April 2023 Recommended KONG Planogram
Wild/Sporting Endcap
Item Description UPC KONG Wild/Sporting Endcap WILS21 Wild Low Stuff Rabbit Md 0 35585 49883 6 WILS22 Wild Low Stuff Fox Md 0 35585 49884 3 WILS23 Wild Low Stuff Raccoon Md 0 35585 49885 0 WILS24 Wild Low Stuff Pheasant Md 0 35585 49886 7 WILS25 Wild Low Stuff Mallard Md 0 35585 49887 4 WILS26 Wild Low Stuff Squirrel Md 0 35585 49888 1 RSW21 Wild Shieldz Trout Md 0 35585 52321 7 RSW22 Wild Shieldz Perch Md 0 35585 52322 4 RSW23 Wild Shieldz Tuna Md 0 35585 52323 1 RSWD31 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Orange/White Sm/Md 0 35585 52324 8 RSWD11 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Orange/White Md/Lg 0 35585 52325 5 RSWD32 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Topo Sm/Md 0 35585 52326 2 RSWD12 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Topo Md/Lg 0 35585 52327 9 RSWD33 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Swirl Sm/Md 0 35585 52328 6 RSWD13 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Swirl Md/Lg 0 35585 52329 3 FTD1 Training Dummy Lg 0 35585 29900 6 WM1 Wubba™ Camo Assorted Lg 0 35585 80015 8 WMX Wubba™ Camo Assorted XL 0 35585 80016 5 QS1 PetStix™ Assorted Lg 0 35585 03524 6 QS2 PetStix™ Assorted Md 0 35585 03523 9 SG2 Ogee™ Stick Assorted Md 0 35585 47711 4
Wild/Sporting Power Panels
April 2023 Recommended KONG Planogram
RSW22 Wild Shieldz Perch Md 0 35585 52322 4 RSW21 Wild Shieldz Trout Md 0 35585 52321 7 RSWD12 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Topo Md/Lg 0 35585 52327 9 RSW23 Wild Shieldz Tuna Md 0 35585 52323 1 RSWD31 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Orange/White Sm/Md 0 35585 52324 8 RSWD13 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Swirl Md/Lg 0 35585 52329 3 Item Description UPC Shieldz Power Panel WILS22 Wild Low Stuff Fox Md 0 35585 49884 3 WILS21 Wild Low Stuff Rabbit Md 0 35585 49883 6 WILS25 Wild Low Stuff Mallard Md 0 35585 49887 4 WILS24 Wild Low Stuff Pheasant Md 0 35585 49886 7 WILS23 Wild Low Stuff Raccoon Md 0 35585 49885 0 Item Description UPC Wild Low Stuff Power Panel 15
KONG Shieldz Wildz Training Dummy is an ultra-durable training tool, triple coated and sealed to last through epic water retrieval sessions to hone hunting and dock diving skills while satisfying natural instincts with interactive play. The hi-tech coating on the lower portion boosts buoyancy for easy grabbing. These sturdy dummies are heftier than most for durability and longer-distance tosses. Sturdy 8-inch braided rope helps launch longer tosses for more healthy exercise.
• Ultra-durable, triple-sealed training tool satisfies retrieving instincts
• 8” braided rope fuels longer tosses for more healthy conditioning
• Floats for water sessions
FAQs Chew Toy? Yes, light to moderate chewing Material? Polyester, TPR, PP
Noisemaking? No
KONG Shieldz Wildz Fish is an ultra-durable training tool, triple coated and sealed to last through epic water retrieval sessions to hone hunting and dock diving skills while satisfying natural instincts with interactive play. The hi-tech coating helps these fish float for easy grabbing. Heftier than most dummies for durability and longer-distance tosses for conditioning, these realistic fish come in a variety of fresh and salt water species.
• Ultra-durable, triple-sealed training tool satisfies retrieving instincts
• Hefty design fuels long-distance throws for more healthy exercise
• Floats for water sessions
Chew Toy? Yes, light to moderate chewing
Material? Polyester, TPR
Noisemaking? No
KONG Wild Low Stuff creatures’ dense fur and realistically floppy bodies satisfy hunting instincts. The familiar favorite forest and fowl shapes invite shaking, while squeakers spark year-round fun. Minimal stuffing means less mess. Premium, soft plush ideal for cuddling-and dreaming of hunting adventures.
• Realistically floppy, furry creatures satisfy hunting instincts
• Dense plush and minimal stuffing for less mess
Squeaker prolongs play
Chew Toy? Yes, light to moderate chewing Material? Polyester, Latex
Noisemaking? Yes, squeaks
KONG Wubba Octopus’ dangling legs and long, floppy body make him ideal for sparking shaking instincts. The squeaker prolongs play. Ideal for indoor tugging, shaking and fetching fun, this adorable undersea pal’s great for snuggling, too, thanks to his super-soft plush. Minimal stuffing for less mess.
• Long, floppy legs spark shaking instincts
• Squeaker prolongs play
• Soft plush for snuggling
FAQs Chew Toy? No
Material? Polyester, Vinyl, Plastic Squeaker
Noisemaking? Yes, squeaks
KONG Rewards Picnic delights cats with a dynamic challenge that satisfies batting instincts as they extract treats between moving ping pong balls contained in the tray. Load goodies from the top, through the translucent cover that reveals irresistibly rolling balls and tempting treats. Bottom rubber grippers hold the toy in place during bouts of batting.
• Dynamic, treat-dispensing toy invites batting play
• Rolling ball action sparks hunting instincts
• Bottom grippers stabilize toy as cats play
Material? PP, Plastic, Vinyl
Catnip? No
Noisemaking? No
KONG Pull-a-Partz Jamz’s fruity mouse tempts curious kitties to pry him out for batting and pouncing fun—with springy elastic tail (with playful message) to add excitement to pantry playtime. Two toys in one provide dismantling action that satisfies hunting instincts. Crackly film extends engagement while KONG Premium North American Catnip in mouse heightens enjoyment.
