Personal Update, March 2025

Page 1

Becoming a Bible Explorer

To Answer or Not to Answer, That is the Question! by


Becoming a Bible Explorer

Wh at is an Explorer? An explorer is a person who investigates something they are unfamiliar with

6 Becoming a Bible Explorer by Ron Matsen

What is an Explorer? An explorer is a person who investigates something they are unfamiliar with. It is a term that does not carry with it the sense of academic achievement, public recognition, or formal accreditation. I believe it simply describes a person unsatisfied with their intellectual status quo. They are driven to seek out and comprehend the previously unknown. Therefore, I have chosen to use this term because I believe that, in one way or another, we can all be explorers....

21 To Answer or Not to Answer, That is the Question! by

This is the second article in a series of articles written to exhort you, Gracious Reader, to guard (keep) your heart and to provide tools for doing so. The verse above focuses on this article. The delivery of timely words that give grace according to the need of the moment requires study, discipline and forethought whereas evil flows freely from the spontaneous, ill-prepared and careless remark. The one who controls the tongue reveals a spiritual maturity and self-control.

27 Product Order Forms

The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) company.

Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian for ministry in today’s world.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles and materials presented in this News Journal are those of the authors and/or reference sources, and do not necessarily reflect the views held by Koinonia House. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, our intention is to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal UPDATE subscribers. We encourage you to use discernment:

Acts 17:11

“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”









Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2025. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia House.

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Joshua: An Expositional Commentary

Under close examination, the Book of Joshua seems to be a precursor to the book of Revelation: another Yehoshua, as Commander-in-Chief, will dispossess the Planet Earth of its usurpers -- first sending in two witnesses, then with a series of judgments of sevens, finally defeating the kings with signs in the sun and moon while the kings of the earth all hide in caves. What does the name "Joshua" mean?

This study contains 8 hours of verse by verse teachings.



xplorers seek the unknown, challenging assumptions and uncovering deeper truths. My article in this Personal UPDATE follows my journey—from a lifelong fascination with archaeology to a quest for verifiable evidence of the biblical Exodus. Through research, expert insights, and a pivotal expedition to Saudi Arabia, I have worked to connect ancient texts with tangible discoveries, questioning tradition and searching for a clearer understanding of history.

Proverbs 15:28 reminds us that the righteous choose their words carefully, while the wicked speak recklessly. Chris Corlett’s article continues a series on guarding your heart and using wisdom in speech. Scripture teaches when to speak and when to remain silent—an important lesson in today’s world of quick reactions.

We hope you find these insightful, helpful, spur discussions in your local study groups, and we thank you for you continuing support for Koinonia House.

In His Service,


What is an Explorer? An explorer is a person who investigates something they are unfamiliar with. It is a term that does not carry with it the sense of academic achievement, public recognition, or formal accreditation. I believe it simply describes a person unsatisfied with their intellectual status quo. They are driven to seek out and comprehend the previously unknown. Therefore, I have chosen to use this term because I believe that, in one way or another, we can all be explorers.

I have always been one of those people who love adventure. Although I am not a blind-faith kind of guy, exploring the roots and rationale of Bible-related discoveries fascinates me. By removing the shrouds of tales and tradition, I found myself compelled to seek out truth wherever it could be found and tested.

Ron Matsen CEO, Koinonia House

I was raised in a home by Christian parents who took me to churches where I heard all of the standard Biblical stories. Time and time again, I was encouraged to “simply believe” everything I was being shown and taught. As I grew into my teenage years, I found myself needing to test many of these foundational declarations coming from these spiritual mentors. As you can imagine, many saw me as confused and perhaps even a little bit contentious. Nevertheless, I strongly felt that if something is worth believing with your whole heart, it needs to be more than untestable stories.

My family and I moved from New York State to Portsmouth, England, in 1992. While living there, my favorite place to visit was the British Museum. Seeing and even touching real antiquity was amazing to me. Being there made me feel connected to history in a way that books or videos could never satisfy.

