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President’s Message

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Barrister Bites

Barrister Bites


Watson, Roach, Batson & Lauderback, P.L.C.


It is difficult to believe that I am writing my final President’s Column for DICTA. Just like everyone else’s, my perception of time has been distorted in this strange year. In some ways, life before COVID-19 seems like it was five years ago. But it also feels like this year has ZOOMed by. (Sorry, I think I have done a pretty good job of keeping my terrible dad humor out of this column, but I had to get that one in.) When you are reading this, we will have just celebrated Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday. So in the spirit of expressing gratitude, please indulge me one more time.

As I was telling friends and family about my daughter’s most recent college visit trip over Fall Break, I mentioned that this is a weird year to be visiting colleges, but I caught myself and added, “This is a weird year to be doing ANYTHING.” The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt all of our lives in nearly every way, professionally and personally. Thanks to the tireless work of our local judiciary we are finally starting to try cases in front of juries again, but it has been a year of major adjustment for all of us. And serving as bar president has certainly been no exception.

As I wrote in these pages a few months ago, I was amazed by how quickly and how well the KBA was able to transition to a mostly virtual existence this year. I cannot thank Tracy, Rebecca, Jonathan, Elisabeth, Tammy, and Marsha enough for their hard work in making the virtual move not only possible but successful. From the earliest days of the pandemic when we added the COVID-19 resources page to the website, our staff has kept the KBA operating and kept our members informed and connected. Conducting our meetings and special events remotely has taken a lot of work and technical savvy. I know that the KBA staff always works hard, but this year presented new challenges and our staff met them head on.

I also need to thank all of YOU for making it work. I have been delighted by the commitment and participation of our committees and sections this year under difficult circumstances. While I have missed the in-person interaction that is so important to our bar, it has been wonderful to see everyone’s smiling faces on my computer screen. The first time I addressed our membership as president at last year’s Annual Meeting, I said “This is YOUR bar” and asked you to invest in it. You have responded.

Earlier this year Marsha was lamenting that I had been “robbed” of my bar president year, and I told her I didn’t see it that way. Sure, I have missed out on some of the events that make it so rewarding to serve as president, but I have also had a truly unique opportunity to do some things that no KBA president has ever gotten to do. Presiding over Board of Governors meetings on Zoom seemed strange at first, but it has become almost “normal”-seeming now. I thank our excellent and hardworking Board for rising to the challenge of being the first Board in the KBA’s history to meet virtually for most of the year. The Association’s work continued to get done because of the Board’s dedication and flexibility. It has been an honor to serve with all of you.

I especially need to thank this year’s Executive Committee, President-Elect Cheryl Rice, Treasurer, Jason Long, Secretary Loretta Cravens, and Immediate Past President Wynne Caffey-Knight for their outstanding service and wise counsel this year. In a year that was filled with tough decisions, they answered the call every time. Wynne has continued to be a tremendous resource for me and is an excellent example of continued commitment to the bar after serving as president. I hope to live up to your example, Wynne, and I look forward to continuing to serve on this fine Executive Committee. And Cheryl, I apologize in advance for the mess I have left you.

Building the KBA’s 9th Habitat for Humanity house has become an even more special occasion this year, as it was basically the only KBA activity I’ve been able to attend in person. It has been so good to see attorneys and law students face-to-face, in an outdoors and sociallydistanced setting. Thanks to all of you who have given hours and/or days of your time to this noble effort. I know the late Bob Stivers would be proud of what we have done in his honor. Every year I am blown away by what the Knoxville Barristers are able to accomplish and seeing it from this position in 2020 has made it even more impressive to me. Allison Jackson has done a great job as Barristers president and the KBA’s future is brighter than ever. Thanks to all of you who have attended Barristers functions this year. Maybe the most enjoyable moment this year for me personally was the opportunity to celebrate Marsha Watson’s 30th anniversary with the KBA. I am sure there were times in 2020 when it felt to Marsha like it had been even longer, but we are so lucky to have a treasure like our fearless executive director running the show for the KBA. If I did anything this year that you thought was a good idea, it most likely came from Marsha’s brain. Here’s to 30 more years, Marsha!

With all this discussion of the “Virtual KBA” I would like to invite you to attend our 2020 Annual Meeting and Elections on December 11 at 8:30 a.m., which – due to local gathering restrictions and recent alarming COVID-19 statistics in Knox County – we will be conducting through Zoom. The KBA Staff and the Board of Governors has worked hard to make a virtual meeting possible, and I am excited to put our plan into action. I have been pleased by the attendance at our committee meetings this year, and I know that some of it has been because it is so easy to attend meetings from the comfort of your own office or home. And this will similarly be the easiest Annual Meeting to attend. The 2020 Nominating Committee has put together a strong slate of candidates as usual, so please be sure to attend the meeting and vote electronically in the elections. If you are unable to attend, the normal absentee voting rules will apply. Look for more information about how to attend and vote in your e-mail inbox or on our website at www.knoxbar.org/events. I will miss seeing you all in person, and I hope it is the last Annual Meeting we have to conduct virtually!

Finally, please accept my sincere thanks for the opportunity you gave me to serve as president this year. It has been an honor to serve this organization that I love, and I hope that the membership was pleased with my efforts. I think that the challenges we faced this year and our response to those challenges made us a stronger bar association, and I look forward to continuing to serve in new capacities. I am excited to see what Cheryl has in store for us next year, and I wish her the best of luck.

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