Bat-able fruit mouse with bells inside invites play
• Extracting critter satisfies hunting instincts
• 2-toys-in-1 for playtime variety
Pages 12 - 13 Item# Description Units Per Case
Material? Polyester, PVC Catnip? Yes
Units Per Inner Pack 16
April 2023
Pages 4 - 5 RSW21 Wild Shieldz Trout Md 24 3 RSW22 Wild Shieldz Perch Md 24 3 RSW23 Wild Shieldz Tuna Md 24 3 Item# Description Units Per Case Units Per Inner Pack
Pages 10 - 11 CA98 Rewards Picnic 12 1 Item# Description Units Per Case Units Per Inner Pack Pages 8 - 9 WPS1 Wubba™ Octopus Assorted Lg 24 3 WPS3 Wubba™ Octopus Assorted Sm 24 3 Item# Description Units Per Case Units Per Inner Pack
RSWD11 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Orange/White Md/Lg 24 3 RSWD12 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Topo Md/Lg 24 3 RSWD13 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Swirl Md/Lg 24 3 RSWD31 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Orange/White Sm/Md 24 3 RSWD32 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Topo Sm/Md 24 3 RSWD33 Wild Shieldz Training Dummy Swirl Sm/Md 24 3 Item# Description Units Per Case Units Per Inner Pack Pages 2 - 3 WILS21 Wild Low Stuff Rabbit Md 24 3 WILS22 Wild Low Stuff Fox Md 24 3 WILS23 Wild Low Stuff Raccoon Md 24 3 WILS24 Wild Low Stuff Pheasant Md 24 3 WILS25 Wild Low Stuff Mallard Md 24 3 WILS26 Wild Low Stuff Squirrel Md 24 3 Item# Description Units Per Case Units Per Inner Pack
Pages 6 - 7
Noisemaking? Yes, crinkle film and bell CPP13 Pull-A-Partz™ Jamz Assorted 24 3
April 2023 PLP1 Licks Lg 24 3 PLP3 Licks Sm 24 3 WHSX Whipples Assorted XL 24 2 BMR21 Bamboo Rockerz Ring Md 24 3 BMR31 Bamboo Rockerz Ring XS/Sm 24 3 BMS21 Bamboo Rockerz Stick Md 24 3 BMS31 Bamboo Rockerz Stick XS/Sm 24 3 PJMBL Jaxx Mega Tug Blue 24 3 PJMYL Jaxx Mega Tug Yellow 24 3 RRZ21 Rope Ringerz Assorted Md 24 4 WZ11 Wubba™ Zoo Cheetah Lg 24 3 WZ12 Wubba™ Zoo Zebra Lg 24 3 WZ13 Wubba™ Zoo Mandrill Lg 24 3 WZ14 Wubba™ Zoo Koala Lg 24 3 CA96 Play Spaces Zen Den 12 1 CAT62 Teaser Glow Firefly 24 3 SKF2 Signature Throw Md/Lg 24 3 SKM1 Signature Balls 3-pk Assorted Lg 24 3 SKM2 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Md 24 3 SKM3 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Sm 24 3 SHCX1 Shakers™ Crumples Elephant XL 24 2 SHCX2 Shakers™ Crumples Lion XL 24 2 SHCX3 Shakers™ Crumples Sloth XL 24 2 SHCX4 Shakers™ Crumples Bunny XL 24 2 PCHG11 ChiChewy Zippz Ball Lg 24 3 PCHG12 ChiChewy Zippz Stick Lg 24 3 PCHG21 ChiChewy Zippz Ball Md 24 3 PCHG22 ChiChewy Zippz Bone Md 24 3 PCHG31 ChiChewy Zippz Ring Sm 24 3 PUSQ21 PupSqueaks Tucker Md 24 3 PUSQ22 PupSqueaks Daisy Md 24 3 CA95 Play Spaces Tiki Twirl 12 1 CA97 Cat Active Bubble Ball Assorted 24 3 PRW11 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted Md/Lg 24 3 PRW12 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Md/Lg 24 3 PRW31 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted Sm/Md 24 3 PRW32 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Sm/Md 24 3 RPS21 Puzzlements™ Surprise Flower Pot Md 24 3 RPS22 Puzzlements™ Surprise Fire Hydrant Md 24 3 RPS23 Puzzlements™ Surprise Present Md 24 3 SHK14 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Lg 24 3 SHK34 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Sm 24 3 ZYJX2 Cozie™ Jumbo Marvin XL 12 2 RLCX Comfort Kiddos Jumbo Elephant XL 24 3 CAT63 Teaser Jellyfish Assorted 24 3 CRCL52 Crackles Grasshopper 24 3 PDB1 Dental Ball Lg 24 4 PDB2 Dental Ball Md 24 4 PDB3 Dental Ball Sm 24 4 PST31 Squeezz® Dental Roller Stick Sm 24 3 PST51 Squeezz® Dental Stick XS 24 3 PST52 Squeezz® Dental Roller Bone XS/Sm 24 3 CA473 Wrangler™ Angler Fish Assorted 24 3 CA472 Play Spaces Groomz 12 1 Item# Description Units Per Case Units Per Inner Pack NOVEMBER Page 24 MARCH Page 25 JANUARY Page 23 - 24 FEBRUARY Page 22 17
