A r c h i A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
1. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mrs. Aruni, site @ Meepitiya, Kegalle 2. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mr. Ashoka, site @ Meepitiya, Kegalle 3. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mrs. Achala, site @ Kurunegala. 4. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mrs. Gunethilaka, site @ Ambanpitiya, Galigamuwa, Kegalle 5. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mr. Daham, site @ Polgahawela, Kegalle 6. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mr. Sarath, site @ Thalgama, Kegalle 7. PROPOSED RESIDENCE FOR Mrs. Samudramali, site @ Kurunegala RESIDENTIAL DESIGN 7 A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
HOSPITALITY DESIGN 4 1. PROPOSED BOUTIQUE VILLA RESORT FOR Ms. Jeyaraj, site @ Galaha, Peradeniya 2. PROPOSED HOTEL BUILDING FOR Mr. Shantha, site @ Ambepussa, Warakapola 3. PROPOSED HOTEL BUILDING FOR Mr. Ashoka, site @ Dedugal, Bulathkohupitiya 4. PROPOSED HOTEL BUILDING FOR Mr. Ranaweera, site @ Meepitiya, Bypass road, Kegalle A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
COMMERCIAL & 3 HEALTHCARE DESIGN 1. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL BUILDING FOR Mr. Amila Wathupola, site @ Paragammana, Kegalle 2. PROPOSED COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR Mr. V. K. S.Perera, site @ Rambukkana 3. PROPOSED MEDICAL CENTER FOR Dr. Jayasooriya, site @ Karawanella A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane Mrs. Aruni, a nurse decided to build a modern house in a sloppy site at Meepitiya in Kegalle district. Kegalle where the surrounding area having estimatedgroundcoveredworkcombiningenvironmentthefacilitiescourthavenaturalsceneries.Thehousedesignedtothreebedrooms,living,dining,yardwithotheraccommodationforfamilymembers.Shewantedhousegivethecoolandrelaxwithmodernstylewiththenatureavoidingherstress.Thehouseisapproximatelywith1346.3sq.ft.ofareainfloor.Thetotalbuildingcostapproximately6.9million. PROJECT DATA Location Meepitiya, Kegalle Site area 2722.5 sq.ft. ( 10 perch ) Gross floor area 1994.46 sq.ft. Plot coverage 49.5 % FAR 0.73 Estimated cost 7.5 million UPPER GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN RESIDENCE for Mrs. Aruni 1 FLOOR AREA = 1093.91 sq.ft.
DESIGN BRIEF : Uppergroundlevel Parking area Master bed room Bed BalconyBathroomLivingroom/open terrace Court yard (open to sky) Lowergroundlevel Bed VerandahBathroomKitchenDiningroom area Court yard (open to sky) A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LOWER GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN FRONT ELEVATION FLOOR AREA = 900.55 sq.ft.
SIDE ELEVATION A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SECTION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane ROOF PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane RESIDENCE for Mr. Ashoka 2 estimatedgroundcoverednature.moderngivefamilyotherrooms,houselayinghouseareadistrict.sloppyministerMr.Ashoka,apersonalassistanttothedecidedtobuildahouseinasiteatMeepitiyainKegalleKegallewherethesurroundinghavingnaturalsceneries.Thedesignedtohavetwofloorswithnaturallandandalsotheproposedtohavethreebedliving,dining,courtyardwithaccommodationfacilitiesformembers.HewantedthehousetherelaxenvironmentwithstylecombiningwiththeThehouseisapproximatelywith1098sq.ft.ofareainfloor.Thetotalbuildingcostapproximately7.5million. FLOOR AREA = 1097.48 sq.ft.UPPER GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN PROJECT DATA Location Meepitiya, Kegalle Site area 2719.95 sq.ft. ( 12 perch ) Gross floor area 2137.86 sq.ft. Plot coverage 40.35 % FAR 0.79 Estimated cost 8.2 million
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane DESIGN BRIEF : Uppergroundlevel Master bed room Bed BalconyBathroomLoungeroom/open terrace Court yard (open to sky) Lowergroundlevel Bed CoBathroomKitchenDiningroomurtyard (open to sky) Roofterrace LOWER GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN FRONT ELEVATION FLOOR AREA = 794.38 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane ROOF PLAN FLOOR AREA = 246.0 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SIDE ELEVATION SECTION
