Outdoor Activity Week in Koli July 30.6.-8.7.2012
Outdoor Activity Week in Koli July 30.6.-8.7.2012 DAILY PROGRAMME.................................................................................................3 ON WEEKDAYS 30.6.2012 TO 8.7.2012..................................................................5 DAY PROGRAMMES..................................................................................................6 Saturday 30th of June: The hidden treasures of Koli and the opening ceremony of the Activity Week................................................................................................6 Sunday 1st of July: Cycling on Sunday!...................................................................8 Monday 2nd of July: Early bird catches the worm.....................................................9 Tuesday 3rd of July: The secrets of Nordic walking..................................................11 Wednesday 4th of July: Artists’ Koli....................................................................14 Thursday 5th of July: The joy of Orienteering...........................................................16 Friday 6th of July: Cows are on the move!.............................................................18 Saturday 7th of July: Hay making and having fun!.................................................20 Sunday 8th of July: Ruunaa Rapids and Lake Pielinen calling!.............................22
Official Information Points Koli Tourist Information Ylä-Kolintie 2 tel. +358 45 138 7429 info@koli.fi www.koli.fi/In-English Visitor Centre Ukko Ylä-Kolintie 39 tel. +358 20 564 5654 ukko@metsa.fi www.outdoors.fi/koli Publisher: Koli Travel Association. We reserve the rights for changes.
Daily programme 8.30 am Bus transfer Joensuu-Koli-Joensuu Bus transfer from Joensuu to Koli and back. Departure from Joensuu market place street Siltakatu daily at 8.30 am. Arriving in Koli at 9.30 am. Return bus from Koli leaves at 5 pm, arriving back in Joensuu at 6 pm. Bookings the previous day, at the latest. Tickets: 15 € one way, 30 € return. Bookings tel. +358 40 104 4687. 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–2.30 pm Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure from parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 € / adult, 8 € / child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +35845 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 3
www.koli.fi 12–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/ family. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 € /adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. Drawing competition for children Place: Visitor Centre Ukko. Two categories: for children under 10 years and for children between 11–15 years. Three best of both categories will be rewarded! Organizer: Metsähallitus www. outdoors.fi/koli and Ukko-Kolin Ystävät ry.
Scenic lift The chairlift on the eastern side of Koli hills functions in summer as a scenic lift and in the winter as a ski lift. The difference in altitude is 212 meters and the length of the lift ride 770 meters, taking about eight minutes. Open daily 30.6.–29.7.2011, 10 am–5.45 pm. Prices: One way ticket: adults € 4, children € 2, family (1–2 adults + 1–3 children) € 10. Return ticket: adults € 6, children € 3, family (1–2 adults + 1–3 children) € 15.
On weekdays 30.6.2012 to 8.7.2012 11 am (on Tuesday at 3 pm) Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 1,5 to 4 hours. Prices: 35–60 € depending on duration and meal. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 12–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/ Family. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, tel. 013 688 72 50, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi.
Day programmes SATURDAY 30TH OF JUNE THE HIDDEN TREASURES OF KOLI AND THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE ACTIVITY WEEK 9 am–5 pm Paddling in the Ruunaa rapids Departure from Ruunaa Hiking Centre (Ruunaan Retkeilykeskus). Participants should have earlier paddling experience. Price: 15 €/person (including the guidance, the rent of lifejacket and helmet). Kayak rental 25 €/kayak. Age limit: 15 years. Bookings at the latest on 26th of June, Mauri Leinonen, tel. 0400 339 063, maukka.leinonen@gmail.com. Organizer: Lieksan Melojat ry, www.lieksanmelojat.com. 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi.
