaan, Connecticut. She has a Ph.D. in school administration from the University of Nebraska. She and her husband lived in Peru until 1990. Her husband is Professor Edmundo Bendezu, who taught at Knox College. ❯ R. Bruce St John’s book, Libya: From Colony to Revolution, was released this month. Another book, History of Bolivia, sponsored by Foreign Policy magazine, will be released in December 2018. His younger son lives in Paris, France, and works as an architect. His older son recently moved back from Japan and will join a law firm in New York City. Bruce attended a conference in Brussels, Belgium, to look at the future of Libya sponsored by Foreign Policy magazine and Harvard University. ❯ William Weiher III

Class Knox as a young scientist back in the early ’70s.” —Leigh Scott ’64

1966 Larry Sommers writes from Madison, Wisconsin: “Joelle Nelson Sommers ’67 and I continue to enjoy our retirement, including lots of time with our two grandkids and lots of travel.

2018 Alumni Achievement Award Gregory F. Duick ’68 Before he even arrived at Knox, Greg Duick knew he wanted to become a physician. He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Dr. Duick spent 33 years as a cardiologist, including 20 years as chair of the cardiology department at Via Christi St. Francis Hospital in Wichita, before retiring from clinical practice. The Skokie, Illinois, native is still president and chairman of the Kansas Heart Hospital, a facility he helped co-found in 1999. Dr. Duick also served as a member of the Knox Board of Trustees from 1992 through 1996. How did you choose Knox? I wanted to go to a small college, but I had to consider cost. Thanks to generous support from the George M. Pullman Foundation, Knox became a possibility for me. The thing that is impressive about Knox is the quality of the teaching. The Knox faculty are passionate about their profession, and that extends beyond the classroom. They become mentors and friends, which continues beyond Commencement. Your success is their success.


Alumni Achievement Award Winner

retired as a computer programmer but continues to write computer programs as a hobby. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, and celebrated his 50th anniversary with wife Anne Wylie Weiher ’68. ❯ Nancy Harris Crandall does quite a bit of traveling and has recently been through Alaska, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Tanzania, and has visited a friend in Denmark. She has started to use many of her old quilting designs as she continues as a quilter. She lives in Rhode Island. ❯ Mary Murphy is a retired computer programmer and programmed for mainframes and Windows applications. Her hobby is reading mysteries. She has one daughter, two granddaughters, and a cat, Josephine. ❯ Arthur and Patricia Bielenberg Smith recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and Anne Mester, who was their classmate at Knox, was their maid of honor. Arthur retired as a Presbyterian minister. They have a summer home in Montague that has been in the family since 1919. ❯ Anne Mester lives in Berkeley, California, and worked as an attorney in the legal department for the State of California. ❯ Dorothy F. Scott is a retired virologist. Her mother, Juanita Phelps Scott ’34, was valedictorian of her high school class and attended Knox after the president of her school system’s Board of Education, also a Knox graduate, introduced her to the College. After attending Knox, Dorothy studied medical technology at Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center. She and three associates started Bion Enterprises, a company subsequently sold to a firm in Japan. The firm uses immunofluorescent staining to rapidly identify viruses. She stayed on as CEO for a period of three years during the transition of the company. Her samples have been sent to the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health. She worked with Thomas Smith at the Mayo Clinic in pursuit of her viral studies. She and her siblings, Donna Scott Reno ’63 and Glenn Scott ’64, established an educational fund at Knox College in honor of their mother. When asked by friends what she learned at Knox, Dorothy states, “Knox taught me to think and problem-solve.” ❯ Wife Beverly Anderson and I continue as animal rescuers and have dogs, cats, an opossum, horses, pigs, and goats. I also continue to practice ophthalmology and am one of only two ophthalmologists residing in the 11 counties of Southeast Kansas. ❯ Joe Thompson hopes that all will come to a mini-reunion on June 23 at the historic Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., and I ask that all interested please contact him so that he may make plans. Class Correspondent: Terry Rothstein, M.D. 220 N. 32nd Street, Parsons, KS 67357,

How did Knox affect the direction of your life and career? I was fortunate to know I wanted to become a physician prior to attending Knox. At Knox, I got the opportunity to develop a skill set that would be important in any career. I took courses in history—Rodney Davis had a huge impact on my life—in the arts, and outside of the sciences. Of course, my science education was exceptional. Billy Geer in the biology department was very encouraging to all students in the sciences who were thinking about medicine as a career, as was Leland Harris in chemistry. Having one-on-one learning experiences with Ph.D.s beginning at the introductory level was a bonus. Medicine is essentially about service to others, and not just to patients. Physicians also have to be able to lead and to teach. Service leadership is a value that is inculcated at Knox, as well as strong communication skills. It’s hard to imagine a better preparation. What do you regard as your most notable achievement? It has to be establishing the Kansas Heart Hospital, which was the first totally independent heart hospital anywhere in the United States. My co-founders and I wanted to ensure there was still a place that could support a patient-centered approach to medicine even as the regulatory environment and health insurance landscape were making—and continue to make—the practice of medicine more restrictive. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has continually awarded Kansas Heart Hospital its highest rating for overall quality and patient satisfaction, which is even more impressive considering that we’re not affiliated with a tertiary care center or a university. It speaks to the level of care we provide and the patients we serve. What advice do you have for current Knox students? I’d say, take the time to explore what you think you want to do because you’ll find people on campus who will help you get there. Study hard and work harder while taking the time to enjoy a unique four-year life experience. Watch a video interview with Greg Duick at KNOX MAGAZINE Spring 2018


“You have to admit being married for 48 years is a pretty neat

Harvey S. Sadow Jr. ’68 Harvey Sadow spent his freshman year in a military college, where his father planned for him to study pre-med. Instead, Sadow transferred to Knox with the intention to pursue an interest in writing. He soon discovered that “Knox was going to let me run on passion, thrive on logic, and feast on experience— in short, to become myself.” The person he became is no small achievement—a celebrated artist. His ceramics have appeared in more than 100 exhibitions around the world, with pieces included in the permanent collections of dozens of public and corporate institutions, including Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts and the White House Collection of American Crafts. He has also served on the faculties of Milliken University and University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, and was founding director of the Paducah (Kentucky) School of Art and Design, developing a new associate’s degree in fine arts for the Kentucky Community & Technical College System. PETER BAILLEY 74

How did your Knox experience affect the later direction of your life and career? I began taking studio art and art history classes in my junior year, and by senior year I had developed a passion for object-making. Written words on the page were just not the answer for me, and I knew it. With graduation approaching, all I knew for certain was that I desperately wanted to learn more about ceramics. The art department faculty introduced me to post-graduate programs that would allow me to do that. With the help of Professor Henry Joe, I applied for and received a graduate assistantship at the University of Iowa’s School of Art and Art History, even though my undergraduate degree was in creative writing. And the rest is truly “art and art history.”

What do you believe is your most notable achievement? To my way of thinking, my most notable achievement has been to successfully pursue my dream of becoming a self-supporting studio artist, working toward actualizing my own vision without compromise rather than supplying generic products to existing markets. Here I am, 50 years after graduation, still making “mud pies” that have taken me around the world and to dinner at the White House. Who’d have guessed? All the museum collections, awards and other resume fillers are wonderful, but in total, they represent something much more important to me: a life well-lived with family and friends.

What will you do to celebrate your Alumni Achievement Award? I think that instead of celebrating the award, I will go back to my studio and try to make sure that I continue to earn it. In addition to producing new work, I will continue to promote the visibility and quality of Knox College and the extraordinary educational opportunities that it offers. Maybe the best way to celebrate any award or honor is to find ways to give something back. Watch a video interview with Harvey Sadow at



Alumni Achievement Award Winner

2018 Alumni Achievement Award

Last spring, I started writing a historical novel about Norwegian immigrants in Illinois during the abolition and Civil War years. It’s going very well, and I expect to finish the first draft in April or May 2018. We enjoyed Homecoming this year. It was Joelle’s 50th Reunion, and it was great to see a number of old friends from her class, including David and Jan Grinker Altman ’67, Rick Uebner ’67, Julie Honnold ’67, and Margee Terry Smith ’67—also Lee Balgemann ’68. Incidentally, Jan Altman published a novel of her own in 2016, called When Words Were Mountains—an inspiring story of a family coping with learning disabilities, as well as the challenging passages of life. Well worth the read. ❯ Jim Johnson has fled the frozen north and appears mightily happy about it: “I have finally retired my ‘shingle’ and am wintering in Bonita Springs, Florida. I can swim and cycle here without chipping ice and bundling up.” ❯ Sue Beck Hoff sends a message I heartily second: “You can make my contribution these three words: VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!” ❯ Jim Drew shares some health news: “My activities and abilities become more limited as time progresses, due to Parkinson’s disease (P.D.). I have completed the LOUD and BIG programs, which help slow the progression of P.D., as long as I do the homework every day. Dienna does them with me virtually every day. I cope with the usual effects of P.D.— tremors and feet freezing, the latter causing me to fall often. Quincy has a P.D. group which meets monthly with various speakers, giving us information about our care. About 70 people attend these—P.D. is a common condition. Dienna and I are a part of the planning committee. And so life goes on, as strange as it is.” ❯ Tom Anderson writes, “I’ve enjoyed being on the Knox Board over the past several years. Sue Fuerst Anderson ’71 and I have enjoyed all the relationships—with faculty, with the leadership team, and with a talented, curious, engaged student body. Knox continues to do good work and merits our support. Sue and I have enjoyed Indianapolis and will spend the next few months following two granddaughters’ volleyball schedules.” ❯ Steve and Jo Strehle Sommers catch us up on their recent doings: “Since our 50th Reunion, Steve and I have learned that retirement is, as someone said, ‘discovering how to do less more slowly.’ Mostly, we hope to find some new things to do besides helping with the grandchildren and outfitting a new second home close to them in Maryland. We hope the rest of you will inspire us with tales of more exciting adventures. We can’t wait for the 66th Reunion for the Class of ’66. Steve says, ‘Oh, that’s silly!’” ❯ Bill McVey sends in the following: “I keep working toward full retirement but never quite make it, which is also the case for Leoni, my wife of (dare I say it) 48 years. You have to admit that being married for 48 years is a pretty neat trick for someone who is only 45 years old, but more about perceived age versus actual age another time. The good thing about semi-retirement is

Class Knox trick for someone who is only 45 years old.” —Bill McVey ’66 the flexibility to take advantage of events and opportunities during the week. Leoni and I went on the alumni tour of Argonne National Laboratory at the end of June and were blown away learning what all they do there. If you get the chance, take a tour. The day at Argonne was even better because two classmates, Dixon Slater and Bob Weinstein, also were on the tour, which gave us the chance to play Siwash Catch Up (sorry, couldn’t resist throwing that in there).” ❯ To cap off this contribution, I want to share how husband Jan Sarnecki and I walked onto an elevator on a Viking ocean cruise to the Baltic and ran smack dab into Pete Carryer and his very interesting wife. What a surprise to find a fellow Knoxite so far from home! We ended up sharing a fun dinner in the Italian restaurant on board. It was a great trip. Happy New Year to all, Judy. ❯ Finally, some sad news. Jay Sommerfield let us know that wife Elaine Varda Sommerfield ’65 passed away on February 6. Our sympathies to Jay and his family. Class Correspondent: Judith Holland Sarnecki 630 Wheeler Street, Neenah, WI 54956, 920-725-1430,

1967 Doug Hunt reports that he is still deeply involved in climate justice, organizing with a number of the larger non-governmental organizations. “I’m working on moving people of faith to advocacy with elected and appointed officials. Much of this is connected with my Unitarian Universalist organizations.” ❯ Denny Chase writes: “Beautiful wife Laurie and I had a great time visiting with everyone at the 50th. Our home in Dana Point, California, is always open to classmates who are visiting Southern California.” ❯ Nancy Rabenstein Pielemeier and Carol Romsa Parke provided masterful leadership as 50th Reunion co-chairs. They summarized our fabulous October weekend: “As recorded on the Class of ’67 commemorative T-shirt, we started college in 1963 with the traditional Knox Pumphandle, enjoying patty melts in the Gizmo, preparing for fraternity and sorority rush, and were interrupted by the historic and tragic events of November 22. We continued to enjoy college life as ‘The Times They Are a-Changin’,’ with traditions like Flunk Day and Howie Wilson’s reading of A Child’s Christmas in Wales interspersed with the external realities of Vietnam and the draft. We celebrated turning 21 at the BV, staged an Old Main lockout, stood up for women’s rights at Anderson House, and succumbed to the British Invasion. Our class chose ‘The Music of the ’60s’ as the theme for the Reunion lecture, given by Knox faculty Nikki Malley ’98 and Brandon Polite ’03. The Friday night Class of ’67 reception and traditional Pumphandle introduced us to the beautiful new Whitcomb Art Center. On Saturday, the Convocation featured our class dancing in to a spirited rendition of ‘Light My Fire’ led

by Wayne and Jill Duffy Plaza carrying the 1967 banner.” ❯ Tom Collins spoke eloquently at the Homecoming Convocation on behalf of our class. Some excerpts from Tom’s talk: “Something that has been credited to Mark Twain: ‘The two most important days of your life are the day you are BORN and the day you find out WHY.’ In my senior year at Knox, I got to find out WHY for me. I enrolled in a pottery class, and, within 30 minutes, I figured if I could get good enough at spinning clay around on a wheel, I could make it a career. I came in as a math major, switched to business and econ, and found my bliss in the art department. That’s a Knox education for you! And I’m not alone. I look back on the accomplishments of our class and am amazed at the individual success of each person. We have a classmate who coined the term ‘March Madness.’ We have a classmate who went to Hollywood and made documentaries, another who went to the Pacific Northwest and found her life’s work leading Montessori schools. We have someone who wrote for Smithsonian magazine. One of our classmates from Texas wrote a book about quilts. We have a guy who knows more about dogs’ eyes than anyone else in the world. Ever eat at Panera Bread? Yes, Knox alum, 1967. Knox is the place— the small, supportive, unique place—that gives students diverse opportunities to learn, to go out and be who they are. And, most importantly, to find out their WHY.” ❯ We enjoyed an induction luncheon with the Knox Fifty Year Club, a lovely evening banquet, and Sunday breakfast. Reunion committee members made special contributions to the celebration. Diane Koeppel Madsen created a playlist featuring music from our era. Helen Gilbert, Dick Fiddes, and Judy Crawford DeLeon presented a remembrance of the 52 classmates we have lost. Joe Bastian offered a celebratory toast. Tom Collins created a special commemorative plate; Tom and Dorie Campbell Tichenor designed a ’67 T-shirt; Stella Polchowski Solliday sketched the cover art for the class directory; and Hal Keiner crafted a hand-set, printed pamphlet featuring a portion of Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology. These keepsakes and our time together at our 50th Reunion have rekindled fond memories. Fifty-five classmates attended the Reunion, and more than double that number contributed more than $1.3 million to our alma mater. Two donors, Richard Seigel and a classmate who wished to remain anonymous, offered generous financial challenges to help us surpass our fundraising goal. ❯ Hope to see everyone at our 55th! Class Correspondent: Anne Talley Turner 50 East 39th Place, Eugene, OR 97405,

1968 SAVE THE DATE! Our 50th Reunion will be October 19-21, 2018. Watch a fun video of your classmates inviting you back at ❯ Tell us

what you have done since leaving Knox at ❯ Rich and Holly Thompson Nelson just moved from Pleasant Hill to Cookeville. Holly will continue on the board of directors for Uplands Village, and Rich will continue to volunteer at the Cumberland County Playhouse and act in plays. He’s rehearsing his sixth, as FDR in Annie. ❯ Bill Foss is amazed that in his 60s he owns a large agave farm in Mexico and produces the world’s smoothest tequila—Suavecito Tequila, an international award winner. ❯ Mary Mangieri Burgland wears herself out chasing six grandchildren, all under age 7. Her big news is that she and George head to St. Andrews, Scotland, for the International Golf Competition in June. They will play courses Harvey Sadow has recommended. ❯ Ed Freutel and his wife are quietly retired from their long careers with BlueCross/BlueShield. They live near Tacoma, Washington, and love the Puget Sound. ❯ Ruth Herbert Reed reports she taught high school Spanish, French, and English for five years in Nashville, Tennessee, before joining the Air Force. She retired as a colonel after 25 years in communications-electronics. She has one son. ❯ Linda Richards Colacurcio broke her kneecap and spent much of the year in therapy. Every three months, she visits daughter Beth (a physical therapist) and her husband (a university swim coach) and grandchildren (2 and 4) and gets special PT. Son Mike and family live only five miles from her. She spends lots of time with the 8- and 10-year-old grandkids. She will meet with Alice McClenahan Burk, Jo Ann Johansen, and Heather Milliken Daina in Chicago and drive to the Reunion together. ❯ Judy Schmidt went to Colombia in the Peace Corps and then taught in Chicago for three years. She got a master’s degree and Ph.D. in education. She spent nine years in industrial management, then moved to California in 1984, where she worked in the state community college system and in the private sector. She traveled to Machu Picchu last year and will go to the Galapagos in August. She’s been married to Patrick Osborne since 1990. They went to the 2017 Reunion with Rick Uebner ’67 and wife Jetty. They also plan to go to our Reunion together. ❯ Paul and Diane Koeppel Madsen ’67 and family plan to take a summer trip to Denmark in 2018. They hope to connect with family and friends, spend time in Copenhagen, and visit Tivoli Gardens. It has been 60 years since Paul’s family came to the U.S. ❯ Barbara Por Srur lives in Sarasota, Florida, and has worked for nearly 30 years in private practice as a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. After serving in the Peace Corps in Malaysia, she spent a year at University of Chicago as a research assistant before moving to France to pursue a medical degree. She notes that while more than 50 percent of medical school students today are female, in 1968, only 6 percent were then. She was nearly 40 years old, had to learn a new language, and spent seven years in France before earning her M.D. She tries to take



Mark Wollman ’70 says, “one never knows how a Knox one week out of each month to visit her three daughters and two grandsons or just roam the world. ❯ David Dowley and Carol just returned from three weeks in Greece to their 40-year-old “David-built” Maine homestead. David spent two years in Colombia with the Peace Corps and is now semi-retired after 35 years as a contractor/ builder. Daughter Amy works for the Maine Migrant Health Program, and daughter Chloe teaches in Freeport, where she lives with her husband and two boys. David feels that living in Downeast Maine, along with his Knox and other life experiences, have afforded him new perspectives that enhanced his worldview. ❯ Eden Haptonstahl Winter, originally from Galesburg, left Knox after only two years and moved to Michigan, married in 1967, and had a daughter in 1968. She has two grandsons—one in his third year at Knox and a member of the basketball team. Her studies through the years have been mostly in the areas of natural healing: herbs, nutrition, lay midwifery, and Reiki (certified as master in 2009). She practices and teaches Tai Chi Chuan and grows organic food and herbs. She hosts a Gathering to share channeled information from our spirit guides and is an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation. ❯ Susan Tracy Van Kirk enjoyed doing a reading from one of her books at Waterline Writers, a writer support group run by former Knox grads in Batavia, Illinois. She did 31 book signings and talks for her series, the Endurance Mysteries. Finished a new book in November and looks forward to her younger son’s wedding in March This will bring her grandchildren total to 11. Her older son has two sets of twins, and her daughter has three children. She’s thankful for many blessings. ❯ Janet MacKay has divided her time between between Kittery, Maine, and Nantucket, Massachusetts, for the past seven years, making wreaths and decorating trees shown at the Whaling Museum. She and husband Frank have an apartment in Flushing, New York, and have enjoyed “Pickle Day,” Queens County Farm Museum, the Union Square Greenmarket, the Macy’s spring flower show, the Botanical Garden’s orchids, a Christmas train exhibit, and a Chihuly glass extravaganza! They have five children: a paramedic, a firefighter, a teacher, a chef, and a hardware store guru! ❯ Pam Harrison Stoffel finally moved into a new home in September and celebrated Christmas with the whole family. They are still repairing damage from the hurricanes to their Georgia home and now dealing with the snow and ice. She had her right hip replaced last April and will do the other in May. She retires from full-time teaching at the end of the year but will continue in theatre and subbing. They will spend more time south, and she will travel with husband Jim as he continues to serve as a board member for international companies. She directs her last play, A Chorus Line, opening in March at their Jesuit school. She chose it to help her boys and their personal circumstances. ❯ Lynn Galbraith Fissell moved to Hercules,



