Personal Update, April 2022

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Product Order Forms KHouse TV App Is Here!
Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2022 2 | VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 ONLINE RESOURCES TWITTER @Koinoniahouse FACEBOOK For up-to-date information, current events and discussions, follow us on Facebook. KoinoniaHouse YOUTUBE koinoniahouse INSTAGRAM @chuckmissler VIMEO SOUNDCLOUD koinoniahouse COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER

Release of the KHouse TV App

In the March issue of “Personal Update,” we published my article “Digital Dictators,” which gave a summary of the direction we believe the world is heading regarding the personal rating systems...

6 Release of the KHouse TV App by Ron Matsen

In the March issue of “Personal Update,” we published my article “Digital Dictators,” which gave a summary of the direction we believe the world is heading regarding the personal rating systems which could soon be consolidated into a centralized database that would allow the elite to monitor and control the masses. As a result of these ongoing developments, I also pointed out that our ministry “reach” via the standard social media outlets has been severally diminished over the past six years due to the apparent blocking of our content.

Therefore, Koinonia House is formally releasing a whole new way for us to make our materials available to our friends and followers. This April, you should be able to download the KHouseTV app through the normal App Stores (IOS, Apple TV, Android, Android TV, Roku, Amazon).

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles and materials presented in this News Journal are those of the authors and/or reference sources, and do not necessarily reflect the views held by Koinonia House. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, our intention is to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal UPDATE subscribers. We encourage you to use discernment:

Acts 17:11

The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian for ministry in today’s world.



Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc. Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministry of Koinonia House.

Editor E-mail Address

Physical Address 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854

Mailing Address P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347 Phone

Online Subscriptions Koinonia House Website

Online Store

PLEASE NOTE: Unless otherwise expressly stated, pricing and offers in this Personal UPDATE are only valid for up to 30 days from the initial publication date and may be subject to change.

APRIL 2022 | Personal UPDATE VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 | 3
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
Orders/Subscriptions 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310 Fax: 1-208-773-6312
11 Israel Tour Information 17 Product Order Forms COVER 6
Approximately 26GB of MP3 Audio, Notes (handbooks), and Slideshow* files of Chuck Missler’s Complete Commentary Collection, Genesis to Revelation, in a single USB pack! Over 600 hours of commentary! Also available on MP3 DVD-ROM and Audio Download. ORDER NOW! Available from our store at (USB stick and case only, other items in photo not included) *Not all commentaries have slideshows.


We are so excited about the new materials and services we are releasing this month. We are releasing two new commentaries by Chuck Missler. The Book of Leviticus is now available in video format, and the Book of Revelation, video and DVD, has now been Remastered.

KHouse TV offers you a platform that will allow you to stream your videos on your personal devices, including smart-phones (Apple & Android), Roku, Apple TV, Android TV, and Amazon TV 1. To take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, go to the App Store, download the KHouse TV App, and start enjoying the available teaching. We also have a new streaming website so you can use either the app or the site depending on your device.

Our desire is to “equip the Saints for the work of the ministry” by providing materials that encourage the serious study of the Bible.

May God continue to bless you as you continue to study His Word.

In HIS service, Ron Matsen, President, Koinonia House

1 At time of writing, our app is available on Android, Android TV and Roku. The app has been approved by Apple but still in submission stage at Amazon, and should be released and available in their respective app stores in the coming week.

APRIL 2022 | Personal UPDATE VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 | 5


In the March issue of “Personal Update,” we published my article “Digital Dictators,” which gave a summary of the direction we believe the world is heading regarding the personal rating systems which could soon be consolidated into a centralized database that would allow the elite to monitor and control the masses. As a result of these ongoing developments, I also pointed out that our ministry “reach” via the standard social media outlets has been severally diminished over the past six years due to the apparent blocking of our content.

Therefore, Koinonia House is formally releasing a whole new way for us to make our materials available to our friends and followers. This April, you should be able to download the KHouse TV app through the normal App Stores (IOS, Apple TV, Android, Android TV, Roku,

6 | VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04

Amazon)1. This service has been in development within K-House for several years and has been made possible through generous funding from our ministry supporters. You will also be able to view our video materials via our website portal in the format of the KHouse TV app2. When you are on our main

1 At time of writing, our app is available on Android, Android TV and Roku. The app has been approved by Apple but still in submission stage at Amazon, and should be released and available in their respective app stores in the coming week.