www.koli.fi 11 am–2 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 3 hours. Price: 55 €/person including packed lunch. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure from parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1 - 2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 1.30–3.30 pm Cycling tour in Koli Let’s do a cycling tour in Koli countryside! Enjoy the beautiful nature and views during the whole tour. Departure and return: Koli Harbour, Alamaja. Price: 30 €/person (including the guidance, juice and a pastry). Bicycle rental 30 €/bicycle. Bookings at the latest on Friday 29th of June at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 4 pm The opening ceremony of the Activity Week Opening words: godmother of Koli National park, Saimi Hoyer. Information of the Activity Week. Juice, salty and sweet snacks are served. Free entrance. Organizers: Metsähallitus/Koli National Park, Koli Travel Association and Koli Activ Oy. 5 pm The hidden treasures of Koli Come to Visitor Centre Ukko and ask about the less known places and travel locations of Koli. Duration: 30 minutes. Free entrance. Organizer: Metsähallitus and the writer of Koli guide, Katri Vuorjoki. www.outdoors.fi/koli, www.pkmedia.fi, www.vaellus.info.
www.koli.fi SUNDAY 1ST OF JULY CYCLING ON SUNDAY! 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–2 pm Kasken Kierros Nature Trail, 3,5 km. Guided tour for the nature trail that features the slash-and-burn landscape of the hills. There are 12 displays marked with black-topped poles. The displays are all accompanied by text in Finnish, English and Russian. Starting point: Ollila car park, address Ylä-Kolintie 12. No prebooking needed. Free of charge. Organizer: Metsähallitus, www.outdoors.fi. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 5 pm–7.30 pm Cycling tour in Koli Let’s do a cycling tour in Koli countryside! Enjoy the beautiful nature and views during the whole tour. Departure and return: Koli Harbour, Alamaja. Price: 40 €/person (including the guidance, juice and a pastry). Bicycle rental 30 €/bicycle. Bookings at the latest on June 30th at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi.
MONDAY 2ND OF JULY EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM 7–9 am Bird-spotting A two-hour (3 kilometres) stroll in the woods of the national park. Binoculars recommended! Departure and return: Koli Harbour, Alamaja. Only in Finnish. Price: 10 €/adult, 5 €/children 7–12 years, € 22/family. Bookings at the latest on Sunday July 1st at 6 pm. Organizer: Koli Activ, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi. 10–11.30 am Nordic walking in National Park A guided Nordic walking-tour in the National Park: Märkänaho and Hill tops. Departure and return: Koli Shop Retkitupa. Duration: 1,5 h (2,5 km). Price: 15 €/person including the guidance, stick rental, juice and a rye cookie. Bookings at the latest on Sunday July 1st at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 11 am Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–2.30 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 3,5 hours. Price: 55 €/person including packed lunch. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 9
11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/ family. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the
www.koli.fi rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 2–4 pm Freestyle Nordic walking in National Park A guided Nordic walking-tour in the National Park: Märkänaho and Hill tops. A bit faster way of Nordic walking, jogging and jumps are possible. Departure and return: Koli Shop Retkitupa. Duration: 2 h. Price: 20 €/person including the guidance, stick rental, juice and a rye cookie. Bookings at the latest on Sunday July 1st at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 6 pm ATV-safari! Get ready for the ride of your life as you drive an ATV through the North-Karelian landscape. Follow the various twisting pathways of Koli and enjoy spectacular views. Duration: 1 hour. New Can-Am Outlander ATV’s. Price: 80 €/person/1 h. Driver must be over 15 years old and have at least AM, A or A1 driver’s license (called T-driver’s license in Finland). Bookings a day before. Mika Okkonen, tel. +358 400 857 557 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. TUESDAY 3RD OF JULY THE SECRETS OF NORDIC WALKING 10–11.30 am Nordic walking in National Park A guided Nordic walking-tour in the National Park: Märkänaho and Hill tops. Departure and return: Koli Shop Retkitupa. Duration: 1,5 h (2,5 