Rope Ringerz Assorted
BMR21 Bamboo Rockerz Ring Md 0 35585 50268 7 6.0 oz / 169 g 7.3" x 5.0" x 2.0" 24 10.1 lbs 16.3" x 11.0" x 7.5" 3 BMR31 Bamboo Rockerz Ring XS/Sm 0 35585 50267 0 4.2 oz / 119 g 6.0" x 4.5" x 1.8" 24 7.2 lbs 12.8" x 8.8" x 7.5" 3 BMS21 Bamboo Rockerz Stick Md 0 35585 50270 0 3.8 oz / 108 g 8.8" x 3.8" x 2.3" 24 7.0 lbs 11.0" x 9.8" x 9.3" 3 BMS31 Bamboo Rockerz Stick XS/Sm 0 35585 50269 4 2.7 oz / 77 g 7.3" x 3.3" x 2.0" 24 4.7 lbs 9.0" x 8.5" x 8.5" 3 Bamboo Rockerz Ring BMR21 Medium BMR31 X-Small/Small MADE WITH BAMBOO Bamboo Rockerz Stick BMS21 Medium BMS31 X-Small/Small PJMBL Jaxx Mega Tug Blue 0 35585 50271 7 20.3 oz / 575 g 16.8" x 6.3" x 2.5" 24 35.3 lbs 19.0" x 17.8" x 15.8" 3 PJMYL Jaxx Mega Tug Yellow 0 35585 50272 4 17.0 oz / 482 g 26.5" x 7.0" x 2.5" 24 29.8 lbs 26.5" x 15.8" x 13.3" 3 Jaxx Mega Tug PJMBL Blue PJMYL Yellow R0323 Licks PLP1 Large PLP3 Small STICKS TO MOST SMOOTH SURFACES RRZ21 Rope Ringerz Assorted Md 0 35585 50278 6 11.4 oz / 323 g 13.0" x 6.5" x 1.8" 24 17.6 lbs 21.3" x 13.8" x 11.8" 4
RRZ21 Medium Assorted Colors WHSX Whipples Assorted XL 0 35585 49882 9 10.5 oz / 299 g 11.0" x 11.0" x 7.5" 24 19.2 lbs 26.5" x 20.5" x 14.0" 2 Assorted Colors Whipples Assorted WHSX X-Large WZ11 Wubba™ Zoo Cheetah Lg 0 35585 50287 8 8.7 oz / 247 g 16.0" x 4.3" x 5.0" 24 14.9 lbs 16.0" x 12.8" x 17.5" 3 WZ12 Wubba™ Zoo Zebra Lg 0 35585 50288 5 8.1 oz / 230 g 16.0" x 4.3" x 4.0" 24 13.8 lbs 16.0" x 12.5" x 14.5" 3 WZ13 Wubba™ Zoo Mandrill Lg 0 35585 50289 2 8.0 oz / 228 g 16.0" x 4.3" x 3.5" 24 13.9 lbs 16.0" x 12.5" x 13.3" 3 WZ14 Wubba™ Zoo Koala Lg 0 35585 50290 8 8.5 oz / 240 g 16.0" x 6.0" x 3.5" 24 14.4 lbs 16.0" x 12.5" x 13.3" 3 Wubba™ Zoo Cheetah WZ11 Large Wubba™ Zoo Zebra WZ12 Large Wubba™ Zoo Mandrill WZ13 Large Wubba™ Zoo Koala WZ14 Large PLP1 Licks Lg 0 35585 52309 5 5.5 oz / 156 g 9.3" x 4.8" x 1.5" 24 9.9 lbs 14.5" x 10.0" x 10.5" 3 PLP3 Licks Sm 0 35585 52308 8 2.6 oz / 73 g 6.5" x 3.3" x 1.3" 24 4.5 lbs 10.0" x 9.0" x 7.5" 3 18
SKF2 Signature Throw Md/Lg 0 35585 52310 1 5.5 oz / 156 g 20.3" x 4.0" x 1.3" 24 9.5 lbs 20.3" x 9.0" x 12.5" 3 Signature Throw SKM1 Signature Balls 3-pk Assorted Lg 0 35585 52306 4 15.8 oz / 447 g 10.3" x 3.5" x 3.5" 24 22.9 lbs 21.8" x 14.8" x 11.5" 3 SKM2 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Md 0 35585 52305 7 13.4 oz / 380 g 10.3" x 2.8" x 2.8" 24 17.0 lbs 18.0" x 12.3" x 11.5" 3 SKM3 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Sm 0 35585 52304 0 8.3 oz / 236 g 8.8" x 2.5" x 2.5" 24 10.6 lbs 15.3" x 10.0" x 8.8" 3 Signature Balls 3-pk Assorted SKM1 Large Assorted Balls Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted SKM2 Medium SKM3 Small R0223 SHCX1 Shakers™ Crumples Elephant XL 0 35585 49891 1 10.0 oz / 284 g 22.0" x 15.8" x 4.5" 24 18.4 lbs 23.3" x 21.5" x 12.5" 2 SHCX2 Shakers™ Crumples Lion XL 0 35585 49892 8 10.2 oz / 288 g 22.0" x 15.0" x 4.5" 24 17.7 lbs 22.0" x 21.5" x 12.8" 2 SHCX3 Shakers™ Crumples Sloth XL 0 35585 49893 5 9.3 oz / 264 g 21.8" x 15.5" x 4.3" 24 17.8 lbs 22.5" x 21.5" x 12.5" 2 SHCX4 Shakers™ Crumples Bunny XL 0 35585 49894 2 9.7 oz / 275 g 22.3" x 16.0" x 4.0" 24 18.7 lbs 22.0" x 21.5" x 12.5" 2 Shakers™ Crumples Elephant SHCX1 Extra Large Shakers™ Crumples Lion SHCX2 Extra Large Shakers™ Crumples Sloth SHCX3 Extra Large Shakers™ Crumples Bunny SHCX4 Extra Large PCHG11 ChiChewy Zippz Ball Lg 0 35585 50273 1 8.8 oz / 249 g 7.3" x 4.5" x 3.3" 24 15.0 lbs 19.8" x 14.0" x 6.8" 3 PCHG12 ChiChewy Zippz Stick Lg 0 35585 50275 5 12.1 oz / 343 g 12.8" x 4.3" x 1.8" 24 20.1 lbs 20.8" x 