2 Visit

APRIL 2022 | Personal UPDATE VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 | 7
COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER webpage, simply click on the KHouse TV button, and you can start enjoying your favorite teaching videos. Koinonia House has more than a thousand individual videos of Bible teaching. Our vision is to see all our video and audio content made available through this exciting window to the world. I believe that we are living in the Last Days as prophesied in the Bible. The apostle Paul went so far as to characterize these days as “perilous times.”3 Given the encroaching darkness that will eventually engulf the entire world, Christians need to be equipped and prepared to stand as “the light of the world.”4 To

Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2022 8 | VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04
accomplish this, we are offering a two-tiered service: 1) The Free Service has the following features: ˏ Stream Video and Audio content ˏ Large selection of free contentMost Topical Studies are now Free to Watch! ˏ Ad-free (No annoying ads in both free and paid subscriptions) ˏ Access recordings via app or web ˏ Cast to compatible device from your mobile device 2) The Paid Subscription has the following additional features: ˏ Access to premium content ˏ Background Audio Playback ˏ Resume from where you left off ˏ Personalized Play-list ˏ Optional ‘New Content’ notification ˏ Download for offline play 3 2 Timothy 3:1 4 Matthew 5:14 COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER

Part of the launch also includes a new Streaming Website5 so users can either use the app or site. The website is Live now:

Under Development

You may notice some content missing from the new streaming service. This is because, with the advance in TVs and Devices (namely 4k resolutions), we felt that it is important to remaster all our content to a minimum resolution that would still look good on large displays. So, we’ve omitted some of our low-resolution products and will release them regularly over time as they are remastered. Audio-only products also need to be adapted for the new streaming service.

Please Pray for Us.

Although there is considerable running cost associated with this type of streaming service, our hope is that as we “feed the flock” our Shepherd will provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. Please join us in prayer for this venture that doors will open, that believers will be encouraged and that the Gospel will reach beyond the control of the Digital Dictators.

We hope you’re as excited about this as we are, and we’re keen to get feedback and good app reviews. You can contact us at

APRIL 2022 | Personal UPDATE VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 | 9
5 KHouse TV is a new service, your existing K-House store, or in-store on-demand login, will not work. A new account set-up is required for login or subscription in the app or KHouse TV website.


Experience Israel with expert insights from our guides and teachers: Eli Shukron, Ido Garfinkel, Bob Cornuke and Ron Matsen. After each full day, you can enjoy great food and excellent hotels.


We know that, for many, this is the trip of a lifetime, so we work hard to give you the best possible tour. We use the authority of the Bible, honest discussion about the sites we visit, and all the support we can provide to help you along the way.

This BASE Tour is distinctive because it offers:

• More experts on the Bible, archaeology, and history than any other tours we know

• More authentic sites, rather than traditional ones

• More discussions of controversies concerning the Land and the Bible, such as how the Bible is used by archaeologists, dating methods, and the theories about the location of the Second Temple, Golgotha, etc.

10 | VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04
BOOK COLLECTION Availabele from Enjoy 25 of Chuck Missler's small paperback books in one collection! This collection includes: The 7th Day, Angels Vol. 1 & 2, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse book set, The Beyond book set, The Christmas Story, Daniel's 70 Weeks, The Feasts of Israel, Footprints of the Messiah, Fulcrum of the Entire Universe, Hidden Treasures, How We Got Our Bible, How to Study the Bible, Israel and the Church, The Origin of Evil, The Rapture, The Romance of Redemption, Spiritual Gifts, and The Trinity. Small Book Collection $148.00 Sale Price: $99.00 eBook Download: $24.75 Note: Not all books in collection pictured. Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2022 12 | VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER
COMMENTARY Leviticus Commentary by Chuck Missler Now on DVD! US$69.90 Video Download US$55.95 Audio download US$34.95 MP3 CD-ROM US$39.95 AVAILABLE from our online store: Now available on DVD and as Video Download! It may come as a surprise to discover that there are a number of Biblical experts who regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible! The Book of Leviticus cannot be "read;" it has to be studied. But fasten your seat belts! It's going to be an exciting and highly privileged excursion! APRIL 2022 | Personal UPDATE VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 | 13 COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER
REMASTERED Revelation Commentary REMASTERED by Chuck Missler Now on DVD! US$89.95 Video Download US$71.95 AVAILABLE from our online store: REMASTERED VIDEO! Personal UPDATE | APRIL 2022 14 | VOLUME 32 | ISSUE 04 COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER


The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special?