km). Price: 15 €/person including the guidance, stick rental, juice and a rye cookie. Bookings at the latest on Monday July 2nd at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 10 am–2 pm Culture Tour by boat to Paateri: Koli–Vuonislahti/Paateri–Koli From Koli across Lake Pielinen by traditional wooden “church boat” to Vuonislahti village. Visit to Paateri, the home, studio, church and café created by sculptress Eva Ryynänen. On the way back to Koli a stop-over with picnic on an island. Languages in Paateri: Finnish, English, German. Minimum 6 persons. Prices: 44 €, children 4-12 years 25 €. Bookings at least 14 hours in advance. Vuonislahden Taitelijatalo ry, tel. +358 400 170 255, www.vuonislahti.fi 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11
www.koli.fi 11 am–1 pm Luutimaan – Let’s make a broom! Guide will show you how to make a traditional broom. Free of charge. Visitor Centre Ukko. Organizer: Metsähallitus, www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–1 pm Making the traditional red paint Come and see how the traditional Finnish red paint is made. Free of charge. Visitor Centre Ukko. Organizer: Metsähallitus, www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12.00–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/ family. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila
www.koli.fi farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 2–4 pm Freestyle Nordic walking in National Park A guided Nordic walking-tour in the National Park: Märkänaho and Hill tops. A bit faster way of Nordic walking, jogging and jumps are possible. Departure and return: Koli Shop Retkitupa. Duration: 2 h. Price: 20 €/person including the guidance, stick rental, juice and a rye cookie. Bookings at the latest on Monday July 2nd at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 3 pm–4.30 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 1,5 hours. Price: 35 €/person. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 4–6 pm What a wonder! Trip to the wonderful world of nature. A guided trip to explore and recover the wonders of the Koli National Park and its nature. Departure and return: Mattila farm (Ylä-Kolintie 12 B). Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 9–12 pm Midnight sun Walk A guided walk to the top of Koli hills; Ukko-Koli, Akka-Koli and Paha-Koli. Starting point: Retkitupa (activity centre/shop) Languages: Finnish and English. Price (including picnic): 40 €/adults. Bookings at the latest on Monday July 2nd at 7 pm. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, tel. +358 13 688 72 50, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi.
www.koli.fi WEDNESDAY 4TH OF JULY ARTISTS’ KOLI 9 am–4 pm Shuttle taxi for Rafting Departure from Koli at 9 am, Rafting at Ruunaa rapids at 11 am, return trip starts at 3 pm. Price: 38 €person including only the trip to Ruunaa and back. Bookings on the day before, +358 400 372 301 or asiakaspalvelu@kolintaksi.fi. 10 am–1 pm Walk to Mäkränaho – flowering meadow A specialist on local nature and heritage, will show you Koli’s most interesting plants of the meadow. In Finnish. Starting point: Koli Shop Retkitupa. Prices: 12 €, 8 € children 10–16 years, 22 €/family. Bookings at the latest on Tuesday July 3rd at 7 pm. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, tel. +358 13 688 72 50, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi. 10 am–2 pm Making of the traditional Finnish shingle roof Come and see how the traditional wooden shingle roof is made. Place: Mäkränaho in Koli National Park. No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Metsähallitus, www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–2.30 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 2,5 hours. Price: 55 €/person, including packed lunch. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 11 am–3 pm Artists’ Lunch at Alamaja Café-Restaurant Lunch planned by artists at Kolin Alamaja café-restaurant. Price: 9–15 €. Pre-bookings required for groups over 7 persons: Koli Activ Oy, tel. +358 20 564 5778, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi 12–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/ shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/family. 14
12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 1.30–3.30 pm Cycling tour in Koli Let’s do a cycling tour in Koli countryside! Enjoy the beautiful nature and views during the whole tour. Departure and return: Koli Harbour, Alamaja. Price: 30 €/person (including the guidance, juice and a pastry). Bicycle rental 30 €/bicycle. Bookings at the latest on Tuesday July 3rd at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 15