approximatelyThe1796.2housecoolyardhousemembers.accommodationliving,designedKurunegalaflataMrs.Achala,aladydecidedtobuildsimplehousewithtwofloorsinasiteatMalkaduwawaindistrict.Thehousetohavefourbedrooms,diningwithotherfacilitiesforfamilyShewantedthespacesofarrangearoundopencourtwithwaterpondtogivetheandrelaxenvironment.Theisapproximatelycoveredwithsq.ft.ofareaingroundfloor.totalbuildingcostestimated10.0million. PROJECT DATA Location Malkaduwawa, Kurunegala Site area 3961.24 sq.ft. ( 14.55 perch ) Gross floor area 3310.7 sq.ft. Plot coverage 45.34 % FAR 0.84 Estimated cost 11.6 million RESIDENCE for Mrs. Achala 3 GROUND FLOOR PLAN A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR AREA = 1796.2 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane UPPER FLOOR PLAN Survey planDESIGN BRIEF : GroundfloorParkingarea Visitor’s bed room UtilityKitchenPantryDiningLiving&Store room CourtVerandahyard (open to sky) UpperfloorMaster Bed room Bed VoidBathroomStudyLoungeroomsareabelow courtyard Balcony / open terrace FLOOR AREA = 1514.5 sq.ft. REAR ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION ROOF PLAN SECTION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LEFT SIDE ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION
Mr. Gunethilake,
a Navy officer decided to build a simple low cost house in a site at valley area at Ambanpitiya village in Kegalle district. Kegalle where the surrounding area having greenery with natural sceneries. The house designed to have two bed rooms, living, dining, with other accommodation facilities for family approximatelyThe1262.12approximatelythemembers.Hewantedthehousegivesimpleenvironment.Thehouseiscoveredwithsq.ft.ofareaingroundfloor.totalbuildingcostestimated4.0million. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane RESIDENCE for Mr. Gunethilake 4 GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1262.12 sq.ft. LAYOUT PLAN PROJECT DATA Location Ambanpitiya, Kegalle Site area 2722.25 sq.ft. ( 10.0 perch ) Gross floor area 1262.12 sq.ft. Plot coverage 46 % FAR 0.46 Estimated cost 4.6 million
DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor Front LivingVerandahDiningTwoBedroomsKitchenBathroomRearVerandah ROOF TOP PLAN FRONT ELEVATION A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SIDE ELEVATION SECTION
RESIDENCE for Mr. Daham 5 Mr. Daham, a government officer to build a modern house in a flat land at Polgahawela in Kurunegala district. approximatelytotal1866.0housenaturewithgivefamilyaccommodationliving,haveKegallehavingKurunegalawherethesurroundingareanaturalsceneriesaswellasdistrict.Thehousedesignedtotwofloorswithfourbedrooms,dining,courtyardwithotherfacilitiesasrequestofmembers.Hewantedthehousethecoolandrelaxenvironmentmodernstylecombiningwiththeavoidinghisworkstress.Theisapproximatelycoveredwithsq.ft.ofareaingroundfloor.Thebuildingcostestimated11.3million. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane PROJECT DATA Location Polgahawela, Kurunegala Site area 6068.48 sq.ft. ( 22.29 perch ) Gross floor area 3592.0 sq.ft. Plot coverage 30.7 % FAR 0.6 Estimated cost 12.6 million LAYOUT PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor CourtCloakStoreBathKitchenPantryBedDiningLivingroomroomroomroomyard(open to sky) UpperfloorMaster Bed room Bed VoidBathroomStudyLoungeroomsareabelow courtyard Balcony / open terrace GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1866.0 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR AREA = 1726.0 sq.ft. UPPER FLOOR PLAN
FRONT ELEVATION A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SIDE ELEVATION
Mr. Sarath, a government officer to build a modern house in a sloppy land at Thalgama in Kegalle district. Thalgama where the surrounding area having natural sceneries and estimatedgroundcoveredsurrounding.styleHefacilitiesdining,functiontwogreeneries.Thehousedesignedtohavefloorswithexistinggroundlevels.Itwithfivebedrooms,living,withotheraccommodationasrequestoffamilymembers.wantedthehousegivethemoderncombiningwiththeexistingThehouseisapproximatelywith1629.0sq.ft.ofareainlevel.Thetotalbuildingcostapproximately10million. PROJECT DATA Location Thalgama, Kegalle Site area 10464.0 sq.ft. ( 38.5 perch ) Gross floor area 3053.0 sq.ft. Plot coverage 15.6 % FAR 0.3 Estimated cost 10.7 million RESIDENCE for Mr. Sarath 6 A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR AREA = 1207.0 sq.ft. UPPER GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LOWER GROUND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1846.0 sq.ft. DESIGN BRIEF : Uppergroundlevelfloor BalconyBathBedLoungeroomsroom/open terrace Roof terrace Lowergroundlevelfloor Bed VerandahStoreKitchenBathroomsDiningLivingroomsroom
REAR ELEVATION A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SIDE ELEVATION