One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck's analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal "first study" and foundational for every Christian.

STUDY GUIDES Revelation Study Guides
This is supplemental material for Chuck's Revelation Commentary Leader's Guide (Paperback) US$9.95 Student Guide + Workbook (Paperback) US$14R.95 AVAILABLE from our online store:
Each session in the Revelation Student Study Guide has a selection of 10 true/false,
or matching questions (Answer key in the Leader's Guide), discussion topics and plenty of space to take notes during your study.

Koinonia Institute is an online Bible Institute with a focus on verseby-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness and commitment!

Here at KI, we delve into the relevance and reliability of Scripture, and help you focus on discovering God’s call on your life.

Whether you have years of Bible training or are just beginning your spiritual journey, the curriculum here will challenge you to see the harvest and ask the Lord of the Harvest to send you into His fields (Matthew 9:37-38).

Go to for more information.


Behold a Red Horse CDA150

Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30 Behold a White Horse CDA149 DVD158 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46 Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17 Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 DVD23 Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Spiritual Gifts - 3 Hours CDA42 DVD155 Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134

Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07

Thanksgiving CDA84

The Architecture of Man CDA45

Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18

Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71

Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 DVD124

Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103

Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 DVD61

The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05 Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110

What Is Truth? CDA63 DVD34


Letters To Seven Churches CDA39

Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06

The 7th Day CDA093

Beyond Coincidence

CDA34 DVD82 Manifesto of our King CDA62 DVD31 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85

Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84

Beyond Time & Space CDA31 DVD80

The Agony of Love CDA51 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30

The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 DVD136 Digging Up the Truth CDA03

The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler DVD79

The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 Genesis and the Big Bang CDA40

The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32

The Flood of Noah CDA43 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48

The Origin of Evil CDA85 DVD58 Seat of Mercy CDA07

The Physics of Immortality CDA148 DVD157 Stretching the Heavens CDA57

The Rapture CDA13 DVD75 The Holographic Universe CDA119 DVD116 The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107 The Trinity CDA33 Technology & the Bible CDA80 DVD52 The Whole Counsel of God CDA102

Mark Titles Below And Add Total To The Summary At The Bottom Of This Page. Order Forms Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit Each
US$19.95 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video BASIC BIBLE STUDIES CD Qty DVD Qty GETTING STARTED SERIES CD Qty DVD Qty
All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change. See also our online store:
study is
Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 DVD108
Walk Thru the Bible CDA56 Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109
to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28 Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135
We Got Our Bible REMASTERED CDA55 DVD27RM Behold a Black Horse CDA151 DVD160 The Grand Adventure CDA47 Behold a Livid Horse CDA152 DVD161 PERSONAL CD Qty DVD
Avi) CDA05
DVD112 Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 DVD19 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137 Europa Rising CDA15 DVD04 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130 Hosea, Can You See? CDA44 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144 Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132 Myths of Eschatology CDA156 DVD167 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123 Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 DVD02 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126 The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129 The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128 The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77 Mary - Dr. William Welty Ph.D. DVD170 The New World Order CDA52 The Last Religion - Jeremiah Films DVD180 The Next Holocaust CDA65 DVD36 The Last Religion 2 DVD1802 The Sword of Allah CDA105 TOPICAL STUDIES ORDER SUMMARY CD Qty DVD Qty CD Qty DVD Qty ** Individual Topical Studies ** ** Individual Topical Studies ** APRIL 2022 | Personal UPDATE COVER • CONTENTS • ORDER
DVD72 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38 This Generation CDA27 DVD24 Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63
A Legacy of Hate (Chuck &
Critical Thinking - Corlett CDA158 DVD177 Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117

Other Topical Studies

Alien Encounters Conference

Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs

An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs

Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs

Expectations of the AntichristChuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs

DVD131 39.95

CDA155 49.95 DVD165 49.95

CDA121 49.95 DVD118 49.95

CD102 29.95 CDA24 49.95

CDA141 49.95 DVD141 49.95

Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVDMatsen DVD149 39.90

Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs

CDA097 49.95

Islamic Uprising - Lipkin DVD97 19.95 Kingdom, Power & Glory WeekendChuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs CDA126 49.95 DVD125 49.95

On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs

CDA154 19.95 DVD163 19.95

Prophecy 101 - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CD111 19.95 CDA66 29.95 DVD08 29.95 Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs CDA122 19.95 DVD121 19.95

Seasonal Favorites - Chuck Missler: 10 hrs CD107 39.95

Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin

CDA79 19.95 DVD47 19.95 Sleeping in America - Lipkin CDA19 19.95 DVD11 19.95

Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 4 hrs

The Beyond Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs

The Case for Mecca - Lipkin

CDA118 29.95 DVD114 29.95

CDA109 49.95 DVD86 49.95

CDA099 19.95 DVD69 19.95

The Coming Conflict - Lipkin CDA72 19.95 DVD38 19.95

The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman: 8+ hrs CD103 29.95 CDA096 49.95

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs DVD89 19.95

The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs

The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs

The Legacy: Israel in ProphecyChuck Missler: 12 hrs

The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: 1 hr

CD104 39.95

CDA090 49.95 DVD113 49.95

CDA153 49.95 DVD162 49.95

CDA138 29.95 DVD138 29.95

DVD152 14.95

The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr DVD154 14.95

The Romance of RedemptionChuck Missler: 4 hrs

CDA091 29.95 DVD143 29.95

CDA81 19.95 DVD53 19.95 Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 5 hrs CDA120 39.95 DVD117 39.95

Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin

All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: For Australia and New Zealand, go to:

MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total
Commentaries MP3 Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total
Genesis (24 sessions) CD116 44.95 CDC01 89.95 DVD15 89.95 Exodus (16 sessions) CD011 39.95 Numbers (8 sessions) CD046 29.95 CDC04 44.95 DVD94 44.95 Deuteronomy (16 sessions) CD043 39.95 DVD179 69.95 Leviticus (16 sessions) * NEW DVD * CD037 39.95 COMDVDLEV 69.95 Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) CD018 39.95 Judges (16 sessions) CD038 39.95 Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) CD019 29.95 CDC20 44.95 DVD66 44.95 I & II Samuel (16 sessions) CD040 39.95 I & II Kings (16 sessions) CD041 39.95

Commentaries - Continued

I & II Chronicles (16 sessions)


CD048 39.95

CDC09 69.95 DVD76 69.95

Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions)

CD033 29.95

CD042 29.95 Job (8 sessions)

Psalms (24 sessions)

Ecclesiastes (8 sessions)

Song of Songs (5 sessions)

Isaiah (24 sessions)

Jeremiah/Lamentations (24 sessions)

Ezekiel (24 sessions)

Daniel (16 sessions)

Prophets to the N. Kingdom (13 sessions)

Prophets to the Gentiles (8 sessions)

Prophets to the S. Kingdom (13 sessions)

Prophets to the Post-Exile (22 sessions)

Matthew (24 sessions)

Mark (16 sessions)

Luke (24 sessions)

John (20 sessions)

Acts (16 sessions)

Romans (24 sessions)

I & II Corinthians (22 sessions)

Galatians (8 sessions)

Ephesians (8 sessions)

Philippians (6 sessions)

CD047 29.95 CDC05 44.95 DVD29 44.95

CD049 44.95 CDC12 89.95 DVD43 89.95 Proverbs (8 sessions)

CD039 29.95

CD017 29.95 CDC30 44.95 DVD98 44.95

CD022 44.95 CDC33 89.95 DVD139 89.95

CD015 44.95

CD008 44.95 CDC16 89.95 DVD60 89.95

CD004 39.95 CDC02 69.95 DVD20 69.95

CD051 34.95 CDC26 59.95 DVD91 59.95

CD052 29.95 CDC27 44.95 DVD92 44.95

CD050 34.95 CDC25 59.95 DVD87 59.95

CD053 44.95

CD006 44.95 CDC06 89.95 DVD33 89.95

CD028 39.95 CDC23 69.95 DVD81 69.95

CD021 44.95 CDC29 89.95 DVD96 89.95

CD027 39.95 CDC32 74.95 DVD120 74.95

CD023 39.95 CDC31 69.95 DVD104 69.95

CD009 44.95 CDC10 89.95 DVD46 89.95

CD055 44.95 CDC34 89.95 DVD164 89.95

CD012 29.95 CDC15 44.95 DVD55 44.95

CD020 29.95 CDC17 44.95 DVD59 44.95

CD030 29.95 CDC28 44.95 DVD93 44.95

CD034 29.95 CDC21 44.95 DVD74 44.95 I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions)

