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Reports and Fees
Referral Form
A referral form is generated at the time the client contacts the LRIS. The form is emailed to you immediately after the referral has been processed. The form will provide the client’s name, address, contact number and a brief description of the legal issue. You must return the form or update the status online (retained, monitoring, consultation only, no contact) within 10 days of the referral.
Monthly Status Report
The Monthly Status Report is automatically sent on the 15th of each month and reflects any cases for which we have not received a status update (i.e. Pending) through the end of the previous month, and all cases previously reported as Open Retained or Open Continue to Monitor.
Quarterly Referral Log
The quarterly referral report is sent on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1. Panel members are asked to carefully review the quarterly report and note if there has been a change in status in any of the referrals sent within the prior 3 months. This report will be due back 4 weeks from the date of the report. This report will have an absolute due date included and will be subject to the reporting requirements of sections 5.9 and 7.4 of the LRIS Policies and Procedures.
Retained Case Report
A Retained Case Report is sent on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 and provides information about all referrals prior to the previous quarter which were previously reported as retained or monitoring. It is our reminder to you to send in the percentage fee as you receive client’s payments, and to let us know of case developments as well as when cases are closed. This report will have an absolute due date included and will be subject to the reporting requirements of sections 5.9 and 7.4 of the LRIS Policies and Procedures.
Annual Referral Log
Similar to the quarterly report, but spanning the entire previous fiscal year, the annual referral report is sent on September 1 and contains all referrals from the previous fiscal year (July-June). Panel members are asked to carefully review for any changes in status. This report will have an absolute due date included and will be subject to the reporting requirements of sections 5.9 and 7.4 of the LRIS Policies and Procedures.
It is very important that these reports be accurate and returned on time. Due dates are provided on the Quarterly, Annual and Retained Case Reports.
For the purpose of operating expenses, LRIS receives 15% of any fees which the attorney generates, less the first $200. Example: $1000 attorney fees - $200 = $800 x 15% = $120 due LRIS You may choose to enter fees online at myKBA Profile and generate an invoice if desired for bookkeeping purposes. The software will automatically deduct the first $200 of fees entered when calculating.
LRIS Fees are due as earned, within 20 working days of receipt of client fees.
You are required to provide the client a contract for services when you are retained. If you make a separate agreement with another attorney to assist you in a case, you are still bound by the full 15% fee agreement.
Failure to Comply with Reporting Deadlines – Next Steps
As noted above, reports with deadlines will be subject to the reporting requirements of sections 5.9 and 7.4 of the LRIS Policies and Procedures. Should an attorney not return a requested report by the deadline date, the procedure is as follows: The attorney will be mailed a letter from the KBA Executive Director notifying the attorney of the missed due date, the suspension from referrals if applicable, and notification that reports and fees are due back four weeks from the date of letter.