By this time, I had heard of the 1984 adventures of Ron Wyatt and his declaration that he had found the real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. I was also excited by the investigative work David Rohl did in his book

The British Museum, London, UK - Photo by Claudiodivizia

“A Test of Time” published in 1995. In 2001 came “The Exodus Case” by Dr. Lennart Möller, and by then, I was still enthusiastic but now completely confused. It seemed that the more I researched the findings of these experts, the more uncertain I became of ever satisfying my desire to see clear evidence that tracked with the Biblical narrative of the Exodus. I kept coming back to the constant in true archeology, which was that findings and conclusions needed to be independently verified.

Most of the controversy seemed to center around the location of the crossing from Egypt to Mount Sinai. From the Reed Sea in upper Egypt to the Gulf of Aqaba, many different theories have been proposed, but none of them had the power to convincingly settle in as the final solution. In every case, the problem was independent, unbiased verification.

In 2001, my wife and family lived with me in England as expats from the United States. In early August, my wife and I returned to our former home in Upstate New York to fix it so we could sell it. While we were there, our good friend Chris Corlett gave us a copy of the book “In Search for the Mountain of God” by Bob Cornuke and David Halbrook. By mid-September, we were preparing to return to our home in England when a terrorist attack brought down the Twin Towers in New York City, and we were all grounded.

While waiting for our return flight to the UK the following week, we read Bob’s book about how he and Larry Williams explored the reports of the real Mount Sinai being in the northwestern corner of Saudi Arabia in 1988. It was a riveting experience as we read about their adventures and discoveries.

In 2002, Bob Cornuke joined Chuck Missler, Dave Hunt, Roger Oakland, and others for a conference we sponsored in Portsmouth, England. As you can imagine, I took every opportunity to extract as much information as possible about his exploration methods and objectives. By this time, an inextinguishable question raged in my mind

concerning the possibility that some of the events recorded in the Bible could actually have residual evidence available for me to explore in my lifetime.

Since reading Bob Cornuke’s book, “Mountain of God,” I have been exploring and examining every bit of information, articles, or pictures I could find concerning the evidence for the Biblical Exodus account. With the assistance of published materials and internet searches, I collected hundreds of pieces of evidence to fit into the broader puzzle that would ultimately reveal the Biblical narrative of the Exodus account.

The Trouble with Tradition

There are certain key events that are recorded in Scripture that provide the fundamentals for our faith in the Biblical narrative. The early Church pointed to the Cross and the Resurrection as irrefutable proof that Jesus Christ was the only one that provided our salvation. 1 For the Jews, their “salvation” experience happened when they departed Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and arrived at the foot of Mount Sinai. Here, the Nation of Israel was born. Here, the Nation of Israel was given the Laws of God. Here, the Nation of Israel would be given their instructions on what they were to do as a people ruled by God.

1 Acts 1:3

When you consider the traditional sites associated with the Biblical account of the Exodus in the Sinai Peninsula, you quickly realize that there is very little verifiable evidence of these. Therefore, you can understand why most modern Children of Israel do not take the Biblical account of the Exodus seriously.

This is aided by the fact that many internationally recognized experts dispute the historicity of these stories. Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and Director of the Giza Pyramids Excavation, wrote,

“Archaeologists who have worked here have never turned up evidence to support the account in the Bible.” 2

This skepticism continues with contemporary Jewish religious leaders.

2 New York Times, April 3, 2007

David Wolpe, Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, CA; Assistant to the Chancellor at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York who was named “one of the 500 Most Influential People in Los Angeles in 2016 and again in 2017”, “The Most Influential Rabbi in America” by Newsweek Magazine and “One of the 50 Most Influential Jews in the World” by The Jerusalem Post says,

“The truth is that virtually every modern archeologist who has investigated the story of the Exodus, with very few exceptions, agrees that the way the Bible describes the Exodus is not the way it happened, if it happened at all.” 3

To compound the confusion, most modern Bibles with maps in the back show the Exodus sites with a question mark next to them. Why? The answer is simple. The publishers cannot, in good conscience, point to a place with little or no credibility. After all, any inaccuracies printed alongside the Holy Scriptures would cause the whole document to be subject to suspicion.

These disturbing statements challenged me to dig deeper into this paradigm event in the history of the nation and the people of Israel. After my research over the past 18 years, I was convinced that I could only take this quest so far without actually investigating the archeological sites themselves.