14.0" x 7.0" 3 PCHG21 ChiChewy Zippz Ball Md 0 35585 50274 8 5.2 oz / 147 g 5.8" x 4.0" x 2.8" 24 9.7 lbs 17.8" x 12.5" x 6.0" 3 PCHG22 ChiChewy Zippz Bone Md 0 35585 50276 2 9.0 oz / 256 g 5.5" x 6.0" x 2.0" 24 14.8 lbs 12.5" x 11.8" x 8.5" 3 PCHG31 ChiChewy Zippz Ring Sm 0 35585 50277 9 4.9 oz / 140 g 6.3" x 4.0" x 1.3" 24 8.2 lbs 12.5" x 10.8" x 5.3" 3 ChiChewy Zippz Ball PCHG11 Large PCHG21 Medium ChiChewy Zippz Stick Large ChiChewy Zippz Bone PCHG22 Medium ChiChewy Zippz Ring PCHG31 Small PUSQ21 PupSqueaks Tucker Md 0 35585 49879 9 4.9 oz / 139 g 9.0" x 7.5" x 3.0" 24 9.0 lbs 19.0" x 15.0" x 10.0" 3 PUSQ22 PupSqueaks Daisy Md 0 35585 49880 5 4.7 oz / 133 g 9.0" x 8.0" x 3.0" 24 8.9 lbs 18.8" x 15.0" x 10.0" 3 PupSqueaks Daisy PUSQ22 Medium PupSqueaks Tucker PUSQ21 Medium R0223 R0223 R0223 R0223 CAT62 Teaser Glow Firefly 0 35585 51703 2 1.6 oz / 45 g 18.0" x 3.8" x 1.8" 24 4.6 lbs 17.8" x 8.8" x 12.5" 3 CAT62 Teaser Glow Firefly CA96 Play Spaces Zen Den 0 35585 52403 0 39.6 oz / 1124 g 21.5" x 10.5" x 1.0" 12 32.5 lbs 15.0" x 11.3" x 22.0" 1
Play Spaces Zen Den 19
Shakers™ Honkers
SHK14 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Lg 0 35585 49878 2 7.9 oz / 225 g 4.0" x 11.0" x 19.0" 24 14.2 lbs 19.5" x 17.3" x 18.5" 3 SHK34 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Sm 0 35585 49877 5 2.9 oz / 82 g 13.0" x 7.5" x 3.0" 24 6.6 lbs 14.5" x 10.0" x 12.0" 3
SHK14 Large SHK34 Small R0123 R0123 PRW11 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 52301 9 11.0 oz / 312 g 9.5" x 6.8" x 4.3" 24 20.3 lbs 22.8" x 17.5" x 14.5" 3 PRW12 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 52303 3 8.9 oz / 253 g 12.0" x 5.0" x 3.0" 24 17.6 lbs 19.0" x 14.0" x 17.5" 3 PRW31 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 52300 2 5.8 oz / 165 g 7.8" x 5.3" x 3.5" 24 11.0 lbs 18.3" x 14.8" x 11.5" 3 PRW32 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 52302 6 4.8 oz / 137 g 9.8" x 4.0" x 2.3" 24 9.7 lbs 15.5" x 11.5" x 14.3" 3 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted PRW11 Medium/Large PRW31 Small/Medium Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted PRW12 Medium/Large PRW32 Small/Medium RPS21 Puzzlements™ Surprise Flower Pot Md 0 35585 52311 8 4.8 oz / 137 g 11.3" x 6.0" x 3.3" 24 9.5 lbs 16.0" x 16.0" x 12.3" 3 RPS22 Puzzlements™ Surprise Fire Hydrant Md 0 35585 52312 5 4.8 oz / 136 g 11.5" x 5.5" x 3.5" 24 9.5 lbs 16.0" x 16.0" x 12.3" 3 RPS23 Puzzlements™ Surprise Present Md 0 35585 52313 2 4.6 oz / 130 g 9.8" x 5.8" x 3.8" 24 9.2 lbs 16.0" x 16.0" x 12.3" 3 Puzzlements™ Surprise Flower Pot RPS21 Medium Puzzlements™ Surprise Fire Hydrant RPS22 Medium Puzzlements™ Surprise Present RPS23 Medium ZYJX2 Cozie™ Jumbo Marvin XL 0 35585 52314 9 15.6 oz / 443 g 18.0" x 15.0" x 8.5" 12 15.5 lbs 22.0" x 18.5" x 15.8" 2 Cozie™ Jumbo Marvin XL ZYJX2 Extra Large RLCX Comfort Kiddos Jumbo Elephant XL 0 35585 49881 2 12.2 oz / 345 g 14.0" x 13.0" x 7.5" 24 21.7 lbs 19.8" x 18.0" x 22.5" 3 Comfort Kiddos Jumbo Elephant XL RLCX Extra Large 14.5” / 36.83 cm R0123 R0123 R0123 16.0” / 40.64 cm CA97 Cat Active Bubble Ball Assorted 0 35585 52404 7 1.2 oz / 34 g 12.0" x 3.8" x 2.3" 24 2.0 lbs 13.0" x 8.3" x 6.0" 3 CA97 Cat Active Bubble Ball Assorted CA95 Play Spaces Tiki Twirl 0 35585 52402 3 37.8 oz / 1073 g 13.5" x 8.5" x 3.0" 12 31.4 lbs 25.0" x 17.0" x 9.3" 1 CA95 Play Spaces Tiki Twirl R0223 R0223 20
*Within 15 minutes upon application against 14 common bacteria associated with plaque and tartar. COMPLETED IN 2021 INDEPENDENT STUDY
Play Spaces