10 am–2 pm Canoeing on Lake Herajärvi Guided canoeing on Lake Herajärvi with a picnic. The starting point: Nevalantila Heraniemi (ca 20 km from Koli village, driving instructions is given upon pre-booking. For adults and children over 12 (children 12–16 years only in the company of parents). Price: 45 € per person (including the guidance, the rent of canoe, lifejacket, coffee and snacks). Languages: Finnish and English. Bookings at the latest on Tuesday July 3rd at 7 pm. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, tel. +358 13 688 72 50, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi. 5 pm ATV-safari! Get ready for the ride of your life as you drive an ATV through the North-Karelian landscape. Follow the various twisting pathways of Koli and enjoy spectacular views. Duration: 1 hour. New Can-Am Outlander ATV’s. Price: 80 €/person/1 h. Driver must be over 15 years old and have at least AM, A or A1 driver’s license (called T-driver’s license in Finland). Bookings a day before. Mika Okkonen, tel. +358 400 857 557 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. THURSDAY 5TH OF JULY THE JOY OF ORIENTEERING 10 am–3 pm Conquering the Mäkränvaara hilltop A guided hike via several Koli hilltops to Mäkränvaara Hill, where famous Finnish artist Eero Järnefelt painted some of his best pictures. Price: 15 €, including guided walk (about 8 km, demanding terrain) and coffee. Local Karelian snacks 15 €. Languages: Finnish and English. Bookings at the latest on Wednesday July 4th at 7 pm. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, tel. +358 13 688 72 50, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi. 16
www.koli.fi 11 am–1 pm Workshop: making a ring of birch bark In this workshop you will be shown how to make a ring of birch bark. Free of charge. Place: Visitor Centre Ukko. Organizers: Tarja Mustonen, Metsähallitus and Ukko-Kolin Ystävät ry., www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–2 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 2 hours. Price: 60 €/person, including packed lunch. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/ shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/family. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 4 pm–7 pm Felt-toyworkshop We will play with wool and felt animalcaracters, making own little toys and one collective felting. Place: Ryynänen of Koli. Price: 7e/child (Includes materials and small snack) min. 5, max.16 children. Adult shall company children under 4-year old. Come with clothes that can get dirty. Enrollments to Luontokeskus Ukko until 4.7, 7 pm, tel. +358 20 564 5654. 17
www.koli.fi 5 pm–7 pm Orienteering at Ukko-Koli Different distances. Instruction in orienteering. The starting point: car park of Rinnekahvilacafé on the Ukko-Koli slopes. Price: 5 €/person. No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Kalevan Rasti, tel. +358 13 893 609, jussi.silvonen@kalevanrasti.fi, www.kalevanrasti.fi. 5 pm–7.30 pm Cycling tour in Koli Let’s do a cycling tour in Koli countryside! Enjoy the beautiful nature and views during the whole tour. Departure and return: Koli Harbour, Alamaja. Price: 40 €/person (including the guidance, juice and a pastry). Bicycle rental 30 €/bicycle. Bookings at the latest on July 4th at 7 pm. Koli Shop Retkitupa, tel. +358 13 688 7250 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 6.30 pm–8 pm Play and improvisation Games, play and improvisation. Play is the way to creativity. In playing one cannot fail and it fits for everyone. Place: RyynŠnen of Koli. Price: 3 €/child Groupsize: min. 5, max. 16 children. Age recommendation: from 7 years old. Come with clothes that can get dirty. Enrollments to Luontokeskus Ukko until Wednesday 4.7, 7 pm, tel. +358 20 564 5654. 7–8 pm Pilates lesson 1 hour Pilates lesson. Price 15 €. Organizer: KoliFit Tarja Saarelainen, tel. +358 50 341 9001, saaretar@luukku.com. FRIDAY 6TH OF JULY COWS ARE ON THE MOVE! 9 am–4 pm Shuttle taxi for Rafting Departure from Koli at 9 am, Rafting at Ruunaa rapids at 11 am, return trip starts at 3 pm. Price: 38 € /person including only the trip to Ruunaa and back. Bookings on the day before, tel. +358 400 372 301 or asiakaspalvelu@kolintaksi.fi. 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am–12.30 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 1,5 hours. Price: 35 €/person. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi.