Evidence-Based Exploration

What is Evidence?

Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. There are two categories of evidence admissible in a court of law: Direct Evidence , which is an

3 Los Angeles Times, Times religion writer, Teresa Watanabe, April 13, 2001

eyewitness account, and Circumstantial Evidence, which is proof that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact.

Understanding the Evidence

With these two types of evidence in hand, we then utilize various tools of interpretation. Our investigative toolbox can include the following:

1) Corroborating Evidence tends to confirm a proposition that is already supported by some other initial evidence.

2) Compound Circumstantial Evidence involves employing the technique of determining the compound probability of a series of events occurring to form a credible theory that leads to a conclusion of fact. As the evidence mounts, it should be like the proverbial “elephant in the room” that cannot be discounted through all avoidance behavior.

3) Chain of Evidence is a process and record that shows who obtained the evidence; where and when the evidence was obtained; who secured the evidence; and who had control or possession of the evidence. This element of investigation is crucial to the integrity of the case.

The Crucible of Cross-Examination

Every full and fair exploration must contain the counterbalance of testing to determine the complete truth. Therefore, there are two more elements of our investigation that must be included if we are to arrive at a reasonable conclusion.

1) Exculpatory Evidence tends to contradict a proposition that is otherwise supported by the current theory. In criminal law, the investigator must reveal all exculpatory evidence before the accused enters a plea. If this is not revealed, it naturally calls into question the accuracy of the declared finding.

2) Independent Verification is key to establishing a non-biased conclusion. It invites critical review and comment. It can prevent the downward spiral of confirmation bias, which

can result in viable alternative understandings. Although this is never a pleasant experience, the benefit of credibility will outweigh the pain of criticism.

How do we investigate ancient evidence?

In 2019, I was introduced to the Israeli archaeologist and academic Dr. Yosef Garfinkel. He is a professor of prehistoric archaeology and archaeology of the Biblical period at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of 34 books and over 180 articles on a wide variety of topics related to archeology. He has become a personal friend and has assisted me many times with his experience and insights into the world of modern archaeological practices.

According to Dr. Garfinkel, credible research requires three elements of investigation. First, there is the discovered item itself. This is the WHAT of archeology. The next is the WHERE, which refers to geographical location. This is

when the explorer begins to knit the finding with the location. And finally, there is the WHEN. Establishing the time frame for the item found is the final piece of the puzzle that gives the whole discovery its context. There are many scientific methods for approximating the age of individual items, so we are fortunate to have advanced tools that assist archeologists in their pursuit of understanding.

Ultimately, all archeological declarations are based on some degree of uncertainty. Conclusions are achieved by combining Circumstantial Evidence (What can be assumed), Corroborating Evidence (That which supports the assumptions), and a clear Chain of Evidence (Which protects the items from outside corruption). When you add the benefit of corrective input from Exculpatory Evidence (Which may contradict the assumptions) and Independent Verification (Which can offer a different perspective), you have the full picture that can give helpful insight into the locations and events of antiquity.

Feet on the Ground

Therefore, my approach to this investigation into the evidence for the Exodus was simple. I started with the Biblical text as a compass that would point me in the direction to explore. I then began to collect every

document or report I could find in the hope that one day, I would be able to explore and verify the data I had been collecting independently.

In September 2019, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) officially opened its doors to tourists. Previously, travel to the Kingdom was almost entirely restricted to expatriate workers, those with business visas, and religious pilgrims visiting the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. As soon as I heard of this new development, I jumped onto the KSA Visitor’s website and made my application to travel to this previously forbidden destination.

On February 21, 2020, Bob Cornuke, Jim Schmidt, my son Ben, and I began a journey that would take us to a place where, quite possibly, God made Himself known to Moses and the Children of Israel. From the moment we arrived in Saudi Arabia, we all sensed that this would be an amazing experience. Armed with cameras, microphones, drones, hiking gear, and lots of water, we were ready to seek out all the places that I had only visited through the lens of someone else’s camera.