PDB1 Dental Ball Lg 0 35585 01397 8 6.7 oz / 184 g 10.8" x 5.0" x 3.5" 24 11.7 lbs 14.0" x 13.5" x 12.3" 4 PDB2 Dental Ball Md 0 35585 01398 5 4.9 oz / 139 g 10.5" x 5.0" x 3.0" 24 8.9 lbs 15.5" x 12.5" x 12.5" 4 PDB3 Dental Ball Sm 0 35585 01476 0 3.6 oz / 103 g 10.3" x 5.0" x 2.5" 24 6.8 lbs 14.8" x 11.5" x 11.8" 4 Dental Ball PDB1 Large PDB2 Medium PDB3 Small CHEWING RELEASES DENTAL GEL fill here GEL POD SQUEAKER
R1122 PST31 Squeezz® Dental Roller Stick Sm 0 35585 49873 7 4.9 oz / 139 g 8.8" x 3.3" x 2.3" 24 8.1 lbs 12.8" x 9.0" x 9.0" 3 PST51 Squeezz® Dental Stick XS 0 35585 49871 3 2.1 oz / 60 g 7.3" x 3.0" x 1.3" 24 3.8 lbs 11.0" x 8.3" x 7.5" 3 PST52 Squeezz® Dental Roller Bone XS/Sm 0 35585 49872 0 2.7 oz / 77 g 6.8" x 4.5" x 1.5" 24 4.9 lbs 13.3" x 9.5" x 7.0" 3 Squeezz® Dental Stick PST51 X-Small Squeezz® Dental Roller Bone PST52 X-Small/Small STUFF GROOVES TO EXTEND CHEW TIME CA472 Play Spaces Groomz 0 35585 51705 6 13.4 oz / 380 g 16.5" x 10.0" x 6.8" 12 15.1 lbs 20.5" x 17.5" x 22.0" 1
Groomz R1122 CA473 Wrangler™ Angler Fish Assorted 0 35585 51706 3 1.7 oz / 48 g 13.8" x 5.5" x 1.0" 24 3.4 lbs 13.8" x 10.8" x 7.0" 3
Assorted Squeezz® Dental Roller Stick PST31 Small CRCL52 Crackles Grasshopper 0 35585 52400 9 1.3 oz / 36 g 7.5" x 6.0" x 2.0" 24 2.2 lbs 10.0" x 7.5" x 9.8" 3 CRCL52 Crackles Grasshopper CAT63 Teaser Jellyfish Assorted 0 35585 52401 6 1.8 oz / 50 g 10.0" x 4.0" x 1.3" 24 2.3 lbs 11.8" x 9.0" x 6.0" 3 CAT63 Teaser Jellyfish Assorted R0123 R0123 21
CA473 Wrangler™ Angler Fish
April 2023
It can be challenging to consolidate good selling items into limited space: so we did it for you! These recommended POGs show the best-selling, most popular and newest KONG and ROGZ by KONG products that should be in your set to increase visibility and boost sales. These are not pre-packed displays.
Universal 4 foot POG
PUSQ22 PupSqueaks Daisy Md 0 35585 49880 5 SKD2 Signature Dynos Assorted Md 0 35585 49870 6 ZY2 Cozie™ Ali Alligator Md 0 35585 15909 6 NKR1 Wild Knots Bear Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 45426 9 WHSX Whipples Assorted XL 0 35585 49882 9 SCZ21 Scrumplez Koala Md 0 35585 49874 4 RPS21 Puzzlements™ Surprise Flower Pot Md 0 35585 52311 8 SKW32 Shakers™ Wingz Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 49895 9 SHK14 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Lg 0 35585 49878 2 KP4 KONG® Puppy XS 0 35585 13145 0 KP3 KONG® Puppy Sm 0 35585 13131 3 KP2 KONG® Puppy Md 0 35585 13121 4 KP1 KONG® Puppy Lg 0 35585 13111 5 LMX34 Maxx Bone Sm/Md 0 35585 50934 1 SHKB22 Shakers™ Bobz Rooster Md 0 35585 49854 6 T4 KONG® Classic XS 0 35585 12500 8 T3 KONG® Classic Sm 0 35585 11131 5 T2 KONG® Classic Md 0 35585 11121 6 T1 KONG® Classic Lg 0 35585 11111 7 KXL KONG® Classic XL 0 35585 11101 8 KB1 KONG® Ball w/Hole Md/Lg 0 35585 18112 7 RRZ21 Rope Ringerz Assorted Md 0 35585 50278 6 EGS2 KONG® Extreme Goodie Ribbon Md 0 35585 35639 6 K3 KONG® Extreme Sm 0 35585 11160 5 K2 KONG® Extreme Md 0 35585 11114 8 K1 KONG® Extreme Lg 0 35585 11112 4 UXL KONG® Extreme XL 0 35585 11102 5 EB12 KONG® Extreme Ball w/Rope Lg 0 35585 35642 6 Item Description UPC KONG Universal 4 Foot POG Item Description UPC KONG Universal 4 Foot POG PEG2 Goodiez™ Ring Md 0 35585 50918 1 PLP1 Licks Lg 0 35585 52309 5 XSMC1 Meatballs Chicken 4 oz 0 35585 50322 6 XSJ12 Jerky Beef Md/Lg 0 35585 36173 4 XA41 Stufferz Chicken Md/Lg 0 35585 36177 2 PGR1 Treatster Lg 0 35585 01379 4 PEPW2 Rewards Wally Md/Lg 0 35585 49827 0 XNP3 Stuff'N™ All Natural Peanut Butter Bacon Banana 6 oz 0 35585 36163 5 PDB2 Dental Ball Md 0 35585 01398 5 ASQ22 AirDog® Squeaker Paw Md 0 35585 50217 5 SKSB32 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk Sm 0 35585 50319 6 AST2 SqueakAir® Balls Md 0 35585 77520 3 PST52 Squeezz® Dental Roller Bone XS/Sm 0 35585 49872 0 BMR31 Bamboo Rockerz Ring XS/Sm 