2021 SHE Smart Healthcare Themed Pavilion (E-Guidebook)

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Smart Healthcare Themed Pavilion



2021 Smart Healthcare Expo


序 iHospital 智慧醫院 Intelligent Care 科技照護 Sleep Care 智慧睡眠 HST 醫策會 SHE FOURM 智慧醫療趨勢論壇 SCSE x SHE 智慧醫療廠商名錄 Welcome

Outline ⽬錄

2021 Smart Healthcare Expo

01 04 08 13 18 19 20



Ken Yu CEO, imedtac

慧誠智醫 余⾦樹 總經理 年全世界都經歷了COVID-19的疫情突襲,讓我們的⽇常⽣活陷⼊前 所未有的混亂. 但隨著疫苗開始施打與疫情的逐漸趨緩, 整個智慧醫療產業 也發⽣了前所未有的變化. 以AIoT為基礎的智慧醫療應⽤, 從院內治療的智 能化應⽤, 包括⼿術室的影像系統, ICU的數據整合; 到離院之後的遠距醫 療與居家科技照護。 所有避免實體接觸的創新醫療照護應⽤都少不了 AIoT的科技賦能。 特別加上5G時代的到來與各種IoMT醫療感知器的突破 發展, 都讓未來的智慧醫療產業充滿令⼈期待的前景。 我們正在經歷⼈類 歷史上最壞的時代, 但千萬不要浪費了這⼀場危機,POST-COVID-19將會 啟動智慧醫療產業最好的時代。 2020

台灣智慧城市產業聯盟─智慧醫療⼩組召集⼈ TSSA─SIG 慧誠智醫股份有限公司iMedtac Corporation Limited 余⾦樹 總經理 Ken Yu CEO, imedtac

2021 Smart Healthcare Expo




Smart Healthcare Themed Pavilion provides an unparalleled opportunity for visitors to gain insight into the latest developments as well as trends in healthcare information and technology. This year, three themed scenarios “iHospital”, “Intelligent Care”, and “Smart Sleep” are present at this pavilion. Gathering the healthcare solutions vendors to demonstrate a patient-oriented clinical scenario, and enabling buyers and vendors to explore more opportunities in a familiar environment.

整合台灣ICT廠商的各種軟硬體產品,模擬智慧醫療中的應⽤情境,呈 現未來資訊及科技之創新應⽤。2021年本館提供院前、院內以及院後 的解決⽅案,分別為「智慧醫院」、「智慧睡眠」、「科技照護」三 ⼤特⾊主題。使參觀者親⾝體驗醫療科技的創新與發展,本館展現數 位醫療於診間、病房、護理站、睡眠中⼼、居家、社區等照護應⽤服 務,積極搶攻智慧醫療商機,期望與國內位醫療院所、衛⽣單位、⻑ 照機構等相關單位深度交流,⿑⼒帶動台灣醫療科技產業接軌國際。


Intelligent Care

Smart Sleep




2021 Smart Healthcare Expo


Three Themed Scenarios


Where to find us? BOOTH NO.

Q1024 @ Smart Healthcare Expo 23 March to 26 March 10:00-18:00 (The latest day until 17:00)

2021 Smart Healthcare Expo


智 慧 醫 院 iHOSPITAL

Booth No. Q1024

Introduction iHospital

we use our digital healthcare solution at smart ward, smart iOR, smart care different scenario, and provide service from hospital to homecare. With IoT solutions to integrate existing systems and various care platforms to provide truly patient-centered continuous care.Thereby enhancing the effectiveness of clinical medical care and improving the operational efficiency of hospitals and institutions.


串聯醫療院所及居家照護,以智慧病房、⼿術室、居家為情 境,藉IoT設備結合醫院既有系統及各式照護平台,期能打破 醫院圍牆,創造真正以病患為中⼼的連續性照護,進⽽強化 臨床醫療照護效益,並提升醫院與機構的營運效率。

Product & Services imedtacCo., Ltd.


