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The Energized Workplace

The Energized Workplace Designing Organizations where People Flourish

Edition 1

Pages Dimensions Subject 06/28/2020

9780749498665 $25.95 9780749498672 $25.95 9781789661071 $80.00

224 234x156 Organizational Development

This book << Explains why traditional organizational structures and processes are holding employees and businesses back and how to redesign them to allow both people and the business to reach their full potential << Shows how technological advances that mean staff are connected to work in their evenings, weekends and on holiday are having a direct impact on employee wellbeing and how to tackle this << Includes international case studies from companies including ING Bank, Ministry of Social Affairs, Belgium and WD-40

Author Information

Perry Timms is a coach, consultant, international conference speaker and the founder of People and Transformational HR Ltd. He is also the social media and HR adviser to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Named by HR Magazine as one of the most influential HR thinkers of 2017, he is a visiting fellow at Sheffield Hallam University Business School, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and the world’s first WorldBlu-certified Freedom at Work coach. Perry Timms is also the author of Transformational HR, published by Kogan Page.


Productivity is flatlining, employee wellbeing is at an all-time low and stress at an all-time high. Mental health issues are now the biggest single disability affecting the UK and are estimated to cost the economy £105bn each year. Traditional company design, structures and processes are making these issues worse and leading to unprecedented levels of staff burnout. This not only impacts individual employees, there is also a detrimental effect on overall company performance when employees can’t perform to their full potential. It is the responsibility of Organizational Development and HR professionals to address these issues urgently and redesign work to allow people to flourish and businesses to thrive. Full of practical advice, tips and tools, The Energized Workplace provides a blueprint for how practitioners can redesign their organizations to support employees and ensure the business outperforms the competition.

It covers everything from why existing structures are causing business output to decline, why traditional processes are holding organizations back and what the consequences of not addressing these design issues will mean for business including increased staff turnover, a rise in employee absence and a decline in company profits. Including case studies from organizations across a range of sectors who have successfully put people at the heart of their workplace design such as ING Bank, Tata Consulting and WD-40; with specific guidance on designing for five generations working side by side, across different countries and on separate time zones, The Energized Workplace will help OD and HR professionals confidently tackle the organizational issues putting their company success and employee health and happiness in jeopardy. Supported by research from Cranfield School of Management, this book is essential reading for practitioners needing to deal with the wellbeing crisis and productivity puzzle in the new world of work.

Table of Contents 1 The future design of work 2 Traditional design flaws 3 The impact of the new working life 4 The 20 dysfunctions of modern work 5 Evidence to support the redesign of work 6 Exemplary organizations designed to help people flourish 7 How people-focused design creates top performing businesses 8 Design tips and tools for building a workplace of the future 9 Advice for sustained success 10 What next?

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