California, married, and had a son, Louis. She became active in local politics and is currently president/treasurer of the organization that maintains a sister city affiliation agreement with Tsushima, Japan. She co-founded the local historical society and, in 1998, married Bob Fissell, who she met while working at University of California. She has three stepsons and five stepgrandchildren. She retired in 2008 but continues devoting time to many volunteer endeavors and traveling to and being visited by family and friends. ❯ Jim Buechl has a daughter graduating from Knox in June, causing him some reflection. After Knox, he refused induction, and his lawyer got him conscientious objector status. He returned to Boston and helped low-income tenants resist eviction orders and find suitable alternate housing. He graduated from Northeastern Law and worked at Boston law firms, becoming general counsel at a large nonprofit that develops affordable housing throughout the country before retiring two years ago. He is married with three kids and is happy his daughter is not hindered by war and many of the other contentious issues that we faced in 1968. ❯ David York attended the Navy’s Officer Candidate School and spent almost four years at sea, with two deployments to Vietnam waters. He earned an MBA from Washington University and returned to Tulsa to begin his 44-year banking career. He met wife Becky there; they recently celebrated their 42nd anniversary. Daughter Jenny is a physical therapist, and son Bryan is also a banker. David came to campus last April to celebrate Phi Gamma Delta’s 150th with Andy Hoyne ’69 and Barry Burren ’69. He has visited with Ace Hoyt and Donna Roberts Godkins and vacationed with Sue Bennetsen Postel—whose husband, Roy, was in David’s MBA class. ❯ Jo Anne Rawlings Vieweg works with individuals with disabilities, teaching at elementary, junior college, and graduate school. “The diagnosis of my eldest grandchild with Asperger’s syndrome led me to volunteer with the Red River Valley Asperger-Autism Network (RRVAN), a nonprofit in Fargo, North Dakota. I just stepped down from the presidency of its board of directors and continue to facilitate a family support group, work with adults and children on the autism spectrum, advocate in the schools and community, lead educational presentations, and work with the state legislature to develop programs for individuals on the spectrum. In January, I received the Dr. Barbara Stanton Award for Innovation from RRVAN. I see how Knox helped prepare me for this. Husband Bruce and I have two daughters, three grandsons, and one granddaughter. We plan to retire and move back to Missouri at the end of this school year.” ❯ Jack Brown sent a link to “Wham Bam,” a satirical anti-Trump song by Jack Brown and the New York Patriots. A percentage of the profits will be donated to causes that resist sexual harassment and support democracy. Hear it at ❯ Rick

Willy Lindner’s album, Life, Still, With Mandolin, is available on Amazon. ❯ Greg Duick and Peggy and have lived in Wichita since 1977 and now have a second home in San Rafael, California, to be closer to grandchildren. He practiced interventional cardiology for 34 years and was chairman of the cardiology department at Via Christi St. Francis for 20 years. He co-founded the Kansas Heart Hospital in 1999 and remains chairman and president. He served on the Knox College Board from 1992-1996. (Eds. Note: read more about Greg on page 53.) ❯ I’m recovering from a broken ankle and wonderful holidays. Married 45 years. Our son, Judd, had two beautiful paintings at the Misericordia Artist in All in May. Very involved in volunteering. Class Correspondent: Susan Meyer Mika 1519 North Kennicott Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60004, 847-253-7719,

1969 First, my heartfelt thanks to all the Knox family members who contacted me to express concern regarding my recovery from a June horse wreck. Although still a bit slow on the draw, my physical recovery is all but complete. Also, my sincere apologies for the lack of a submission from me for the last Knox Magazine issue. My recovery was just not up to the task at the time it was due. I will include contacts/events that would have been submitted. ❯ John Martin writes of his history with “little” Bill Howell and Kerry Krumsiek, his employment/career status, and his sailing experiences. “I actually was the cause of Bill’s diversion down to Las Cruces, New Mexico, where I was a grad student after Knox (also for Kerry, whom I recruited there as well). I remember visiting Bill there in North Carolina and hearing him tell of his venture into the world of home building and contracting, coming to his senses after 10 years of delayed reinforcement work as a researcher in the Research Triangle. Now, thanks to you, I hear tell of his ‘crazy’ but exciting sailing venture—myself being a lifelong sailor and now owner of a 45foot Hunter Passage sailboat here in Long Beach, California. I remember sailing a 38-foot sailboat from Miami to Texas some years ago and trucking it to California, where I lived on it for a few years until my son and a bunch of his college buddies sank the boat off the coast of Catalina Island in a sudden storm (no one drowned, thank God). I’m now trying to develop a company ( to do counseling on the water on my sailboat, in another one of my crazy notions as a part of my post-academia, retired psychology professor life. I have continued my work in semi-retirement in psychology in private practice here in Seal Beach, California, and am working on a couple books—one on the life of a crazy psychologist and professor, and another applying motivation science to encourage people to learn about and perhaps begin a spiritual walk with God (Invitational Faith)—an area I’ve published an article on and suggested in an earlier

Class Knox education will come into play.” book I co-edited some time ago (Behavior Therapy and Religion).” ❯ In late February, KT Johnson and wife, Sandy hosted a 70th birthday bash for T at their lovely home outside La Quinta, California. It was well-attended and accompanied by wonderful live music, gobs of food, and plenty of adult beverages. My younger brother, Mike, and wife Jodi were in attendance with me, as well as Mike Webster and wife Luana, John “Harley” Palley ’70, and Rob MacCarthy ’71. A super time with super people summarizes the event. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. T. ❯ Meanwhile, Jim Hallock spent the summer in and around Golden, Colorado, where he and an adobe-building partner set up shop to explore the Colorado earth construction market. Jim handles the compressed earth part of that market and plans to have an annual presence there. ❯ On a bleaker note, Gary Barnhart’s wife Susan relates that “Barn” recently suffered through a health scare. After a few days in the hospital, he is apparently recovering nicely at home. Wishing you good health and a speedy recovery, Barn. Class Correspondent: Bill Combs

1970 Hello from my desk. I had a terrific dinner and conversation with Bob McDonald and wife Pam after Thanksgiving this year. They were driving from the East Coast back home to Wisconsin and realized that Ohio stands in the way. I am pretty sure I last saw them at their wedding way back in the early 1970s! Although I was still hobbling from a knee replacement earlier that month, seeing them lifted my spirits AND reminded me to tell everyone that I live, indeed, in Northeast Ohio, which is on the way to almost everywhere. Just turn south off of the turnpike. Please stop and visit. ❯ Marc Wollman writes: “Among the photo jobs I did on campus was to make reference prints of negatives by writer/illustrator/photographer Allen Ayrault Green, which came into Special Collections after he died in Galesburg in 1963. I did keep a few reject prints as a reminder of his work. Fast-forward to 2017. Girlfriend Deedee’s brother is a secondary-market art dealer who came into a photograph of African American children that appeared old. He wanted my input as to type of photographic print and age, so I went to look. I brought along a reject print to give me a sense of aesthetics of 1900. The print clearly was made in the early 1900s. Lo and behold, the photograph was not only in the character of Green’s work, the buildings in the background were the same buildings in the background of the print I brought along. So I could authenticate the print as an original Green photograph done around 1900. One never knows how a Knox education will come into play.” ❯ From Jan Eckardt Butler: “Bob Butler and I are still on the same path—namely, teaching for another 20 months at least. After 13 years of teaching art, I have gotten used to the idea of a

steady paycheck and the freedom to design with plants and rocks (in the garden) and travel. So the big news: in February, we will become grandparents. And that means more traveling!” ❯ A note from Jim Kilts: “Hope all is well! Our son and daughter-in-law recently moved back to Greenwich, Connecticut (a mile from us). It’s nice to have our four grandkids so close; they are 3, 5, 7, and 9! Just created a new company, The Simply Good Foods Company, trading on the NASDAQ. Atkins Nutritionals is our first division. I’m afraid I’ll never retire. Heading off to a couple of hunting trips with Pete Drummond.” Class Correspondent: Nancy Hoover Debelius 865 Gayer Drive, Medina, OH 44256-2901, 330-723-5658,

1971 Looks like the pendulum is swinging for the Class of ’71. Nothing ominous—we have just transitioned from discussing new jobs, promotions, and pregnancies to retirement and grandchildren. ❯ Peggy Swanson (drpswanson1@ sold her dental practice and retired. She celebrated by walking a half-marathon from Napa to Sonoma, tasting wine along the way. She and husband Rob traveled to California, Oregon, Wyoming, and Utah, where they climbed in the Uinta Mountains.They have also visited family in Pennsylvania, Florida, and Illinois, where Peggy attended her 50th high school reunion in Palatine. ❯ Sue Ganser Levinson ( and husband Michael are returning to India and expect their second grandchild. They want to know if anyone in Richmond, Virginia, could suggest a babysitter. ❯ Mary Myers Fasbender ( wants to remind all Besançon 1970 participants about the big 47th reunion in France from May 21–24. More than half of the participants will be there, where they will also join Besançon in celebrating the 60th year of their foreign study programs. Please contact Mary for details. ❯ Paula Wolf Irrgang ( retired after 25 years at the Austin Public Library at the end of August. She volunteers at the Humane Society, tutors adults learning English, square dances, and plays the piano. This summer, Paula plans to visit with Pam Arendt Dewey and Bob and Joyce Petrie Stevens near Chicago. ❯ Steve Phillips ( retired from Baylor Research Institute after 10 years as chief biological safety officer. Following in Dr. Perry’s footsteps, Steve now teaches microbiology part-time at Richland College in Dallas “just for fun.” Steve also attended his 50th high school reunion at Larkin High School in Elgin, Illinois. ❯ Steve and Gail Sims Smith ( spend summers in the new home they share with their daughter and her family in Temecula, California. They spend the winters near their son in central Florida. They visit Disney often and would love to meet up with classmates who might be visiting in the area. Between their two houses,

they have avoided earthquakes, mudslides, fires, and hurricanes! ❯ Brenda Butler (bbutler4414@ retired from great careers at the Chicago Tribune and Columbia College Chicago. She took a long vacation to Bangkok and Hua Hin, Thailand; Singapore; Kuala Lumpur; and Penang. She looks forward to volunteering, traveling, bicycling, writing, and connecting with friends. ❯ John Flood ( and wife Carol have been retired for 2-1/2 years. They were recently in Oahu, where John crossed zip-lining off his bucket list. He also attended his 50th high school reunion. John and Carol spend time with their youngest son and his wife, who just had Grandson No. 3. Their daughter will have Grandson No. 4 in May. For now, it is off to Arizona, where they can practice being with small children by seeing Dennis Farrell and his wonderful wife, Bertie. ❯ Fred ’70 and Rita Shragal Keeperman ( enjoy their four grandkids while thinking about retirement sometime soon. ❯ Mark ’72 and Lynn Strand McIntosh ( have begun their 38th year in Columbia, Missouri. They are expecting their ninth grandchild, courtesy of five sons (I think their wives had something to do with it, too). ❯ Betsy Harris Bowen (rbowen@ was just at my favorite national park, Yellowstone, and the Grand Tetons with her cousins and sister, three of whom graduated from or went to Knox (Nan Harris Crandall ’65, Anne Hinchliff Englander ’69, and Susan Lillie Dunn ’66). ❯ Mark Massey ( is retired. Sadly, he lost wife Kathy to breast cancer in 2015. Son Evan Massey ’10 lives and works in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and daughter Sarah lives in Chicago. Mark substitute-teaches in Goose Lake, Iowa, and travels occasionally. He has visited Colorado, Michigan, Arizona, and Paris in the past couple of years and soon heads off to Jerusalem and Jordan. He also visited John Durham ’72 in Taos, New Mexico, and spent some time with Dennis Farrell in Arizona. Together with brother Evan Massey ’74, Mark visited Steve Walton ’74 in Michigan. ❯ Cathy Zollinger Grafton ( is still the library director in Odell, Illinois. She also has her own business lecturing, teaching, and participating in historic festivals, which allows her to continue traveling to France. Cathy has three granddaughters who live far away, but keep in touch with via FaceTime. Cathy visited Professor Rod Davis last fall. ❯ Joseph K. Heumann ( (with co-author Robin L. Murray) published a new book called Ecocinema and the City (Routledge Press) and is working away on some other eco research. Mary Maddox Heumann is working on a new novel and riding her horses. ❯ Carol Hartman Bordet ( spent Christmas and New Year’s in Pasadena and attended the Rose Parade. She then flew back to Switzerland, where she will stay until May 29, when she returns to her home in Chicago for the summer. She will go to Heidelberg to see a few of her former students and



“I bought a soft-serve ice cream truck (Mr. Creamy) and sold ice cream also travel through Denmark, with Copenhagen as the main stop. Hopefully, in May, Jane Langer and her husband will spend a few days with Carol at her place in Montreux before going on to Besançon for the Knox reunion. ❯ Speaking (again) of the Besançon reunion, Ted Fagerburg ( looks forward to meeting up with the Besançon clan. Ted fractured a vertebra when he departed a tree unplanned. It has not slowed him down much, but Francine has put a halt to his more acrobatic activities. He does plan to walk daughter Anne Fagerburg ’08 down the aisle in Denver this coming July. ❯ Julia Nance Allen (juliaaallen@ sends her thanks to Steve and Gail Sims Smith, Linda Fazio Snook ’73, Jerry Tatar, Walt and Lily Williams Davis ’74, and Rabbi Bob and Linda Marriner Ourach, who came to Peoria in June to celebrate Brian’s life. She also thanks Jill Hazelbauer Wetter Von der Ohe, who came to the first memorial service in Virginia. ❯ Dan McDougall-Treacy (danmcdt@ gmailcom) still lives in Seattle. He retired from his career as a social worker and made an enjoyable trip to Scotland and Ireland, as well as to his 50th high school reunion, where he enjoyed catching up with Ross Wiegert and Mark Massey. ❯ Judy and I had a great vacation to Paris, through Switzerland and then Italy. My 1917 White Sox team won its third 62+ hardball championship in three years. We then had a great time at the Field of Dreams in Iowa in the Shoeless Joe 60+ tournament I run, where we were joined by a Kansas City team with Randy Bendrick and Max Utsler ’70. Julie Dacone Bendrick joined to keep Randy in check. Judy and I will cruise in the Caribbean in February. ❯ Keep in touch—send me your news! Class Correspondent: Jerome A. Tatar 333 Wilshire Drive West, Wilmette, IL 60091-3151, 847-251-4889,

1972 Gene Brandt and Jim Leech ’71 were in the stands when Knox basketball faced Caltech and LaVerne in Southern California in December. Jim’s grandson, sophomore Deryk Ruple, is a starter on the team. Gene lives in Redondo Beach, planning his retirement and trying to improve his handicap. ❯ Mike Burke writes, “Great seeing everyone at the Reunion. A lot of people came back, so it was again special. I hope for our 50th we really blow it out. My daughter came down for Saturday, and, though cold, we enjoyed the game. She is now national cyberinsurance practice leader for Allianz, located in Chicago. In January, Cindy and I left for New Zealand for three weeks.” ❯ Cush Copeland writes, “I am several months into retirement and truly enjoy the time I get to spend with my grandkids and wife (recipient of a liver transplant last February). My life is very low-key and aimed at making it as family-centric as possible. Though retired from teaching, I am still actively involved in coaching



my high school’s boys soccer team. We are currently undefeated and realistically have a shot at winning a state championship. Film at 11.” ❯ David Dapron writes, “We hope your holidays and New Year are rich with friends and family, good health, and miracles big and small.” ❯ Janis Dybdahl writes, “Blessings for a happy holiday!” ❯ Ron Lipton writes, “Just enjoying life in New Mexico … mostly sticking to the plan to retire from performing music live but involved in a couple of recording projects, so I guess not quite fully retired yet. Wonderful visiting with old and new friends at the Reunion.” ❯ Jane Debowski Pacelli writes, “Thanks to Wendy and others for making our 45th Reunion so much fun! It was great to be back in Galesburg, walking those old brick sidewalks, surrounded by so many good memories and dear old friends. I’ve been fending off offers to record a solo kazoo album because I just don’t want to break up the band!” ❯ Jim Rosenthal writes, “Thanks as always for all you do to keep us up on what our Knox friends are doing. Not much new with me: I still work, mostly because I like it and to support my habit of buying cars. Spending as much time as I can at the beach in North Carolina and trying to lose a few of the pounds that have mysteriously stuck to me over the years.” ❯ Bob Shulllaw and wife Lara’s house was flooded during Hurricane Harvey. They still managed to attend Knox Homecoming in October for some well-deserved R&R with the big turnout from Class of ’72. As of December, the house has started to come back together—drywall is back up and texturing applied. Appliances selected. Lara working feverishly picking new carpets, wood flooring, cabinets, and wall paint. They hope to be back in and dancing again during April. Until then: apartment living at its finest. ❯ William Sowle writes, “Historical New Mexico as I traveled in my RV this summer ... in particular Santa Fe and Taos. Even in June, there was plenty of snow on the mountains to hike through. Aspen had a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald with the Count Basie Orchestra. Spent a lot of time in Telluride and Durango ... finished off the summer with a magnificent houseboat trip on Lake Powell with the Phoenix Ski Club. Sadly, too cold for water skiing, but did motor around the many side canyons.” ❯ Bryce Suderow writes, “Two of my favorite Knox people were Daniel Reckase and Mary Mundt ’73. They got married, moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin, and had a son, who died earlier this year.” ❯ Steve Suskin is now “fully retired” after a 33-year career in professional fundraising. Although still residing in Norfolk, Virginia, he is untethered and ready for the next chapter. Suggestions? Email “Inspire me ...” ❯ Michael Themas writes, “Son Pete Themas ’00 and wife Stacey gave birth to our newest granddaughter, Ellie Jean, on August 8, 2017. She is a sweetie!” ❯ Vince Throop writes, “So what happened since Knox? Graduated bottom 1 percent. Lost everything to the slots in Reno. Hitchhiked out of town. Operated

heavy equipment before I had a driver’s license and, yeah, I could make that CAT dance. Hiked 1,900 self-supported, cold, lonesome miles of Appalachian Trail early two springs running. Lost a knife fight—15 stitches, but he missed the heart and lungs. Pressure vessel-certified welder; a fair hand with stick, tig, wire, and torch. Journeyman sheet metal mechanic—top of the class of apprentices. Trained up a border collie/lab/German shepherd mix. A fine companion who stayed close. Married in ’80. Sold out everything in crash of ’81 to relocate to Carolina. Worked in a sweatshop for $5/hour. Blacklisted in ’82. Community college ’83. Designed/fabricated farm machinery, coal mining equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, saw mill equipment, textile equipment, railroad equipment using everything from soapstone drawings on the factory floor to CNC equipment. Expert welder/fabricator. Two children in ’85, ’88. Completed engineering school ’87. Operated and maintained a 100,000-pph wood-fired boiler/steam plant/fuel processing plant—the heart of the mill. Intimate with every manhole, every firebrick, every valve, every whistle, every stink, and every rattle. Sometimes I’d just stand and listen to the girls’ sweet thunder. Ran a $35 million textile mill modernization project out of my back pocket without a GANTT chart. Identified/implemented $10 million of annual energy savings for a large federal facility. Developed more than $40 million of energy efficiency projects for federal facilities. Worked for more than 50 different outfits. Did Knox help? Well, I’m still figuring that out.” ❯ Wendy Scherwat Ducourneau writes, “A great, albeit frigid, time was had in Galesburg this fall, celebrating 45 years since our graduation. Attended by at least 63 classmates + 25 spouses and friends, we enjoyed seeing fabulously renovated Alumni Hall, new Whitcomb Art Center, and a guided architecture tour. Sustenance obtained at Fat Fish Pub, Gizmo, Oak Room, Ferris Lounge. High points included a 7 a.m. swim, a re-enactment of PV’s kazoo band—kazoos and leadership by Monty Abbott; enlarged, individual pages from New Faces 1968 (thanks to Casey Kremer ’73); and Sunday morning at Central Congregational Church, sermon by Reverend David Butler. One tiny complaint—the weekend just wasn’t long enough.” ❯ See our Knox Obituary 1972 and Thank You posters on Facebook at Knox College Class of ’72. Class Correspondent: Wendy Scherwat Ducourneau, Facebook Group: Knox College Class of ’72

