September 2013 (Issue#1)
The 2nd Public Policy Dialogue on Post-2015 Development
- Beyond 2015 Korea Statements on UN HLP and UN Secretary General Report ■ ■
[News Brief] Post-2015 Korea Forum
Korean Government at the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-SDGs)
International Activities of Beyond 2015 Korea
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Beyond 2015 Korea – Background and Activities
Who are Beyond 2015 Korea? 07 - GCAP Korea (Global Call to Action against Poverty Korea) - KCOC (Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation) - KoFID (Korea Civil Society Forum on International Development Cooperation) Upcoming Events on International Development
The 2nd Public Policy Dialogue on Post-2015 Development “Not Bold and Practical Enough”
“Not Bold and Practical Enough” was the Korean civil society’s verdict indicated in their final report of the UN Highlevel Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda released on 30 May 2013. Beyond 2015 Korea, a network of three national CSO coalitions - GCAP Korea, KCOC, KoFID – issued a joint statement welcoming and expressing the regret urging the UN Secretary General to make more ambitious goals for Post-2015 to overcome the shortcomings of the HLP report. The statement was released at the second Public Policy Dialogue with the Korean Government on Post-2015 Development Agenda on 3 July 2013 in Seoul, Korea organized by the Beyond 2015 Korea. Mr. Sung-Hwan KIM, a UN-HLP member and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade explained the dynamics inside the HLP process, background and implications of the vision. Mr. KIM also explained the illustrative 12 goals against the five key demands of the Beyond 2015 Korea that were presented to him in February 2013 at the first public forum. Mr. Boo-Won NAM, KoFID Chair of the Steering Committee, on behalf of Beyond 2015 Korea as a representative of Korea CSO presented the “Joint Statement of CSOs in South Korea in response to the UN-HLP Report on Post-2015 Development Agenda”. During the policy dialogue moderated by Mr. Jin-Ho SONG, co-chair of GCAP Korea, the following speakers expressed their views and made proposals on the HLP report.
▣ Ms. Young-Joo OH, Director General of Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Korean Government ▣ Mr. Anselmo LEE, Director of Policy Center, KCOC on behalf
of the Beyond 2015 Korea ▣
Dr. Hyuk-Sang SOHN, professor at Kyunghee University
Mr. Hong-Jae LIM, Secretary General, UN Global Compact Network Korea on behalf of private sector
Mr. LEE highlighted again the importance of including inequality as a stand-alone goal in the Post-2015 along with poverty eradication and a human rights-based framework in accountability mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the UN Human Rights Council. The Forum was attended by over 130 participants mainly from CSOs and other stakeholder groups.
Beyond 2015 Korea Statements on UN - HLP and UN Secretary General Report UN-HLP Report Beyond 2015 Korea had issued two statements on the UN-HLP Report, the first one in February and the second one in July, before and after the UN HLP report was released in May 2013. The statement pointed out that the UN-HLP Report failed to fully include core concerns presented by CSOs and the suggested targets were not sufficiently “bold, yet practical” as initially intended in its efforts to tackle fundamental global issues like poverty and inequality. Therefore, it urged the UN Secretary-General Report to deal with the following five challenges as priority issues.
