Jing Hsu 2011-2013
Out-of-school Impromptu Workshop
1992 Born 2000 - 2002 Forest Elementary School 2007-2009 Wu-Ling Senior High School
2011 Autumn I Mask Cube Body with Variation of Appliance身體異器 2012 Spring Stipple 點繪 Deconstruction Drawing 解構圖
2012 Autumn Poem Platform
2013 Spring Stray Cats Library
2013 Autumn Park Office
2011 Join Tamkang Architecture School
2013 Summer "Impromptu"- TKU 2013 International Workshop 即興 - 淡江建築國際工作營 2011 Autumn Bamboo Curtain Studio Workshop
STRAY CATS LIBRARY -- Let stray cats get closer to the residents 2013 Spring / Theme Library
Problems of stray animals in Taiwan In Taiwan, stray animals are not as well treated as those in foreign countries. News about animal abuse is occasionally reported. Even some were killed due to maltreatment. Mercy killing is the way in which the government tackles this problem. Fortunately, more and more people care about stray animals, and agree to “adoption instead of purchase.” Even more organizations or individuals advocating for animal protection volunteer to practice TNR (trap, neuter, return) on animals.
台灣流浪動物的問題 在台灣,流浪動物受到的對待與國外比起來相較的 差,不時的會有虐待動物的新聞,甚至是虐殺的行 為也會發生。而政府處理流浪動物的方式,長年來 都是以撲殺為主。 值得慶幸的是台灣近年來越來越關心流浪動物,大 部份人也開始認同「以認養代替購買」,甚至許多 動物保護的民間團體或是個人,自動自發替流浪動 物做「TNR」(Trap、Neuter、Return)。
Stray Cats in the Alleys & Lanes The base is surrounded by 4- or 5-floor apartments built in the 1960s. The alleys and lanes between these old buildings mark the texture of the city. The space offered by these alleys and lanes, and expanded from those constructions illegally-built provide places for stray cats to travel back and forth, jump across the partitions between the households, and enjoy a sunbath on the eaves. The residents in this community are relatively friendly to stray cats, feeding them regularly, practicing TNR on them, and interacting with them. Therefore I hope to shorten the distance between stray cats and the residents through the mediation of Stray Cats Library (SCL) which aims to propagandize knowledge about how to deal with stray animals, how to feed them and so on.
巷弄間的街貓 基地的周遭是台北60年代大量興建的4~5層樓住宅, 這些老住宅形成了台北的都市紋理--巷弄空間。 台北老房子的巷弄空間除了尺度較小的街道之外,還 包含了許多長年不斷興建累積的違章建築,這些空間 讓街貓可以在巷弄間穿梭、從鐵皮屋頂上跨越戶與戶 的間隔、在雨遮上面曬太陽…等等。 這裡的居民對於街貓的態度較為友好,固定的餵食、 TNR、與街貓互動…等等,因此我希望藉由「街貓 圖書館」更加拉近居民與街貓的關係,並且由圖書館 傳遞知識的方式使更多人瞭解與都市中流浪動物的相 處方式、關於飼養寵物的觀念等。
Promoting interactions with stray cats As mentioned earlier in the previous paragraph, cats are animals that can move across three dimensions. Therefore I believe that in addition to books and knowledge, SCL should provide spaces for people to interact with stray cats, observe and understand the cats. The interactions refer to people observing cats from the inside, cats observing people from the outside, both staring at each other from both sides, or interacting between the two in the outdoor terrace.
增加與街貓的互動 承如前段所言,貓是屬於能夠三度空間移動的 動物,因此我認為「街貓圖書館」除了內部存 有相關書籍、知識之外,仍必須思考如何將街 貓帶入能夠與圖書館內人群互動的空間,提供 真正觀察、了解街貓的機會。這裡所謂的互動 包含了人從室內看貓、貓從室外看人、內外互 相對望,或是到戶外、半戶外的平台達到更直 接的互動。
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan
A friendly space for stray cats In addition to basic facilities (space for administration, generatrix and directrix, and rest areas, etc.), “Feeding Terrace” project aims to promote better interactions between those who feed the cats and the cats waiting to be fed by providing a more fixed space. In the meantime, those who want to understand stray cats can observe, exchange information with, learn from those who feed the cats and thus know better how to get along with cats.