1973 Class Correspondent: Nancy Bakos Hunter 5280 Easley Way, Golden, CO 80403-1161, 303-278-3163,

Class Knox from 5 to 11.” —Darryl Coburn ’74, remembering the summer of 1973

1974 We continue to search for Lindy Glaser ’75, Terry Lee Warner, Bruce Goodnow, Kim H. Baetjer, Steve Marshall, Sharon Morgan, Debi Rose ’75, and Steve Freese. We found Wayne Hedenschoug in Springfield, Illinois, but still lack his email address. Anyone have it? ❯ Mike Powell visited Knox for the first time in 30 years. “I sat in on an Intro to Lighting Theatre course, which I had not taken while at Knox. I was happy to learn I’ve picked up most of what was taught in the years since. My home base is Iron Mountain in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Presently, I’m pursuing my first love of history, visiting military museums, libraries, and archives, doing research for what I hope is a book (fingers crossed). On a trip this winter, I saw Glen Moberg in Wausau, Wisconsin, and Larry Lawless in St. Louis.” ❯ Dave Coons retired from Emerson after 27 years as a tax lawyer and lives in Chesterfield, Missouri, with Jane, “my wonderful wife since 1974.” He has two children, Kate and Trevor. ❯ Kathy Krause Winegarner wrote: “Rod and I live in Carmichael (Sacramento), California, with retired racing greyhound Mylo. We are located between the devastating fires in Santa Rosa and the current fires in L.A./San Diego areas. Rod works for Dignity Health.” ❯ Dan Breed recently vacationed in Door County, Wisconsin, and hooked up with Sverre Falck-Pedersen. He sees Steve Yemm often and occasionally Steve Walton in his hometown of Sterling, Illinois. “In 2016, I retired as a project scientist (research meteorologist) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, after 41 years. I now substitute-teach, volunteer as financial secretary and newsletter editor for our church, and work as office manager of a flight school and at a meteorological radar company.” ❯ When the owner of Cemco Systems—where Darryl Coburn has worked for 29 years—had to leave due to health problems, “I spent the first six months of 2017 taking over management while continuing my recruiter role and negotiating the sale of the company. It’s been quite a while since I worked three jobs! It brought back memories of the summer between junior and senior years. I found a way to get paid 24-hours-a-day. From 8 to 5, I painted houses with Jeff Coombs and Rick Heitman. I bought a soft-serve ice cream truck (Mr. Creamy) and sold ice cream throughout Galesburg from 5 to 11. Then, I punched in as an overnight security guard at Knox from midnight to 8 a.m. I may have slept a bit on that overnight shift—actually every day. I rationalized that nobody was on campus anyway in the summer! I miss Jeff; he left us too early.” ❯ Victor “Vic” Heintz lives in Pittsford, New York. He traveled to Illinois in August for the solar eclipse. “Rather than deal with the crowds in Carbondale, I enjoyed a near-total eclipse with a beer from my brother’s swimming pool in my hometown of Alton.” ❯ Terry Algren Bruner still lives in

Galesburg but spends part of the year in St. Petersburg, Florida. “My husband and I traveled to England, Scotland, and Ireland this fall and found the farm my husband’s 2x-grandfather and his family had left in 1846 and the gravestone for my seventh great-grandfather.” ❯ Looks like Gabriel Rotello had a good year: “I’m happy to say that my musical, Alexander, just won second prize in the international Search for New Musicals, an annual competition where writers submit the book, lyrics, and score to be judged by a panel of theatre experts. I wrote Alexander years ago, never did anything with it, and then decided to take a second look this past summer.” ❯ Roger Rosen is an attorney with his own small firm in Santa Monica, California. ❯ Jan Thompson has been retired from the State of Illinois for three years and loves it. She fell and broke her right arm in August. It didn’t heal, so she had surgery in November. She looks forward to our next Reunion! ❯ Pam Joseph is an advanced certified scrum master at General Dynamics Information Technology. “I work with software development teams to build and support web-based applications. I plan to retire next summer. I am also active in playing highly competitive softball, traveling around the country with a women’s team, including participation in the National Senior Games, where we have won several gold medals over the years.” ❯ Lin Bowie enjoys retirement in Half Moon Bay, California, keeping busy with volunteer activities and visiting her children, who live out of state. ❯ Leonard Berg lives in Godfrey, Illinois, and had the opportunity to use his elder law skills helping Millie Heil prior to her death in November 2017. “Perhaps some of our classmates remember her from her 20 years of service in the alumni relations and development office. In April, I traveled to Israel. The Holy Land was not a place for healing; in fact, it triggered the need for my wife’s hip replacement surgery. Luckily, she is recovering well. I was honored to receive the Joe Bartylak Award from Land of Lincoln Legal Services for pro bono help provided to their clients and members of the staff. We recently visited with Kent and Marcia Krieg Sezer and fellow Rotarian Bill Durall ’72, who returned to Pittsfield after 27+ years in the U.S. Air Force.” ❯ Kathy “Yama” Yamasaki went on a 14-day tour of Tokyo, Kyoto, Hakone, Hiroshima, and a few other locations this fall. She says that she “survived the rains from a couple of typhoons, the North Koreans did not lob any missiles, and we left before President Trump’s visit. The best part was having some of my family as traveling companions for my first international trip.” ❯ Leslie Brooks writes: “My soul is finally grounding to New England after 22 years here, having spent most of my adult life near the ocean in California. I write, am renovating, and doing soul work, as well as building deep friendships. Hello to old friends and classmates!” ❯ Kathleen Fendley Muniz lives in Naples, Florida, “where 78 degrees is cold weather. I have finally found my true

calling here: duplicate bridge. Irma was a challenge, but I survived. Life is good!” ❯ Your class correspondent is transitioning from full-time work to consulting. This fall, I was one of five consultants brought to Nashville to help the Hermitage Museum (the home of President Andrew Jackson) develop an interpretive plan. My husband (also newly retired from the museum field) and I have been hired to do strategic plans for several museums in Colorado and Kansas. But these jobs will not interfere with our month-long visit to France in the spring. Class Correspondent: Monta Lee Dakin 303-979-9307,

1975 Tim (TJ) Smith “flew”(his wife works for United) into retirement last year after 33 years as a high school administrator in Burbank, Illinois. Besides consulting, TJ enjoys his family of four children in Lake Tahoe, Cubs and Blackhawk games, and occasional TKE functions in Chicago. ❯ Nancy Knapp and her husband spent four months in Myanmar administering a 24-bed teaching hospital and fundraising to upgrade health services. Despite ethnic cleansing and civil war in the region, “The people are kind, warm, and beautiful. It will remain one of our favorite places in the world.” ❯ On September 19, Gary Pokorn was in a 7.1-magnitude earthquake in Mexico City, which killed more than 200 people. “It was surreal; reminded me of that scene in The Matrix when a disturbance rippled through the facade of an office tower.” ❯ Rich Burke looks toward wrapping up his 40-year law practice, the last 15 of which have been in the federal courts. “As far as the rat race goes, spoiler alert—the rats win. Many former rat-letes go into coaching or commentary. I am foregoing those second career options for total rat-less-ness. While I enjoyed the occasional cheese cache, it never made up for rat skills required. Plus I made enough to walk away. No more scurrying and gnawing for me. I will while away my time expanding metaphors beyond sensibility.” ❯ Eric Wedell retired a few years back after 30+ years with Motorola. “Jackie and I sold our house in Vernon Hills and moved to a townhouse in Lake Barrington Shores. We’ve been to Europe, Australia, and many of our national parks. We enjoy visiting our kids in Colorado and Ohio. I’m still into photography, and I play a lot of golf.” ❯ Last July, Susan Blew picked up Claudia Hicklin Kaufman on the way to Springfield to see Lou Ann Reichle Mack ’74, who was their R.A. freshman year. They enjoyed catching up. Susan swims in the San Francisco Bay several times a week. “Yes, I swim without a wetsuit, and the temps are now about 55 degrees, but the wildlife (whales, dolphins, pelicans, and the occasional otters or great blue herons) and my many open-water swimming friends keep me coming back.” Susan “graduated” to trustee emerita in June 2017 after serving for 18 years! “Steve Luetger continues to represent



Chuck Tokar ’75 won a second term as mayor of


our class well on the Board. I feel happy knowing that the future of Knox is more secure now than it was when I joined the Board. Our endowment has grown by $100 million, and we have built the new art building, as well as remodeled Alumni Hall. Your gifts still help bridge the gap between tuition growth and meeting student need. Knox continues to serve many first-generation students who struggle with the cost of college. Please make Knox part of your charitable giving.” Thank you for your Knox service, Susan. ❯ Tina Smith Doppler appeared on Jeopardy! last year. “I had the misfortune of running into a buzzsaw who went on to win a dozen games—but at least I came in second and had a blast.” Tina and husband Fred visited Caroline Seib Dawson and husband David last summer. “It was so relaxing, with lots of laughs and good times (and incredible homemade cookies from Caroline, and one or two cocktails).” Tina is also in touch with Phil Geller, who lives in Santa Fe with wife Diane. She hopes to visit them before they move someplace less beautiful! ❯ Catherine Cox continues her career as a vocalist and soloist. “I had several concerts this December, and, in 2017, I was in two original plays, one of which is a finalist at Kennedy Center for best short play.” She lives in Southern California and served on the board of the nonprofit Skypilot Theatre. ❯ Sheri Morrison sends her greetings to Class of 1975. ❯ Steven Luetger is happy to be retiring in August 2018. This spring, he honeymooned in Italy for two weeks. Steven, we want more details! ❯ Pat Davis Szymczak sent greetings from the Saigon Café in central Moscow, where she moved in the 1990s after leaving the Chicago Tribune. She has run her own successful trade media company in Russia for 18 years, but sanctions have hit U.K. and U.S. businesses hard, so now she teaches English. She also volunteers on the restoration of a 135-yearold Anglican church building, Russia’s only English Gothic structure. She has started to wonder if there is life after Russia. ❯ Mary Ann Madej is officially retired from the U.S. Geological Survey, though she still works on some geomorphology projects in Northern California. She is also the

Phil Singer ’77 and Paul Cimino ’77 catch up on old times at Homecoming 2017.



vice president of nonprofit Coastal Ecosystems Institute of Northern California. In September, daughter Angie got married and wore Grandma’s 70-year-old wedding gown! Barb Van Ness joined the festivities. ❯ Jack and Laura Kohl Dare ’74 celebrate their 40th anniversary this spring. They both retired in 2017 and still live in the Downers Grove home they bought in the early ’80s. They raised two sons; one is as a middle school music teacher in Champaign, and the other is a researcher in acoustical engineering at Penn State. They spend time boating and kayaking on the beautiful Illinois River near Starved Rock. ❯ In November, Michael Lincoln spent two days at Knox as a “professional in residence,” meeting with students and talking about careers in design and technical theatre. ❯ Linda Nelson Langston travelled extensively in 2017 in her role as director of strategic relations for the National Association of Counties, headquartered in Washington, D.C. Dave Langston reports that he served as valet, footman, roadie, security detail, and trophy husband. Their first and only grandchild turned 2 in December. Both Langstons are smitten. ❯ Rick Partin has worked 13 years as coordinator for outreach and external relations at University of Illinois. Son Trevor is a freshman at Illinois State University. His father, Al Partin, who retired from Knox in 1983, is now 95 and lives in Champaign. ❯ After 37 years as a licensed clinical social worker, Jo Hammerman took early retirement two years ago and promptly resumed work at a public school in Wilmette, Illinois. She enjoys her two young grandsons in Norfolk, Virginia, and has another daughter in Brooklyn. Jo and her husband have been hiking and camping at national parks in Utah and Colorado and participating in old-time music festivals. Last September, Jo attended her goddaughter Adrienne’s wedding (Adrienne is Fred and Kathy Giertz-Nirde’s daughter; their other daughter is Michelle Nirde ’09). John Hughes also attended. Jo keeps up via FaceTime with Barb Ward, who is a retired Ph.D. geologist in New Zealand. Jo lives in Skokie and would love to hear from any Knox folks at johammerman@ ❯ Chuck Tokar had a busy year. After a tough campaign against two opponents, he won a second term as mayor of Chicago Ridge. Chuck and bride Denise Ridley honeymooned last fall in Hawaii. In November, Chuck joined fellow TKEs TJ Smith, Mike Fricilone ’76, Jim Tiernan, Doug Toussaint ’76, Art Lyman, and Steve and Jan Schlichting Junk at a Christmas holiday party. Chuck’s son, Charlie Tokar ’12, earned a master’s degree in finance from DePaul. ❯ Jenny Lisenby Lockington sadly reports that, after 42 years of marriage, husband Steve succumbed to cancer on September 9, 2017, one day before Hurricane Irma passed through Orlando. The weather damage was minimal; the human absence and loss were significant. Jenny’s home is always open for visitors, and she would love to see old (that is to say, long term) Knox friends. Hopefully, potential guests enjoy pets, as black lab Ella

and three cats—Batgirl, Button, and Butterscotch—currently run the hostel. Jenny does a lot of Spanish–English translation, largely for refugees from Venezuela seeking political asylum protection. Singing in choir at First Unitarian Church of Orlando and elsewhere provides a creative outlet and social connections. Jenny and Suzie Whittles Hickey visited Mexico a couple of years ago and hope to do so again soon. Meanwhile, she has a trip planned to the British Isles and Iceland. Class Correspondent: Jeanne Pankanin

1976 I received a nice email from Yvonne Johnson Richardson. Since graduating from Knox, Yvonne has enjoyed a career in the petrochemical industry, and, for the past 26 years, in the biopharma and medical device industry. She has been involved in product development, manufacturing, and coordinating the team that develops and produces life-saving medical products. Yvonne has lived in California for more than 15 years and enjoys the San Francisco Bay area, especially when she recalls winters in the Midwest. She does keep in touch with Cynthia Manning and Denise Buntin, whom she met on her first day of Knox, and also corresponds with Horace Flournoy and Leon Williams ’73, each of whom love talking about their grandchildren. Yvonne has fond memories of her Knox days and enjoys hearing about fellow classmates. ❯ I also heard from Ann Murray Smith. Ann recently visited with Stephanie Day Jobes, who was her freshman roommate. Ann also visited Rob Thornburg and Kevin Bevis in Western Wisconsin, where they went biking. Rob has apparently become quite the biking enthusiast, and all three of them had a great visit. ❯ I recently chatted with Steve Kaufmann ’75. Steve resides in Springfield and is busy with his law practice, children, grandchildren, and biking. Steve mentioned he recently purchased a bike from Bob Thompson ’78, who owns a well-known bike store in Springfield known as Bike Tech. ❯ Yours truly recently saw Neil Schaye ’75. Neil and his brothers have run a successful floor covering business in the Chicago area for many years. Neil resides in Evanston, Illinois. ❯ That’s all for now—keep those emails coming. Class Correspondent: George M. Pearce 1114 Forest Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091-1655, 847-256-5968,

1977 Hi all! This is your Reunion 2017 Special Edition. Top-line summary: Great time had by all. It all started for me when I flew into Chicago, took a train to Riverside to meet old pal Ed Jepson, then made the drive down memory lane to Galesburg. Upon arrival, we connected with Mitch “I don’t own a cell phone” Baker ’76, Brian “I have

Class Knox Chicago Ridge, Illinois. music. It all added up. ❯ A few closing notes for those of you who have not been to Galesburg for a while: The renovation of Alumni Hall is stunning and worth a visit in and of itself. The underpass construction project (to reroute Main Street under the train tracks to alleviate delays) is extensive and pretty disruptive. The sound and sight of the frequent freight trains is still soothing and feels like home. It is remarkable how flat the area surrounding Galesburg is, and, in the winter, very bleak but beautiful. Seminary Street is hopping with restaurants and little shops, but not sure the new Popcorn Shop in the gas station on the corner is going to make it. Calico Cat still there, under recent new ownership. Cherry Street is still the main drinking hole, and, as our visit was over Halloween Weekend, it was quite the sight with students and alumni dressed to the nines. ❯ Stay tuned for the next Reunion in five years when, according to emerging reports, there will also be a karaoke bar. And a Geritol fountain spiked with grain alcohol. Class Correspondent: Sarah Kaull 52 Ober Street, Beverly, MA 01915-4733, 978-810-0181,

1978 First, I want to encourage everyone to make plans for our 40th (yes, that is right—can you believe it?) Reunion. Before we slip into the claws of dementia and old age, let’s party like it’s 1978! Well, maybe at least the legal part. ❯ John Scott Luthy attended Homecoming this year to scope things out. Luth saw a fair number of 77ers, including Dan Calandro ’77, Sue Runyon ’77, Pam Ord ’77, and Tom Rendall ’77. Additionally, Less Boucher ’76 and his wife were there, and Less played harmonica with the band they hired.

Who knew Less could play harmonica?! The soccer team was there for the induction ceremony, including several Phi Delt brothers: Ray Albertina ’79, Steve Laudel ’79, Bob Szyman ’79, and Norb Raddatz ’81. Despite the cold temps and biting winds, the campus looked great. Luth bumped into Sue Haerr Zucker after Convocation as she was headed to a meeting. Turns out it was in the room that housed the Arts Library when we attended Knox. We also discovered that one of Bill Anderson’s linoleum prints hangs in the library (which Bill did not know about!). ❯ Luth hopes the Class of ’78 will have a stronger attendance record for our 40th Reunion and is helping organize the events—any volunteers out there to assist?!? He spent Thanksgiving in warm and sunny Dallas at his daughter’s home and traveled to his son and daughter-in-law’s home in Trinidad, Colorado, for Christmas. While retirement can be fun, he was not quite ready, so he started a business as a licensed home inspector. For alums in Illinois, he will gladly extend the “Siwash” discount on any inspections! Check out Property Examination Resource, LLC at He also started taking tai chi classes through the park district and enjoys it, but, sadly, is now eligible for “senior” rates. I am impressed—all of us should let our inner Buddha out. ❯ I am thrilled to report Pam Berra Swafford and her husband moved to Houston! Yeah! Pam, perhaps less thrilled, left the beautiful Bay Area just in time to enjoy the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. “So far the best part has been reconnecting with David Bates, meeting his wonderful wife, and going to lunch with Tom Yarotsky ’77! Needless to say, Texas and California are quite different; however, the people I have met so far are friendly and welcoming. I arrived just two weeks after Harvey and was taken aback


two cell phones take your pick” Bond, Ron Paprocki ’77, Bruce Sopher and better half Nancy Newman, and had a very good meal at the Iron Spike, a brew pub in the former Central Fire Station. ❯ Friday night festivities featured a concert by the Open Road Band, courtesy of Mike Whitworth and his crew, with an assist by Less Boucher ’76 on the harmonica. There was much dancing by the likes of Beth Prough Boucher ’76, Debbie Stoneking, Mara Malakoff, Diane Slaviero, Sue Runyon, Pam Ord Newton, Mara Malakoff, and Laurie Anderson. Meandering in after the Taste of Galesburg were Marty Stuber, Dan Calandro, Doug Hill, John Bird, and the SLAKS Gang of Bunny Friedman Faling, Sally Wolk, and Carol Snyder. Mitch, Ed, and Bondo arrived after taking an extensive tour of the Whitcomb Art Center, declaring it “hard to break into.” I saw Bob Thomas ’79 and his significant other either there or somewhere else during the weekend. ❯ Tad Daley ’78 hawked his anti-nuke books and ideas as usual; Gary Jacobson looked quite the Executive and worked every room he was in as usual; and Doug Hill won the Saturday morning 5K as usual, except Bryn Douds was hot on his heels. ❯ Some of us made the pilgrimage to Roy and Corrine Anderson’s house for food and fellowship. Roy was full of stories, current and past. ❯ A report from an anonymous source: Phil “’Cro” Singer ’76 sponsored another of the fabled G***** Reunions for Boomers who roomed in Seymour III and the friends of those who did. About 70 former denizens of Seymour and friends showed up for an evening of revelry on Saturday evening. ’Cro graciously supplied mountains of good humor, loads of excellent pizza, and ample libations to wash both down. He also created dozens of hilariously edited music videos that allowed audience members to showcase talents recorded for eternity. In attendance were such luminaries as “Pinky,” recently retired from the Knox Food Service; “Derf,” currently serving as an elected official somewhere in Illinois; “Superfly,” the former mayor of a prominent city in the Midwest; and “Flapper,” a famous raconteur, world traveler, financier, and vodka distiller from back up near Joliet somewhere. (It’s commonly suspected that he may be a pal of Joliet Jake and Elwood.) We also saw Tom “Hush Hush” Rendall, “Schaef,” “Sarah,” “Dog Hill,” “Hillner,” and a host of others. Paul Cimino ’76 was there and looking good. Roger Strukhoff and his very patient wife attended. There were even some coaches and faculty members from our distant past. All still best of friends. ❯ Attendees also celebrated “The Departed.” Thankfully, there were only a few of those, but they have left a solid hole in our hearts. ❯ This Reunion was described by several who also attended fraternity reunions as more fun and more active than five of their fraternity reunions combined over the past 25 years. ❯ There were several people in attendance who were very young and were wondering why all the old people were having such a good time. They soon figured it out. Pizza, beer, funny

(Left-right): Tom Kirk and his wife Jill Reeve Kirk ’77, Ralph Johnson ’77, Faith Terpstra Johnson ’78, Lou Kauffmann and wife Diane Slaviero ’77, and Mara Malakoff ’77 enjoy dinner together during their 40th Reunion at Homecoming 2017.