My Conclusion

We began our exploration at the mouth of the Red Sea as it entered the Gulf of Aqaba. If we can draw any conclusions from the Compound Circumstantial Evidence that we presented, then it seems likely that the sum of these parts constructs a compelling story that flows with the Biblical narrative recorded in the Book of Exodus.

We are told that after crossing the Red Sea, the Children of Israel made a 3-day journey to the Bitter Springs (Exodus 15:22). They then came to the Wells of Elim where there were 12 wells + 70 Palms (Exodus 15:27).

From there they traveled through the Wilderness of Sin (Exodus 16:1) to the Camp at Rephidim (Exodus 17:1) where Moses struck the rock and water came out (Exodus 17:6). Here they would build an altar to worship their God after they defeated the Amalekites (Exodus 17:15,16). From there, they would travel and camp at the Base of Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19:2). God would tell Moses to provide Boundary Markers (Exodus 19:12,13) to mark off the area that the people should not enter lest they die. The top of the mountain was surrounded

with smoke and fire (Exodus 19:18). Moses was instructed by God to construct an Altar for the sacrifices (Exodus 20:24,25) around which he would place Twelve Pillars representing the 12 Tribes of Israel (Exodus 24:4). While Moses in up on the mountain, Aaron listens to the cries of the people an builds a Golden Calf Altar (Exodus 32:3,4). A Wild

Party follows (Exodus 32:5,6), which results in 3,000 people being executed and buried in a Mass Grave Site near Mt Sinai (Exodus 32:2528). Many years later, the prophet Elijah will flee the wrath of Queen Jezebel and make a journey where he will take up lodgings in a cave on the Mountain of God. (1 Kings 19:8,9)

During our 2020 trip to Median in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we were able to validate that there are sites in chronological order that fit with the Biblical narrative laid out in the Book of Exodus. I believe that no place on earth better fits that narrative than these sites in the northwestern region of Saudi Arabia. There is still much exploration to be done and findings to be validated, but I hope that this simple personal journal will assist you on your journey to the truth.


Cornuke DVD Bundle

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Video Download

$27.80 $14.95 (Save $12.85)

AVAILABLE from our online store:

This bundle includes the following titles by Bob Cornuke:

• Mountain of Fire: The Search for the True Mount Sinai - 60 Min DVD

• Search for Noah's Ark: The Lost Mountains of Noah - 60 Min DVD

• Search for the Ark of the Covenant - 60 Min DVD

• Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - 34 min DVD

Bob Cornuke has been described by some as “The Real Indiana Jones.” His exploits have excited the interests of believers and skeptics alike. He has appeared on the National Geographic Channel, CBS, NBC’s Dateline, Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, History Channel and Ripley’s Believe It or Not.


$86.80 $44.95 (Save $41.85)

AVAILABLE from our online store:

This bundle includes the following titles by Bob Cornuke:

• On the Trail of Discovery - DVD

• In Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - Book (hardback)

• Tradition - Book (paperback)

• Explore - Book (paperback), and

• Search for the Ark of the Covenant - Book (paperback)

Bob Cornuke has been described by some as “The Real Indiana Jones.” His exploits have excited the interests of believers and skeptics alike. He has appeared on the National Geographic Channel, CBS, NBC’s Dateline, Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, History Channel and Ripley’s Believe It or Not.



The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.

Proverbs 15:28

This is the second article1 in a series of articles written to exhort you, Gracious Reader, to guard (keep) your heart and to provide tools for doing so. The verse above focuses on this article. The delivery of timely words that give grace according to the need of the moment2 requires study, discipline and forethought whereas evil flows freely from the spontaneous, ill-prepared and careless remark. The one who controls the tongue reveals a spiritual maturity and self-control.3 When describing somebody who lacks this maturity or self-control, Chuck often used the phrase “Ready, fire, aim!” often applying it to the apostle Peter. “I put my foot in my mouth” is a more common colloquialism. Consider:

If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.

James 3:2b

The words of the Bible are inspired by the Holy Spirit and provide relevant and righteous advice for making our daily decisions and taking acceptable actions.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16

1 For the first article, go to:

2 See Ephesians 4:29

3 See Galatians 5:23

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Colossians 4:6

He who guards his mouth preserves his life but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.