Manifold Health Tech Inc.

Smart ICU MDI (medical device integration) Solution Surgery Dashboard

醫療儀器資訊整合系統 ⼑房資訊整合系統 ICU

Respiratory disease integrated care


platform(include COVID-19 self-healthcare app)

Avalue Technology Inc.

E Ink EPD Solution

Modernsolid Industrial Co., Ltd.

iHospital Solution

GHS Advanced Inc.

Home Angel




呼吸系疾病整合照護平台(含COVID-19居家⾃我照護) 智慧醫療電⼦紙解決⽅案



Contacts imedtacCo., Ltd.

慧誠智醫股份有限公司 Tel: 886-2-2252-3030

Fax: 886-2-2550-7211

Website: www.imedtac.com

Email: sales@imedtac.com Manifold Health Tech Inc.

天樞健康資訊科技股份有限公司 Tel: 886-3-5506260

Fax: 886-3-5506256

Website: www.manifoldhealthtech.com Email: support@manifoldhealthtech.com Avalue Technology Inc.

安勤科技股份有限公司 Tel: 886-2-8226-2345

Fax: 886-2-8226-2777

Website: www.avalue.com.tw

Email: sales@avalue.com.tw Modernsolid Industrial Co., Ltd.

⻘輔實業股份有限公司 Tel: 886-4-2639-8669

Fax: 886-4-2639-8333

Website: www.modernsolid.com

Email: info@modernsolid.com GHS Advanced Inc.

廣和順科技股份有限公司 Tel: 886-2-2758-8708

Fax: 886-2-2758-8733

Website: ghsha.com

Email: service@ghsha.com

科 技 照 護


Booth No. Q1024

Introduction Intelligent Care

“Technologies have been put into practice to protect the elderly. The first-line services, such as day care centers, home services, and remote care, are integrated with smart technology to create the lifestyle model for the elderly. Using real-time positioning and management, Oceanic Technology can perform real-time tracking and positioning without any time lag, regardless of whether or not it is indoor or outdoor care. The smart safety protection and personnel scheduling can be performed without supervision for more efficient management of personnel deployment and the safety care of the elderly; In the health care institutions, Avalue Technology’s long-distance nursing carts help the staff to instantly update the nursing information and effectively reduce the workloads of caregivers to improve the clinical care quality; Through Taiwan Stipendiary’s Day Care Management System and Home Services System, combined with the comprehensive service records, real-time reporting reminder and smart data analysis, as well as the LINE communication software that is easy for everyone to use, the daily service records, vital signs and smart data analysis are incorporated to generate the family communication log for families. The data visualization allows the elderly to live with peace of mind and their families to gain visibility into their living and health status to improve the life quality of the care recipients and caregivers.

Introduction 科技照護

落實⽤科技守護⻑輩,透過⽇間照顧、居家服務與遠距照護的第⼀線服務 整合智慧科技,建⽴⻑輩⽣活型態模型。 洋洋科技即時定位與管理,無論遠距離室外或室内照護,都能做到無時間 差的即時追蹤定位,可以在無⼈監看的狀況下,達到智慧安全防護與⼈員 調度分析,更有效率的管理⼈員部署與⻑輩安全照護; 安勤科技遠距醫療推⾞,多⼈機構場域中快速協助即時更新護理資訊,有 效減輕照護⼈員⼯作負擔,提升臨床照護品質; 透過台灣受恩⽇照管理系統、居家服務系統,整合完整的服務紀錄、即時 回報提醒,以及智能數據分析,再搭配⼈⼈都會使⽤的LINE通報服務, 將每⽇服務紀錄、⽣理體徵數據與智能數據分析,產出家庭聯絡簿提供給 家屬,藉由資料視覺化讓⻑輩可以快樂的在地養⽼,讓家屬喘息之餘也能 ⼀⼿掌握⻑輩⽣活與健康狀態,進⽽提升照顧者與被照顧者的⽣活品質。

Product & Services The Day Care Management System, Long-Term Taiwan Stipendiary Co., Ltd.