0 35585 50267 0 SHKA21 Shakers™ Acoustix Maraca Md 0 35585 51200 6 SKM1 Signature Balls 3-pk Assorted Lg 0 35585 52306 4 FTD1 Training Dummy Lg 0 35585 29900 6 PJMBL Jaxx Mega Tug Blue 0 35585 50271 7 RFL22 Reflex Stick Md 0 35585 49866 9 PCHG21 ChiChewy Zippz Ball Md 0 35585 50274 8 PCHG31 ChiChewy Zippz Ring Sm 0 35585 50277 9 PRW32 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 52302 6 ZYJX2 Cozie™ Jumbo Marvin XL 0 35585 52314 9 KF3 KONG® Flyer® Lg 0 35585 12908 2 KG1 KONG® Tug Md 0 35585 12915 0 PW1 Wobbler® Lg 0 35585 03400 3 FA11 Flyangle Assorted Lg 0 35585 49532 3 TML1 Jumbler™ Flinger Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 50946 4 TMB1 Jumbler™ Ball Assorted Lg/XL 0 35585 03408 9 Recommended KONG Planogram
April 2023
KONG Universal 1 & 2 foot Cat POGs
Recommended KONG
Item Description UPC KONG Cat 1’ Recommended Planogram CXN1 Cat Nibbies Chicken 2 oz 0 35585 51600 4 C4 Kitty KONG® 0 35585 01326 8 CA467 Cat Active Jacks 3-pk 0 35585 45953 0 CRCL52 Crackles Grasshopper 0 35585 52400 9 CAT62 Teaser Glow Firefly 0 35585 51703 2 CCS Naturals® Catnip Spray 1 oz 0 35585 21122 0 CBB41 Blissy™ Mesh Ball w/catnip 0 35585 50226 7 CA469 Bat-A-Bout Vibez Butterfly 2-pk 0 35585 44006 4 CPZ7 Cat Puzzlements Forage Kitty Assorted 0 35585 50261 8 CAT61 Teaser Scrattles Fish Assorted 0 35585 51700 1 CPP9 Pull-A-Partz™ Sushi 0 35585 45948 6 CN2 Naturals® Catnip 2 oz 0 35585 45016 2 CA97 Cat Active Bubble Ball Assorted 0 35585 52404 7 CAT63 Teaser Jellyfish Assorted 0 35585 52401 6 CA473 Wrangler™ Angler Fish Assorted 0 35585 51706 3 CS2 Naturals® Scratcher Double 0 35585 45025 4 CA95 Play Spaces Tiki Twirl 0 35585 52402 3 Item Description UPC KONG Cat 2’ Recommended Planogram CCS Naturals® Catnip Spray 1 oz 0 35585 21122 0 CN21 Naturals® Catnip 1 oz 0 35585 45015 5 CN2 Naturals® Catnip 2 oz 0 35585 45016 2 CXN2 Cat Nibbies Whitefish 2 oz 0 35585 51601 1 CXN1 Cat Nibbies Chicken 2 oz 0 35585 51600 4 CL4 Laser Pointer 0 35585 15500 5 CAT62 Teaser Glow Firefly 0 35585 51703 2 NCM4 Refillables Chameleon 0 35585 45809 0 CRCL52 Crackles Grasshopper 0 35585 52400 9 CA66 Scrattles Acoustix 2-pk 0 35585 45954 7 CAT63 Teaser Jellyfish Assorted 0 35585 52401 6 CAT61 Teaser Scrattles Fish Assorted 0 35585 51700 1 CBB41 Blissy™ Mesh Ball w/catnip 0 35585 50226 7 CA469 Bat-A-Bout Vibez Butterfly 2-pk 0 35585 44006 4 CFL7 Flingaroo™ Tutu Assorted 0 35585 45951 6 CT55 Connects™ Magnicat 0 35585 40406 6 CAT59 Teaser Tweezerz Assorted 0 35585 50201 4 CBB43 Blissy™ Moon Ball w/paw ball catnip 0 35585 50228 1 CPZ7 Cat Puzzlements Forage Kitty Assorted 0 35585 50261 8 CPP6 Pull-A-Partz™ Purrito 0 35585 45929 5 CA97 Cat Active Bubble Ball Assorted 0 35585 52404 7 CA92 Enchanted Dragon 0 35585 45944 8 CPP11 Pull-A-Partz™ Tuck 0 35585 45949 3 CPP12 Pull-A-Partz™ Luvs 0 35585 45952 3 CA473 Wrangler™ Angler Fish Assorted 0 35585 51706 3 CA472 Play Spaces Groomz 0 35585 51705 6 CA95 Play Spaces Tiki Twirl 0 35585 52402 3 CS3 Naturals® Scratcher Incline 0 35585 45026 1 CA466 Playground Garden 0 35585 45706 2 CS3 Naturals® Scratcher Incline 0 35585 45026 1 CA466 Playground Garden 0 35585 45706 2
KONG Universal 8 foot POG Recommended KONG Planogram April 2023 24
