KOKE T is adding two seductive new patterns to its decadent collection of feathered wallcoverings. Tartan Faucon and Misty Guinea are the names chosen to the new designs incorporating the brand’s textiles collection. A new kind of exotic flair with gold undertones and brown accents is added to a collection that, now, includes a dozen of sensuous option to choose from. Composed of natural feathers combined in various mesmerizing patterns, KOKET ’s feathers are available by the panel or as a finish to chair backs, armoires, tabletops and bar cabinets.
Once feathers get broken from wind or water, they can be repaired by being smoothed over. The individual threads work like zippers to piece together intricate patterns with a large range of hues.
The brands desire to work with feathers and unusual materials comes from the Founder and CEO’s, Janet Morais, admiration for fashion and the great masters of Haute-Couture. Drama-loaded plumage-trimmed skirts, degrade feather dresses and capes, seen at Fall/Winter 2022-2023 Paris Haute Couture, further inspired KOKET to expand its feather collection.

Paying tribute to the recent bla st of an amber palet te in the world of interior s, KOKE T ’ s showstopping feather s are a unique way to exotically include warm minimalism and chocolat y accent s. Mistic Guinea naturally fuses brown and gold under tones and a gradient black and white spot ted pat tern. The distinc tive feather marking s make it an exceptional choice.

Black horizont al stripes frame the gold hues in Tar t an Faucon. Resembling the crisscrossed pat tern, a ssociated with the Scot tish tradition, the visibly gold met allic shades and brown outlining contribute to a magnif icent and gilded complexion.
Towering plumes have been in the brands radar since its first debut, twelve years ago. The Divine Armoire was the first ever furniture piece to be covered in delicate, individually placed natural feathers throughout. Customizable with any pattern from KOKET’s feather collection, it is an utterly desirable design.

Since then, KOKET has developed a full collection of furniture and mastered its use in various forms. Startling feathers are beautifully displayed under glass, supported by graceful arching lacquered legs, in the Merveille Dining Table. To complete the set, the Merveille Dining Chair’s back is coated in stunning feathers.

Enticing admirers of exotic feather patterns can also indulge in an opulent Temptation Bar Cabinet. Promising to steal cocktail hour, the chic black and gold interior is perfectly in sync with extravagant outer doors. Open or closed with its flirty tassel pulls exposed, this bar cabinet is ready for a party or a romantic night in.

“I love taking risks and turning heads! And I live to empower through design, content, and experiences. So, I created KOKET, born from my interior design business and branding agency DeMorais International, and the inspiration for my lifestyle magazine Love Happens and e-home decor boutique My Object of Desire.
Each of my professional endeavors offers a glimpse into my world and everything that moves me. Through my work, I strive to share my joie de vivre and coquettish frill while empowering all willing to listen to be their best selves. My products are about unique, inspired design, craftsmanship, and bringing joy to all who encounter them. While my content is all about my passion for the world my products live in, a world of beautiful design, fashion, travel, and beyond.
Take risks with me! Create your own individual sense of style at home, in your closet, and in every element of your lifestyle. I hope you fall in love with us and feel empowered by our state- ment pieces and unique design-driven experiences and content.” Janet Morais, Founder & CEO of KOKET.
Daring design aesthetic, high impact events, lavish presentations, notoriously risqué ad campaigns, and inspiring editorial, have an uncanny way of conveying KOKET ’s mission to inspire love and empower through its statement pieces and unique design-driven experi- ences and content.
The innate desire to seduce and entice its devotees is perfectly illustrated in KOKET’s Guilty Pleasures and Exotic Opulence Collections composed of dramatic case goods, lus- cious upholstery, exquisite lighting, and decadent furs; all of which mesmerize with their magical mineral medleys, luxe metallics, vibrant jewel tones, and exotic feathers. While the new KK by KOKET Collection offers a youthful side of KOKET with irresistibly fresh, play- ful, and vibrant upholstery designs. With over two hundred designs and counting, KOKET has become a go-to source for interior designers and consumers looking to create unique spaces that exude sensuality and style.
KOKE T’s savoir-faire is intoxicating! The line is manufac tured by ma ster ar tisans and jeweler s who leave no det ail or element forgot ten. The brand’s principal designer s are a group of exceptionally ar tistic and well-rounded produc t designer s who are led by Founder & CEO Janet Morais’ creative eye and almost fanatic drive for per fec tion. KOKE T is managed by an elite st af f of highly skilled individuals who strive to create moment s of design seduc tion while seamlessly selling the collec tion worldwide through a selec tive net work 6 of interior designer s and luxur y ret ail stores. The darling of the furniture industr y carries an admirable list of accolades in the f ilm industr y, major international ret ail projec t s, top world hotels, and hundreds of publications in the most renowned shelter and luxur y publications.
www.bykoket.com www.kkbykoket.com www.lovehappensmag.com www.myobjectofdesire.com
PR E S S C ON TAC TFor more information please contact: press@bykoket.com.