Need for a new development paradigm in responding to multiple global crises
Inequality should be addressed as a single goal
Secure innovative development resources via financial transaction taxes and disarmament
Urgent need for an accountable and transparent mechanism based on human rights
Need for a more equal and responsible global partnership for effective development
UN SG Report In response to the UN Secretary General Report released in August, Beyond 2015 Korea participated actively in the 2nd regional consultation of ADA on 25 August to produce a statement on the UN SG. The statements “Welcomed the inclusion in the report of UN Secretary General of exclusion and inequality, climate change, migration and democratic challenges, urbanization as well as the international development cooperation framework as stand-alone goals among 15 proposed goals for Post-2015 development agenda and the recognition in the Report that the new sustainable development goals should include the emphasis on human well-being and go beyond the usual economic measures like Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and per capita income to include the use of new indicators such as surveys of well-being and happiness”. The Statement reiterated the positions and demands made in the previous ADA statements which were not adequately addressed in the Report which are as follows, ▣
Urgent need for innovate financing and to establish and strengthen national and international mechanisms to regulate transnational corporations and speculative financial capital including Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)
Importance of disarmament and demilitarization to build sustainable peace and also to use the sizable military spending for poverty eradication and financing for development
Importance of universal ratification of all international human rights treaties, in particular, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and its Optional Protocol as well as their full implementation at domestic level
Importance of making full use of existing available moni toring and accountability human rights mechanisms, such as the UN special procedures, treaty bodies and Universal Periodic Review (UPR), and of effective CSO participation in all these
Need to give priority to least developed countries, land locked developing countries, small island developing countries as well as fragile and conflict-affected countries in Post-2015 development agenda
Need to recognize historical and ecological debts in ad dressing foreign debts
Post-2015 Korea Forum launched with UN Secretary General
‘Post-2015 Korea Forum’ was officially launched under the theme ‘Together, for the Better Future’ in the presence of Mr. BAN KiMoon, UN Secretary General at the International Conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul on 26 August 2013. It was a special program of the Development Alliance Korea (DAK) launched in 2012 as a multi-stake holder platform among government, CSOs, academia and private sector to implement the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation. Mr. Ban stressed the role of the Korean government and civil society in making the Post-2015 process more relevant to the ground reality and urged the Korean government and National Assembly to fulfill her pledge to increase its ODA upto 0.25% of GNI by 2015. Mr. Byung-Se YUN, Foreign Minister welcomed the inauguration of the Post-2015 Korea Forum and reaffirmed the Korean government’s commitment to ODA pledge and proactive engagement in the Post-2015 process. Among several speakers, civil society were represented by Hye-Kyung KIM, Board member of the Global Civic Sharing and Anselmo LEE, Director of Policy Center, KCOC on behalf of Beyond 2015 Korea. Anselmo Lee in his intervention emphasized the importance of implementing internationally agreed principles in linking the multiple development agendas such as Busan Partnership, G20 and Post-2015 development agenda and a longer-term strategic partnership between Korean government and civil society in the Post-2015 process both national and international level.
Korean Government at the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-SDGs) The Korean government as one of 30 members of the OWG-SDGs has actively participated in the sessions. The OWG was established in January 2013 as a follow-up mechanism of the Rio+20 and has held the four sessions and will have four more session until February 2014. Below are summary of statements and quotes.
Government of the Republic of Korea stated that ※the first session, March 2013 On mandate and general direction of OWG, it should be informed by diverse stakeholders, research-based evidence and expert analysis. There is a need for one coherent set of goals. The areas covered by the SDGs should be wide in scope to ensure their universal application. ※the second session, April 2013 On conceptualizing the SDGs and poverty eradication, the SDGs can be consisted of broad development outcomes to apply to a wide range of countries and a focus on an inclusive green economy can help achieve the paradigm shift needed to achieve sustainable development. ※the third session, May 2013 On food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture, and
DLDD (Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought), the Zero Hunger Challenge’s proposal indicated five objectives and how it should be at the center of the SDGs and the entire post-2015 development agenda. OWG should consider a target for a land degradation neutral world, with zero net land degradation as an indicator. There is the need for addressing inequalities with concrete targets and the disaggregation of data, such as by gender. ※the fourth session, l June 2013 Sustainable creation of decent jobs relies on the transformation to low-carbon green economies. Job loss in traditional industries will create a need for social protection. Employment and decent jobs should be the subject of a stand-alone goal with targets on employment and training opportunities for youth and women. In addition, the representative stated that efforts must be increased to achieve the unfinished health MDGs, and that progress on these goals should be continuously monitored.
International Activities of Beyond 2015 Korea CSOs in the context of Post-2015 development agenda. About 25 participants, mainly middle-level leadership from both communities participated.