Colossians (8 sessions)

CD032 29.95 CDC24 44.95 DVD83 44.95 I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon (8 sessions)

CD014 29.95 CDC13 44.95 DVD51 44.95 Hebrews (16 sessions)

CD016 39.95 CDC11 69.95 DVD54 69.95 James (8 sessions)

CD013 29.95 CDC07 44.95 DVD168 44.95

CD024 29.95 CDC18 44.95 DVD64 44.95 I, II, & III John (8 sessions)

I & II Peter (8 sessions)

CD029 29.95 CDC22 44.95 DVD78 44.95 Jude (8 sessions) CD010 29.95 CDC08 44.95 DVD169 44.95

Revelation (24 sessions) REMASTERED

Leaders Commentary Bundle: Timothy, Peter and Jude

Minor Prophets Set on MP3 CD-ROM * SAVE $44.85 *

Entire Old Testament on MP3 CDROM * SAVE OVER $430 *

Entire Old Testament Mixed Format Collection (MP3 CD & DVD) * NEW - SAVE OVER $500 *

Entire New Testament on MP3 CD-ROM * SAVE OVER $280 *

Entire New Testament on DVD * SAVE OVER $480 *

Entire Bible on USB

* NEW - SAVE OVER $950 *

Entire Bible on MP3 DVD-ROM

CD005 44.95 CDC03 89.95 DVD26 89.95


CD054 99.95

CDOTEST 499.00


CDNTEST 399.00



All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change. See also our online store:


Price Qty CD Price Qty DVD Price Qty Total
NOTE: Mixed Format Collection includes all available Old Testament Commentary DVDs, PLUS the remaining Audio Only Old Testament Commentaries on MP3 CD-Rom in a single collection!

Comprehensive Study Workbooks

Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook

# Price Qty

BK124 14.95

Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) BK136 14.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook BK123 14.95

Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook

Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

BK122 14.95

BK120 14.95

BK144 14.95

BK137 14.95

Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK127 14.95

Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook

BK167 14.95

Prophets to the S. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook BK168 14.95

Prophets to the Gentiles Comprehensive Workbook BK169 14.95

Matthew Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK143 14.95

Mark Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK183 14.95

Luke Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

John Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

Acts Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

Romans Commentary Comprehensive Workbook

BK177 14.95

BK182 14.95

BK178 14.95


Revelation Commentary Comprehensive Workbook BK131 14.95

Commentary Handbooks - New Revised and Updated Format

Deuteronomy Commentary Handbook

# Price Qty Total

NB041FR 14.95

James Commentary Handbook NB021FR 7.95

Jude Commentary Handbook NB012FR 7.95

Joshua and the Twelve Tribes Commentary Handbook

NB002FR 14.95 Genesis Commentary Handbook NB042FR 14.95

Revelation: Commentary Handbook NB013FR 14.95

Romans: Commentary Handbook * NEW * NB027FR 14.95

Bundles # Price Qty Total

Acts Study Set (DVD, Handbook and Workbook)

Alien Encounters Bundle (Book, DVD and Audiobook on MP3)

Beyond Book Bundle (Paperback: Beyond Time and Space, Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Perception and Beyond Newton)

Commentary Handbook Collection - Complete set of 44 Printed Commentary Handbooks (Paperback)

The Cornuke Book Bundle - The Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (hardback), Golgotha (paperback), Temple (paperback), and Search for the Ark of the Covenant (paperback).

The Chuck Missler Big Book Bundle: Enjoy 3 of Chuck Missler’s big books in one bundle: I, Jesus; Alien Encounters; and Cosmic Codes!