提供對街貓友善的空間 除了基本圖書館必須的設備(行政空間、垂直動線 空間、廁所…等),另外提供「餵養平台計劃」讓 進行餵食街貓的居民與等待食物的街貓都有更好、 更固定的空間,同時吸引想瞭解街貓的人們可以觀 看並且與餵食的居民交流,進而從長期餵養街貓的 居民經驗中更瞭解與街貓的相處方式。
Longitudinal Section
East Elevation
North Elevation
Details The model presents some circulation for stray cats to travel to the outside of the veterinary hospital, mid-way home, exhibition space, library, etc. In this way, interactions between people and stray cats are enhanced.
細部 從模型中更能看出一些為街貓設計的動線空間, 讓街貓可以穿梭到達獸醫診所、中途中心、展覽 空間、圖書空間...等的外部,讓人們與街貓的互動 增加。街貓同時也可以透過皮層的仿跳台設計到 達頂樓的餵養平台,依據街貓與人不同的尺度而 有不同的動線,但皆能到達相同的目的地。
Cross section
NATURE SCHOOL IN URBAN -- Learning in Nature and Learning from Nature 2014 Spring / Planning and Alterations Elementary school
何謂教育? 教育是人類用以改善現狀的特有活動。廣義的教育是指自然環境和社會環境對於人所施的各種影響,包括 家庭教育、學校教育和社會教育。 在一個人的成長過程中,應在自然環境當中學習社會環境,以親近自然、尊重自然的觀念與自然學習、共 同成長。 社會環境簡單而言即是人與人之間的關係,小學是在家庭之後第一個接觸到的社會環境,在小學成長過程 中應該如何讓孩子們有更多的選擇、接觸、了解不同想法的人群,讓視野更加宏觀,並且更能體會、了解 別人的想法。
百年老校 淡水國小是淡水區歷史最悠久的學校,最 早建設於日治時期,經過不斷的改建、改 制,成為今日的淡水國小。超過百年的歷 史,讓淡水國小擁有最多不言而喻的記憶 傳承,這些記憶的傳承使淡水國小與周遭 社區更加緊密。 或許,在一個爺爺帶著孫子上學的畫面中 ,爺爺曾經也是從這所小學畢業,經過數 十年,再度牽著孫子的手回到小學。
森林小學 森林小學是台灣開放式教育的先驅,主要的教育理念包含:「愛、自由、生命」 ,強調身心發展,期望實現以人為本的教育理想。 基本理念: 孩子需擁有較大彈性空間及時間,以供內心反省與思考空間。 孩子必須真正受到尊重、關愛、瞭解、鼓勵,以獲得自信、自重、自愛。 必須啟發孩子學習的興趣與動機,使學習成為自發的事。 孩子必須學習獨立自主,擴展生活經驗。 教學形態上必須突破傳統流於教條與機械的背頌、抄寫等僵硬的方式。 教師必須具有一定的素質與人格特質,發展尊重人的教育方式。
土地與鋪面 大多數的國小設有各種鋪面,較為散亂的拼接在一起。現況的設計方式,使得我們對於土地的想法與 觀念似乎變成了:鋪面鋪滿了整個基地之後,找一塊空地挖洞留給土地,告訴孩子們這裡是菜園、是 樹洞…。然而,認真去思考我們與土壤之間的關係,並且報以尊重土壤的想法,或許是在有建築物的 部分才有撲面,其他部分皆是土壤覆蓋的範圍。如此不但使孩子們的觀念趨於良好、更是對自然環境 有許多益處,包含降低溫度、保水...等等。
坡地與垂直高差 人們習慣使用平坦的空間,技術發展成熟後,常把坡地整地而成兩塊平地。然而中間的垂直高差卻阻 斷了臨近的兩地,使臨近的兩塊地之間無法互動,若是維持坡地的空間,則可以接觸、連接、產生連 續的活動。
接觸不同的人群 目前大部分學校的教室將相同年級的班級排列在一起,因此下課時間能接觸較多的皆是相同年紀的同 學。若把年級分散、錯位、排列,二年級教室旁或許是五年級教室,使得孩子們能夠接觸到不同年紀 、不同年級的同學,更能了解不同想法的可能,提升包容的能力。
人們在空間中創造活動 設計者經常為使用者預先設想活動,因此置入了許多特定的活動空間,反而侷限了使用者使用的方式 ,不明確定義的空間,更能讓使用者在空間中創造活動。特別是在創造力豐富的小學生中,若是給小 學生一塊沒有特別定義的空間,他們會產生的活動種類則更加豐富。