2013 G20 Civil Summit
Asia Development Alliance (ADA) Three networks of Beyond 2015 Korea – GCAP Korea, KCOC and KoFID – have actively participated in ADA activities since its founding meeting in Bangkok on 30 January to 2 February. 2013. ADA was launched on 2 February. 2013 as a network of CSO national platforms engaged in development cooperation and human rights to promote more effective communication, coordination and cooperation in the UN Post-2015 development agenda. More than 15 national platforms consist of mainly members of the International Forum of National NGO Platform (IFP), CIVICUS Affinity Group of National Association (AGNA), Social Watch and GCAP Asia. KCOC as one of the co-conveners has been functioning as an interim secretariat of ADA. Beyond 2015 Korea has attended the 4th UN High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on Post-2015 Development Agenda held in Bali on 26-28 March 2013. ADA issued a statement on the communiqué of the HLP-4 emphasizing key demands made in the ADA Bangkok Statement on the Post-2015 Development Agenda on 2 February. 2013. Several members of the Beyond 2015 Korea attended the Joint CSO preparatory meeting on 23-24 August and the 2nd ADA regional consultation held in Bangkok on 25 prior to the Asia Pacific Ministerial Dialogue on Post-2015 Development Dialogue.
Representatives of GCAP Korea as a focal point of the ADA Working Group on G20 participated in Civil 20 held in Moscow, Russia on June 13-14, 2013. This was a civil society meeting held prior to the G20 Summit on 4-5 September 2013 in St. Petersburg. The ADA Working Group on G20 and GCAP issued a joint statement to the G20 urging them to support adding ‘equitable growth’ as the 5th pillar of G20 growth paradigm and advocate ‘reducing inequality’ as a stand-alone goal in the Post-2015 development agenda.
CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) KoFID has been participating in the CPDE since its foundational meeting in Nairobi, Kenya in December 2012. KoFID is currently serving as a focal point for CPDE Northeast Asia. Previously, KoFID has been a member of international coordination groups of BetterAid before the Busan High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (30 Nov to 2 Dec. 2011). CPDE is a new global platform that emerged from a combination of BetterAid and Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness. CPDE has participated as a Steering Committee member of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) that was formed after Busan to replace the OECD DAC Working Group on Aid Effectiveness in June 2012.
ADA issued a statement on the UN Secretary General Report on MDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda submitted to the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly based on the discussions during the ADA II on 25 August 2013.
First Glo-cal Leadership in Asia (GALA) Academy A few participants from KoFID and KCOC participated in the first Glo-cal Leadership in Asia (GALA) Academy jointly organized by ADA and FORUM-ASIA in Bangkok from 28 August to 1 September 2013. GALA Academy was a joint initiative to build synergy between development and human rights
Beyond 2015 Korea – Background and Activities Beyond 2015 Korea is a newly-formed national civil society network to promote effective participation in the Post-2015 development agenda in early 2012. It is composed of three major CSO coalitions in the field of international development cooperation, namely - Global Call to Action against Poverty Korea (GCAP Korea), Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC) and Korea Civil Society Forum on International Development Cooperation (KoFID)
first public forum on Post-2015 with the Korean government and the HLP member in February 2013.
Since its formation, it has organized a variety of activities such as public forums, workshops and study sessions among CSOs and with the government. In 2012, it had organized two workshops to introduce the agenda of the UN and CSO Post-2015 processes in June and September, and the formal national consultation was held in January 2013. As a result of this CSO process, it produced the Korean CSO position paper on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and held the
It has published the newsletters on Post-2015 both in Korean and English for public awareness building and run the webpage for knowledge sharing on Post-2015 process.
The 10 week public seminar was organized to read all key documents related to the Post-2015 such as HLP and UN SG report as well as key interventions of the OWG on SDGs as a means to promote policy engagement capacity of members of the Beyond 2015 Korea.
As part of international outreach activity, about dozen representatives of the Beyond 2015 Korea will be participating in the UN General Assembly and related events in September.
Who are Beyond 2015 Korea? Global Call to Action against Poverty Korea (GCAP Korea)
GCAP Korea is a national network of CSOs affiliated with GCAP Global network consisting of over 120 countries around the world with the aim to eradicate poverty and inequality. Part of the GCAP coalition, GCAP Korea was launched in 2005 consisting of 27 national CSOs in partner with international and national networks. It mainly aims to promote the importance of anti-poverty campaigns such as the WhiteBand Campaign to raise public awareness on global poverty and MDGs at the national level and advocate an appropriate role of the Korea government in the international society. GCAP Korea has hosted various campaigns every year on the occasion to commemorate the UN-designated International day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October). Under the slogan of “Stand Up, Take Action� an array of activities such as concerts, marching parade, walking event, photo exhibition, white band human chain performance, kite flying and other various performances were carried out with citizens. Moreover, GCAP Korea has translated and published the UN MDGs Report Korean edition every year to monitor the progress of MDGs as well as to raise public awareness.