Paul Greenwood ’80 is now dean of the College of by the devastation. The apartment my husband and I rented is right on the infamous Buffalo Bayou that flooded out after the Army Corps released water from two reservoirs. Debris was piled five feet high on the curb for blocks and blocks, and total neighborhoods turned into ghost towns. Although it took a couple of months to get all the trash picked up, in true Texas fashion, people remain very positive and the area is now humming with new construction. With a little luck, I will be in a new home by Valentine’s Day. After that, I would love for anyone to come for a visit.” That goes for me, too. I know you wouldn’t come to see me, but now Pam is here, so come on down. ❯ John and Debbie Caraway Sircy ’79 live in Columbia, South Carolina. He reports they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in March 2018, “proving once again that Proverbs 18:22 is as true as all of the rest of the Bible.” Eldest child Jonathan, wife Britt, and 2-year-old Catherine are in transition, as Britt accepted an assistant professorship at Southern Wesleyan University and Jonathan, an associate professor at Charleston Southern University (CSU), has been approved to create an online English curriculum for CSU so that he can join Britt full-time. Middle son Elisha, an English teacher at a prep school in Columbia, successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and was hooded in December. Youngest son Asher is a junior at The College of Charleston, majoring in business and marketing (finally someone who takes after Dad rather than Mom!) and teaching Bible studies. Debbie is a Sunday School teacher and takes care of granddaughter Julia three days a week; Julia has not warmed up to her Papa quite yet, so he is not much help. John is an adjunct professor of advanced accounting at Columbia College and teaches Bible studies as well. ❯ Phil Green reports that after 30 years in R&D with Procter & Gamble, he and Wanda retired to waterfront living on beautiful Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, for fishing, golf, and hiking in the Blue Ridge. ❯ Sue Morehouse Speichert is retired and lives in Bloomington, Indiana. ❯ Cathie Brewer Schmit is bucking the trend, reporting no retirement for her or husband Greg; both still work at the Omaha Veterans Administration as a RN case manager (Cathie) in primary care and lead RN in the GI lab (Greg). In July, middle daughter Karin got married in a beautiful wedding in South Dakota. Cathie did all the flowers for the wedding—quite a job with eight bridesmaids and groomsmen! ❯ Susan Huey Walker and husband Marc had a very active year with two European vacations! Her husband was awarded a trip to Prague and Vienna in July; the other trip was purchased at an auction in 2014—a James Bond tour, staying at hotels from the films— Interlaken, Switzerland; Venice, Italy; and Monaco. [Wow, a long way from the old days, when we thought Macomb and the Quad Cities were exotic outings.] Their three children are well. No marriages or grandchildren ... yet, but hoping for both! ❯ Kathy Mahaffey celebrated



her son’s wedding over the Thanksgiving holiday in Naperville. After losing her mother at age 98 in January (good genes, Kathy), she was thankful for this joyful event and all of the fun leading up to it. She reports that there was as much dancing at his wedding as a Knox FIJI party “back in the day.” (Although I doubt she had to dance on a sticky linoleum floor.) She and her husband enjoyed downtown Naperville and may have to start checking out the housing situation on Zillow if there are more grandchildren in their future, and she knows who their home inspector would be! Son Tyler and new daughter-in-law Elayna live in Elmhurst currently, while Kathy and her husband are still in Springfield, Illinois. They will spend Christmas on the Gulf Coast of Florida with his sister, their oldest son and daughter-in-law, and grandchildren Maddie (10) and Graham (8). ❯ Thanks everyone for contributing—see you at the Class Reunion! Class Correspondent: David Bates 174 Haversham, Houston, TX 77024-6248, 713-722-0815,

1979 Class Correspondent: Brian Cox 21 Briarcliffe, Collinsville, IL 62234-2913, 618-406-7014 (cell),


We asked our classmates to provide some of their favorite Knox memories. ❯ Paul and Tracey Rappaport Greenwood have relocated to the Tampa, Florida, area. After 30 years at Colby College, Paul is now dean of the College of Natural and Health Sciences at the University of Tampa. “We love our new house,” Tracey writes. “My mother lives with us, and I am a full-time caretaker, so I’m glad the weather is nice most of the time, and we survived Irma with very little damage. Elyssa graduates from University of Massachusetts Amherst in May, and Morgan will finish her sophomore year at SUNY Plattsburgh. Not sure if these are favorite Knox memories but pleasurable memories: Post Suite-Six, Pete Schramm (field trips, prairie burns, ‘cooty-poos,’ Indian Rugs and Baskets mini-term), Linda Dybas ’64, electron microscopy, dance marathons, Flunk Day, Snail Honors project, Seymour Hall, the Quads, LeRoy, the Gizmo, Williston Apartments, friends, and community.” ❯ Dave Workman writes that 2017 was a great year for the Workman family. “We were able to take in 10 national parks and hike them over the last year. Daughter Katie will get married this June to a great guy who is, unfortunately, a Cubs fan. Son John’s wife, Chelsea, is a fourth-year medical student trying to decide among multiple residency offers. Son Dan and wife Nancy continue to live in Greenfield, Indiana. We had a huge party in February for my 60th birthday. I’m fortunately still able to eat solid foods and am kept young at heart with the assistance of Beth,

my beautiful wife of 34 years. Our hope is to get to all the national parks in the next few years while still ambulatory. My Knox favorite memory had to be studying long hours at ‘See More’ library. Can’t tell you how many time I’ve used so much of what was taught at Knox in my everyday life. Getting cheated out of being senior class vice president has to be a close second. This was when I started to become very skeptical of our political system.” ❯ Ruth Aydt sent a few of her favorite memories: “Whiting Hall. Steam radiators and uninsulated windows, Otis the elevator, parlors, and lifelong friendships. Coffeehouses and ‘the pit’ in the Gizmo. Traying in the bowl. Hours in the basement computer lab (with decwriters and lineprinters) and in the ceramics studio (with clay-stiff overalls) and gas-fired kiln. Union Board’s windowless ‘hallway office’ in the Union planning events.” ❯ Joe Moore writes, “After playing host to the 2016 Knox Chicago Club holiday party, wife Barbara and I decided we couldn’t top that and decided to downsize. We sold our 3,000-square-foot home on a double city lot and moved a few blocks to a cozy 1,200-square-foot condominium on the shores of Lake Michigan. I gave up my ‘man cave,’ Barb surrendered her garden, and both of us gave away literally tons of possessions, but the trade-off was worth it. We now wake up to incredible sunrises over the lake, and I no longer have to shovel snow! We plan to host another Chicago Knox Club party, but this one will be in the summer on our veranda overlooking Lake Michigan. Chicago Knox Club members, look for your invitation!” ❯ Wishing everyone the best, Roy and Joe. Class Correspondents: Roy Brandys 1818 Feather Nest Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613-1414, Joe Moore 1431 West Fargo, Chicago, IL 60626-1810, 773-848-5796,

1981 Kari Hauge writes, “In May 2017, I quit my library manager job at University of New Mexico– Taos and became a nomad. I’m house- and pet-sitting via Trusted Housesitters, the site Lisa Smith Heu used a few years back. (She and husband Gary now live in Portland, Oregon, and graciously hosted my sister and me between sits. They also agreed to store my wine club deliveries … I hope they will drink some.) I had to skip the five-year autumn tradition of hanging out with Barb Anderson Landers, Gina Tojo, and Char McClanahan. From February through April, I’ll be in the Norwegian woods near Gjovik, finishing up the book I was commissioned to write. Then, I have nine months as volunteer librarian at Ghost Ranch, followed by more house-sitting. Don’t know when I’ll settle down, but the political climate may decide that for me. ’Nuff said. You can follow my travels on” ❯ Amazingly enough, Annette Zemek and George Eaton ’80

Class Knox Natural and Health Sciences at the University of Tampa. are STILL happily married. ❯ Tom Castronovo reports, “Pete Petersen, Billy Paradise, and Jamie McMillin all got together over the holidays to recount all the great times as suitemates in Neal 1 during sophomore year. Our suitemate and bank trust department executive extraordinaire Tom Sullivan could not make it due to family travels. All these guys are doing well, with me at my wealth management business/Criterion, Pete still after 30 years at a subsidiary of Chicago Title, Jamie at Nuveen in Chicago, and Billy retired from the Downers Grove Park District. Shout-outs to Greg Godziela, Paul Scott, Bob Nelson and the rest of our suitemates and classmates. Drink. In 2017, I took on additional responsibilities as head varsity tennis coach at St. Francis College Prep in Wheaton and was recently honored as IHSTCA Class A/Region 1 Tennis Coach of the Year. Kinda cool.” ❯ Belinda Morrill writes, “I have a thriving private practice in San Luis Obispo as a clinical psychologist with specialties in geropsychology and neuropsychology. I do assessment, therapy, and consultation with older adults and people with suspected brain disease/injury. I spend my spare time hiking, traveling, reading, and hanging out with my 20-year-old daughter, who just moved out of the house! She attends Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Life has been very good to me.” ❯ Donna Mielke writes, “I spent about 10 years at Argonne in the biosciences division but have moved on. Thank you, science funding cuts. Now I plan to do volunteer mentoring and tutoring, but, first, one of my kids’ middle school science teachers will be on maternity leave and asked me to fill in. Our eldest can see the light at the end of the tunnel for her Ph.D. in environmental engineering. Our younger daughter did research in New York for a couple of years and has now wrapped her first semester of medical school in Florida. Beware: they’ve changed how they organize the curriculum, so they unleash the first-year students on real patients! Our son graduated (early, woo hoo!) from Georgia Tech in December. Mike Maday is still busy and has no plans to retire (see the part about a kid in med school), so bring your Chicago-area sports injuries to Midland Orthopedics. ;)” ❯ Glenn Mandel writes, “Happy to report our son got married this past fall. He and his Italian wife live in Torino, Italy, where he attends the Holden School and works for my law practice remotely. Our daughter gets married on May 9. She and her South African fiancé live in Ra’anana, Israel. She attends Tel Aviv University, Broshim School of Natural Medicine. All six of us met up in Italy this past fall. Being so spread out, we spend considerable time on Skype and WhatsApp to stay in touch. Diane and I continue to stay busy with the practice and our various leisure activities. For the past four years, we’ve spent half the year in Door County, Wisconsin, and half the year in Englewood, Florida.” ❯ Tom MacMillan reports, “Having retired in early 2017, I have been traveling extensively in a combination of

trips with my wife, my guy friends, and my sons. I went to Europe three different times, as an example. So lots of new sites and appreciation for all of the things I didn’t see while I was working. I have no plans to stop any time soon.” ❯ Cindy Bjorkman Bosy transferred from Knox after sophomore year and finished her degree at Illinois Wesleyan. “I’ve lived in Park Ridge for almost 22 years with my husband and two children. In October, I attended Homecoming with dad Jamie Bjorkman ’57. We mingled with many alumni throughout the weekend, including Marty Glickman ’80, Joe Moore ’80 and Dan Calandro ’77. I’m always glad to return to Galesburg and Knox.” ❯ Craig Behm and wife Claudia are empty-nesters in Katy, Texas. Elder daughter Courtney starts teaching in 2018, and younger daughter Casey gets married in July and finishes her first year of law school. Claudia starting a nonprofit bookmobile to deliver books to children in Houston. Craig is still president of ImageNet Consulting, a $150 million imaging and technology company. “A real cool perk is I get to travel with the Houston Astros and the Houston Texans on the team planes! I am thinking about starting a Knox Houston Alumni Club! As usual, all Knox friends welcome to visit us in Texas!” ❯ Tim Banks shares, “Daughter Emily graduated from the London School of Economics with a master’s degree in human rights in December. I left UBS (for the second time) after seven years and moved to Allston Trading, a small, private trading company. It’s been a good transition, and I enjoy the change.” ❯ Colonel John Yaccino retired from the United States Air Force on August 1 after serving as a dentist for 28 years. He currently works part-time at San Antonio Endodontics and enjoys his partial retirement playing tennis and fishing. Wife Kathy Weber Yaccino serves as the volunteer photographer for their local humane society. They have two children, Kevin (26) and Sarah (24), a computer guy and a Spanish teacher, respectively, also living in Texas. ❯ Jodi Domanic and Patrick Lambert ’82 got married on a rock formation overlooking Lake Kleifarvatn in Reykjavik, Iceland, as part of an Adventure Wedding Experience that included “exploring caves, hot springs, waterfalls, and a lunch of hot dogs on a black sandy beach, all in our wedding attire.” Jodi is the script advisor on The Affair. ❯ Warren Krup has been blessed with six grandchildren in a little more than two years. “I serve as an HR manager for two thriving companies: Restore in Oakbrook and Chicago Importing in Huntley, Illinois. Karen and I have been happily married for almost 34 years. We cared for Karen’s parents for more than 15 years before they passed. It was largely due to caring for them that I missed our 35th Reunion. I was diagnosed with cancer in August 2014, and, a few days later, had my right kidney removed. There were no symptoms; it was found when I was hospitalized with totally unrelated kidney stones. I am cancer-free now and living a healthy life. I ran competitively during the late ’90s and through

2005 in more than 20 marathons, two 50Ks, and a myriad of shorter races. Now I run slower and much more comfortably just to stay in shape. I put in five miles today pushing my grandson in the stroller. We finished, and then I sledded with him in my running gear.” ❯ John Nicolau: “All good in our home. Eldest son (31) is married to a wonderful woman. Daughter (29) will be married this fall to a wonderful guy. Third son (25) is working as an audio/visual tech here at the Chase Bank building … with a 401k and health care benefits (yippee). Fourth son (21) is a junior at Miami of Ohio (aka “J-Crew U”) just finishing a J-Term in Europe (living large and good to be him). As for me, still very happily married to my wife for more than 34 years and still going strong. Working on selling our technology consulting company this year so we can provide more opportunities for our employees and an exit strategy for me in the coming years. Best wishes for a healthy 2018 to all of my fellow classmates and your families. ❯ Diane Cays Lukassen got married in July 2016. Husband Brandon is “a Colorado lifer, born and raised, with family roots deep in Northern Colorado. We met while we were both working at the Union Colony Civic Center, Greeley’s performance facility, in the mid-1990s. Lost touch until 2011—he found me on Facebook! I’m in my 20th year at the University of Northern Colorado, running the ticket office for the College of Performing and Visual Arts, and really like it.” Class Correspondent: John Nicolau 930 Huckleberry Lane, Glenview, IL 60025-2302, 847-657-6311,

1982 Our 40th Reunion was small in numbers but big in party atmosphere! I’m sure most of you were at home resting up for our 50th! (NOTE: Next Homecoming—please book ahead to party with Annette and me! We were in such demand that we were NOT able to hang with all of our groupies!) We had a great turnout at the Mary Filosa Brown Homecoming Race. The following Whiting Wantons were in attendance: Annette Andresen O’Donnelly, Kelly Norton Warner, Cindy Wilson, and of course me! It was also great seeing Mary Beth Erffmeyer Shomos ’83—a regular participant and fan favorite! Rick Brown ’83 and members of the Brown family were also present. This year we had the honor of Mary’s two brothers attending: John and Luke Filosa and their wives. ❯ Annette and I had a great time visiting prior to the Homecoming photo with Mike Kraynak, Jun ’81 and Noel Dolan Adachi, Joyce Hertko (a 2017 Knox Service Award recipient), Liz Jackson Berntson, Joe Gray, Steve Czerwinski, and Jeff Keefe. Both Steve and Jeff were among the members of the 1978 men’s soccer team that was inducted into the Knox-Lombard Athletic Hall of Fame. I’m sure that there were others from our class in attendance but that are not mentioned due to



“I am currently in the dregs of dissertating and hopeful to be ary for the exhibition Prison Nation.” ❯ Megan Williamson has a solo exhibition of her artwork scheduled for November 2018 at Rare Nest Gallery in Chicago, which represents her work. She reports that retailer Anthropologie is also selling prints of her ink drawings in their spring catalog. Class Correspondents: Sharon L. Schillereff 7780 W 38th Ave., #404, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, 303-885-7185, Chris Bohm Gavlin 4246 Howard Ave., Western Springs, IL 60558, 708-246-1419,

1983 Patrick Fleming reports, “I just celebrated 25 years with 3M Company, so this is a good time for my first update. I work in the laboratories doing product and technology development. I have worked on a host of products, including medical devices, semiconductor manufacturing supplies, license plates, light bulbs, computer displays, automotive decals, traffic signals, drug delivery devices, fiber optic connectors, and, now, Post-It products. I have about 50 patents, a few of which make money for 3M. I married Madeleine 26 years ago. We met in Rochester, New York, where I was doing a post-doc and she was a grad student in optics. We have three children. The youngest has graduated from high school and is


memory lapse caused by old age! ❯ Now to the news. Don ’81 and Kate Kendzy Gingold were at Homecoming this year. Kate states, “It was also a Reunion year for daughter Emma Gingold ’12 and husband Josh Wood ’12, so we all enjoyed our favorite Knox memories and traditions together. On a non-reunion note, son James (not a Knox alum) got married last year, so the four of us traveled out to San Diego for that. Now we are all done educating, launching, and marrying off the children. I suppose grandchildren might be the next milestone, but, for now, we enjoy visiting our granddog and grandcat.” ❯ Chris Bohm Gavlin reports Tim Gavlin “retired in October 2017 and is happy to be getting back in shape and catching up on 35 years of sleep deficit.” ❯ Carleen Pierce Herring is “now the president of Region IV Development Association. I took over the job in October when our long-time executive director retired. The new responsibilities are certainly challenging (and one of the reasons that I could not attend the festivities in Galesburg). The new position started October 2, my mother passed away on October 3, and my first board meeting was October 5—so, all in all, that was a crazy month, stress-wise. All good now, though.” Stephen Tourlentes has an exciting update—he has “work showing through June at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston in the exhibit Unexpected Families and work showing at the Aperture Foundation in New York City for the month of Febru-

Lisa Dupras ’82 shared this photo from a Knox meetup at a Chicago Bears/Baltimore Ravens game in Baltimore. Left to Right: Robert Rosenberg ’81, Rich Dupras ’83, Rocco Marrandino ’82, Ralph Culloden ’80, Bob Behnke ’82, Greg Bird ’82, and Jack Healey ’82.



trying to figure out what to do with his life. Sonya Fleming ’19 is a junior at Knox—creative writing. Say ‘hi’ if you see her there! She will be thrilled. The eldest is a junior at Hamline University studying psychology. Elsewise, we live a quiet life outside St. Paul, Minnesota, where I swim, bike, burn prairies, fly airplanes, and sing at church. Hope to see some of you at Homecoming next fall. Look me up on LinkedIn if you want to get in touch.” ❯ Janet Fawbush Klosterboer still loves living in Round Rock, Texas. “I work for Texas Methodist Foundation as a leadership ministries assistant working with Methodist clergy and leadership. Larry Klosterboer ’84 has been with IBM for 28 years and is still counting. Our son and his wife, Kevin ’09 and Sarah Won Klosterboer ’09, live in Round Rock with our three adorable grandchildren. Son Brian is not far from us in Houston. Daughter Brittiany is a junior in high school.” ❯ Chris and Katherine Kives Tipper ’84 “are still putting pretty much all our efforts into growing our company. We have successfully acquired a fourth location in Spokane, Washington, and continue to spend more time out west.” ❯ Rose Martin Schneider still “keeps in contact with Cindy May. We are trying to make it back for our 35th (WOW!) but don’t have definite plans yet. She will visit in March. After trading commodities at the Chicago Board of Trade for 25 years, I ‘retired’ in 2007. I am now a stay-at-home mom to our 12-year-old daughter. She is feisty, fun, and fills my heart with more love than I could have imagined. I am busier now than when I was working outside of my home. I am VP of the school family association, Girl Scout troop leader, and heavily involved in National Charity League, a nonprofit organization committed to to community service, leadership development, and cultural experiences. It’s been a very rewarding mother/daughter experience with Emma. A couple of years ago I started a home-based crafting business and love it. I design and make jewelry, T-shirts, vinyl decor, and more at I live in Tucson, Arizona, with Emma and husband Paul. I love the weather and the mountains. We make it back to Chicago every year, as we still have family there.” ❯ Susan Arjmand “works as the medical director of the Chicago Police Department, with its share of challenges, as you can imagine. But I find that my training as a family medicine physician is ideal for this, and, in many ways, it is a good fit. In addition, I’m an adjunct professor in the Department of Medical Humanities at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, and, there, I try to keep up with my teaching and research in narrative medicine and medical humanities. I’ve enjoyed staying connected to Knox as much as I can, including participating in an immersion experience for pre-health students last year here in Chicago and going to campus to help prepare them for med school interviews. I continue to act as an unofficial advisor to some of these students. I also advocate strongly with the