RESIDENCE for Mrs. Danthasinghe 7 withThecombiningtheaccommodationliving,tonaturalsurroundingdistrict.flattoMrs.Samudramali,agovernmentofficerbuildasimplebutmodernhouseinalandatMaralandinKurunegalaMaralandawheretheareahavinggreeneriesandsceneries.ThehousedesignedhavetwofloorswithThreebedrooms,dining,withotherfacilities.Shewantedhousegivethemodernstylewiththeexistingsurrounding.houseisapproximatelycovered1617.06sq.ft.ofareaingroundlevel.Thetotalbuildingcostestimatedapproximately8.5million. PROJECT DATA Location Maralanda, Kurunegala Site area 8167.5 sq.ft. ( 30.0 perch ) Gross floor area 2535.25 sq.ft. Plot coverage 19.8 % FAR 0.3 Estimated cost 8.9 million A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1617.06 sq.ft. LAYOUT PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane UPPER FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 918.19 sq.ft. DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor Car KitchenBathBedDiningLivingporchroomsroom Upperfloor Bed BalconyBathroomLoungeroom/Open terrace SURVEY PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane REAR SIDE ELEVATION LEFT SIDE ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane Mr. Jeyaraj, a businessman decided to build a villa resort in a sloppy site at Galaha, Peradeniya in Kandy district. Galaha where the surrounding area Thehavingnaturalsceneriesandgreeneries.villadesignedtohavereception area with visitor’s waiting area, kitchen heritage.givemeditationandrestaurant,cabanas,massagearea,area.HewantedthehotelthetraditionallookrelatedtoKandy PROJECT DATA Location Galaha, Kandy Site area 21309 sq.ft. ( 1R 38 perch ) Gross floor area 5306.5 sq.ft. Plot coverage 25 % FAR 0.25 Estimated cost 18.5 million BOUTIQUE VILLA RESORT for Mr. Jeyaraj 1 DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor Security hut Generator room Visitor’s waiting area Reception area Kitchen Restaurant area Worker’s residence area Five cabanas Meditation area Massage room
LAYOUT PLAN A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN OF VISTIOR’S WAITING AREA & RECEPTION AREA FLOOR AREA = 848.2 sq.ft.
REAR ELEVATION OF VISTIOR’S WAITING AREA & RECEPTION AREA A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN OF RESTUARANT & KITCHEN AREA FLOOR AREA = 1220.63 sq.ft.
FLOOR PLAN OF CABANA FRONT ELEVATION OF CABANA FLOOR AREA = 423.0 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane REAR ELEVATION OF CABANA
FLOOR PLAN OF WORKER’S ACCOMMDATION AREA FLOOR AREA = 433.8 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION
HOTEL BUILDING for Mr. Shantha 2 Mr. Shantha, a Lawyer decided to build a hotel in a flat and sloppy site at Ambepussa, Warakapola in Kegalle district. The site is a Rubber land which the surrounding area having natural sceneries and greeneries with natural boulders. The hotel designed to have reception area with visitor’s waiting area, kitchen and restaurant, couple & family cabanas, massage area, meditation area, spa area & swimming pool. He million.costofapproximatelyofwantedthehotelgivethetraditionallookSriLankaheritage.Thehoteliscoveredwith27025sq.ft.areaingroundfloor.Thetotalbuildingestimatedapproximately93.0 PROJECT DATA Location Ambepussa, Warakapola - Kegalle Site area 164,901.825 sq.ft. ( 3A 3R 5.7 perch ) Gross floor area 27025 sq.ft. Plot coverage 16 % FAR 0.164 Estimated cost 94.0 million A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SURVEY PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor Security Generatorhutroom Visitor’s waiting area Reception area KitchenRestaurant area Meditation area Massage room Couple & family cabanas Spa Swimmingarea pool Multy functional hall Worker’s residence area LAYOUT PLAN
FLOOR PLAN OF VISITOR’S WAITING & RECEPTION AREA FLOOR AREA = 1733.24Asq.ft.collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION
FLOOR PLAN OF KITCHEN & RESTUARANT AREA FLOOR AREA = 4027.0 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN OF MULTI FUNCTIONAL HALL FLOOR AREA = 5697.45 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN OF MEDITATION AREA FLOOR AREA = 628.23 sq.ft. SECTIONAL ELEVATION OF MEDITATION AREA
FLOOR PLAN OF MASSAGE AREA SECTIONAL ELEVATION OF MASSAGE AREA FLOOR AREA = 817.67 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN OF SPA AREA FLOOR AREA = 1534.3 sq.ft. SECTIONAL ELEVATION OF SPA AREA
FLOOR PLAN OF WORKER’S RESIDENCE, LAUNDRY & POOL AREA FLOOR AREA = 911.72 sq.ft. / 1992.0 sq.ft. / 2949.2 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION
FLOOR PLAN OF COUPLE CABANA FLOOR AREA = 433.45 sq.ft. FRONT ELEVATION A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LEFT SIDE ELEVATION