Chuck Missler Small Book Collection (Paperbacks Included: Angels Volume I, Angels Volume II, Behold a Black Horse, Behold a Livid Horse, Behold a White Horse, Behold a Red Horse, Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Newton, Beyond Perception, Beyond Time & Space, Daniel’s 70 Week’s, Footprints of the Messiah, Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text, How We Got Our Bible, Israel and the Church, The 7th Day, The Christmas Story, The Feasts of Israel, The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe, The Origin of Evil, The Rapture, The Romance of Redemption, The Spiritual Gifts, The Trinity, How to Study the Bible.)

Daniel: Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Daniel Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

Deuteronomy DVD plus FREE Handbook (paperback)

The Four Horsemen Paperback Bundle (White, Red, Black and Livid Horse)

The End Times Scenario Bundle (DVD)

Genesis: Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Genesis Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

The Good News Bundle (The Love of God, The Gospel and The Great Commission on DVD by Ron Matsen)

Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler - 10 Pack (paperback)

Jude DVD plus FREE Handbook (paperback)

BUNDLE026 80.00

BUNDLE017 44.95

BUNDLE022 19.95


BUNDLE023 39.95

BUNDLE029 39.95

BUNDLE021 99.00

SGP06 119.95

BUNDLE025 80.00

BUNDLE020 69.95

BUNDLE003 19.95


SGP03 139.95

BUNDLE011 99.85


BUNDLE007 50.00

BUNDLE016 44.95

All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: For Australia and New Zealand, go to:


Bundles - Continued # Price

KI Bronze Bundle

DVD set * SAVE $59.75 *

The Last Religion Bundle - DVD - The Last Religion 1 & 2

Leaders Commentary Bundle - DVD - Timothy, Titus & Philemon, I & II Peter and Jude Commentaries

Mary Bundle: (DVD, Paperback book)

Matthew: Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Numbers Study Set - (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)




BUNDLE013 24.95

SGP10 139.95


Prophecy DVD Bundle (Daniel 70 Weeks, Magog, Rapture, Prophecy 101) BUNDLE019 49.95

Proverbs Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

Revelation: Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Revelation Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

Romans Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Romans Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

The Study Bible Bundle: Evidence Bible & How to Study the Bible Book

The Supernatural Realm Bundle: Expectations of the Antichrist, The Origin of Evil, Heaven and Hell and the Angels Series

Weathering the Coming Storm Bundle: Weathering the Coming Storm, Leadership for the End Times, Church in the End Times

Welty Bundle (Books: I, Jesus, Mary, Since He Wrote About Me)


SGP11 139.95

BUNDLE012 99.85



BUNDLE030 34.95



BUNDLE018 29.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours # Price Qty Total

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler

DVD25 89.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book BK107 19.99

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on Audio CD - 24 CDs + CD-ROM

CDA10 89.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM CD105 44.95

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

BUNDLE004 99.85

LTBUSB 49.95 Books

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Group Study Package - USB

The 7th Day - Chuck Missler

# Price Qty Total

BK221 5.95

The Agony of Love - Chuck Missler BK234 5.95

Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman BK056 16.95

Alien Encounters Audiobook (Audio CD Set) ABK030 34.95

Angels: Vol. 1 - Cosmic Warfare - Chuck Missler

Angels: Vol. 2 - Messengers from the Metacosm - Chuck Missler

Behold a White Horse - Chuck Missler

BK217 5.95

BK219 5.95

BK195 5.95

Behold a Red Horse - Chuck Missler BK196 5.95

Behold a Black Horse - Chuck Missler BK197 5.95

Behold a Livid Horse - Chuck Missler BK198 5.95

Beyond Coincidence - Chuck Missler BK205 5.95

Beyond Newton - Chuck Missler

Beyond Perception - Chuck Missler

Beyond Time and Space - Chuck Missler

Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded!