Class Knox called a doctor soon.” —Maria Muzzo ’87 administration for continued support of the Besançon program (where I was lucky to have spent senior year), and this has included conversations with President Amott and visits to campus to talk to the French classes. I hope to visit Besançon myself this year and reconnect with Professor Carol Chase, who lives there. I’ll definitely be at the reunion and look forward to seeing everyone.” ❯ Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our 35th Reunion— October 19–21! ❯ If you did not receive an email requesting information, please contact me so we can update our 1983 class list. Class Correspondent: Laura Thompson Sears 132 Heath Place, Westmont, IL 60559-2644, 312-899-1660,

1984 Duston Suits writes that his daughters, Kate Suits ’15 and Sarah (who attended Millkin) have both graduated college. “Kate is finishing up a master’s degree in public history at University of Illinois Springfield, where she coordinates Public History Day events around the state. I’m still with the State of Illinois doing web development and keeping our consumer complaints system up and running. (If you have a complaint against an insurance company or agent, you can submit it to us. The computer system that handles it is my responsibility.) I also play in the Lincoln Land Community College jazz band and perform in pit orchestras for various musicals around the area. In March, I’ll perform in The Music Man and High School Musical, and this summer will be The Little Mermaid. There may be another show or two thrown in—that remains to be seen. I’m also in a small band that specializes in Lincoln-era dance music (fiddle tunes). We haven’t played much but did perform in January. I also play some hockey (or as badly as I play, it’s more like some sort of sport that resembles hockey), not in a league but with a regular bunch of guys from around the area. It’s a lot of fun and good exercise too. We were in a tournament over New Year’s weekend where we lost every game but had a blast. Linda Norbut Suits ’86 is also with the State of Illinois in the Arts in Architecture program, where she coordinates selection and installation of public art around the state. I think her job is way more interesting than mine, but we do what we can. The other exciting thing that happened this year (besides being able to see the solar eclipse) is that we decided to celebrate our kids’ graduations, our 30th wedding anniversary (and 35th anniversary of when we met at the Sigma Nu house) and probably our last chance to make a big trip as a family with a river cruise in Europe. It was a very nice trip. Ask me, I’ll bore you to tears with pictures.” ❯ Lisa Bussler Mouton is a grandma! Her wonderful daughter and son-in-law gave her the best gift ever. Blaze Parish Baker was born October 13, 2016. Lisa, Roger Mouton, and John Niss ’85 spend quite a

bit of time chasing him around and doing doting grandparent things. Class Correspondent: Valerie Jencks P.O. Box 825, Downers Grove IL 60515,

1985 It’s a cold December day in New York City as I write this. I’ll be heading to Galesburg soon to see my parents for the holidays and take a walk around campus to see what’s new. I’ve heard from a few folks from the Class of ’85: ❯ Debbie Dehm has come back to the mainland from Hawaii. (Too bad, I’d hoped to visit Debbie in Hawaii one day.) She’s been in Illinois the past four months visiting family and friends. Debbie writes: “I got to see Laurie Stein and Valerie Nesselroad-Flacco ’87. We had a wonderful time catching up. I visited campus to get a new Knox T-shirt and see the new buildings, but some were closed as it was a Saturday. The students I met were very friendly and helpful, and that was nice to see. I was in Galesburg to teach a workshop at their new metaphysical bookstore. I plan on getting on the psychic fair circuit in the Southwest, so I will be traveling around giving readings and classes. If anyone wants to contact me, they can find me at” ❯ Mike Spires reports, “Some changes in my world. In August, I accepted a position as a research development officer at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and left my position at the University of Colorado Boulder. While I miss the beautiful views of the Rockies, I’m extremely happy to be a lot closer to friends and family in and near Chicago, excited to be helping a new institution increase its research efforts. In July, I began my one-year term as president of the National Organization of Research Development Professionals, an 800-member organization that will be hosting its 10th annual research development conference next May in Arlington, Virginia.” ❯ It sounds like Marc Savini has a family of high-achieving daughters. He writes, “Eldest daughter Analisa graduated cum laude from University of New Hampshire with a B.S. in equine-assisted therapy and is currently attending Boston College to earn an M.S. in social work. Her career goal is to help teens and adults as a licensed therapist. Giuliana, the middle one, graduated summa cum laude from Wake Forest with a B.A. in classics. She is currently enrolled at Oxford, pursuing a master’s degree. She plans to teach Latin, Greek, and classic literature. Emilia, my baby, is a sophomore at Santa Clara University pursuing a B.S. in psychology. I think the weather and culture made her a permanent Left Coaster! I see Matt Petersen quite often when I travel to Chicago for business and keep up closely with John French and TJ Heilingoetter.” ❯ And finally, Kathy Mateer Gedamke is “happy to announce the marriage of eldest daughter, Sarah Marie Rose Gedamke, to Melvin Marple, a computer science student at Liberty University in

Virginia. They met as volunteers at a summer camp in Headwaters, Virginia in May 2016, and were married a year later at the camp.” Congratulations, Kathy! Class Correspondents: Margaret VerKoulen Lynn Jane Davis

1986 Class Correspondent: Susan Bantz 2012 Shady Lane, Muscatine, IA, 52761, 563-554-9213,


I wasn’t able to be in Galesburg for the 30th Reunion. Looked like it was fun. ❯ Here is what Xan Ackerman Fischer reported: “Homecoming 2017 was a successful 30-year Reunion for those from the Class of 1987 who made the trek to the ’Burg. Members of our class came from near and far! We were thrilled to see Stelios Criparacos from Greece for the first time stateside in decades. Casey Jones made it all the way from Uganda, where he is in the Peace Corps making a difference in the world. (We enjoyed Casey’s presentation on all he is doing in Uganda and how we can all help get the nursing school new computers. You can spread the word and donate here: Others were motivated by Stelios’s and Casey’s long trips to come all the way to our old stomping grounds. Tino Schuler and Carl McLean from Florida, Nicole Malone-Ryan from Seattle, Jim Lenke from Maine, Shannon McClure Shirvan from Washington, D.C., Jim and Amy Work Needham from Tennessee, Angele Newton from Arizona, Anna Leahy ’88 and Amy Whistler Nykamp from California, and me … all the way from Colorado, were lucky to make the trip. ;) Midwesterners who were able to join us were Cliff Piper, Scott White, Bob Smith, Andrew McNair ’88, Melvy Portocarrero, Marcia Damato, Joanne Ochoa Nelson, Gillian MacChesney Hampton, Jean Anderson, Jeff Hennenfent, and Janelle Rettig. Although the weather was rather miserable, that did not stop the Class of ’87 from making the best of the weekend. Catching up was wonderful, and I personally hope we can do it again sooner than five years out. Many of us made it to Chicago for our 50th birthday party. I say we meet again in Chicago when we turn 55! What do you say? We missed those who were unable to attend so it’s kind of necessary we do this again soon! Here’s to next time!” ❯ Other ’87 news: Maria Muzzo writes, “Even though I did not attend Homecoming, it was absolutely great fun to catch up with people via the pre-party on Xan’s Facebook. Especially awesome to hear from Tino Schuler and Stelios Criparacos! I am currently in the dregs of dissertating and hopeful to be called a doctor soon. Then we’ll see where this



Craig Bechtel ’94, AKA DJ Craig Reptile, hosts your life takes me. One thing I look forward to seeing is more Knox classmates—if y’all get to Houston, look me up! (Try reading that with a Midwestern accent that’s been in the South for a few years).” ❯ Joanna Chodorowska reports, “I will have one entry to brag about soon enough—my first book. But it is still going through edits! When it is final and available on Amazon, etc., I will let you know! It is called Messages of Love & Inspiration for Every Moment: Channeled Messages To Inspire Unconditional Love within Your Heart and Life. I have lived in Philadelphia now for 16 years— yes, 16! I founded my own business, Nutrition in Motion, in 2004 and help others find their voice and their sparkle and shine from inside out. I identify the pain and imbalances (usually physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and use holistic nutrition therapy, Path To Heal energy work, and essential oils to bring the body back to balance and inner peace. The result is a more vibrant life and aging yourself backwards. I frequently see Gorm Yoder ’86, whom I play tennis with when he isn’t traveling all over the world. It was an activity we shared at Knox, too, when we weren’t studying chemistry in the SMC building!” ❯ Sarah Stewart Cunningham writes, “After spending 12 years in Cincinnati, husband Jim was transferred to Chicago. Our move here was tough, as the first home we tried to buy was flooded during the final walk-through. This meant we would end up spending 100 days at a Residence Inn by the Mag Mile with an energyfilled Siberian husky during the polar vortex. Seven contracts were written before we had a place to call home. We moved to the Galewood section of the Austin neighborhood and love it here. It has been a blessing to be close to our families. A neighbor encouraged me to start playing the flute again. Three of us from our block play in the St. Paul Lutheran Melrose Park flute choir. Jim and I enjoy traveling and running. We have done half marathons in Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and Iceland, and are trying to run a race in every state. This year, we completed the Chicago Marathon. Next year, we look forward to spending more time riding our tandem bicycle.” Class Correspondent: Lisabeth Simms Belman 12701 York Mill Lane, Clarksburg, MD 20871-4034, 301-972-3751,

1988 Class Correspondent: Gayle Pikrone Richardson 1220 Crestview Drive, Batavia, IL 60510-1180,

1989 Ben Calvert reports that his print Nine Nine Forty Four, Hawaiian Style was selected for a juried exhibit at the Anderson Gallery at Drake University. Jurors Sarah McCoy and Mary Jones



selected 44 works from among 784 entries for the exhibit. He also looks forward to a solo exhibition at the Harold Washington Library Center in Chicago. Relief Printmaking by Benjamin Calvert opens November 9, 2018, and runs through January 13, 2019. ❯ Mike Pankey wrote with an update on his life since we graduated. In 1991, Mike became a registered nurse and worked in surgery and as an orthopedic coordinator and clinical resource manager for 10 years. Then he returned to school and earned an MBA and, since that time, has worked as an administrator for an outpatient surgery center. Mike and wife Rosario have two daughters: Samantha (22), a graduate of Florida State University who recently married, and Cassandra (20), a junior at Wofford College, where she plays soccer. ❯ Mike said he will see us at our 30th Reunion—October 2019! Class Correspondent: Mia Jiganti 1850 W. Cortland, Chicago, IL 60622-1035, 773-278-0814,

1990 Muhamed Becovic reports that Becovic Management Company has won the prestigious 2017 Management Company of the Year award at the Midwest Multifamily Prodigy Awards Gala. Becovic also received awards for three individual properties: The Preserve at Willow Springs took for “Best Green Community” (for the second year in a row) and for “Best Clubhouse/Design;” The Springs Apartments won for “Best Floor Plan Over 1,100 Sq. Ft.;” and Central Park at Metropolis took first place for “Best Amenities in a Community 11 Years and Older.” Class Correspondent: Darcy Turner 520 Colony Woods Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27517,

1991 Class Correspondent: Jonathan Sheinkop 260 Cary Ave, Highland Park, IL 60035,

1992 Hello, Class of 1992! Now on the other side of our 25th Reunion, I’m sure many of you are reminiscing about your trip back to Knox in October and daydreaming about the next one. It was a wonderful, chilly October Reunion—always one of the most beautiful months at Knox. The weekend was filled with great friends, good food, and beautiful campus events. Julie Hirshfield and I spent our time attending a freshman preceptorial sci-fi lecture in SMC, buying new swag at the bookstore, freezing at the football game (albeit for five minutes), eating at all our favorites places (yes, the Knox cafeteria and spinach bisque made the list), and hanging out at Cherry Street with fellow classmates Brad Coats, Mark and Ingrid Pchalek Beamsley, Genevieve Fitzgerald,

Christy Christianson, Michelle Williams, Alice Nighswonger, Tiffany Staffen, Rebecca Swanson Balish, Brett Barnhart, and Carrie Wild. I missed all of you who couldn’t make the trip this year. Until next year’s Homecoming … Tammy Thorsen Ragnini ❯ Kelly Lynn Hogan shared a wedding photo from her September 2, 2017, wedding at Buck Creek Farm, the homestead of Robin and Liz Carlin Metz, in Ferryville, Wisconsin. ❯ Remco Veeneman writes, “Update: I have started a new job in Germany as corporate customer officer for a building supplies manufacturer. I still live on my houseboat in Amsterdam on weekends and throughout the week in Germany in the Dusseldorf area. Always open to host or meet up classmates who happen to be visiting Europe!” Class Correspondents: Celine Gura Matthiessen 6417 Marlar, The Colony, TX 75056-7119, 469-384-1805, Tammy Thorsen Ragnini 912 S. Summit, Barrington, IL 60010-5057, 847-382-4022,

1993 I have enjoyed spending time with fellow alum Sree Yedavalli in Texas and recently also got to hang out with Randi Stouffer after she, her husband, and dogs moved south to the warmer climate of North Texas. Currently, I enjoy getting to spend extra time with family, as I have taken a job at Penn State University, which is just down the road from my parents and my brother and his family. ❯ Plans are underway for the 25th Reunion, so mark October 19–21 on your calendars. Watch your email inbox and our class Facebook page for more information on activities and opportunities to help out. ❯ Jeff Meeker: “I recently completed my 20th season as a college volleyball coach—the past 16 seasons at Cornell College. This past season was a special one for our family, as daughter Sydney chose to attend Cornell and play for Dad. Wife Monica and I also have three boys: Jackson (17), Jayden (15), and Jensen (13). It was at Knox where my passion for volleyball and coaching/teaching developed. My mentors—Harley Knosher, Frank McAndrew, and Kathy Wagoner—all played significant roles in helping me find my way and learn the game of volleyball. I have many memories of our club team practices late at night in the old Alumni Gym. Our training sessions often lasted until midnight, and split chins, broken teeth, and sprained ankles were among the injuries incurred as we learned to play the game. I am grateful for those experiences and my time at Knox.” ❯ Amy Ward Martin: “My husband and I moved to Long Island about two years ago with our ferocious attack cat. I still write young adult fiction and released the first book in a new series around Thanksgiving. When I’m not writing or working on editing projects for others, I spend my time as


1994 Carlos Bill lives full-time in an eco-community in Sayulita, Mexico, completely off-grid in a partial earthen home. “Just a mile from the ocean and the hectic tourist town, I can see a sliver of the ocean but escape the noisy thumping music and instead listen to the sound of the jungle as I drift to sleep. I sell my natural homemade health and body products at the local market. I also teach community English classes and private Spanish classes. We are always open for visitors!” ❯ Craig Bechtel has worked in the hotel and meetings industry for more than 20 years and presently works at a company that specializes in using data to increase revenue, room nights, and meeting attendance. In his free time, he is a volunteer with the Chicago Independent Radio Project (CHIRP), a nonprofit community radio station broadcasting from Chicago’s North Center neighborhood. He’s been a DJ on the streaming version of CHIRP Radio since June 2010, and the low-power FM signal has broadcasted on 107.1 FM to the North Side since October 21, 2017. As DJ Craig Reptile, he hosts Your Sunday Sonic Sundowner from 6 to 9 p.m. Central Time on Sunday nights, which you can hear outside of Chicago at

2018 Alumni Achievement Award Steven Gibson ’88 Steve Gibson’s lifetime journey to fight injustice began as a Knox student. A year studying abroad in Barcelona as a junior prepared him to come out publicly as a gay man. When he returned to campus, he joined HUGS (Helping Understand Gay Students). After he experienced an attempted assault on campus, Gibson says he “started to better understand the importance of stepping beyond your comfort zone and speaking up against injustice.” In response, he helped organize the first “Denim Day,” which used commonplace blue jeans to raise consciousness about accepting the experiences of gay men and women on campus.

How did your experiences at Knox affect the later direction of your life and career? After Knox, I attended St. Louis University and earned a master’s degree in social work in 1990. The AIDS crisis had devastated cities like New York and San Francisco. It also made its way to the Midwest, including Galesburg. Fear and stigma were the dominant forces that people affected by HIV confronted. I wanted to end that. My years at Knox taught me how to become a community organizer. I knew the power of coming together to fight discrimination and injustice.

What do you believe is your most notable achievement?


Alumni Achievement Award Winner

a part-time cat wrangler and beach bum. I hope to make it back to Galesburg for our 25th(!) Reunion.” ❯ Gina Clemmer: “What up Knox! All is well here on the West Coast. Richard Lufrano ’92 and I celebrated 10 years of marriage and our daughter’s sixth birthday this year. We own a software called Clinic HQ that provides clinic management for nonprofit spay/neuter clinics. Random, right? It’s all about reducing shelter euthanasia due to pet overpopulation. That’s what I do all day. Richard works as a writer for Chapter & Verse, an advertising agency based in Spokane. If any Knox peeps come out to Portland—drop me a line at” ❯ Sreedhar “Sree” Yedavalli: “Happy Holidays and an exciting 2018 to all. As much as I have been seen waxing political and newsworthy on the social networks, my excitement for 2018 revolves solely around our 25th College Reunion in October. I have been racking up miles on my airline-sponsored credit cards so that I can make the flight into Chicago, visit my parents in Naperville, and take the historic Illinois Zephyr into Galesburg. I originally thought both my lovely wife of 15 years, Nalini, would join me at this historic meeting of Knox-friends and Knox-family, but she reminded me that we have children in school, so she’s elected to stay back in Plano, Texas, to take care of them. Texas Instruments treats me well, and I have made some great professional and personal relationships so far. This looks like the start of a long-term relationship!” ❯ Make plans for Homecoming 2018! Tell your fellow alumni to come to the ’Burg! Class Correspondent: Rebecca Gillan Ballard

I helped change the conversation about HIV. I moved to San Francisco and worked for many years as a community organizer at the STOP AIDS Project. In 2003, I founded Magnet, the first integrated sexual health services and community center. Designed to serve 1,000 clients annually, that program now serves more than 10,000 and operates through the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Magnet has become an internationally recognized model of sexual health. It inspired similar centers in Peru, Spain, France, Australia, and India. We are seeing tremendous strides to reduce new HIV infections and decrease stigma. New bio-medical interventions, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV-negative people and achieving viral suppression for those living with the virus, have transformed HIV from a death sentence to a chronic, manageable condition for most. I’m proud to have played a role in helping us get there. Disparities continue, most notably among AfricanAmerican, Latino gay men, and transgender women. The work must continue.

What words of advice would you offer to current Knox students? Speak up more frequently in person or on social media—especially when you see injustice. Help those who feel invisible or not heard. Let them know they are not alone. We need to stand together and respect each other. Love will always win over hate. Watch a video interview with Steve Gibson at



Ellie Mitchell ’95 is running for Democratic Central Committee bought junk and managed to leave my phone in the bathroom in Atlanta on way home! It was the first time I have really traveled since my eyes got as bad as they have. Santa Fe is dark without a lot of good street lights. Apparently, I had been looking way too long into my cell phone at Google Maps trying to figure out where I was and where the hotel was, when a group of people came over and insisted on walking me back to hotel. It is a friendly town.” ❯ And then there’s me. I’m still at Emory University and Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia working as a clinical physician, herding three children to various activities and schools, and relishing good books at the end of the day in “cold” Georgia, weather. (This is not cold, I say to Southern-born friends. Illinois is cold!) I run into various Knox friends on Facebook and rarely anywhere else since living in Atlanta. I often run or walk through Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia, marveling at the brick buildings and terrain that are a hint of Knox. Maybe that’s why I’m being so sentimental, given these wisps of then. Over the years, I’ve walked up to strangers wearing Knox College sweatshirts or sporting Knox bumper stickers and excitedly badgered them on our connection. I’ve dressed my children in Knox gear to advertise and hope to pull more Southern folk to the North for traying on the Knox Bowl, experiencing a real autumn with the leaves with the colors of dried spices, and forming an appreciation for the richness and life-changing possibility Knox can bring. Have a cozy winter, y’all. Class Correspondent: Lisa Preston-Hsu 217-649-7889,


If you can’t listen live, you can hear the most recent two weeks of programs at In addition, he writes freelance for NewCity Chicago, has served as a senior staff writer for Pop’stache, and, in fall 2016, joined The Blue Ribbon Glee Club, a group that performs a capella versions of punk and alternative rock classics. He also sings in the choir at First United Church of Oak Park (he had the honor of singing at the memorial service for Jeffrey Ritsert ’14) and serves on the technology committee there. He and his wife bought a condo on the Far Northwest Side last summer (Al Schmidt ’68 of Lincoln Law Partners served as their attorney), and their menagerie includes cat Mookie, day gecko Schwarber, and veiled chameleon Greedo. His son with Andrea Miklasz ’95, Luke, will graduate high school in 2018 and plans to study film at DePaul (he’s been awarded a Presidential Scholarship!). Notwithstanding his robust and omnipresent social media activity, he infrequently bumps into other Chicago-area Knox characters like Brenda Gregoline ’93 and Brian Begy ’93, Cyrus Khazai ’96, and Hedley Snow Stickell ’95, John Barstad ’93, Alice Nighswonger ’92, Peter Waldspurger ’93, Christine Steyer ’92, Evan Sawdey ’07, and Dan Morgridge ’05. ❯ Marc Safman writes, “After being successfully marketed to I went out to Santa Fe in August to see a show at the Santa Fe Opera. Handel’s Alcina was excellent. It was a fantastic show made better because Marlana Sikes Bense ’93 and daughter Katie came down from Colorado to join me. We went to several amazing old churches and something called Meow Wolf before the show. I

Kate Brooke-Beyer ’98 and family visited Chile in summer 2017 and went skiing in the Andes Mountains.