FLOOR PLAN OF FAMILY CABANA FLOOR AREA = 653.0 sq.ft. FRONT ELEVATION A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LEFT SIDE ELEVATION
Mr. Ashoka, a personal assistant to the minister
decided to build a hotel in a sloppy site at Dedugala, Bulathkohupitiya in Kegalle district. The site is tea land near the Ritigala oya which the surrounding area having natural sceneries and greeneries with natural boulders. The hotel designed to have three levels with entrance lobby & waiting area, reception area, juice bar , approximatelytotal2737.0Thehoteldiningkitchenwithotherrelatedservicesareas,area,&bararea.Hewantedthegivethemodernlook&attractive.hotelisapproximatelycoveredwithsq.ft.ofareaingroundfloor.Thebuildingcostestimated16million. PROJECT DATA Location Dedugala, Bulathkohupitiya - Kegalle Site area 28314.0 sq.ft. ( 2R 24perch ) Gross floor area 4806.85 sq.ft. Plot coverage 9.7 % FAR 0.17 Estimated cost 16.8 million A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SURVEY PLAN HOTEL BUILDING for Mr. Ashoka 3
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane DESIGN BRIEF : Floorplan@roadlevel Entrance lobby Visitor’s waiting area Reception area Juice bar Floorplan@belowroadlevel Dining area Bufett Kitchentablefood preparation & server Kitchen washing area Kitchen store Cold store Vsistor’s toilets (male & ffemale) Floorplan@upperroadlevel Bar area LAYOUT PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN @ ROAD LEVEL FLOOR AREA = 1291.1 sq.ft. FRONT ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN @ BELOW ROAD LEVEL FLOOR AREA = 2737.15 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR PLAN @ ABOVE ROAD LEVEL FLOOR AREA = 778.6 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SECTION
Mr. Ranaveera, a businessmen build a hotel in a flat land at Meepitiya, bypass cashierrelatedrestaurantarea,twosceneries.surroundingnearroadinKegalledistrict.ThesiteissituatedtheRaddalaElawhichtheareahavingnaturalThehoteldesignedtohavefloorswithentrancelobby&waitingreceptionarea,cashierarea,area,kitchenwithotherservicesareas,pastryshop&area,kitchenwashingarea, visitor’s toilets, worker’s room & toilet in ground floor and multy functional hall, estimatedgroundcoveredattractive.wantedofficeroom,bedroomsinupperfloor.Hethehotelgivethemodernlook&Thehotelisapproximatelywith5556.0sq.ft.ofareainfloor.Thetotalbuildingcostapproximately33.0million. PROJECT DATA Location Meepitiya, bypass road - Kegalle Site area 16879.5 sq.ft. ( 1R 12perch ) Gross floor area 9665.3 sq.ft. Plot coverage 33% FAR 0.6 Estimated cost 33.5 million HOTEL BUILDING for Mr. Ranaveera 4 A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SURVEY PLAN
DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor Entrance lobby Visitor’s waiting area ReceptionCashierRestaurant area Pastry shop & cashier Kitchen food preparation area Kitchen store Cold Kitchenstorewashing area Male & female toilets Worker’s room & toilet Upperfloor Waiting lobby to rooms Office room Hall for functions Male & female toilets Buffett Doubleareabed room Family bed room LAYOUT PLAN A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 5556.0 sq.ft. FRONT ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane UPPER FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 4109.2 sq.ft. LEFT SIDE ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane ROOF TOP PLAN SECTION X - X
Mr. Wathupola, a businessman decided to build a commercial and residential building in a site at Paragammana in Kegalle district. The site where the surrounding area having natural sceneries and greeneries. The building million.costofapproximatelyupperthreegroundshops,withdesignedtohavethreefloorsfunctioningvehicleparking,entrancelobby,utilitystoreandcommontoilets@levelandfirstfloor,living,dining,bedrooms,kitchenandtoiletinfloorlevel.Thebuildingiscoveredwith1396.5sq.ft.areaingroundfloor.Thetotalbuildingestimatedapproximately13.0 PROJECT DATA Location Paragammana, Kegalle Site area 5445.0 sq.ft. ( 20 perch ) Gross floor area 3898.05 sq.ft. Plot coverage 25.65 % FAR 0.72 Estimated cost 13.6 million COM. & RES. BUILDING for Mr. Wathupola 1 A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LAYOUT PLAN
DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor EntranceParking lobby Two StaircaseCommonUtilityshopsstoretoilets Firstfloor Five StaircaseCommonUtilityshopsstoretoilets Upperfloor ThreeDiningLivingbed rooms ToiletKitchen A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR AREA = 1396.51 sq.ft. GROUND FLOOR PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FLOOR AREA = 1169.12 sq.ft.FIRST FLOOR PLAN FRONT ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane UPPER FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1201.57 sq.ft. RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION ROOF PLAN