www.koli.fi 12–1 pm Top Hiking on the Koli Hills Your guide will meet you at Koli Activ Shop ”Retkitupa”, located at the east end of Sokos Hotel Koli building. You’ll have a memorable hiking tour of the three highest hilltops of the Koli Hills. Panoramic views over island-speckled Lake Pielinen. The tour ends at Retkitupa (activity centre/shop). The tour is suitable for children over 7 years. Duration: 1 hour (to cover approx. 1 km). Languages: Finnish and English. Price: 10 €/adults, 5 €/children 7–12 years, 22 €/ family. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 1.30–2.30 pm See Native Farm Breeds in Koli National Park A chance to see Finnish breeds of cows and sheep at Ollila Heritage Farm in Koli National Park. Starting point: Ollila Heritage Farm, address Ylä-Kolintie 12. No pre-booking needed. Free of charge. Metsähallitus, www.outdoors.fi Koli National Park. 3 pm Finnish poems and music played by cello Poems of Finnish poet Eino Leino accompanied on the cello. Place: Temple of Silence at AkkaKoli or in case of rain in the Visitor Centre Ukko. Free entrance. Metsähallitus and Pielinen soi –Chamber Music Festival. www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park and www.pielinensoi.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 4 pm–5.30 pm Enviromental artwork “Pictures of dreams” Making of dream pictures out of nature materials into the yard of Ryynänen.This work will be created spontaneously in the moment, letting the images arise inspired by dreams. Place: Ryynänen of Koli. Adult shall company children under 6 years old. Come with clothes that can get dirty and suits for the weather. No enrollments. 4–7 pm Canoeing on Lake Herajärvi Guided canoeing on Lake Herajärvi with a picnic. The starting point: Nevalantila Heraniemi (ca 20 km from Koli village, driving instructions is given upon pre-booking. For adults and 19
www.koli.fi children over 12 (children 12–16 years only in the company of parents). Price: 45 € per person (including the guidance, the rent of canoe, lifejacket, coffee and snacks). Languages: Finnish and English. Bookings at the latest on Tuesday July 3rd at 7 pm. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, tel. +358 13 688 72 50, kolisales@koliactiv.fi, www.koliactiv.fi. 5.30 pm–7 pm Play workshop Play, stories and creative expression. Age recommendation: 3-6 years old. Price: 3 €/ child Groupsize : min. 5, max. 16 children. Come with clothes that can get dirty and suits for the weather. Enrollments to Luontokeskus Ukko until Wednesday 04.07, 7 pm, tel. +358 20 564 5654. SATURDAY 7TH OF JULY HAY MAKING AND HAVING FUN! 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 11 am–2 pm Riding on Iceland horses Riding on Iceland ponies. Duration 3 hours. Price: 55 €/person including packed lunch. Languages: Finnish, English, German. The departure from Paimentupa Farm in Koli. Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Paimentupa Farm, www.paimentupa.fi, tel. +358 400 802 709. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–2 pm Rhythm jam and creative painting We will create rhythm orchestra, playing with sounds and transforming different tools to instrument. Everyone can try out to be the conductor. We will also play with colours, paint and slap with fingers and toes, expressing feelings to picture. Group size: min. 5 max 16. Children under 6 has to come with an adult. Price: 5e/person(Includes little snack), Come with clothes that can get dirty. Enrollments to Luontokeskus Ukko until thursday 05.07, 7 pm, tel. +358 20 564 5654. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 20
81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12–4 pm Hay making in Koli Village How did people make hay in the old days? Come and try your hand at hay making and enjoy a traditional soup at Seurojentalo (Village Hall). Hay-making free of charge, meal 10 €. No pre-booking. Organizer: Kolin Kotiseutuyhdistys, www.kolinkotiseutuyhdistys.fi 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi. 4–6 pm What a wonder! Trip to the wonderful world of nature. A guided trip to explore and recover the wonders of the Koli National Park and its nature. Departure and return: Mattila farm (Ylä-Kolintie 12 B). Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). Bookings on the day before. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 4.30 pm–6 pm Creating of role and caracters. Children can choose themselves a caracter which will painted to their faces. Caracter will be dressed up using recycled materials and imagination. We will explore how the caracter 21
