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Return to Mt Sinai by Ron Matsen
Ron Matsen Under Rower, Koinonia House
As you read this issue of “Personal Update,” Bob Cornuke and I will be (Lord willing) exploring Jebel Musa (Mt Sinai) in Saudi Arabia. The government of Saudi Arabia has recently opened up its doors for visitor visas, so we decided that now was the time to have Bob return and fully document his experience.
We will be traveling with Jim Schmidt. Jim is the producer of the upcoming “Mountain of Fire,” which is a major motion picture that features the story of Bob and Larry’s journey to the mountain in June of 1988. Also joining us will be Ben Matsen from K-House, who will capture our trip on video for release after our return.
We intend to climb to the top of Jebel Musa (Mt Sinai), explore the altar of Moses at the base of the mountain, the Golden Calf altar, the Split Rock of Horeb, and travel what may have been the route of the Children of Israel from their Red Sea crossing to the base of Mt Sinai.
Please keep us in your prayers,
Ron Matsen
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