Proverbs 13:3

This list of verses is short and inadequate for the innumerable verses in the Bible addressing our words. Other verses surely come to mind. If you have a verse you want to be considered in a future article, please email the author at the email address at the end of this article. I picked these three verses from the long list of candidates as each has a practical and immediate tone. “Instruction in righteousness.” “Always be with grace.” Words can “preserve life” or produce “destruction.”

The following two verses from the book of Proverbs influenced the title above.

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.

Proverbs 26:4-5

Well which is it? I am grateful that these verses are consecutive and I can avoid digging for context or nuance. No need for extensive cross referencing or comparing the authors or the audiences. This is a single coherent thought and any contradiction is an illusion. The author must be trying to say something for it would be absurd to think either author – the human or the Holy – would be so confused.

The second phrase in each sentence offers one explanation. A hasty and poorly reasoned answer can make the responder sound as foolish as the original. The celebrated humorist (and author) Mark Twain gets credit for the following cautionary remark. Here are three versions:

1. Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

2. Never argue with stupid people because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

3. Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

And yet a silence can leave with the speaker the impression that the spoken words have weight and merit. There is a sense that whoever gets in the last word wins the debate. Response is recommended to avoid any victory through silence or acquiescence.

As surely as one coin has two sides that are connected yet different, the passage has two connected parts. A failure to respond might leave your antagonist with a feeling of victory or validation. Stunned speechlessness can be confused with a successful speech. Many social media posts never end with a back-and-forth as tedious to follow as a ping pong ball in play. As a matter of practice on social media, I take a one-and-done approach – one post and leave it at that. When responding to your emails, I usually try to respond in equal measure to the number sent.

In considering this passage, I realize there is another dynamic contained within them. If we overlay two simple phrases, we can see the wisdom in speaking in certain situations and refraining in others. I recommend as one of the tools in your conversational toolbox is the following perspective. “Maybe I don’t know. Maybe they don’t know.” I don’t know everything the other has experienced or is experiencing. And their statement likely comes from a place where they lack sufficient information or background about me. If this is perspective – “Maybe I don’t know. Maybe they don’t know.” – is infused in daily conversations, grace and understanding rule the exchange.

I offer the following illustrations:

1) While driving in downtown traffic several years ago, a car recklessly and speedily passed where overtaking was prohibited. Some in the car wanted me to honk. One wanted me to pursue. I said, “Maybe the driver is dealing with something that we don’t know. Let’s not rush to anger or criticism.” We were headed in the same direction, and eventually, I saw where the ...we can see the wisdom in speaking in certain situations and refraining in others.

car was parked. It was in front of the local veterinarian’s office. I saw a man running into the office carrying his dog. Ah, now I knew something about the situation and realized why the driver traveled at high speed and with disregard for traffic protocol and rules. And I heard a voice from the back seat, “If it was my dog, I would have done the same thing.”

2) On another occasion, I took my family shopping after supper, and a reckless car drove by, which was very similar to the previous situation. I hit the high beams and saw first the red brake lights and then the white backup lights. The driver was coming my way. As he approached my car, I recognized him as a former student. As I rolled down the window I said, “Hi Wade!” His jaw dropped as he realized I recognized him, and he had no idea who I was. Once he saw my face, the entire incident transformed. He attended a local community college, and he had a bad day, culminating in a poor test performance. His aggressive driving was a result of his emotional energy. He appreciated a familiar and kind person, and after we prayed together, he continued home.

Today’s society is quick to criticize (and even to cancel) without adequate information.

“Maybe I don’t know. Maybe they don’t know.” Today’s society is quick to criticize (and even to cancel) without adequate information. Jumping to conclusions is the norm; giving the benefit of the doubt is vanishing. We keep our hearts by considering whether or not to answer or react to the words or actions of another.

Heavenly Father, may this article be used by Your Holy Spirit to conform us more and more into the image of Your Son. May we know when to keep silent and may we know when to flip over the tables. In JESUS’ precious name. Amen.

The author invites your comments and suggestions at


The Easter Story

What Really Happened?

Most reasonably informed Christians are well aware that many of the traditions that surround the Christmas holidays have pagan origins and very little correlation with the actual events as recorded in the Bible. However, most of us are surprised when we discover that some of what we have been taught about Easter is not only in error, but deliberately so!