Mr. Perera, a businessman decided to build a commercial building in a site at Rambukkana in Kegalle district. The site where the surrounding area having Commercial development in approximatelytotal1545.7buildinggroundutilityvehicletocommercialzone.Thebuildingdesignedhavetwofloorsfunctioningwithparking,entrancelobby,shops,storeandcommontoilets@bothlevelandupperfloorlevel.Theisapproximatelycoveredwithsq.ft.ofareaingroundfloor.Thebuildingcostestimated10.5million. PROJECT DATA Location Rambukkana, Kegalle Site area 2194.34 sq.ft. ( 8.06 perch ) Gross floor area 3085.98 sq.ft. Plot coverage 70.44 % FAR 1.41 Estimated cost 10.8 million COM. BUILDING for Mr. Perera 2 A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor StaircaseFemaleMaleShopsParkingtoiletstoilets Upperfloor StaircaseFemaleMaleShopstoiletstoilets
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane LAYOUT PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1546.66 sq.ft.GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1540.32 sq.ft.UPPER FLOOR PLAN
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SIDE ELEVATION SECTION
Mr. Jayasooriya, a doctor decided to build a medical center in a site at Karawenella in Kegalle district. The site where the surrounding area having natural sceneries and greeneries with mixed development which having commercial, health and public services with transportation hub. The building designed to have six floors functioning with vehicle parking, entrance lobby, pharmacy, reception, OPD consultation area, waiting areas, male & female staff’s rest rooms, doctor’s rest rooms, labour room, residence room services, sanitary facilities, staircase, lift and other medical facilities. The building is approximately covered with 5234.2 sq.ft. million.costofareaingroundfloor.Thetotalbuildingestimatedapproximately82.0 PROJECT DATA Location Karawenella, Kegalle Site area 13830.3 sq.ft. ( 50.8 perch ) Gross floor area 24385.7 sq.ft. Plot coverage 37.8 % FAR 1.76 Estimated cost 85.35 million A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane MEDICAL CENTRE for Dr. Jayasooriya 3 LAYOUT PLAN
DESIGN BRIEF : Groundfloor ReceptionEntranceCaféPharmacyarealobby&Cashier area Treat room & ConsultationOPD room Lift & OtherStaircasecirculation area Firstfloor OPD Consultation rooms StaffWaitingOfficeLabotaryroomareasrestrooms (male & female) Control room X-ray room Male & Female toilet Disable wash room Store room Lift & OtherStaircasecirculation area Vehicle Parking A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane Secondfloor Waiting PayableareasResidence rooms with toilets Nurse’s Doctor’sstationroom Labor room Nurse’s rest room Mini operationChangingtheatreroom - Sterilization are Scrub TheatreareaareaCirculationarea OtherLiftToilets&Staircasecirculation area ThirdfloorPayable Residence rooms With toilets Nurse’s station Waiting areas Male ward with toilets Female ward with toilets Drugs OthLiftBalconystoragearea&Staircaseercirculation area Fourthfloor Waiting areas Nurse’s Doctor’sstationroom Labour room Nurse’s rest room Theatre area - Changing room - Sterilization are Scrub CirculationTheatreareaareaarea Mini theatre area Recovery area LaborNursaryroom with toilet OtherLiftToiletsStore&Staircasecirculation area Balcony area for service RooftopareaRentableareaforofficesMale&femaletoilets Lift & OtherStaircasecirculation area Roof terrace area
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane GROUND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 2658.4 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FIRST FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 5234.2 sq.ft.
SECOND FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 5284.7 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
THIRD FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 5202.32 sq.ft. A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FOURTH FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 4155.77 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane ROOF TOP FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA = 1850.3 sq.ft.
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane FRONT ELEVATION
A collection of designs and creative works by A. K. G. Jayawardane SIDE ELEVATION SECTION