What Really Matters for
In 2016 By Kodematix.com
Backlinks are still (very) important ●
Backlinks are still the no. 1 most important ranking signal that Google uses. Study found that you need backlinks from a bunch of different domains.
The best links you can get are contextual mentions from authoritative media outlets. Not only are these links highlyvalued by Google, but they can bring in a boatload of traffic to boot.
More bounces equal lower rankings ●
Study also found that bounces aren’t just bad for your bottom line.
They can throw a monkey wrench into your SEO efforts.
The study found that sites with a high bounce rate tended to rank lower in Google than sites with a low bounce rate. Make sure that your content is above the fold and that the first few sentences draw people in. Break your content into two to three sentence paragraphs it becomes much easier to digest.
Pe o pl sho e o n spa rt att line h en ns. tio ave n
LongForm Content Ranks Better
Site speed makes a difference ●
You’ve probably heard that Google prefers fast-loading websites.
Google has emphasized that they use site speed as part of their algorithm.
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