KCOC(Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation)
KCOC is a platform of civil society organizations engaged in international development cooperation including humanitarian assistance. It was established in 1999 to promote communications and cooperation primarily among service delivery CSOs. The membership has increased to 105 as of 2013 compared to 30 in 1999. KCOC play a role of interface between the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and development CSOs including humanitarian assistance.
KCOC also provides a variety of training and capacity-building programs for CSO leaders and staff including youth overseas volunteers. KCOC also conducts research and survey on various issues such as Public Private Partnership (PPP) and publishes the White Book about CSOs engaged in international development cooperation and membership directory. The Policy Center was created in September 2012 to strengthen and facilitate the policy advocacy and coordination and plays a role of interim secretariat for the Asia Development Alliance (ADA).
Korea Civil Society Forum on International Development Cooperation (KoFID)
KoFID is a network of civil society organizations engaged in international development cooperation to promote effective cooperation in advocacy for aid and development effectiveness. It was established in September, 2010 and it has 23 member organizations including the KCOC which a network of CSOs mainly engaged in service delivery. It locally hosted the Busan Global Civil Society Forum prior to the the OECD 4th High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) and currently serves as a focal point for the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Northeast Asia. There are six thematic working groups on enabling environment for CSO development effectiveness, aid transparency, children and development; the human rights-based approach (HRBA), gender, and the environment. KoFID also organizes the annual Seoul Civil Society Forum on International Development Cooperation (SCSF) jointly with KCOC since 2011.
Open Forum on National Implementation of the OECD Peer Review and ODA Policy Development Open Forum was held on 6th August in collaboration with KCOC and KoFID sponsored by KOICA. Mr. Il-Hyun BAEK from the Office for Government Coordination presented major recommendations for the OECD Peer Review and plans for national implementation with a focus on realignment of ODA policies, expanding resources for ODA, enforcement of an integrated implementing system, ensuring accountability and consistency. Responding to the presentation, five panelists from civil society and academia raised questions on the government’s further plan and highlighted the importance of various issues including untying aid, partnership building with civil society, strengthening the authority of the International Development Cooperation Committee, the enhancement of accountability and reform on humanitarian aid.
Sign IATI for More Transparent Aid ! KoFID has been conducting a campaign for aid transparency urging the Korean government to join the International Aid Transparency Initiatives (IATI). Three members - People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD), ODA Watch and World Vision-Korea – are leading this campaign.
Upcoming Events on International Development Month
25 Aug
2nd Regional Consultation of Asia Development Alliance (ADAⅡ)
28 Aug-1 Sept
1th Global Advocacy Leadership in Asia (GALA) Academy
5-6 Sept
8th G20 Summit
St. Petersburg
9-27 Sept
24th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
16-20 Sept
ICPD-International Conference on Population and Development
17-18 Sept
UNEP’s Asia Pacific Civil Society Consultation on Post-2015 and SDGs
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
22 Sept
ADA consultation and side-event
New York
22-27 Sept
68th UNGA –MDGs and Post-2015 events
New York
7 Oct
UNDP-ROK Conference on Post-2015 Implementation and Implications
7 Oct
4th Seoul Civil Society Forum (SCSF) on Development Cooperation
8 Oct
International ODA Conference
15 Sept-Oct 20
Mobilization Month “Together for Equality – Leave No One Behind”
GCAP, Beyond 2015
Whiteband Campaign
GCAP Korea
21-22 Oct
3rd Regional Consultation of the Asia Development Alliance (ADA)
21-23 Oct
Founding Assembly of the Asia Democracy Network (ADN)
Korea Democracy Network (KDN)
22-23 Oct
3rd Seoul Democracy Forum (SDF)
Korea Democracy Foundation (KDF)
Seoul Johannesburgs
8-15 Nov
International Civil Society Week: citizen Action, People Power
18-19 Nov
International Workshop “Global Partnership, Local Action”
UNDP Seoul Policy Centre
12-14 Dec
ADA and CPDE North-East Asia
ADA and CPDE Northeast Asia
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