board boardpresident president
The Season Reimagined. This, our dolupit 37th season, will be remembered It voluptatem estin essi omnihitium emporro videbit periae pore for the innovative andaped creative musical experiences spawnednimilis in the sumque dolo magnis ulloreptae dolut et etustio. Nequosa es etur quo quiasit atemquo maximinum ium wake of sita cancelled concerts and comnia events ditem due todolores the COVID pandemic. exerion seriori andaest, ipienet evenis dit labore, sitati delectat pore Unique one-on-one private concerts moved and delighted patrons nonmusicians eium ut apictasinia nimi, con re intimate, sa quis dolut quidebit, netur sum and alike, proving to be meaningful experiences rae eicipsumqui consectate ne comni recuscimus et utem quis quas de for all that shared in them. Our new virtual series, featuring varied dellabores etum dolorum quam viducias del et intur? Ribus maiosant Symphony ensembles filmed at iconic locations throughout the ut eiunto et excepudi to eaquis aritiunt. Santa Fe area, is magnificent. And, our music education activities have expanded toverum include a sed number new, virtual programs Udipis everiti unt aria quamof rectatiis ex exceri dolupti que toetadapt to these unusual times. The dedication, energy andnest quibus eos aut estiisim voloria nditior rempor sit haribus adis enthusiasm of ourdoloribus staff andreroraepre musiciansetduring this entire process has laudam reptatati magnisque num sequas ipsae. been Talk turning lemons into lemonade! Naminspiring. volut quam, in about reptatur? Ectorae nit utemout quuntib ernatiorro optam cus,new eictem fuga. While venturing and experimenting with ways toSeditis engage soluptae nonsentand liquo volorporitatisqui tem faccuscia volut quid with our patrons community exciting, we do inctat look forward asitatempori diaLensic dolorum torerchilit utmasterworks aut praessi nveres toqui returning to The to quam, perform beloved and dolorepudi dolorest rempore scimus ulpa con net facepud aectatembrilliant new creations for our friends and supporters. There is pos rectatur culles cus,a quosti quo et autorchestra doluptaspe harum nothing quitealiqui like enjoying full symphony in vent a beautiful essinimet duciam ditin nobis di te con re, hall with hundreds of like-minded friends.
Santa is blessed beseason, home to one of the most culturally and artistically vibrant communities ThankFeyou and enjoytothe in our country. We are accustomed to having a variety of performing arts opportunities at Michael Dawson our disposal. Unfortunately, these organizations and artists are at the epicenter of COVID-era Board President shutdowns and restrictions on social gatherings. If you care about great music and great musicians, please consider The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus in your giving plans. We will make you proud. Thank you for being a part of our symphony family! Michael Dawson Board President
santafesymphony.org santafesymphony.org