Different Ways to Hike Your Flores Overland Tour with Your Friends The Indonesian district of Flores is a flawless destination to cherish the essence of a lifetime travel. While devising the blue-print to visit it with mates, endeavor in realizing the whole of journey by road.
Recognized all across the world for its ethnic exquisiteness, Indonesia is authentically a country to cruise throughout. Amidst it various provinces and cities that await to daze you with its definite cosmic and cultural distinctiveness, the Flores region is a pre-eminent. And such a dimension of the locale is predominantly nourished by two aspects. First is its enticing identity of being the house of certain gaping Volcanoes and second is the district’s proximity to the mind-stoking and internationally acknowledged Komodo National Park (KNP). Inherently, this district becomes more significant to you for being the commuting medium to KNP—the resident island of the most perilous Komodo Dragons.
Heart-striking drive from Maumere to Labuan Bajo
While on an Indonesian vacation with pals, all of yours road wander lust can be effectively quenched by experiencing this drive of 550 kms. Stretched out between Flores’s biggest town Maummere and KNP’s entryway hamlet Labuan Bajo, this is a peerless rocky trail graced with some pulse-missing pits and turns. Consuming a standardized time-stretch of 20 hours, this is a real memory-enriching voyage to avail.
Expedition to the beguiling Kelimutu Peak Amidst the goose-bumping Volcanoes spread out across the district’s topography (such as Egon, Ranaka, Ebulobo etc), the most bewitching and beckoning one is Mount Kelimutu. Its exclusiveness is cardinally validated by the presence of 3 soul-engrossing cavern lagoons at the foothills. Are you thinking why those are distinctive? Well, due to a till date unexplainable cause, the hue of these 3 lagoons keeps on changing from time-to-time. Whereas some offer a logical clarification of a chemical reaction over the aquatic minerals due to the volcanic eruption, the natives upheld the phenomenon as an act of the spirits.
Make sure to witness this life-time vista of Kelimutu (‘Keli’=Burning and ‘Mutu’=Mountain) and its 3 brain-dazing lakes (Tiwu Nuwa, Ata Polo and Mbupur) by venturing out for a 5 hours bus/car journey from the suburban town of Moni to Kelimutu National Reserve. Once reaching the site, you and your mates need to hike 127 stairs for beholding a wholesome landscape of the Volcano (1600 meters over oceanic meter) with its exotic lakes.
Wae Rebo Excursion If you and the group are enthusiastic enough to march ahead an alpine track for 4 hours, then the opportunity to get delved into the daily livelihood of some authentic Indonesian aboriginals awaits for you all. The talk in here is about the vestige hamlet of Wae Robo, a secluded and serene locale to the west of Flores. Only commutable by foot till date, this village dwells as a true representative of the pre-technology times. Leaving aside cell phone and computer networks, there is not even the access of electricity or any kind of automobiles at this riveting village. Coffee bean cultivation and culture is the only profession practiced here and along with cherishing the encircling picturesque natural symmetry, you also get to feast your eyes over the articulate and arresting Manggarai architectural creativity adorning the dainty locale throughout.
Revival at Blidit Hot Springs At a distance of 28 kms from the afore-mentioned Maumere metropolis, there exists a cosmic hot water cascade which occupies an upscale place among the worldly renowned hot springs. Sequenced deep inside realms of a highly dense forest at Blidit hamlet, this water body will render to you and friends the perfect dose of natural refreshment.
Relish of Native Cuisine During realizing all the hiking and ascending endeavors, do not forget to treat the holiday special palate of you all. Savor the delectability of Ahuwair hamlet’s sundown exclusive palates and enjoy the zest of local coffee entitled as ‘Kopi Ende’.To add the final finesse to your tour, make it a ground-rule to set foot at the Komodo National Park and get a glance of the fearsome yet attractive biggest reptiles living in the earth.
Komodo Wanderlust Tour City-LabuanBajo, State-East Nusa Tenggara, Jln. Opseter Maun Lamtoro, 86754 Call us: +62 821 4773 5054 Email us: Info@komodowanderlusttour.com Website: http://komodowanderlusttour.com/ https://www.facebook.com/teguh.lie.92 https://www.instagram.com/komodowanderlusttour/ https://twitter.com/komodowanderlus https://in.pinterest.com/komodowanderlust https://plus.google.com/u/0/107694412654344913917