共同必要使用空間 每個人都需要飲食、用餐,特別設置全校師生都需要使用之餐廳,讓學生集中在同一個地方打飯,再 提供更多的選擇權,不論是可以在餐廳室內、半戶外空間、天氣好時甚至可到戶外空間用餐,以及跟 不同班級、不同年級的人一起用餐,破除了單純在教室與相同同學吃飯的情況。
Ground Floor
.回復應有的自然 拆除了過多且凌亂的人工硬鋪面,回覆土壤應有的空間後。將操場使用率極低的空間恢復原有的坡地空間,並且 拆除圍牆,連接坡地的兩端。另外為了達到與社區的友善以及增加使用率,除了將校園的圍牆拆除之外,也將入 口空間從點狀延伸成面狀,使更多人能夠進入校園,提供社區居民間的互相照看。 在舊有建築物中,抽換了些許教室,使教室與教室之間有不明確定義之空間,以及些許挑空,讓小朋友能夠在這 些空間遊戲、上課、討論等等,也打破了水瓶樓板切割活動的問題。
Second Floor
另外在原有的操場部分,置入了新的教室,共有12間。設想為一至六年級,每年及兩個班於此上課,並在年級轉 換的時候可以與舊教室做調動,以體驗不同的教室空間。 取消操場之後,在舊有建築無所圍繞的中庭廣場雖為土地,然而卻是最能夠產生不同活動的地區。不論是運動會 、打躲避球、奔跑嬉戲......甚至是我們無法預先設想的活動,都會在中間的土壤操場空間發生。
Third Floor
Fourth Floor
Ground Floor
Second Floor
Roof Floor
PARK OFFICE -- Delivering happiness at work and enhance productivity 2013 Autumn / Office Building
Downtown of the backyard
Tamshui is a good location with mountains in the back and a river in the front. (According to Chinese Fen-Shui, it has a good geographic orientation.) Tamshui is so-called “The backyard of Taipei.” It is a famous tourist area for a one-day travel. The base is located in the center of Tamshui, a location in desperate need for greenery. It faces the MRT station and the bus terminal, and located near the intersection with the most traffic flow.
後花園的市中心 淡水就宏觀而言是背後有靠山,前面有水的好地方(依中國 傳統風水而言,背山面水是很好的座像),淡水又稱台北的 後花園,可以一日來回的觀光勝地。然而基地位於淡水的市 中心,是淡水最缺乏綠帶的位置,同時也正對著淡水捷運站 、公車總站,以及交通量最大且最繁雜的路口。
shop box
To promote ecological quality with plantation The surrounding sidewalks of the base are relatively narrow. In addition, the hectic traffic makes people want to pass the base in a hurry. Therefore, I use the ground as a park to provide a space for strolling and a short stay. The greenery is expected to appeal to the people and bring them into the base. The plants can shield off the exhausted air and the noise and purify them, so that the activities undergoing in the park and the shop box won’t be disturbed.