RPS21 Puzzlements™ Surprise Flower Pot Md 0 35585 52311 8 WHSX Whipples Assorted XL 0 35585 49882 9 ZYT31 Cozie™ Tuggz Cheetah Sm/Md 0 35585 50901 3 ZY2 Cozie™ Ali Alligator Md 0 35585 15909 6 ZYK24 Cozie™ Pocketz Beaver Md 0 35585 50362 2 NKR36 Wild Knots Giraffe Sm/Md 0 35585 50940 2 NKR1 Wild Knots Bear Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 45426 9 NKL12 Knots Flatz Lion Md/Lg 0 35585 50923 5 NKW31 Knots Twists Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 50336 3 NKF12 Floppy Knots Fox Md/Lg 0 35585 40205 5 PUSQ22 PupSqueaks Daisy Md 0 35585 49880 5 SCZ22 Scrumplez Bunny Md 0 35585 49875 1 SHK14 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Lg 0 35585 49878 2 SHCX2 Shakers™ Crumples Lion XL 0 35585 49892 8 SNZK33 Snuzzles Kiddos Sloth Sm 0 35585 49847 8 SKD2 Signature Dynos Assorted Md 0 35585 49870 6 LMX32 Maxx Star Sm/Md 0 35585 50932 7 SKW32 Shakers™ Wingz Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 49895 9 SHKB23 Shakers™ Bobz Giraffe Md 0 35585 49855 3 KP4 KONG® Puppy XS 0 35585 13145 0 KP3 KONG® Puppy Sm 0 35585 13131 3 KP2 KONG® Puppy Md 0 35585 13121 4 KP1 KONG® Puppy Lg 0 35585 13111 5 KP31 KONG® Puppy Goodie Bone® Sm 0 35585 13128 3 KP37 KONG® Puppy Binkie™ Sm 0 35585 13120 7 KP33 KONG® Puppy Teething Stick Sm 0 35585 13137 5 KB1 KONG® Ball w/Hole Md/Lg 0 35585 18112 7 T4 KONG® Classic XS 0 35585 12500 8 T3 KONG® Classic Sm 0 35585 11131 5 T2 KONG® Classic Md 0 35585 11121 6 T1 KONG® Classic Lg 0 35585 11111 7 KXL KONG® Classic XL 0 35585 11101 8 KK KONG® Classic XXL 0 35585 11141 4 UB1 KONG® Extreme Ball Md/Lg 0 35585 18113 4 KM2 KONG® Ring Sm/Md 0 35585 35610 5 K3 KONG® Extreme Sm 0 35585 11160 5 K2 KONG® Extreme Md 0 35585 11114 8 K1 KONG® Extreme Lg 0 35585 11112 4 UXL KONG® Extreme XL 0 35585 11102 5 UKK KONG® Extreme XXL 0 35585 11142 1 Item Description UPC KONG Universal 8 Foot POG Item Description UPC KONG Universal 8 Foot POG Item Description UPC KONG Universal 8 Foot POG EB12 KONG® Extreme Ball w/Rope Lg 0 35585 35642 6 EMX KONG® Extreme Ring XL 0 35585 35640 2 10011 KONG® Goodie Bone® Md 6 11932 10011 1 10012 KONG® Extreme Goodie Bone® Md 6 11932 10012 8 10014 KONG® Goodie Bone® Lg 0 35585 78070 2 TGS3 KONG® Goodie Ribbon Sm 0 35585 35626 6 TGS2 KONG® Goodie Ribbon Md 0 35585 35625 9 EGS2 KONG® Extreme Goodie Ribbon Md 0 35585 35639 6 EGS1 KONG® Extreme Goodie Ribbon Lg 0 35585 35638 9 EK1 KONG® Extreme Dental Lg 0 35585 35643 3 XNP3 Stuff'N™ All Natural Peanut Butter Bacon Banana 6 oz 0 35585 36163 5 XNP1 Stuff'N™ All-Natural Peanut Butter 6 oz 0 35585 36155 0 XS4 Easy Treat® Puppy 8 oz 0 35585 01050 2 XS1 Easy Treat® Liver 8 oz 0 35585 01111 0 XS2 Easy Treat® Peanut Butter 8 oz 0 35585 01113 4 PLP1 Licks Lg 0 35585 52309 5 SKF2 Signature Throw Md/Lg 0 35585 52310 1 XSMC1 Meatballs Chicken 4 oz 0 35585 50322 6 XCP21 Marathon® 2-pk Peanut Butter Lg 0 35585 36125 3 XV11 Wild Antler Whole Lg 0 35585 31702 1 XSJ31 Jerky Chicken Sm/Md 0 35585 36160 4 XSJ12 Jerky Beef Md/Lg 0 35585 36173 4 XA41 Stufferz Chicken Md/Lg 0 35585 36177 2 PGR1 Treatster Lg 0 35585 01379 4 PEPT11 Rewards Tinker Md/Lg 0 35585 50900 6 XTT32 Bites Chicken 5 oz 0 35585 36153 6 XO1 Snacks® Bacon & Cheese Lg 0 35585 21300 2 PDB3 Dental Ball Sm 0 35585 01476 0 PDB2 Dental Ball Md 0 35585 01398 5 PEG2 Goodiez™ Ring Md 0 35585 50918 1 PEPW2 Rewards Wally Md/Lg 0 35585 49827 0 AST5 SqueakAir® Balls XS 0 35585 77518 0 AST3 SqueakAir® Balls Sm 0 35585 77515 9 AST2 SqueakAir® Balls Md 0 35585 77520 3 PSWP12 ChewStix Puppy Twist Heart Md/Lg 0 35585 36343 1 BMR21 Bamboo Rockerz Ring Md 0 35585 50268 7 PST52 Squeezz® Dental Roller Bone XS/Sm 0 35585 49872 0 RRZ21 Rope Ringerz Assorted Md 0 35585 50278 6 ASQ32 AirDog® Squeaker Paw XS/Sm 0 35585 50216 8 SKSB52 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk XS 0 35585 50318 9 SKSB32 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk Sm 0 35585 50319 6 SKSB22 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk Md 0 35585 50320 2 BMS21 Bamboo Rockerz Stick Md 0 35585 50270 0 PST51 Squeezz® Dental Stick XS 0 35585 49871 3 RRP31 Rope Ball Puppy Assorted Sm 0 35585 50329 5 SKT11 Signature Rope Double Ring Tug 0 35585 49817 1 SKB1 Signature Balls 