This briefing pack contains approx. 2 hours of teaching

Approximately 13GB of MP3 Audio, Handbooks (supplimental PDF notes) of Chuck Missler’s Complete Commentary Collection, Genesis to Revelation, in a single USB pack! Over 600 hours of commentary!

Other Topical Studies

Alien Encounters Conference

Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs

An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs

Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs

Expectations of the AntichristChuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs

Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen

Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs

On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs

Prophecy 101 - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs

Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs



Seasonal Favorites - Chuck Missler: 10 hrs CD107 19.95

Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 4 hrs

The Beyond Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs

The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman: 8+ hrs

The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs

The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs

The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs

The Legacy: Israel in Prophecy - Chuck Missler: 12 hrs

The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: 1 hr

The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr

The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs

Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 5 hrs

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Commentary Handbooks (Supplemental Notes)

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Colossians Commentary Handbook

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Job Commentary Handbook NB034F 7.95

John Commentary Handbook NB007F 14.95

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Judges Commentary Handbook

Leviticus Commentary Handbook

Luke Commentary Handbook

Mark Commentary Handbook





Matthew Commentary Handbook NB006F 14.95

Numbers Commentary Handbook NB044F 7.95

Philippians Commentary Handbook

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Proverbs Commentary Handbook NB045F 7.95

Psalms Commentary Handbook

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Ruth & Esther Commentary Handbook

Song of Songs Commentary Handbook

The Prophets of the Post Exile Commentary Handbook

The Prophets To The Gentiles Commentary Handbook

The Prophets to the Northern Kingdom Commentary Handbook

The Prophets to the Southern Kingdom Commentary Handbook

Timothy, Titus & Philemon Commentary Handbook

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Acts Study Set (DVD, Handbook and Workbook)

Alien Encounters Bundle (Book, DVD and Audiobook on MP3)

Aliens Bundle

(Alien Encounters Book, DVD and Return of the Nephilim DVD)

Beyond Book Bundle (Paperback: Beyond Time and Space, Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Perception and Beyond Newton)

Commentary Handbook Collection - Complete set of 44 Printed Commentary Handbooks (Paperback)

The Cornuke Book Bundle - The Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (hardback), Golgotha (paperback), Temple (paperback), and Search for the Ark of the Covenant (paperback).

The Chuck Missler Big Book Bundle: Enjoy 3 of Chuck Missler’s big books in one bundle: I, Jesus; Alien Encounters; and Cosmic Codes!

Chuck Missler Small Book Collection (Paperbacks Included: Angels Volume I, Angels Volume II, Behold a Black Horse, Behold a Livid Horse, Behold a White Horse, Behold a Red Horse, Beyond Coincidence, Beyond Newton, Beyond Perception, Beyond Time & Space, Daniel’s 70 Week’s, Footprints of the Messiah, Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text, How We Got Our Bible, Israel and the Church, The 7th Day, The Christmas Story, The Feasts of Israel, The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe, The Origin of Evil, The Rapture, The Romance of Redemption, The Spiritual Gifts, The Trinity, How to Study the Bible.)

Daniel: Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks and Leader's Guide

Livid Horse)

The Good News Bundle (The Love of God, The Gospel and The Great Commission on DVD by Ron Matsen)

Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler - 10 Pack (paperback)

The Last Religion Bundle - DVD - The Last Religion 1 & 2

Leaders Commentary Bundle - DVD - Timothy, Titus & Philemon, I & II

Peter and Jude Commentaries

Mary Bundle: (DVD, Paperback book)

Matthew: Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Numbers Study Set - (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

Prophecy DVD

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Revelation Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

Revelation Group Study Package - USB

Romans Group Workbook Pack - DVD + 6 Workbooks

Romans Study Set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

The Study Bible Bundle: Evidence Bible & How to Study the Bible Book

The Supernatural Realm Bundle: Expectations of the Antichrist, The Origin of Evil, Heaven and Hell and the Angels Series

Weathering the Coming Storm Bundle: Weathering the Coming Storm, Leadership for the End Times, Church in the End Times