以植栽提升環境品質 基地周遭的人行道較為狹窄,加上繁雜的交通,產生了讓人想 快速通過的緊張關係。因此我將地面層作為公園,提供一個可 以放半腳步的停留開放空間,藉由綠帶將人群帶入基地。並且 透過植栽將緊臨道路的汽車廢氣以及噪音阻隔、淨化,讓在地 面層公園以及下挖的開放式商業空間(shop box)中的活動更 不受到干擾。
Intersecting the park and the office space As to the proportion and the layout of the park and the office space, I follow the traditional design of using the interior as an office space with plantation in the outer balconies. I also try to use the plantation area as a virtual greenery, dissolving the restraints of floors by implanting the semi-sphere virtual greenery into the office mass to explore the relationship between the office and the park.
公園與辦公空間的交錯設置 在辦公空間與公園的比例與分配位置上,除了傳統的內部為辦公 空間而外部加上植栽陽台之外,我嘗試將植栽區域視為綠帶虛空 間,並且打破樓層的限制,將半球體狀的綠帶虛空間置入實體的 辦公室量體中,探討辦公空間與公園的分部關係。
B2 Floor Plan
B1 Floor Plan
2F Floor Plan
3F Floor Plan
4F Floor Plan
5F Floor Plan
6F Floor Plan
7F Floor Plan
8F Floor Plan
9F Floor Plan
10F Floor Plan
11F Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
The floating and series connection between the virtual greenery and the office mass After the implantation, the semi-sphere virtual greenery will be connected by stairs. In this way, it will connect the circulation and promote the ventilation in the office. In addition to the virtual greenery, green balconies will be built semi-outdoors and the tree tops will inhibit the heat transmitted from the sun. With all these achieved, energy can be saved.
綠帶虛空間在量體中的漂浮與串聯 置入了半球狀的綠帶虛空間之後,將這些半球狀虛空間以樓梯連接,除了動線 上的串連之外,同時可以使辦公室內空氣流通。除了半球狀的綠帶虛空間之外 ,在方位的研究後也加入了半戶外的綠帶陽台,讓陽光經過樹冠的過濾而不會 在室內產生過多的熱能。藉由以上的方式達到節能的目的。
Longitudinal Elevation
Cross Elevation
Longitudinal Section
Cross section
混凝土薄層 金屬泛水板
POEM PLATFORM -- Let people to stay and relax 2012 Autumn / Poem of Site
More extracurricular activities on campus In university life, most students will choose to live in the dormitories on campus or rent an apartment near the campus. Comparatively speaking, there are more extracurricular activities in a university than in an elementary school, a junior or a senior high school. Therefore, the time spent on campus increases. On the campus of Tamkang University, only girl's dormitory is sited while boy's dormitory is located outside the campus with a 10-minute walking distance. The students' cafeteria is located in the basement of the girls' dormitory. Inside the girls' dormitory, there is a lot of space for social Interactions, but the space can only be used by the students living in the dormitory. In contrast, the space in the surrounding of the dormitory is relatively little. The dormitory is connected to other buildings by a few beautiful trails covered by green shades of the trees.
更多的校內課外活動 在大學生活中,大部份的學生會選擇住在校內提供的宿舍或是在學校附近租房子,同時大學相較於國 小、國中、高中有更多的課外活動,因此學生在課餘時間待在校內的比例增加。在淡江大學校園內只 有提供女生宿舍(男生宿舍在校園外,步行約略十分鐘),學生餐廳則位於女生宿舍的地下室。女生 宿舍的內部有許多交誼空間,當然這些交誼空間只有住在女生宿舍的人能使用,相對而言,女生宿舍 的周遭則沒有太多的停留空間,卻有樹陰交錯的美麗樓梯小徑可以更近的到達其他教學大樓。
The lack of space for a short stay
In the surrounding of the base, a scene with students holding lunch trays, eating, sitting or stading on the stairs outside the cafeteria is often repeated. In the evening, some clubs preparing for activities are seen rehearing on the stairs or some boy and girl friends are chatting outside the dormitory.