1995 Hello, friends of the Class of ’95. I am so delighted to once again be the conduit of stories from classmates who are doing wonderful things with their families, work, and lives. Often people mention in our Knox College Class of ’95 Facebook group how their college experience continues to impact their lives. Let me tell you a recent story of my own: I was completing my work contract with the Ohio Conference United Church of Christ. They held a goodbye lunch for me and another colleague who was also leaving. People were invited to give testimonies about the two of us. One person said that I was a “great critical thinker” and that he would miss having that on the team. I immediately thought of my Knox College experience. I was not magically gifted with critical thinking skills, but they were honed in the context of a vibrant, diverse, and challenging educational experience at Knox. Thanks, Knox, for continuing to shape my life and work! ❯ Christine Seyller Fruin experienced a year of ups and downs in 2017. The year started with a devastating house fire that left her family displaced for a few months while their home was repaired. She recently started a new job with the American Theological Library Association in Chicago as scholarly communication and open access publishing manager. She works from home with occasional travel to the Chicago office and elsewhere around the country. Her daughter, a senior in high school, is weighing several college acceptance and scholarship offers, including one from Knox! ❯ Margo Martin is the secondary school vice principal, organisation for learning, at the International School of Paris. She previously lived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, working on a project to build an international baccalaureate school for Deputy Crown Prince Salman. She is now happy to be in Paris. She will also remarry this month in the City of Lights. ❯ Andrea Miklasz and Craig Bechtel ’94 share that son Luke will attend DePaul University in Chicago this fall and turned 18 in January. He received a presidential scholarship and is an Illinois State Scholar. Luke plans to double-major in business and filmmaking to learn how to fund his indie films. Andrea completed all of the master’s degree coursework in clinical/counseling psychology but had to drop out before the 1,000-hour practicum. Most recently, she was the director of Tabor Lutheran Church’s Contemporary Band (which disbanded due to finances/attendance) in Albany Park, Chicago, and was also the drummer/percussionist. Andrea had drummed for St. Paul for more than a decade when that gig disbanded last year. If you have any suggestions of home-based work for Andrea, that would be appreciated, along with your thoughts and/or prayers. ❯ Ellie Mitchell writes, “In my first political foray, I am running for Democratic Central Committee in the 41st District of Baltimore City. Central Committee is charged with get-out-the-vote, voter registration, and voter engagement for the Democratic Party.

Class Knox in the 41st District of Baltimore City.



Class Correspondent: Kathryn Dix Biallas 1418 East Colter Street, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 602-944-7466,

Kip Conwell ’98 shared some incredible photos of last summer’s total eclipse. Here’s one of our favorites.

1997 I recall alumni who would wander into the house many a Homecoming weekend during my Phi Delta Theta tenure. They would tell grandiose stories, seek out what seemed like random places about the property, and laugh. I remember feeling especially sympathetic for Joel Duckworth’s liver, as somehow his birthday always seemed to land on this annual event. Oftentimes, I would steer clear or find other places to be because I just didn’t understand. Yet here I peered through the windows of 516 South West Street begging to do the same. Twenty years. After getting settled in the Econolodge Friday afternoon (look … it was a place to stay, okay), I headed downtown to hang with the real reason I returned to this small Midwestern town, the people. Jeff Oldham, Jim Lynch, Kevin Fletcher ’96, Craig Matthew Richardson, Nelle Reeves Richardson ’00, and I found a decent craft beer and appetizers at a new establishment. Similar to my mannerisms at the Cross Road Cafe, after a while I started hopping tables and catching up with other alumni. I had a rousing conversation with Rebecca Marlene Jackson, Janet Haney Melton, Dan Polley, and Novia Pagone (who I’m still jealous had the honor of teaching at Knox). I also caught up with Aaron Hopkins, Brian Droz, Josh Gharst ’98, and Anne Duda before we left Iron Spike and ventured out. Duffy’s was not prepared for the Class of 1997 (which made this place), and I loved the awkward mix of townies and alumni. One of my favorite examples of this was the plastic pitcher of beer an employee had circled halfway up in permanent marker $3 and wrote $5 near the top. #ClassicDuffys. Our group continued to swell with the energy of Amy Ferrero, Jeff Irby, and Ben Latimer. ❯ I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t end up meandering down to Corner Connection to raise a small plastic cup and toast life. These moments of nostalgia, however, are just the thing that I love and make the venture all the more meaningful. Later that night, a small group of us shared some of the most spirited conversation Galesburg’s Steak & Shake has heard in quite a while. ❯ Thanks to the peer pressure of my old Peterson House neighbors Amy Falasz-Peterson, Amy Block Hill, Tara Mantsch Eliason, and Kristen Cecchi Pumo, I found myself actively trying to attend the class photo the next morning. I held the class sign for a moment in Kresge Recital Hall as organizers tried to corral us onto the risers. My mind harkened back to the moment we were required to watch Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It in this auditorium and discussions about freshman preceptorial-required reading The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Eventually, I handed off the sign and joined the group, where I traded jokes with Stephan Richter and Jon Blake while we waited patiently for the picture. ❯ After the photo came the second-most important Galesburg Mecca, Sully’s. I have sampled Buffalo wings across the nation, but nothing tastes like Sully’s. Oldham, Fletcher,

Lynch, Foote, Nelle, and I ordered a heaping amount of wings, and, true to tradition, I asked for a side salad with honey mustard dressing. (I have this mind job that it’ll counteract the deepfried mess I’m about to consume.) As we traded quips of college days past, for a moment, just a moment, it was ’97 again. ❯ After lunch, we spent time exploring the campus. A visit to the book store, trying the combination for my old Knox Box, exploring study nooks in the library, and, eventually, wandering back to the old Phi Delt house for a picture. Along the way, we ran into Natalie Lanciloti Ellingson and Joan Esser Selvig for a quick photo before exploring the beauty that is Alumni Hall. ❯ The evening went much the same way as it had the day before, adding Michelle Konicki LeDeaux, Rachelle Daugherty, Brenda Butler, and Steve Ellingson to the mix. Our group found another, newer establishment with live music and settled in. Near the end of the evening, a group of us posed for a selfie to help Ryan Miller ’00 celebrate his 40th 1,500 miles away. ❯ And then, like that, it was over. I made a point to swing by Alfanos on my way back to the hotel, where I ran into Aaron Cohn and tipped my hat to his brilliant late-night choice. It was during that calm as I chewed on an undercooked Sicilian bread, I remembered why I travel back every five years to revisit this era of my life. It’s the people. Our stories, events, and learning journey that painted the town with memories as we discovered ourselves. Knox taught us how to think, deal with mistakes, take risks, and make an argument. For that, I am indebted to this institution and to all of you. Without your camaraderie, Galesburg would be another small town and Knox another liberal arts campus. I know many of you could not make Homecoming this year. Maybe life was too hectic or family took precedence. Maybe you just had a kid (weak excuse, Mark Berns; see Kate Tummelson in the class photo). Maybe work


The campaign has made me even prouder and more connected to my hometown, and I am excited to part of a groundswell of civic participation in the 2018 election and political cycle. My Election Day is June 26, 2018, shared with my son’s 12th birthday. He’s ready and willing to work the polls with me!” ❯ Wendy Paulsen looked forward to her 17th annual New Year’s winter camping trip in the Boundary Waters. Any adventurous souls want to try it sometime? ❯ Juliana Tioanda and husband Aaron Khoo ’96 live in Bellevue, Washington, with their two daughters—Adalea (14) and Maraella (11). Aaron works at Amazon, and Juliana works in the Xbox/Gaming Team at Microsoft. Because their families are thousands of miles away, they are grateful to be near their Knox family—Linda Ma ’96 and Craig Miller ’96, who live three minutes away with kids Konnor (11) and Zelina (8). ❯ Humaira Basith’s daughter, Samar Khan, graduated from University of Illinois and got married this summer. Humaira and Edmund Arroyo ’96, live in Darien, Illinois, with son Zayn (11). “In August, my first-year suitemates had a three-day reunion in St. Louis. There’s nothing like hanging out in pajamas with old roommates!” ❯ Please share more of your stories of your postKnox life. Hope to see you at our 25th Reunion in 2020! Class Correspondent: Rev. Nicole Havelka Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @revnhavelka

(L-R): Stephanie Hasan Detterline ’98, Jen Carey Anderson ’98, Sarah Atkinson Custis ’98, Jocelyn Slowey Gelineau ’98 (holding Hunter Gelineau).



John Betts ’05 was named the National required more attention than normal. Maybe a close friend or relative has passed since we walked these grounds and returning brings back intense memories you’d rather not revisit. Whatever your reason, I hope this bit of prose helps you to reconnect to the four years we spent. I look forward to seeing you in my travels. Take care. Class Correspondent: Josh Mika 6619 Mountain Ridge Pass, Plainfield, IL 60586-2844,

1998 We’ve worked our way through nearly 20 years since Commencement. This fall, we’ll take a break to celebrate our roots and reconnect at Homecoming. I hope many of us will come together this October! ❯ Julie Landsdown gave me a shock of inspiration by what she does to help those in need. She makes ends meet as an attorney by taking contract legal work as she rents a house and makes a difference in a slum in Nairobi, Kenya. She has opened her house to literally hundreds of small children to work toward better lives through education and addressing the challenges of poverty. This year, she is working hard to set up an information and communications technology center for the kids to learn computers. You must check out her Facebook page to see all the love and appreciation on the faces of the kids as Julie strives to make a difference for an entire community (plus you can see her riding a camel). ❯ Michael Vanlandingham shared

that he has finished a master’s degree in education at Grand Canyon University, with a nearperfect GPA. He has been hired as a substitute teacher at Oktaha High School, where he teaches state, national, and world histories, in addition to Native American studies and U.S. government studies. He’s working on certificates in poetry and American literature and hopes to be hired as a full-time teacher this coming fall. He’ll be at Homecoming this fall and looks forward to seeing everyone there! ❯ Former Class Correspondent Stephanie Hasan Detterline writes: “Things are great here in Maryland. I am still the internal medicine residency program director at MedStar Health Internal Medicine, Baltimore. This will be my fifth year, and it has definitely been such a cool and humbling experience to create the educational program for so many future physicians; I love my job! I still try to run at least one half-marathon a year in addition to keeping up with Jameson (6) and Estella (5), and I see my old Knox friends often. In fact, we still get together for a girls’ weekend in summer and a family get-together at New Year’s.” ❯ Andrea Crain wrote: “I work from home for Tessitura Network, a software company that helps arts and cultural organizations all over the world keep track of their patrons, take donations, and sell tickets. My job is to move their data from their old databases into our system. Since my job no longer ties us to Chicago, we moved back to the Madison, Wisconsin, area in fall 2016, and we really enjoy all the cheese options and the college town vibe.” ❯ Kate Brooke-Beyer wrote: “I can’t believe I am

in my 17th year of teaching Spanish in Bloomington, Minnesota! Didn’t we just graduate from Knox a few years ago? This past summer, my family had the opportunity to take a trip to Chile to visit a young woman who spent a year living with us two years ago. It was incredible to visit cities like Santiago and Valparaíso, the Atacama desert, and go skiing in the Andes mountains. It was especially fun to see my two sons, who have been attending immersion school, understand and speak Spanish.” ❯ Liz Harden wrote: “Hi, fellow Knoxies! I have enjoyed reading about everyone in every magazine since graduation and added my updates now and then. I know y’all haven’t heard from me for a while. I haven’t really known what to share about my life after the passing of my son, Jaden, in May 2013. I want to thank everyone for the continuous outpouring of love and prayers from everyone in the Knox community! I plan on making it to Homecoming this fall, and I’m excited to see my former home and all of you. Other than that, I’ve been doing what I know I was meant to do with my life. I still teach in Houston—20 years strong and currently an elementary science specialist, STEM Academy coordinator, and gifted coordinator. Take care, and I hope to see you in October!” ❯ Brian Gawor says: “I am finishing up my doctorate at Illinois State University. I’m currently vice president for research at Ruffalo Noel Levitz, and I work with universities and charities to help them better connect with donors. Check out recent blogs and research at” ❯ Let’s stay in touch! Join the Knox College Class of 1998 FB group or send me an email. Class Correspondent: Kip Conwell

1999 Class Correspondent: Valerie Saks Kihslinger S3042 W. Salem Ridge Rd., La Farge, WI 54639, 608-268-6903,



A group of alumni from the Class of 1999 finished the Tough Mudder, a 12-mile endurance event/obstacle course. We salute (L-R): Rob Middleton ’99, Josh Fourdyce ’99, David Dooman ’99, friend Tom Leko, and Ryan Cannady ’99.



In August, I traveled to L.A. for work and was thrilled to spend some time in Venice Beach with Kathy Grier ’99 and Christina “Carter” Crandall. The three of us met on the volleyball court at Knox when Carter and I were first-years. Kathy is a teacher in San Diego using her bilingual English/Spanish skills daily. Carter relocated with her husband and two sons back home to San Diego after a few years on the East Coast. Carter uses her design skills to help people personalize their homes and has clients across the country. It was as if no time had passed, even though I had not seen them in more than 10 years! Class Correspondent: Jen Parker

Class Knox High School Tennis coach of the Year. Congrats!

2001 Jeff Smith, principal investigator and data scientist at the SETI Institute, wrote the Knox physics department to report on what he’s been up to. “The Kepler mission is really winding down now. The last mission papers are being finalized, and most people have already found other jobs (very successfully, I might add). I’m still around, though! Our group has been hard at work porting the Kepler pipeline codebase for use with the next planet finding mission: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS. Once TESS is up and running, our group will probably move on to writing the data processing tools for another NASA mission. We have a couple of prospects already.” He shares that wife Tyrrell is a genetic sequencing expert at Roche, and they recently purchased a house in Santa Clara. “As I’m sure you are aware of the real estate market in Silicon Valley, this is no small feat!” Class Correspondent: Allison Honaker

2002 Erika Kreutzberg Gish writes: “I started a new job as a project coordinator with Centene Corporation in October, leaving the environmental laboratory world after about 14 years. It’s been a great learning experience, as I am part of the organization that is leading the Agile transformation. The kids are growing fast. The eldest will start high school in the fall, and the twins will be in their last year of middle school. All three girls play soccer and basketball, so we spend our free time traveling around St Louis and the Midwest for games or tournaments. I look forward to meeting up with some of Campbell’s Elders (formerly the ladies of Campbell-Elder 4) later this year!” ❯ Thomas Emerson Viner was born August 31, 2017, at 9:41 p.m. to Thomas Viner and Nichole Althoff. Emerson enjoys a busy household with his 7-year-old brother and 5-year-old sister. Tom saw classmates Eric Miller, and Brooks and Erin Rockwood Goedeker in Florida in January, and was visited by another Knox-TKE alum, Darrin Traff ’04, in September. ❯ Chickoo Rao writes: “My husband and I still live in Los Angeles, and I’m still with the Walt Disney Company (10 years this July!). We had a great 2017 welcoming our son Raaghav Lal on Pi Day, 3/14. Big sister Saanvi (7) was thrilled to have her very own live doll to play with. Life with two kids is another level of crazy, but we enjoy every minute of it.” ❯ Eileen G’sell’s new book of poetry, Life After Rugby, is out from Gold Wake Press. Eileen teaches rhetoric and film at Washington University in St. Louis and creative writing for its Prison Education Project. She is a regular contributor of culture criticism to Salon, VICE, Hyperallergic, and Alive Magazine and a features editor for The Rumpus. ❯ Pamela Hernandez writes, “I have opened my own education research consulting firm in Houston called

Educo Research and develop the leadership training curriculum for the New Leaders Council– Houston chapter, a national organization of progressive leaders. This year, I will also explore brewing specialty (gluten-free) craft beer, with the hopes of opening up a brewing company in the near future. Any Knox College investors out there? It’s going to be a year of entrepreneurship.” ❯ Martha Brislen Byrne and her family still love California, and Martha loves her students and department at Sonoma State University, where she’s in her second year. The whole family is extremely grateful their Santa Rosa home and neighborhood escaped the North Bay fires in October and have tried to use their good fortune to help their devastated community. Martha has knitted winter gear for people who lost their homes (it does get cold enough there to want a scarf on occasion), and her extended family pulled together a monetary donation for the family of one of her daughter’s classmates. But wine country is beautiful, and the hills that burned are recovering fast. Martha’s husband celebrated his 40th birthday in October, which is why she missed the Reunion—she hopes to see you all in 2022. Class Correspondent: Jennifer Wreyford 1700 Bassett Street, #407, Denver, CO 80202, 813-482-4112,

2003 K.C. Collins-Burlison writes, “I just wanted to report that husband Matt and I welcomed a little boy, Collin Matthew Burlison, on August 10, 2017. As you can imagine, life has been really hectic but very rewarding. I also just celebrated my fifth anniversary with my employer, Call for Help, Inc., where I am the director of human resources.” Class Correspondent: Allison O’Mahen Malcom 8134 Gridley Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI 53213-3049,

2004 From Sharon Carvalho: “Husband Amith and I had a baby girl, Aaliyah Horra, who turned 2 a month ago. We decided to move to Ottawa, Canada, earlier this year, leaving Dubai behind. I now work as a senior marketing specialist at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and am not looking forward to our first snowy winter—my first since graduating from college in 2004.” ❯ Stephanie Fouhy and fiancé Dorian Chamorro welcomed their second child, Lyra Nicole Chamorro, on September 25, 2017, and moved into their first house back in May. Class Correspondent: Susan C. Vitous Johnson 1312 Iles Avenue, Belvidere, IL 61008-1407,

2005 Jon Betts writes, “2017 has been a crazy year for the Betts family! In early October, Steph and I ran the Chicago Marathon again in support of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We were joined by Jess Jones Moore ’08 and supported all the way by Kim Kreiling ’07. With no time to rest, we packed up the whole family, leaving early the next morning for Orlando, where I was named the National High School Tennis Coach of the Year. It was a pretty incredible experience.” ❯ Dan Diehl tells us, “I left the commercial banking industry and acquired a niche precision welding business, EBWA. The company is based in the Fountain Square area of Indianapolis, Indiana. EBWA is one of the oldest and most experienced electron beam welding operations in the U.S., and it serves blue chip companies in aerospace, defense, technology and other major manufacturing industries. EBWA celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2018. I am very excited for the opportunity to own and operate this tremendous business and am pleased to share this update with my fellow Knox alums.” ❯ Nina Neitzke Kindelin and husband Bill welcomed son Samuel Peter Kindelin on June 23, 2017. Big brother Will, almost 7, is thrilled to have a brother after “all those sisters.” Lucy, almost 5, and Jane, 2, are doting big sisters. Nina is still home taking care of the kiddos and loves life! ❯ Arne Olson just started an apprenticeship as a sheet metal worker in Troutdale, Oregon. He also married Amanda Lynn Dandridge Olson on September 23, 2017, in Parkdale, Oregon. Arne currently lives in Welches, Oregon, on Mount Hood. ❯ Emily Myers Thuja and husband Matthew welcomed daughter Morgan into the family in August 2017. They still live in “gorges” Ithaca, New York. Class Correspondents: Marissa Parkin Ashley Steinsdoerfer Gottlieb 815-245-3648,

2006 Kate Garklavs Saul writes, “2017 was fairly eventful, as far as recent years go. Writing-wise, it was very productive: I joined a local writing group, was asked to sign on as the prose editor of the Submission reading series, and gave a reading at AWP to commemorate the release of my limited-edition microchapbook. I still work at 18F, and I became a team lead last spring. Around the same time, I co-led a daylong workshop on agile content at the Now What? conference in Sioux Falls. Micah and I also did a fair bit of traveling— took a few work trips to Washington, D.C., went to three weddings, and spent a week in Minnesota near the end of the summer. As much as we love to travel, we also love spending time in Portland; if folks are ever in the area, drop on by—we’d love to have you over for a barbecue!” Aaron and Liz McCammon Thornton ’08 have lived in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area for



Pac Pobric ’09 got a new job at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as the 2018 Young Alumni Achievement Award Stephen Herzog didn’t land your typical first job after graduating college. Instead, as he worked toward a master’s degree in security studies at Georgetown University, he joined the Federation of American Scientists, a think tank founded by former Manhattan Project scientists, as a nuclear arms control and nonproliferation researcher. From there, he joined the U.S. Department of Energy, where he led an international engagement and training program supporting the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. For four “very busy” years, Stephen led U.S. scientific delegations to dozens of countries and took part in countless negotiations, meetings, and training workshops, all in an effort to help countries build their nuclear test monitoring capabilities. “My role was not to promote a political agenda or encourage treaty ratification,” he says. “It was to get scientists and governments to interact with the technical elements of the treaty. The same data used to detect nuclear tests, for instance, can also be used for earthquake hazard mitigation and tsunami warning systems. States can support arms control while also saving lives from deadly natural disasters.” For countries reluctant to invest scarce resources in nuclear treaty monitoring, these PETER BAILLEY ’74 civil-scientific benefits offered additional incentive to make the investment. Three years ago, Stephen left the Department of Energy to focus his efforts on studying for a Ph.D. in political science at Yale University, seeing an opportunity to bridge the gaps he witnessed between the academic, policy, and scientific communities. “I’m hoping to be a professor who can function in all of these worlds—these groups have a lot to offer each other, but they’re often quite siloed off.”

