Grain quality it's everybody's business

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On-farm assurance

Grain quality — it’s everbody’s business

Photos: Catriona Nicholls

Catriona Nicholls l

Project manager

Kondinin Group

• •

At a glance Dry conditions across much of Western Australia could see growers looking to the livestock sector to offload feed-quality grain and cereal hay. Australia’s red meat industry provides a valuable market for Western Australian grain growers, who are an integral link in the export industry supply chain. A new suite of commodity vendor declarations (CVDs) provides grain growers with a risk management tool when delivering grain to livestock markets. The suite of commodity declarations are available as and easy-to-use electronic program in the form of a free download from the internet. Registering for the CVD program can take as little as 5–10 minutes.

Western Australian grain growers have significant input into the nation’s livestock industries directly and indirectly as suppliers of grain and fodder. Recent boosts to Australia’s beef and sheepmeat export markets will see this beneficial relationship between the two industries continue to flourish. Dry conditions across much of the State, combined with strong lamb prices, could see grain growers taking advantage of increased demand for supplementary feed grain and fodder this summer. 14 AG in FOCUS Spring 2010

As harvest approaches, grain growers looking to sell into the livestock feed grain and fodder markets need to remember the important role they play in the overall supply chain.

A new suite of commodity vendor declarations (CVDs) provides grain growers with an easy-to-use risk management tool that will protect existing markets for feed grain and ensure Australia’s valuable livestock export industry remains viable well into the future.

As an integral link in the red meat supply chain, feed grain quality and safety is paramount to Australia’s livestock export industries.

Managing risk Livestock feed declarations have been in use as a quality assurance risk management tool since 1996 and were developed in response to meat contamination from stock feeds containing chemical residues. An industry review of the existing stockfeed declarations was recently carried out to better reflect the whole chain process of the cropping industry and also the byproduct and fodder industries. In consultation with the Grains Industry, the Oilseeds Industry, Grain Bulk Handlers,

Beware the by-product Livestock producers looking for supplementary feeding options this summer are warned to take particular care to avoid the potential risks of crop by-products and failed crops. By-products often include fruit and vegetable wastes and crop processing by-products such as peel, pulp and stems. To check the risk of various alternative fodders, producers can refer to the risk assessment documents compiled by SAFEMEAT (

Declaration provides safety net Requesting a by-product vendor declaration (BVD) when securing feed

will help minimise risk associated with by-products. Two BVDs are available as an electronic program, free to download from the internet: Ex Grower/By-product Trader — where by-product is supplied directly by a grower or by-product trader. Ex Food Processor/Manufacturer — where by-product is supplied directly by a food processor or manufacturer. More information

On-farm assurance

Stockfeed Manufacturers, Horticulture Australia, Australian Fodder Industry Association and government stakeholders, SAFEMEAT, on behalf of the red meat industry, has developed a new suite of livestock feed declarations. These declarations provide grain growers and feed suppliers with an easy-to-use risk management tool to reduce the risk of meat contamination from stock feeds that may contain residues from chemical treatments associated with the production or storage of livestock feed. Such residues have the potential to place the integrity of the red meat and livestock meat industry supply chain at risk.

LPA — paving the way for food safety A stringent approach to on-farm risk management has lead Australia’s international recognition as a world-leader in food safety. This reputation is underpinned by systems such as Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) and vendor declarations. The LPA National Vendor Declaration and Waybill (NVD/Waybill) is the main document upholding Australia’s meat and livestock food safety reputation.

Grain growers can reduce this risk and protect their place in the supply chain by providing commodity and by-product buyers with the relevant commodity vendor declaration form at the time of purchase.

On-farm risk management actions underpinned by LPA accreditation support all claims made on the LPA NVD/Waybill.

Feed declarations — the full package There are five livestock feed declarations available: two commodity vendor declarations (CVDs), two by-product vendor declarations (BVDs); and a fodder declaration (FVD). Two CVDs in particular have been developed to better meet the needs of grain growers and traders: • Grain and oilseed grower/grain and oilseed trader. • Multi vendor storage declaration. Growers who are supplying a single type of grain or oilseed, that has NOT been blended with another grain or oilseed need to supply the Grain and oilseed grower/ grain and oilseed trader form whenever they sell feed grain to a livestock producer. Growers supplying a blended batch of grain need to supply a Multi vendor storage declaration CVD with their grain. However, growers looking to sell failed cereal crops as hay, silage or straw to livestock producers, need to fill in a fodder vendor declaration (FVD).

The LPA NVD/Waybill enables important information regarding livestock history to be transferred through the chain to the end consumer providing confidence in the safety and quality of their red meat. When producers sign an LPA NVD/ Waybill, they are showing their compliance with LPA. The cost of a standard book of 20 LPA NVD/Waybills is $35.00 (including GST) and these can be obtained online through the LPA user profile website or by phoning 1800 683 111.