Welty Bundle (Books: I, Jesus, Mary, Since He Wrote About Me)


the Bible in 24 Hours

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours MP3 CD-ROM

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook)

The 7th Day - Chuck Missler

The Agony of Love - Chuck Missler

Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman

Alien Encounters Audiobook (Audio CD Set)

Angels: Vol. 1 - Cosmic Warfare - Chuck Missler

Angels: Vol. 2 - Messengers from the Metacosm - Chuck Missler

Behold a White Horse - Chuck Missler

Behold a Red Horse - Chuck Missler

Behold a Black Horse - Chuck Missler

Behold a Livid Horse - Chuck Missler

Beyond Coincidence - Chuck Missler

Beyond Newton - Chuck Missler

Beyond Perception - Chuck Missler

Beyond Time and Space - Chuck Missler

Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded!

The Christmas Story - Chuck Missler

5.95 Daniel's 70 Weeks - Chuck Missler

The Easter Story: What Really Happened - Chuck Missler

The Feasts of Israel - Chuck Missler

5.95 Footprints of the Messiah - Chuck Missler

5.95 Fulcrum of the Entire Universe - Chuck Missler

Halloween: Invitation to the Occult? - Chuck Missler

Heaven and Hell - Chuck Missler

Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler

How to Study the Bible - Chuck Missler

How We Got Our Bible - Chuck Missler

I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - Chuck Missler & William Welty

I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - 2 Book Bundle

I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - 5 Pack

Israel and the Church - Chuck Missler

The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler

Mary: Ten Test Questions for the World's Finest Woman - William Welty

The Origin of Evil - Chuck Missler

The Physics of Immortality - Chuck Missler


5.95 Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler

The Rapture - Chuck Missler

The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler

The Seven Letters to the Seven Churches - Chuck Missler

Since He Wrote About Me - William Welty

The Sovereignty of Man - Chuck Missler

Spiritual Gifts - Chuck Missler

The Trinity - Chuck Missler

The Cornuke DVD Bundle - Includes: Search for the Ark of the Covenant, Mountain of Fire, Search for Noah's Ark, Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul

Bob Cornuke 3 Book Bundle (Includes: Explore, The Lost Shipwreck of Paul and Search for the Ark of the Covenant)



29.95 Explore


Robert Cornuke

Private Worship: The Key to Joy

Re-Igniting the Passion - (Approx. 4 hours)

Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life

The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity?

The Key: How to Let Go and Let God

The Kingdom, Power & Glory

The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide - Notebook

The Way of Agape

The Way of Agape Leader's Guide - Notebook

Tomorrow May Be Too Late BK118 6.95 Why Should I Be The First to Change (Introductory) BK015 9.95


AVAILABLE from our online store:

You will grow in excitement as Chuck Missler details astonishing hidden messages within the text of the Torah that could only have been placed there by the Great Author Himself. He explores the impact of information sciences on our understanding of ancient texts...including microcodes, macrocodes, and well as the highly controversial "equidistant letter sequences" discovered in the Bible. You will be able to use this exciting information to discover the hidden messages yourself because many of them do not require a computer to decipher.

Chuck Missler reviews the history of cryptography - the study of secret codesand the background of proposed interstellar languages.

An exploration of Microcodes, the unique qualities of Hebrew that make it codeable.

A study of macrocodes, prophetic messages that God has given through symbolism and types.

A study of metacodes, the codes that God has placed in nature - signals from the tenth dimension and the code of life.

A valuable resource for your personal library!


The Bible is the very Word of God, is inerrant in its original autographs, and is fully and totally and uniquely reliable as the primary guide to all actions and commitments; That Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, became man to fulfill a destiny on our behalf, was crucified, buried, and bodily resurrected, is presently seated on His Father’s Throne, and will soon return to establish His Kingdom on the Planet Earth.

That, in the meantime, the Holy Spirit is uniquely active in pursuing His mission in calling, equipping, and empowering believers, and is essential for any and all of the pursuits to be fruitful and effective.


…is a New Testament word which is most often translated to mean “communication,” “fellowship,” or “communion.” Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, is dedicated to the development and distribution of materials for encouraging and facilitating serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We are a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

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