How did you become interested in nuclear security? My father worked on nuclear issues for the U.S. Navy during the Cold War, and we had books on these topics at home. I also briefly encountered nuclear politics through high school debate. But before arriving in Galesburg, to put it gently, I had a fairly strong aversion to classes and homework. My initial political science and international relations courses changed everything. Professors Karen Kampwirth and Bob Seibert introduced me to regions of interest I had hardly thought about, and Professor Sue Hulett taught me important theoretical and historical concepts to structure my thinking about nuclear weapons. Although I didn’t realize it then, they had helped plant the seeds for a future career dealing with the global implications of nuclear weapons. Before Knox, I never knew this was an option.

What words of advice would you offer to current Knox students? I believe it’s critical to find ways to build common ground to solve problems, especially with those who have radically different lenses through which they see the world. This applies to governments and individuals alike. Too often, redlines and polarization prevent solutions from emerging to eminently fixable disagreements. Serious efforts to engage others based on their core motivations and values are central to building the trust and transparency necessary to take on seemingly intractable disputes. Watch a video interview with Stephen Herzog at 72


Alumni Achievement Award Winner

Stephen Herzog ’09

about two years and welcomed the newest member of their family, Henry Thornton, on December 6, 2017. Everyone is happy, healthy, and doing well. ❯ Victoria Bures Georgoff writes, “Paul and I are happy to announce a new addition to our family—and future Knox student, obviously—Jackson Joseph, who joined the world on March 25, 2017. He was joyously welcomed by eldest brother Greyson (6), who was ready to upgrade his current playmate; and skeptically accepted by brother Keegan (3), who has resigned himself to the middle-child position. Being a mom of three boys keeps me busy, but I still sneak in a little volunteering in the community as a board member of our local arts council, am occasionally active in a local moms group, and extraordinarily productive (and exhausted) one day a week when I teach nine dance classes for students ranging from preschool to adult. Life is good!” ❯ Robin Soto graduated with a M.S.Ed. in learning design and technology from Purdue University in December 2017. She lives in Los Angeles and is happily demonstrating the value of sound instructional design practices in a data science software company. ❯ Rachel Navarre survived her first real post-Knox winter in Massachusetts—she noted the subzero temperatures were a rough introduction to the Northeast. After finishing a post-doctoral fellowship at Tulane University last spring, she joined the faculty of Bridgewater State University as an assistant professor in political science, teaching American politics and immigration policy. ❯ Megan Gamble has a new job in Washington, D.C., doing her part for THE RESISTANCE by raising money for Emily’s List. ❯ Doug ’05 and Heather Courtney Porter welcomed their first child, Kevin Emmett, in September 2017. Doug continues to work as a middle school counselor and travels with The Boomerang Project as a small group coach for their “Where Everybody Belongs” (WEB) program. Heather still enjoys her role as the speech language pathologist for her district’s early childhood program. ❯ As for me, I started a new job in November 2017, working in the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force as the planned giving officer for the Air Force Museum Foundation. Class Correspondent: Megan Rehberg

2007 Hey everyone! It is great hearing from you. Hope those who were able to come to Galesburg in October enjoyed everyone and remembered how to navigate campus. These are the most recent updates, but if at any point you want to let us know, email us and we will get it into the next issue. Enjoy! ❯ This year, Monica Schroeder Boothe finished an M.F.A. in fiction at George Mason University. She now teaches at Trinity University in Washington, D.C., and does some freelance writing. She lives in Maryland with her husband and two children (ages 5 and 2). ❯ Jake

Class Knox editor of the HEILBRUNN TIMELINE OF ART HISTORY. A. Hamed started a new job as MENA program manager for Heartland Alliance International in Chicago around the same time. Lots of changes in a short time! ❯ Kelli Refer and Tom Fucoloro expect a baby girl in April 2018. They look forward to raising their baby car-free in the beautiful city of Seattle surrounded by many supportive friends. A big shout-out to Angharad Hollingworth, who is their super-amazing doula! ❯ Erica Jaffe says, “It’s been an exciting few months on my end. Fiancé Matt joined the faculty at Wharton this past summer, so we moved from Chicago to Philadelphia. I’m now an associate at the law firm Morgan, Lewis & Bockius. We enjoy Philly, and, in November, Meredith Kopelman came to visit us to do the Rocky Balboa Run.” ❯ Anne Fagerburg moved to Denver, Colorado, in late August with her fiancé, and they just bought their first house. It’s a block away from an awesome ice cream parlor and a microbrewery. Knox friends are welcome to come visit and stay in their weird basement. ❯ Greg and Andie Allison Leibach welcomed baby boy Wesley Bernard on September 8, 2017, and could not be more in love with him. They enjoy their time as a new family of three as Greg continues to teach art and coach wrestling at Galesburg High School, and Andie continues to teach English at Knoxville High School. ❯ Bailey Rewoldt was excited to graduate with an M.A. in library and information studies from University of Wisconsin–Madison in December 2017. “Now I can get back to hanging out with my housemates from college!” ❯ In response to what great shows people are binging, Will Anderson says, “Yo girl, real talk: I pay my subscription to Netflix specifically for Full House 2.0.” ❯ Jasmina Ruano-Schroeder and husband Joshua welcomed the birth of daughter Evelyn on August 10. ❯ Miriam Gillan has been busily knitting a sweater but was able to take a break and go to Homecoming with Erica Stringfellow Tully, her husband, and Brian Patrick King. It was fabulous time and great to catch up with so many Knox alums. She took her knitting with her to visit Becca Ganster in Seattle. Class Correspondents: Miriam M. Gillan Erica Stringfellow Tully



Andrew Briggs says, “In January, I started a new job as an attorney at Trifecta General Counsel in Madison, Wisconsin. We are a law firm that services the legal needs of technology startups, with a particular focus on startups in the healthcare industry.” ❯ Will Rutter’s life in South Carolina is nuts. He and his wife somehow managed to get their boys through their first year of life with all their limbs intact. On top of that, one of his research papers was published in the journal Science. ❯ A. Hamed and Colleen Harden Aziz ’10 welcomed their second boy on October 15, 2017.

Pac Pobric got a new job at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as the editor of the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. He’s also a contributing writer to the Village Voice. He still lives in Spuyten Duyvil in the Bronx with wife Adrian. ❯ Elena Gleason is the new readers’ advisory librarian at the Hillsboro Public Library in Hillsboro, Oregon, following four years at the Coos Bay Public Library. ❯ Robin Kristoff recently published Star Thief, a YA fantasy novel where a careless wish leaves one young man in possession of the moon, the stars, and all of the worlds that come

with them. ❯ Rachael Goodman-Williams finished her master’s program in community psychology and now moves on to the Ph.D. portion of the program. She is teaching for the first time and absolutely loves it. Three years down, three to go! ❯ Olivia Engel manages a hydroponic farm by day and writes non-stop by night. ❯ Jasmin Tomlins writes, “I’ve got a happy melange of a life: working the Renaissance Faire in the summers, bartending at small jazz clubs, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and helping people cope with and plan for their mortality as a death doula in the Chicago area. :)” ❯ Matt Baker says “U.” ❯ Anita Longhini Knez still lives in Minneapolis. She spent the last year working, getting solar panels, and growing vegetables and tiny humans. She welcomed her second daughter, Clarke, into the world in August. ❯ Amanda Look married Michael Sarmiento on July 22, 2017, in Chicago. The newlyweds have relocated to Doha, Qatar, where Michael works as a school counselor at an international high school, and Amanda manages the special events office at Georgetown University–Qatar. ❯ Sam Jarvis says Ryan Cash is “it” and needs to tag Kevin Wickman, Adam Vera, Jake Diller-Shatz, Aaron Barnett, John Curtin, Matt Baker, or Pac Pobric because the game must go on. Class Correspondent: Sam Jarvis 1059 Lincoln St., Galesburg IL 61401, 309-368-7885

2010 It’s been a great two years for McKinley Murphy! She married husband Zeeshan in Bombay and again in St. Louis! Sasha Murphy ’11 was maid of honor; Simon Schneider was man of honor. She also got her M.F.A. in poetry and reunited with Kara Krewer and other alumni at AWP! ❯ Cami Woodruff lives in Seattle and works at


Kuhnline and wife Shannon Stromberg had their first child in July—Sophia Ann Kuhnline. They both work at KIPP schools in Columbus, Ohio, where they have moved to be closer to family. ❯ Emily Hart says, “I’m in my ninth year teaching math and instructional coaching in Denver. I travel a lot (to 29 U.S. and five Canadian national parks!) and am busy planning my next adventure!” ❯ Laura Wentink Marcasciano and husband Anthony have been traveling to various national parks and doing a lot of hiking. The highlight this year was hiking the Cloud’s Rest 14.2-mile trail round-trip at Yosemite National Park in October. In January, she was promoted from water quality specialist to water quality supervisor. ❯ Michael Sales and wife Rachel welcomed their first son, Oliver Knox, on November 8, 2017. ❯ Sam Sarver says, “In addition to running my own law practice in Green Bay, Wisconsin, I also work as a campaign consultant for Beau Liegeois, Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District. Wife Megan Elliott Sarver recently started a new job as a contract administrator at the Power Division of Michels Corporation. We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in August 2017.” ❯ Evan Sawdey has had a lot to celebrate over the past while, most notably his getting engaged to his boyfriend of the past few years. When not in the midst of wedding planning (with wonderful advice from Adam ’08 and Carla Hamilton McDowell ’10), he’s continued his music writing adventures by contributing to PopMatters and MSN-affiliated outlets. On top of that, his music-ranking podcast, The Chartographers, has developed a sizable cult audience and soon enters its third season. ❯ Andrew Warwick is a graduate assistant coach at Clemson. Since he’s been there, Clemson has won a national championship and reached the College Football Playoffs again in 2017 as the number-one ranked team in the nation. They played Alabama in the Sugar Bowl on January 1. Class Correspondents: Laura J. Wentink Marcasciano 5650 Abbey Drive, Apartment 3P, Lisle, IL 60532-2558, Michael C. Sales 8 Maillet Street, Winslow, ME 04901,

Cole Atcheson ’13 proposes to Brigette Demke ’11. (She said yes.)



Ginny Graves ’10 celebrated her 30th birthday by her own graphic design business and (hopefully still, by the time you read this) so far, so good! You can check out her work at ❯ Hamed ’08 and Colleen Harden Aziz welcomed their second son, Ehsan, in October 2017. Along with older son Naseer, they moved to Chicago for Hamed’s new job as a project manager for nonprofit Heartland Alliance International. ❯ Ginny Graves celebrated her 30th birthday by running and finishing the 2017 Chicago Marathon (her first full marathon)! It was so much fun that she already signed up for the 2018 race. ❯ Mike Herbert will likely move to Charleston, South Carolina, this fall and still works in nursing, (happily) now in a non-clinical capacity. ❯ Mary Vanden Plas moved to Chicago and got a master’s degree in international relations from University of Chicago in 2012. She currently lives with bestie Kathy Brown and two cats. Travel remains one of her favorite pastimes, and, since graduating, she’s added Palestine, Israel, and Germany to the list of countries she’s been to and went back to Japan for a visit in the spring. She is currently the director of operations and research at an analytics recruiting firm. Recently, she has been teaching herself calligraphy and started taking drawing classes. ❯ Kathy Brown moved from the suburbs to Chicago in 2013 and works for a fine wine auction house in the consignments department, where she’s learning about wine and publishing software. Weekly game nights with her coworkers and writing sessions with her friends take up


Valve on secret thingsTM that includes some temporary art on the upcoming card game, Artifact. Last summer, she also started making art for the Steam sales and will likely continue to do that indefinitely. ❯ For the fifth day in a row, not a single Taco Bell drive-thru employee has asked Zack Lazar, “Hey man, you doing okay?” ❯ Creal Zearing quit her job of three years at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and transitioned into a position working for the University of Wisconsin Foundation, where she sits directly next to Jane Hibbs-Magruder ’16 and is also coworkers with Heather Kopec ’10 and Jodi Graves Patek ’88. She also got engaged this past March to a yogaloving, vegan-eating, bike-riding Madison native! ❯ Levi Flair and Antonina Pondo ’11 were married on September 9, 2017, in Charlotte, North Carolina. ❯ Carolyn Hill is still at Simpson Thacher in Palo Alto. Say hi if you’re in the area! ❯ After spending a year at 10,000 feet working as a museum educator, Margaret Spiegel accepted a position in Iowa as a county historical society director, still with an emphasis on programming. Living in the Colorado Rockies was an experience, but she’s excited to go back to the Midwest and be closer to family. Here’s hoping this is the last move for a few years! ❯ Jen Milius and John Eisemann ’11 are great. John started his seventh year as the choir director at Grant High School and is weathering a two-year hiatus at a temporary school while Grant is renovated. Jen started

Nina Litoff ’12 celebrated a royalty-themed 27th birthday in Chicago. She is surrounded by (L-R) Jenna Temkin ’12, Emily Whelchel ’12, Caitlin Sahm ’11, Jordan Chalk ’11, Torri Baird ’13, Nea Larson Fernández ’11, Jonathan Plotnick ’13, Casey Samoore ’12, and Johnathan Ebbers ’13.



most of her free time. She recently took a trip to Germany and has plans to visit Japan in the coming year. ❯ As Shane Donegan hurtles toward his 30th birthday, he realizes all he has really accomplished so far is managing to get a wonderful boyfriend and somehow build a wonderful credit score. Ya know, sometimes that’s more than enough. ❯ Sam Flanders and Melati Nungsari recently started working for Asia School of Business, a new university set up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as a partnership between MIT Sloan School of Management and the Malaysian Central Bank. They are both assistant professors of economics. They spent this past summer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as research fellows at MIT and relocated their family of one toddler and two cats from Indianapolis to Kuala Lumpur in August. Melati enjoys being home with her family, including mom Nor Azilah Ngah ’83, and Sam enjoys the food. They also welcomed a new cat to their home! ❯ Nicole Henniger finished her first year as a tenure-track psychology professor at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville, Tennessee. ❯ Ben Scott finished a master’s degree in landscape architecture at the University of Virginia and relocated to New York City, where he is a designer for Ken Smith Workshop. He also worked on Unrestrooms, an exhibition on public restroom design, with a particular focus on queer and feminist theories of gender and public space. The exhibition opened at Front/Space gallery in Kansas City in March. ❯ Clayton Besong left his hometown of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to plant roots in the Minneapolis area. He has continued his clinical IT analyst profession at Hennepin County Medical Center and is experiencing what the city has to offer while reconnecting with old friends, especially some Knox College alumni. ❯ Mike Yu reports: “Highlights of 2017: Seeing John Scofield live, seeing Julian Lage and Chris Eldridge live, playing in (the last) Potlatch, driving with Doug Fennig cross-country to help him move to Seattle for an awesome job at Whitepages, Doug getting me a job with him and finally working somewhere with a kegerator in the office, going to the WWHP with Jack Gallalee and Caitlyn Thompson, and going to Maui for the first time. 2018 so far: going to my first programming conference (PyCascades) and looking forward to a March visit from Timmy Schmeling ’11, Jack, and Caitlyn.” ❯ Lauren Assaf still enjoys corporate attorney life in SoCal. Between work and wedding planning, she’s still swing dancing and recently started hot yoga. Class Correspondent: Lauren Assaf

2011 2018 is a year of new starts for a few of us in the Class of 2011. I myself will start law school this fall at American University in Washington, D.C. Feel free to come out and join me for a protest! (If my mother doesn’t beat you to it.) Now, here

Class Knox running and finishing the 2017 Chicago Marahon. Colleen Shelly ’14 From Galesburg to London to Paris to Harvard Colleen Shelly’s experiences conducting research and studying abroad in London as a Knox student led to her pursuit of a master’s degree at the EHESP School of Public Health in Paris. She is currently a research assistant and visiting graduate student at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Why did you choose to go to graduate school abroad?


During the fall of my junior year at Knox, I chose to study abroad in London. It had a much bigger impact on my future choices than I ever thought it would at the time. I think a lot of my sense of adventure stems from the fact that I’m a Galesburg native. Going to college in my hometown activated this desire to see the world, with Galesburg always being a place to call home.

What sparked your interest in studying public health?


are a few updates from some of our classmates. ❯ Katie Johnston started a new job at the start of the year with Wieden + Kennedy New York as a copywriter on the Bud Light account. “Dilly dilly.” ❯ Lucas Motta started as the director of business development with Oregon State Athletics last July. In his spare time, he’s a proud “dog-dad” to an English Shepherd puppy and a member of the “Joy Squad” for the Children’s Cancer Association. ❯ Lin Shi started a Ph.D. in environment and resources at Stanford University last fall. Her research focuses on supply chain sustainability of electronics. She’s delighted to be back in school under the California sun. ❯ Sasha Murphy and Sean Frohling ’10 started their second year of marriage. ❯ Chloe Bohm starts each day in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ❯ Chris Bugajski started a new life chapter when he moved to Granger, Indiana, with fiancée Anjuli

Caitlin Harrison ’13 shared a photo of “the love of her life”—Shadow, a Husky/Shepherd mix.

A variety of events led me on the path towards a future in public health. I chose to research the politics and media role of obesity in the UK, which got me really fired up about policy related to nutrition. I then completed senior research for my degree in biology, looking at the mechanisms, policy, and public knowledge concerning the compound folate/folic acid in women of childbearing age.

As part of your master’s program, you are currently completing an internship at Harvard. What is your research?


Lotte Vonk ’13 and Kristal Romero ’13 hang out with an old friend in Washington, D.C.

I’m evaluating the association between prenatal and postnatal exposures to persistent organic environmental pollutants and metabolic hormone levels throughout childhood. This may give us better insight into the mechanisms behind increased risks of metabolic diseases, as well as allow for the determination of windows of exposure and susceptibility to later metabolic dysfunction.

What are your plans after Harvard? Though I’m required to complete a four- to six-month internship, I will be working a total of eight months at Harvard. In July, I will travel back to France to defend my thesis and officially graduate with a master of public health before returning to Harvard for three more months. I will continue to work on other projects, such as analyzing the immune system response to vaccines in relation to environmental exposures, as well as studying the mechanisms on how socioeconomic status influences child development by calculating the pathway impacts of early childhood education, nutrition, and other factors. After I complete my internship in October, I plan to return to France, or elsewhere in the European Union, to begin to establish some roots and a career in public health. Throughout the past couple of years, I’ve grown to really feel at home in France, and I feel it’s where I belong for the foreseeable future.



Kevin Box ’12 deleted his Facebook again because

Mary Spenceri ’91 and Thomas Pipkins — October 28, 2017

Kelly Lynn Hogan ’92 and Peter Dolan — September 2, 2017

Noah Schwartz ’98 and Jamie Romas — October 7, 2017

LEFT TO RIGHT: Amy Ragnini Olson ’91, Steve Olson ’92, Mary Spenceri Pipkins ’91, Thomas Pipkins, Kathleen Cunningham ’91, Jenny Firth Sharrock ’91, Nicky Reeve Frank ’91.