The Christmas Story - Chuck Missler

Daniel's 70 Weeks - Chuck Missler

The Easter Story: What Really Happened - Chuck Missler

The Feasts of Israel - Chuck Missler

Footprints of the Messiah - Chuck Missler

Fulcrum of the Entire Universe

Halloween: Invitation to the Occult? - Chuck Missler

Heaven and Hell - Chuck Missler

Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler

How to Study the Bible - Chuck Missler

How We Got Our Bible - Chuck Missler

I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - Chuck Missler & William Welty

Israel and the Church - Chuck Missler

The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler

BK207 5.95

BK206 5.95

BK204 5.95

BK119 19.95

BK199 5.95

BK194 5.95


BK209 5.95

BK210 5.95

BK218 5.95


BK231 5.95

BK100 5.95

BK226 5.95

BK203 5.95

BK188 19.95

BK214 5.95

BK150 18.95

Mary: Ten Test Questions for the World's Finest Woman - William Welty BK208 9.95

All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change. See also our online store:

Qty Total


The Origin of Evil - Chuck Missler

The Physics of Immortality - Chuck Missler

BK220 5.95


Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler BK139 13.99

The Rapture - Chuck Missler BK193 5.95

The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler BK202 5.95

The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches - Chuck Missler BK227 5.95 Since He Wrote About Me - William Welty BK222 14.95

The Sovereignty of Man - Chuck Missler BK228 5.95

Spiritual Gifts - Chuck Missler BK215 5.95

The Trinity - Chuck Missler BK200 5.95

Robert Cornuke Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty

The Cornuke DVD Bundle - Includes: Search for the Ark of the Covenant, Mountain of Fire, Search for Noah's Ark, Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul

BUNDLEDVD4 44.85 Bob Cornuke 3 Book Bundle (Includes: Explore, The Lost Shipwreck of Paul and Search for the Ark of the Covenant)


Golgotha - Searching for the True Location of Christ’s Crucifixion


BKEXP 14.95

BK212 12.00 DVD175 19.95

In Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (Hardcover) BK211 12.00

Mountain of Fire - The Search for the True Mount Sinai(Approx. 1 hr)

DVD171 14.95

DVD163 19.95 Search for the Ark of the Covenant

On the Trail of Discovery - (Approx. 2 hrs)

BK223 12.00 DVD172 14.95 Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD173 14.95 Search for Noah's Ark - (Approx. 1 hr) DVD174 14.95

Temple BK191 12.00 Tradition BK232 12.00

The King’s High Way Series - by Nancy Missler

Book Price Qty DVD Price Qty Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves

BK105 5.95 Be Ye Transformed BK020 17.95 DVD16 49.95 Be Ye Transformed Leader's Guide - Notebook BK023 19.95

Faith in the Night Seasons

BK087 15.95 DVD17 49.95

Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide - Notebook BK095 19.95 Hope Against Hope BK189 18.95 Never Give Up! BK129 6.95

Private Worship: The Key to Joy BK114 14.95 Re-Igniting the Passion - (Approx. 4 hours) DVD39 34.95

Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life BK140 12.95

The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? BK102 6.95

The Key: How to Let Go and Let God BK098 6.95

The Kingdom, Power & Glory

BK150 18.95 DVD57 59.95

The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide - Notebook BK155 19.95

The Way of Agape

BK016 17.95 DVD10 49.95

BK019 19.95 Tomorrow May Be Too Late BK118 6.95 Why Should I Be The First to Change (Introductory) BK015 6.95

The Way of Agape Leader's Guide - Notebook

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- Continued # Price Qty Total
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Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Group Study Package

US$49.95 (free shipping within the USA)

Chuck Missler deeply believed that the Church in the end times would need to be “self-feeders.” In his teaching series on the Once and Future Church, Chuck emphasized the fact that the best place to practically learn the Bible is within a small group of believers who are all dedicated to taking the Bible seriously.

To help facilitate this vision, Koinonia House has prepared a complete study group tool kit. Just add a group of people excited to explore the Bible and you have all you need to start your group NOW!

The LTB24 Group Study Package materials are all contained on a handsomely presented USB drive that is housed in an engraved wooden presentation box which includes:

• LTB24 HD MP4 video files (24 High Definition Videos, with optional English and Spanish Subtitles)

• LTB24 MP3 audio files (All 24 audio files)

• LTB24 Handbook - PDF (Supplemental Notes by Chuck Missler)

• LTB24 Group Leader’s Guide – PDF (“How to lead a group” instructions, Session Questions Answer Key, Group Discussion Questions)

• Chuck's Original Power Point files

• LTB24 Student Study Guide – PDF (Session Questions, Discussion Topics and areas for Personal Notes)

• Optional KI Membership

• Optional KI K-Credits for the Group Leader (Requires a KI Practicum submittal)

Available from:

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