speaks, walks or where it comes from and what are her dreams. Playfull situations will be created inspired by these roles. Place: Kolin RyynŠnen Price: 5 €/child. Age recommencation: over 6-years old. Enrollments to Luontokeskus Ukko until Thursday 5.07, 7 pm, tel. +358 20 564 5654. 5 pm ATV-safari! Get ready for the ride of your life as you drive an ATV through the North-Karelian landscape. Follow the various twisting pathways of Koli and enjoy spectacular views. Duration: 1 hour. New Can-Am Outlander ATV’s. Price: 80 €/person/1 h. Driver must be over 15 years old and have at least AM, A or A1 driver’s license (called T-driver’s license in Finland). Bookings a day before. Mika Okkonen, tel. +358 400 857 557 or kolisales@koliactiv.fi. Organizer: Koli Activ Oy, www.koliactiv.fi. 7 pm Fairytale travel Experimental theathre travel, where also children participate into creating it by making voices and sounds with us. Travel includes quided walk through forest path. Duration 45 min. Max. group size 16. Children under 6 has to come with an adult. Price: 5e/person, Come with clothes that can get dirty and suits for the weather. Enrollments to Luontokeskus Ukko until Wednesday 04.07, 7 pm, tel. +358 20 564 5654. 7–11 pm Village Feast At Seurojentalo (Village Hall), traditional entertainment, dancing & café. Free of charge. Organizer: Kolin kotiseutuyhdistys, www.kolinkotiseutuyhdistys.fi SUNDAY 8TH OF JULY RUUNAA RAPIDS AND LAKE PIELINEN CALLING! 11 am Together in the National Park! Whether you prefer walking on your own or with others, please come to the starting point, Koli Tourist Information at address Ylä-Kolin tie 2, at 11 o’clock. Let´s start together! You can check in the facebook, if there are other participants. Koli National Park › Facebook group and www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park. 22
www.koli.fi 11 am Rafting down the rapids Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the river rafting tour and a delicious meal. Duration: 3,5 h. Starting point: Raunin maja in Ruunaa, Siikakoskentie 65, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 12–2 pm Walk to the heritage farms A guided walk to the farms of Ollila and Mattila in Koli National Park. We’ll see farm animals and dip into the culture and history of the Koli Region. Departure: parking area of Ollila farm. Enjoy coffee, tea or juice and coffee bread after the tour. Prices: 15 €/adult, 8 €/child, family ticket 35 € (1–2 adults and max. 3 children under 12 years). No pre-booking needed. Organizer: Elontila Ay, tel. +358 45 879 7999, et@elontila.fi, www.elontila.fi. 12–2 pm Boat trip to an island Come to a trip to the Hiekkasaari Island and swim in the refreshing waters of Lake Pielinen. Prices: 25 €/person, family 20 €, children 4–12 years 10 €. For 4–11 persons. Pre-bookings on day before 4 pm at the latest, tel. +358 45 138 7429 or info@koli.fi. Organizer: Eino Nuutinen, www.lintamokit@com. 12–3.30 pm Shooting the Ruunaa rapids in wooden boats Price: 46 €/adults, 23 €/children under 12 years (not for children under 5 years), including the rapid shooting and a delicious meal. Starting point: Luontotalo in Ruunaa, Ruunaantie 129, 81750 Pankakoski. Bookings at least 20 hours in advance, tel. +358 40 708 5726. Organizer: Lieksan matkakaverit, www.lieksanmatkakaverit.fi. 1 pm Award ceremony of the Drawing competition for children Place: Visitor Centre Ukko. Two categories: for children under 10 years and for children between 11–15 years. Three best of both categories will be rewarded. Organizer: Metsähallitus www. outdoors.fi/koli and Ukko-Kolin Ystävät ry. 3 pm The pearls of Chamber Music Mikael Helasvuo and Eero Heinonen are playing Chamber Music by flute and piano. Place: Visitor Centre Ukko. Price: 15 €. Metsähallitus and Pielinen soi –Chamber Music Festival. www.outdoors.fi › Koli National Park and www.pielinensoi.fi. 3 pm Trip to Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) for kids and adults Pirunkirkko (Devil’s Church) is a 33-metre-long Z-shaped boulder cave to which several mystical stories are connected. Pirunkirkko is located along Rantatie Road, 12 km south of Koli. There is a path with many steps from the parking area (located by the road) to the cave. Languages: Finnish and English. Duration: 1 h. Prices: 2 €/child, 5 €/adult. Pre-bookings a day before, tel. +358 50 390 4362, Saga Spirit Oy/Minna Saarelainen, www.sagaspirit.fi.