Easy access CVDs are available as an electronic program, free to download from the internet (see contact details at end of article). Growers already using the electronic National Vendor Declaration and Waybill computer program (eDEC) can use their existing login details for the electronic CVD. Otherwise, registering is a simple and wellguided process. Registering for the CVD program can take as little as 5–10 minutes. After accessing the website, easy to follow instructions assist in downloading the CVD

eDECs and emergency NVD/Waybills An electronic version of the LPA NVD/Waybill, the eDEC, has been developed for livestock producers and lot feeders and offers a cost saving of up to 40% compared with printed booklets. The eDEC simplifies the completion process as it takes producers through the components of an LPA NVD/Waybill step-by-step and can be printed after completion. eDECs can be purchased online through the LPA user profile website. Emergency NVD/Waybills are essentially the same as an eDEC, but available only in emergency circumstances, when a conventional LPA NVD/Waybill or eDEC is unavailable. The emergency system is available at any time online and is accessed through the LPA user profile website. The system can also be accessed via the LPA hotline on 1800 683 111 (Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm AEST).

program, activating accounts and filling in and printing the declarations. Note that the program will not work on Macintosh (Apple) computers. More information Contact Duncan Bruce-Smith T: (02) 9463 9164 E: e Downs Printed at: Pembrok 12:52:06 : 05/08/2010 Print date/time

ION OR DECLARAT FODDER VEND er Trader) Fodd (Ex Grower / Duplicate er)

Purchaser (Receiv

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e Downs Printed at: Pembrok 12:37:59 : 05/08/2010 Print date/time

User ID: 10009207

al list if

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User ID: 10009207

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Please print

Serial no.



Product name



name Vendor’s trading (if different) Vendor’s name address Vendor’s postal


e Downs

Fax no.

User ID: 10009207

64 of the crop Phone: 02946391 within 100 metres on your property emergence, and or seedling fertilisers) applied ls (excluding ion from its pre 4 List all chemica by this declarat nt space) commodity covered l list if insufficie producing the WHP / ESI / EAFI (attach additiona Application date this harvest Product or last cut, to


dity produce

ry d within a Mandato

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for a chemica

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Date produce a property with completed risk If Yes,give details: Commodity / nt space) I Buyer’s contrac ffficient ation Code (PIC) urs’ Crops within Release number by this declarat /20 insufficie been grown on No tion Ex storage (if Yes, please attach / FULL NAME Property Identific 6 List all Neighbo : (attach additional list if month Yes the commodity commodity covered YEAR tion No to 7 Has Commodity descrip name MONTH /20 Approx. harvest / ex paddock Yes by you was all DAY Commodity descrip Buyer’s trading derived as follows YEAR uct is: Direct Position When received tion from DAY MONTH No traders only: declarations? /20This By-prod ATORY NOTES Delivery period / commodity. Yes nted by this declara address 2 Commodity 8 READ EXPLAN commodity vendor supplying this YEAR to Buyer’s postal Tonnes represe ./s NS, PLEASE /20 MONTH of the Vendor move to Question by completed declare that, / Crop A AY DAY Paddock I.D FOR ALL QUESTIO YEAR accompanied d d representative was declarations and an independently from DAY If Yes, give details MONTH dity whilst it If Yes, attach tion certified under am the duly authorise document is true and correct. ity were with registere I commo dity Delivery period a. stored Declara the No or to I.D./s commod NOTES commo the grown ATORY to the Storage (attach le) ons to Yes ion in this fertilisers applied le) READ EXPLAN this harvest. ment relevant commodity was t no. (if applicab 0294639164 b. All the informat all chemical applicati label or APVMA permit. NS, PLEASE ls and organic t no. (if applicab or last cut, to on which the l residue manage Buyer’s contrac Phone no. 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Position /20 Tonnes represe MONTH /20 s and have answere / 1 Does the enterpri and federal regulati / If Yes,give details: DAY Product rate/Ha ity.a residue for livestock. . should be withheld 7 Has Declaration this commodity. YEAR feed been comple commod le) s with state No Notes and Question residues by a from supplyingNOTES MONTH Material and feeds uct as stock supplying this . / /20 period Date of harvest of time that livestockYes that, DAY declare that, t no. (if applicab for chemical the Explanatory the Vendor EXPLANATORY d by-prod Vendor of 164 od period commodity complie name Delivery declare the the contrac READ and tative of analyse QA 0294639 Product understo Buyer’s and d represen NS, PLEASE representative dently audited Phone no. clean feed interval declaration been I e. I have read tory Notes. ALL QUESTIO authorised/20 . / /20 FORauthorise ct. Include anywith tion YEAR correct. stockfeeds? a. 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No and Questions Material and feeds Notes Yes product. . / /20 tory d the Explana results on delivere and understood . / /20 details of testing e. I have read tory Notes. If Yes, attach YEAR Date MONTH with the Explana DAY . / /20 in compliance SVC000100409 . / /20 e r u t a Sign . / /20 . / /20


Purchaser (Receiv


Serial no.






Purchaser (Receiv



Please print


e Downs s trading name Printed at: Pembrok Vendor’ 12:55:33 User ID: 10009207 : 05/08/2010 (if different) Print date/time Vendor’s name 64 crop Phone: 02946391 metres of the


Serial no.



OR OILSEED VEND GRAIN AND ty) DECLARATION or Storage Facili (Ex Multi Vend









AG in FOCUS Spring 2010


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