Care Industry Consulting Services, and Home Service Management System.

⽇照管理系統、⻑照產業顧問服務、居家服務管理 系統 The Avalue Telemedicine Cart Solution integrates HID medical AIO PC. It features a 12X HD PTZ camera with remote camera control and

Avalue Technology Inc.


audio communication to provide a cost-effective technology solution to assist in proper and efficient remote diagnosis in the clinical setting.

安勤遠距護理推⾞是符合醫療規範的⾏動⼯作站, 整合了HID醫療⽤觸控平板電腦、12X HD PTZ 鏡頭 與影⾳通訊,提供偏鄉、離島或⾏動不便的患者與 醫療端無礙溝通的完整解決⽅案。 Indoor UWB/RFID Real-Time Positioning System, Mobile H265 HEVC video transmission Oceanic Technology Corp.


packages, AI Video-based Fire and Smoke Detection.

室内UWB/RFID即時定位;⼿提移動式加密視訊傳 輸;AI影像監控式⽕災偵測系統

Contacts Taiwan Stipendiary Co., Ltd.

台灣受恩股份有限公司 Tel: 886-7-310-9383

Fax: 886-7-951-8385

Website: http://stipendiary.com.tw

Email: info@stipendiary.com.tw

Avalue Technology Inc.

安勤科技股份有限公司 Tel: 886-2-8226-2345

Fax: 886-2-8226-2777

Website: www.avalue.com.tw

Email: sales@avalue.com.tw

Oceanic Technology Corporation

洋洋實業股份有限公司 Tel: 886-02-2377-3090

Fax: 886-2-2377-6363

Website: www.oceanictech.com.tw

Email: service@oceanictech.com.tw

智 慧 睡 眠


Booth No. Q1024

Introduction Sleep Care Integrating software and hardware, combined with AI, big data, and other technologies to create an integrated platform and provide a series of sleep-related quick screening and treatment evaluation services. In addition to sleep apnea diagnosis and evaluation, it provides higher added value, a set of long-term postsales service solutions, solves customer’s sleep breathing problems, and establishes a complete sleep apnea management industry value chain. TaiDoc Technology Corporation, Soteria Biotech Co., Ltd., and Somnics Inc. combine product advantages to provide rapid and effective diagnostic evaluation and treatment for patients with sleep apnea, and to improve the health and quality of life of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

The home-sleep oxygen saturation analysis provided by TaiDoc Technology’s pulse oximeter realizes analysis of blood oxygen saturation and autonomic nervous system; Soteria Biotech’s software is then used to evaluate upper airway to confirm whether it is obstructive sleep apnea and its treatment evaluation(CPAP, iNAP, oral device, MMA surgery). This is to avoid long waiting for sleep center’s sleep study and discomfort during sleep study; With the world's only "negative pressure sleep therapy system" developed and manufactured by Somnics Inc., it provides a comfortable sleep experience for patients with sleep apnea. The pocket-sized system is batterypowered and runs almost silently. Designed with a non-face-mask design that allows the airway to be unobstructed and promotes nasal breathing, sleep is not easily interrupted. Together with a pulse oximeter, it helps doctors assess the risk of sleep apnea and follow-up the treatment effect. TaiDoc Technology Corporation develops blue-tooth pulse oximeter + App + cloud management integration solution. Soteria Biotech Co., Ltd., develops sleep apnea quick screening and treatment evaluation platform.

Somnics Inc., develops OSA sleep therapy system that utilizes intra-oral negative air pressure technology.