FRONT ROW (LEFT TO RIGHT): Liz Carlin Metz, Ronnah Metz ’89, Robin Metz, Lisa Metz ’86, Jamie Querciagrossa Green ’92, Kelly Lynn Hogan ’92, Peter Dolan, Kristin Kutzner Huzar ’92.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Jamie Romas, Noah Schwartz ’98, Justin Richardson ’98, Lindsay Hansen Brown ’99, William Brown.

BACK ROW: Ian Tully ’17, Jennifer Voortman ’90, Paul Nijensohn ’92, Lindsay Durr ’94, Erik Nussbaum ’93, Karen Rosenkoetter Nussbaum ’98, Jared Smith.

Buechler. He and Anjuli plan a May 2018 wedding with Kevin Morris as the best man. (Definitely be on the lookout for a group photo in the next issue!) Besides wedding planning, Chris enjoys his work with the Department of Veterans Affairs at the new St. Joseph County VA Clinic in Mishawaka, Indiana. ❯ Hopefully whatever you’re doing, you’re doing something that makes you happy! Class Correspondent: Tim Schmeling


Julia Shenkar was recently friended by The Broadview on Facebook. ❯ Ed Davis is in his second year of coursework for a doctoral degree in music composition at the University of Missouri–Kansas City; it’s a ton of work but very rewarding. He’s also excited to say that he is the newest member of the Kansas City Chorale, a nationally renowned, Grammy-winning professional choir. ❯ Hayley Schueneman and husband Guilford recently bought a cabin in

Vermont where they enjoyed some much-needed downtime before Baby Number Three. She spends most of her time wrapped in a blanket on the porch, staring into the woods and clutching a mug of tea. ❯ Rachel Clark Cole married Grinnell alum Michael Cole on November 4, 2017. They live, work, dance, and play in Iowa City, Iowa, as a neuroscience graduate student (Rachel) and a pediatric neurology resident (Michael). Rachel plans to finally graduate with a Ph.D. in May. She has a postdoctoral position at the University of Iowa lined up to start in August 2018, so that will sure be awkward if she doesn’t graduate. Her backup plan is to just teach Zumba and swing dancing full time. Anyone want lessons? ❯ Kevin Box deleted his Facebook again because he couldn’t stop arguing with strangers. Class Correspondent: Aparna Kumar



Knox alumni living in Barcelona who were unable to return for Homecoming 2017 decided to meet up and have their own local event on October 7, 2017. (L-R) Jessie Keef ’09, Gracie Glowiak ’14, Martha Brown ’17, Lily Bailey ’13, Poi Wagner (Gracie’s fiance), and Nea Larson Fernández ’11.



Margretta Reed Birch reports, “Margretta ‘Maggie’ Frances Birch arrived on November 7! She’s the seventh Margretta in eight generations on my mom’s side. She arrived on Election Day like a true Knox Democrat. Husband Ben and I are so excited she’s finally here and look forward to lots of adventures with her. We live in Brooklyn. I continue to work at Saint Ann’s School in Brooklyn Heights as an office assistant and science teacher, working mainly with 5th–8th graders.” ❯ Rosalie Fordham returned to Portland, Oregon, last September after three amazing years teaching English in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, through the JET Program. ❯ After graduating, David Gentry returned to his hometown of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and, in June 2015 purchased and relocated GameTown, a gaming and hobby store. With two years of growth in the shop and the community, there are now plans to expand in the coming years. He also welcomed

Class Knox he couldn’t stop arguing with strangers.

Amanda Look ’09 and Michael Sarmiento — July 22, 2017

Jen Hoben ’09 and Justin Quick — July 9, 2017 TOP (LEFT TO RIGHT): Jaclyn Anderson ’09, Maren Reisch ’09, Clare Hines ’10, Kimberly Anderson ’09, John Shelly ’73, Colleen Shelly ’14. BOTTOM (LEFT TO RIGHT): Grant Guimond ’09, Justin Quick, Jennifer Hoben ’09, Marissa Parkin ’05.

2014 Gracie Glowiak has worked at Devir Iberia, a Spanish board games publisher and distributor, for a year! She just planned the Catan European Championship in Barcelona’s Mercat del Born, hosting 44 participants from 25 different countries, which was a blast! She and partner Pol are getting married this upcoming summer. They also enjoy taking their dog, Chispa, out for walks. ❯ Ryan Paulus and Danika Hill got married in June 2017 in Spokane, Washington. Since then, they have moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where they live with their numerous guinea pigs and cuddly dog. ❯ Jeff Ritsert (who attended


traveling the U.S. for residency interviews, hoping to find a place where a freshly minted doctor from the cornfields of Illinois might thrive. With my return, I continue to take solace in the home of Sophie Townsend and Gaige Spencer ’19. We currently live with their daughter (Ginger the dog) and two pets, Casey and Chumbo Spencer. I continue to see Johnathon Bass much too frequently, and I hope to start a ponzi scheme with business partner Manish Patel. We plan for Michael Gasparro and Nico Osuna to be our first suckers. Thanks for reading y’all! #JohnEvanFeeley13forpresident2022.” ❯ Caitlin Harrison finally found the love of her life in a Husky/Shepherd mix named Shadow. Together, they live with her boyfriend, Mike, in Seattle. The trio enjoys early mornings playing fetch, afternoons at the dog park, and evenings on the couch watching Netflix. Shadow’s current favorite movie is Zootopia. Class Correspondent: Danny Schaefer

LEFT TO RIGHT: Sruthi Doniparthi ’16, Salma Hatia ’12, Ripu Jain, Diana Preshad ’12, Priya Sharma ’11, Alexandra Rauland ’12.


fellow alumni Emman Mascariñas ’10 and Naomi Akagi ’12 to feed them a steady diet of defeat in Catan. When not buried under mountains of addictive cardboard, David can be found singing karaoke, playing golf, or collapsing in a pile of memes and work-related injuries. ❯ Joseph and Rayann Parkinson Puntoriero ’12 completed a short stint at Fort Carson, Colorado, where Joseph was assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) in Winter 2017. While there, he qualified and was selected for the U.S. Army Special Operations Forces—Civil Affairs Officer pipeline. This is the diplomatic-military arm of U.S. Army Special Operations. In addition, on December 1, 2017, he was promoted to captain. As a result, after only seven short months in Colorado, they will move to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, for the foreseeable future. ❯ Victoria Baird “settled for an office job. I am now a mortgage broker who specializes in veteran home loans at Strive Lending.” ❯ Rachel Zak fosters dogs for a small Chicagoland rescue called One Tail at a Time. “Everyone should follow my foster Instagram account to see cute dogs at @zozoswolfpack.” ❯ Lotte Vonk recently rekindled her love for Lincoln with Kristal Romero as they celebrated their friendship in Washington, D.C. Lotte still lives in Chicago and has (finally!) received her permanent residency. ❯ Arielle Dorman added a new member to her household this summer, an adorable pup named Pelé, who is half-Pomeranian and half-Siberian Husky. ❯ Hannah Basil passed her Certified Financial Planner exam in July and is now an investment adviser representative at Basil Financial Group. Hannah recovered from a skin cancer diagnosis and surgery in August and is now back to the fun stuff—wedding planning! ❯ Kristal Romero is surviving and thriving in Washington, D.C. ❯ Cole Atcheson reports, “Brigette Demke ’11 and I moved into a new apartment together in June. We also got a cat, Fuzzy Wuzzy, from her parents. We got engaged on November 24.” ❯ “Ya boy J Steele spent the latter half of 2017

Diana Preshad ’12 and Ripu Jain — November 24, 2017

New pup Pelé, who lives with Arielle Dorman ’13, is halfPomeranian, half-Husky, and entirely pettable.

Enjoying the Cubs are (L-R) Danny Schaefer ’13, John Bass ’13, Sudeep Poludasu ’13, and Arnold Salgado ’13.



Kameron Wells ’17 is pursuing a master’s degree in information

Danika Hill ’14 and Ryan Paulus ’14 — June 4, 2017 LEFT TO RIGHT: Jennifer Keilhack ’15, Serafine George ‘15, Bruce Kovanen ’15, Danika Hill ’14, Ryan Paul ’14, Tim O’Neal ’14, Liz Guth ’14, Emily Cooney ’14, Chelsea Embree ’14.

Knox our freshman year) passed away in August 2017. ❯ Josh ’13 and Hannah Bloyd-Peshkin Tatro have moved back to the Chicago area, where Hannah teaches kindergarten and is learning to longboard. ❯ In summer 2017, Hannah Black studied Borneo’s primate denizens, including the orangutan, and developed new ways to engage communities worldwide in primate conservation in Borneo. Hannah, an animal research tech (LTE) at University of Wisconsin–Madison, took the graduate course in pursuit of her master’s degree from Miami University’s Advanced Inquiry Program. ❯ Anna Lemen has relocated to Monterrey, Mexico, and teaches third grade at the American School Foundation. Class Correspondents: Esther Farler-Westphal Natalia Binkowski

2015 Matt Klich has expanded to owning a third company called Massive, though nothing public has been published yet. Matt has one more year of graduate school and still runs Clik Entertainment and Operation Glow. ❯ Jess Oakley is currently pursuing a master’s degree in clinical social work at The University of Texas at Austin. ❯ Ashlee Pitts has moved to Jackson, Mississippi, and teaches fifth grade literacy and also works for Teach for America-Mississippi with the literacy team. ❯ In September, Anna Marquez got engaged to Christian Perez ’14. They live together in Bologna while Christian attends graduate school at John Hopkins SAIS Europe. Anna is studying to be a health coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, teaches Nia, and writes a blog called Anna con Amor to inspire women to lead radiantly healthy, love-fueled lives. ❯ Daniel Cofie is finishing a law degree at Queen Mary University of London. ❯ Claire T. Neri is a graduate student at Mt. Mary University in Milwaukee. She has completed a novel and is in the process of publishing it. ❯ Olaloye



Meagan Knapes ’14 and Elliot Busby — July 29, 2017 LEFT TO RIGHT: Chloe Vollenweider ’17, Ashlee Pitts ’15, Allison Fabino Carr ’14, Michael Carr ’13, Meagan Knapes Busby ’14, Jessica Oakley ’15, Rhiannon Neuville-Norton ’15.

Oyedotun is a trainee solicitor at Slaughter and May LLP in London. ❯ Leslie Carman is a graduate student in environmental studies at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. ❯ Kate Suits is a central coordinator for Illinois History Day at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. ❯ Cody Sehl still lives in Denver, rides his bike, and has picked up woodworking. ❯ Elian Mercado is in a master’s program in the social sciences at the University of Chicago. Class Correspondent: Erik Gustafson

2016 Class Correspondent: Vanessa Garcia

2017 Theresa Birzer was promoted to a group leader supervisor at Forest Ridge Youth Services in July. She has worked in Armstrong, Iowa, since graduation. ❯ Raeann Boero moved to Eastsound, Washington, after graduation, where she has had a variety of positions, including: assistant baker at Roses Cafe, store manager at Creative Passions, and summer intern at KWIAHT Center for Historical Ecology of the Salish Sea. “I am currently writing an ethnography for KWIAHT, and, at the first of the year, I head to Malaysia for my Fulbright,” she reports. ❯ Crystal Singletary lives in Washington, D.C., and attends American University, where she is working on a thesis for a master’s degree in psychology. ❯ Dennis Ortman has written and directed a pilot episode of a TV show titled Stuck In Reality with best friend and co-writer/director Jakub Dulak. He hoped to finish the episodes by Thanksgiving. “I’ve also been hired as the head writer for a brand new game development company based in Australia, and we are working on creating our first video game as we speak, though I’m not allowed to say much on the subject beyond that.” ❯

Theresa Murphy served as the publicity intern at the Goodman until January. She has part-time jobs at the Broadway in Chicago Theatre, the CIBC Theatre, Broadway Playhouse, Cadillac Palace Theatre, and Oriental Theatre. “I am taking classes to receive a certificate in interior design from School of the Art Institute of Chicago and hope to complete that in 2019.” ❯ In November, Elyse McGloin started a position as an education specialist and pool behavioral specialist at Rogers Behavioral Health in Skokie, Illinois. She is very excited to begin working in her field of study. ❯ Tevin Liao works at Knox as a post-bacc fellow with the Division of Student Development, where he reports he is working a ton and applying to grad schools along the way. “Missing many of you all.” ❯ Caroline Foulk moved out of her parents’ home and into a crummy apartment with a bunch of roommates on Chicago’s North Side. She was hired as a tenant services coordinator for Jones Lang LaSalle and works in a high rise in the Loop, where she spends the nights and weekends stage managing. This winter, she was psyched to be working on a remount of the “world’s cutest play ever,” Van Gogh Cafe, with Filament Theatre. ❯ Elisabeth Zarnoti works 40–50 hours a week in her position as a coach to 40 seniors with College Possible Minnesota. When these notes were finalized (January 2018), 67 percent of her cohort had been accepted to college. The work is tough but she loves her students. She tells them all about how the different components of her Knox experience (professors, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and her work study job at the Office of Communications) changed her life for the better. ❯ Ngan Le has been working full-time at Chinese Mutual Aid Association. On top of her full-time job, she has been auditioning in Chicago for stage productions and films. She was in the play The House of Alba Bernarda, working with Saint Sebastian Players, and was an extra for F***ing Millennials, a student film from The Harold Ramis Film School. ❯ Rachel Cheng studies music therapy as a second bachelor’s student at Western Illinois University at Macomb. ❯ After scoring an ongoing remote comedy writing internship in L.A., Jakub Dulak spent the summer filming a script he had worked on in a screenwriting seminar with Sherwood Kiraly ’72. “I held a successful casting call and partnered with a professional wedding videographer as my producer. You can find the finished product on YouTube by searching my name and Stuck in Reality!” he says. ❯ JC Stokes scours the area of Chicago’s western suburbs for people to play bar trivia with while living in Forest Park. She started a long-term substitute teaching position at Morton West High School. ❯ Pursuing a master’s degree in information management with a concentration on data analytics, Kameron Wells also works as the graduate data analyst for University of Illinois Athletics. ❯ Steffi Antony is in her first year of the graduate-entry nursing at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “It was a bit

Class Knox management with a concentration on data analytics. rough at first getting acclimated to a large school setting; however, overall the semester went really well, and I look forward to moving forward in this program while gaining that big school experience.” ❯ Sarah Lottman reports, “This fall, I worked with a local children’s hospital to provide Halloween fun to kids. Now I’m starting up a Dungeons & Dragons campaign at a local game store that has a program to encourage literacy and creative writing in ages K-12.” It has been a rewarding and grounding experience to work with kids after moving to Indiana with her family. ❯ Shannon Caveny moved to the St. Louis area and works as an entry-level recruiter and sales trainee for a staffing agency that several Knox alums also work for. “Knox gave me the skills to multitask and to do good research, and I’ve definitely used those skills in this position.” She also just adopted two cats and looks forward to some international travel in the coming year. Class Correspondent: Elisabeth Zarnoti

Marriages and Unions Jodi Domanic ’81 and Patrick Lambert ’82 on 4/14/17. Mary Spenceri ’91 and Thomas Pipkins on 10/28/17. Kelly Lynn Hogan ’92 and Peter Dolan on 9/2/17. Noah Schwartz ’98 and Jamie Romas on 10/7/17. Arne Olson ’05 and Amanda Lynn Dandridge on 9/23/17. Jen Hoben ’09 and Justin Quick on 7/9/17. Amanda Look ’09 and Michael Sarmiento on 7/22/17. McKinley Murphy ’10 and Zeeshan Reshamwala on 9/24/17. Antonina Pondo ’11 and Levi Flair ’10 on 9/9/17. Rachel Clark ’12 and Michael Cole on 11/4/17. Diana Preshad ’12 and Ripu Jain on 11/24/17.

Deaths Wayne Hult ’43 on 1/13/18. Mary Adams Way ’43 on 10/22/17. Laurence Owens ’44 on 9/1/17. Jane Soper Schmidt ’44 on 11/16/16. Boyd Finch ’46 on 5/11/15. Dorothy Gleeson Gerhard ’46 on 8/2/17. Patricia Thatcher McAllister ’47 on 11/8/17. Barbara Atwood Muller ’47 on 8/17/17. Doris Haake Busch ’48 on 5/21/16. Theodore Schmidt Jr. ’48 on 12/6/15. Glenn Burgeson ’50 on 10/3/17. Patricia Norman Martin ’50 on 8/23/17. Charles McCullough ’50 on 10/23/17. Ken Radnitzer ’50 on 1/1/18. Ralph Trieger ’50 on 9/15/17.

Irmgart Miller ’51 on 8/5/17. Rex Brown ’52 on 9/10/17. Diane Goodrich Pretzer ’52 on 11/18/17. Nancy Jo Dillman Crowell ’53 on 11/6/17. Robert Hoopes ’53 on 8/11/17. Donald Rocke ’53 on 9/4/17. Thomas Jansky Jr. ’55 on 8/14/17. Gary Werner ’55 on 8/12/17. Michael Cuscaden ’56 on 10/12/17. Mary Jane Tennison Bollinger ’57 on 8/15/17. Cynthia Pfennig Cross ’57 on 9/30/17. Ann Jung Finney ’58 on 11/22/17. S. Peter Nelson ’58 on 6/18/17. Arthur Sinden ’58 on 10/30/17. Robert Arnold ’59 on 10/13/17. Ann Duncan Blazer ’59 on 10/3/17. Richard Clopper ’59 on 1/17/18. Mary Klattenhoff ’59 on 9/29/17. Gary Briney ’62 on 8/23/17. Bruce Butterfield ’62 on 12/18/17. Robert Hoffman ’63 on 8/14/17. Virginia Anderson Jenkins ’63 on 9/7/17. William Munn ’63 on 11/6/17. Millicent Handrich Chrusciel ’64 on 9/22/17. James Leeney Jr. ’64 on 5/4/17. Richard Leventhal ’64 on 10/15/17. Phillip Cornwell ’65 on 12/24/17. Bill Hannawalt ’65 on 12/5/17. Elaine Varda Summerfield ’65 on 2/6/18. Sharron Velie Ozaki ’66 in November 2016. Rovelle Bovis Bersted ’67 on 9/18/17. March Ashenhurst McNeill ’67 on 10/6/17. Janet Ruben Heifetz ’68 on 6/1/17. James Miller ’68 in July 2016. April Graham Fitz ’70 on 9/12/17. Ted Gelen ’74 on 11/21/17. Thomas Coolsen ’75 on 3/4/17. Richard Kleinman ’80 on 8/4/17. Richard Hader ’81 on 11/1/17. Daniel Rosen ’81 on 6/6/17. Helen Gruetzmacher Schartz ’85 on 1/26/18. Jeffrey Ritsert ’14 on 8/24/17.

William McIlrath Jr., formerly of admission, on 10/4/17. Beverly Mulholland Spittell, mother of John Spittell, business and management, and motherin-law of Ellen Spittell, educational studies, on 10/7/17. Vince Neri, father of Claire Neri ’15, on 10/9/17. W. Don Blust, father of Michael Landon ’71, on 10/14/17. Jack Daddona, formerly of educational studies, on 10/19/17. Irene Cross Dalton, mother-in-law of Victor Davis, information technology services, on 10/25/17. Louisa Barash Buck, friend of the College, on 11/7/17. Charles Smith Sr., father of Charles Smith ’84 and grandfather of Joseph Roby ’06 and Erin Smith ’15, on 11/15/17. Mildred Lynch Heil, formerly of advancement and alumni relations, on 11/26/17. Miriam Rae Brown-Landes, mother-in-law of Carol Brown ’99, alumni relations, on 12/1/17. Richard Nirenberg, formerly of communications, on 12/6/17.

Deaths of Friends Donald Procknow, father of Eugene Procknow ’76 and Charles Procknow ’78, on 7/1/16. Bill Turnbull, friend of the College, on 8/20/17. Darren Cox, formerly of facilities, on 8/23/17. La June Ricketts, mother of Darryl Ricketts ’88, on 8/24/17. Jerry J. Eberhardt, father of Nancy Eberhardt, anthropology and sociology, and father-in-law of Steve Cohn, economics, on 9/9/17. John Anderson, husband of Jean Riley ’94, on 9/14/17. Dana Dyer Pierson, wife of Joel Pierson ’89, on 9/20/17. Francis Przybylski, husband of Shirley Bolda Przybylski ’55, on 9/24/17. Shirley Krause, mother of Charles Krause ’74 and grandmother of Conor Krause ’15, on 9/25/17.





Parting Shot Winter Wonderland? The winter of 2017–2018 was a brutal one, lasting far longer than most. Yet there were still a few moments of winter beauty and wonder, like this one outside of the Ford Center for Fine Arts. Photo by Peter Bailley ’74

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