Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music operates in 5 main buildings: the Administration Building, the School of Music Building, the Gita Rajanagarindra Building, the PGVIM Learning Center and Music Pavilion. The Administration building (A Building) is the entrance to our home, functioning as the Institute’s main o ce. It consists of o ce space, a main foyer, reception area, conference rooms, lecture rooms, and is also home to our auditorium ‘Sangita Vadhana Hall,’ with a capacity of nearly 250 seats. The School of Music building is the educational building (Conservatory Building, C Building), designed to provide our students with state-of-the-art facilities. The building has ve oors, with teaching studios, lecture rooms, practice rooms, rehearsal rooms, computer lab, recording studio, and library. The Gita Rajanagarindra building (G building), a renovated historic building that is over 100 years old, is one of the most attractive structures in the Bangkok area. The building hosts a permanent exhibition of the late Princess Galyani Vadhana as well as public activities such as lectures, seminars, workshops, and symposiums. The PGVIM Learning Center (L Building) is a shared space for students and sta . It consists of a cafeteria, Student Organisation o ce, multi-purpose meeting rooms, and VIP lounge facing Rama VIII Park. The Music Pavilion, with its open terrace and large windows, is ideally designed for welcoming activities involving communal art and music making, seminars and holistic practices. Taking advantage of the river view and the natural vegetation of Rama 8 Park, this location is a reminder of the healthy and sustainable future that PGVIM is developing.
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