Introduction 智慧睡眠

運⽤軟硬體整合,結合 AI ⼤數據等技術,打造整合式平台並提供⼀系列 睡眠快篩和治療評估服務。在睡眠呼吸診斷評估之外,提供更⾼的附加價 值,⼀套⻑期售後服務的解⽅,解決顧客所有睡眠呼吸問題,建⽴完整的 睡眠呼吸中⽌症管理產業價值鏈。 泰博科技、太暘科技和萊鎂醫療結合產品優勢為睡眠呼吸中⽌症患者提供 快速有效的診斷評估與治療,為改善「阻塞性睡眠呼吸中⽌症」 (OSA) 患者的健康及⽣活品質。 泰博科技⾎氧機的睡眠⾎氧居家檢測分析實現居家量測分析睡眠⾎氧濃度 和⾃律神經,再透過太暘科技的軟體做呼吸道狹窄評估,快速確認是否為 阻塞型的睡眠呼吸中⽌症,作為治療依據(正壓呼吸器、負壓呼吸器、睡 眠⽛套、正顎⼿術),免除⻑期等待睡眠中⼼排診以及⼀夜難眠;藉由萊鎂醫 研發製造之全球唯⼀「負壓式睡眠呼吸治療裝置」,提供睡眠呼吸中⽌症 患者舒適的睡眠體驗,以電池供電、近乎無聲運轉的輕巧⼝袋型主機,⾮ ⾯罩式設計,讓呼吸道暢通並⾃然⿐呼吸,睡眠不輕易被中斷。再結合⾎ 氧機,協助醫⽣評估睡眠呼吸中⽌⾵險及追蹤改善成效。 泰博科技股份有限公司開發藍芽⾎氧機+APP+雲端管理平台整合⽅案 太暘科技國際股份有限公司開發睡眠呼吸中⽌症快速診斷與治療評估平 台。 萊鎂醫療器材股份有限公司開發全球唯⼀「負壓式睡眠呼吸中⽌治療裝 置」。

Product & Services The iNAP® sleep therapy system provides a Somnics, Inc.


comfortable sleep experience for OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) patients.

呼吸治療裝置,是專⾨設計給阻塞性睡眠呼 吸中⽌症患者使⽤,並提供舒適的睡眠體驗。 iNAP®

Soteria OPZ is a platform to evaluate the upper Soteria Biotech Co., Ltd.


airway, it is used for sleep apnea quick screening and treatment evaluation.

是評估呼吸道狹窄的平台,應⽤於睡眠 呼吸中⽌症快速診斷與治療評估。 Soteria OPZ

Home-sleep oxygen saturation analysis provided by pulse oximeter realizes analysis of blood Taidoc Technology Corporation oxygen saturation and autonomic nervous


system at home.

⾎氧機的睡眠⾎氧居家檢測分析實現居家量測分析 睡眠⾎氧濃度和⾃律神經。

Contacts Somnics, Inc.

萊鎂醫療器材股份有限公司 Tel: 886-3-550-9623

Fax: 886-3-550-3633

Website: www.somnics.com

Email: info@somnics.com

Soteria Biotech Co., Ltd.

太暘科技國際股份有限公司 Tel: 886-2-269-57733

Fax: 886-2-269-24255

Website: www.soteriabio.com

Email: honda@soteriabio.com

Taidoc Technology Corporation

泰博科技股份有限公司 Tel: 886-2-662-58188

Fax: 886-2-662-50608

Website: www.taidoc.com.tw

Email: lpyang@taidoc.com.tw

SHE Forum

Innovative ideas, motivational insights, and inspirational perspective from prominent and dynamic keynote speakers at this mini Stage.







WHERE TO FIND US? @ Smart Healthcare Expo 23 March to 26 March SHE Stage (Q1023)





2 M / 6 FT

WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

MAINTAIN PHYSICAL DISTANCING Maintain at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

! D I O V A



Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth.

Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance.

Source: World Health Organization




主辦單位 財團法⼈醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會 台北市電腦公會 台灣智慧城市產業聯盟

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