在基地附近常可以看到因為學生餐廳人潮過多而拿 著午餐在餐廳外的廣場階梯上,或站或坐的吃著手 上的午餐。到了晚上的時候,更有許多準備要舉辦 活動的團體佔據階梯排練表演,或是男女朋友在女 生宿舍的門口久站聊天......等。
Therefore, I wish to provide a space like a terrace for a short stay under the tree shade to fulfill the needs for the above activities.
因此,我希望在女生宿舍前方的林蔭下提供一個可 以停留的平台空間,以提供以上所述的活動使用。
Grils’ Dormitory
Student Restaurant
Faculty Dormitory Faculty Dormitory
Institute of Building
people circulation
wind bush
Ventilation and the flow of crowds in the cafeteria The cafeteria is located under the girl's dormitory, occupying half of the basement. However, due to the poor ventilation, the mixed flavors of the food and the smoke circulate in the cafeteria. In addition, during the lunch hours, the cafeteria is flooded with crowds and some students cannot find a table to sit. Hence, I believe that it would be a wonderful experience for students to have a lunch with friends in the shades.
學生餐廳的人潮與空氣流通 學生餐廳位於女生宿舍的正下方,雖然只是半地下室,但是因為上方有女生宿舍的關 係,學生餐廳的空氣流通依然不佳,再加上眾多餐廳而產生的油煙味、各種食物的味 道交雜在內部不斷的循環。並且中午時段人潮眾多,常有找不到位子坐的情況發生。 若是能在樹蔭下與同學吃午餐,我相信會是很棒的感受。
Wood construction for the base I adopted wood structures for the join-structure to support the terrace and for the ceiling above the terrace. For the latter part, I studies different possibilities of join-structures and tenons so that the ceiling can be more encapsulated and thus present a poetic image of tree-observing though the fretted wood structure where light penetrates.
以木構回應基地 存著融入基地的想法,我採用木結構來思考平台下方的 搭接支撐以及覆蓋平台上方的木構頂棚。對於木構頂棚 的部分,我研究了許多可能的搭接以及卡榫方式,以達 到三維度的接榫而能讓頂棚呈現更為包覆的形態,卻能 由大部份鏤空的木構之間有視覺上的穿透,形成從樹枝 間觀景的意象。
Floor Plan
Roof Plan
The ground with interwoven shadows cast by the trees The base is surrounded by tall banyan trees. The top of the trees overlap and form rolling shadows. Under the sun, the ground mirrors a beautiful kaleidoscope of tree shadows. In the raining days, because of the shadow, rain becomes abated in this area. Although there is a ceiling above the terrace, only a shelter is provided in the sitting area. For the rest of the terrace, tree shadows are reserved with the fretted wood structure.
樹影交錯的地面 基地上有許多棵高大的榕樹,樹冠交疊而形成綿延的樹蔭,在陽 光之下地面呈現樹影搖曳的斑斕景色。在雨天則能因為這綿密的 樹蔭,而使這區域的雨勢小了許多。因此在平台上方雖然有頂棚 ,但是僅有在設有座位的部分有透光雨遮,其他部分則為鏤空的 方式以保留能在地上看到的搖曳樹影。
Perspective View
Perspective View
Longitudinal Section
landscape, stairs and the seats In accordance with the landscape, the terrace is divided into two layers, partitioned by tree tops that have existed in the base, so that different activities can be held simultaneously and without too much interference. The stairs leading to the terrace and the seats are posited in different height, intersecting with each other and hence forming a proportional relation.
地形、階梯與座位 順應著地形,我將主要的平台分成兩個高層,中間有原本基地就存有的樹冠從稍作區隔 ,讓不同的活動形態可以同時在此進行而不受到太大的干擾。在以階梯連接平台的同時 ,運用室外階梯與座位的高度成比例關係,讓座位與階梯交互存在。
North Elevation
FRESH ARCHI -- What I have done at EA1 2011 Aurumn - 2012 Spring / EA 1
PEOPLE PASSING -- What would left after we passing? 2013 Summer / “Impromptu”workshop
And what’s next?