2-pk Lg 0 35585 47616 2 SKM2 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Md 0 35585 52305 7 SKBC21 Signature Chucker Rope Assorted 0 35585 49863 8 PCHG22 ChiChewy Zippz Bone Md 0 35585 50276 2 PCHG31 ChiChewy Zippz Ring Sm 0 35585 50277 9 RRB11 Rope Bunji Assorted Lg 0 35585 50211 3 PJMYL Jaxx Mega Tug Yellow 0 35585 50272 4 PSB1 Squeezz® Ball Assorted Lg 0 35585 03201 6 TML3 Jumbler™ Flinger Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 50945 7 TMG1 Jumbler™ Tug Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 50944 0 PFF2 FlipStix Md 0 35585 49861 4 PRW32 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 52302 6 PRW11 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 52301 9 PCT1 Squeezz® Tennis Assorted Lg 0 35585 01214 8 RFL22 Reflex Stick Md 0 35585 49866 9 SHKA22 Shakers™ Acoustix Rain Stick Md 0 35585 51201 3 FTD1 Training Dummy Lg 0 35585 29900 6 PF3 SafeStix Assorted Sm 0 35585 24902 5 RLCX Comfort Kiddos Jumbo Elephant XL 0 35585 49881 2 ZYJX2 Cozie™ Jumbo Marvin XL 0 35585 52314 9 ZYX1 Cozie™ Ali Alligator XL 0 35585 33808 8 PB2 Bounzer® Md 0 35585 03403 4 PB1 Bounzer® Lg 0 35585 03404 1 PBX Bounzer® XL 0 35585 03405 8 KF3 KONG® Flyer® Lg 0 35585 12908 2 UF3 KONG® Extreme Flyer® Lg 0 35585 12318 9 KG1 KONG® Tug Md 0 35585 12915 0 PW1 Wobbler® Lg 0 35585 03400 3 ASTXB SqueakAir® Ball XL Bulk 0 35585 77557 9 FA11 Flyangle Assorted Lg 0 35585 49532 3 RFL13 Reflex Flyer 0 35585 49867 6 TMB1 Jumbler™ Ball Assorted Lg/XL 0 35585 03408 9 25
KONG Universal 12 foot POG Recommended KONG Planogram April 2023 26
ZY26 Cozie™ Marvin Moose Md 0 35585 15905 8 ZY2 Cozie™ Ali Alligator Md 0 35585 15909 6 ZYK24 Cozie™ Pocketz Beaver Md 0 35585 50362 2 ZYL23 Cozie™ Ultra Ella Elephant Md 0 35585 48533 1 ZYT11 Cozie™ Tuggz Cheetah Md/Lg 0 35585 50906 8 RLC53 Comfort Kiddos Elephant XS 0 35585 36048 5 NKR34 Wild Knots Fox Sm/Md 0 35585 50938 9 NKR16 Wild Knots Giraffe Md/Lg 0 35585 50937 2 NKF12 Floppy Knots Fox Md/Lg 0 35585 40205 5 NKW11 Knots Twists Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 50337 0 NKR5 Wild Knots Bear Assorted XS 0 35585 45457 3 NKR3 Wild Knots Bear Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 45425 2 NKR1 Wild Knots Bear Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 45426 9 SHKS22 Shakers™ Shimmy Seagull Md 0 35585 49850 8 NKL13 Knots Flatz Monkey Md/Lg 0 35585 50924 2 SNZK33 Snuzzles Kiddos Sloth Sm 0 35585 49847 8 SHK34 Shakers™ Honkers Dragon Sm 0 35585 49877 5 SKW32 Shakers™ Wingz Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 49895 9 SHCX4 Shakers™ Crumples Bunny XL 0 35585 49894 2 SCZ22 Scrumplez Bunny Md 0 35585 49875 1 RPS21 Puzzlements™ Surprise Flower Pot Md 0 35585 52311 8 WHSX Whipples Assorted XL 0 35585 49882 9 PUSQ22 PupSqueaks Daisy Md 0 35585 49880 5 SHKB23 Shakers™ Bobz Giraffe Md 0 35585 49855 3 RSP22 Sherps™ Yak Md 0 35585 48543 0 RJBX Comfort Jumbo Birds XL 0 35585 50911 2 WT1 Tugga Wubba™ Assorted Lg 0 35585 80064 6 LMX32 Maxx Star Sm/Md 0 35585 50932 7 SKD2 Signature Dynos Assorted Md 0 35585 49870 6 LBV12 Ballistic® Vibez Llamas Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 50347 9 WBX Wubba™ Assorted XL 0 35585 80000 4 LMX31 Maxx Ring Sm/Md 0 35585 50931 0 WB3 Wubba™ Assorted Sm 0 35585 80002 8 WB1 Wubba™ Assorted Lg 0 35585 80001 1 SKF2 Signature Throw Md/Lg 0 35585 52310 1 KP4 KONG® Puppy XS 0 35585 13145 0 KP3 KONG® Puppy Sm 0 35585 13131 3 KP2 KONG® Puppy Md 0 35585 13121 4 KP1 KONG® Puppy Lg 0 35585 13111 5 KP31 KONG® Puppy Goodie Bone® Sm 0 35585 13128 3 KP33 KONG® Puppy Teething Stick Sm 0 35585 13137 5 KP37 KONG® Puppy Binkie™ Sm 0 35585 13120 7 KB1 KONG® Ball w/Hole Md/Lg 0 35585 18112 7 T4 KONG® Classic XS 0 35585 12500 8 T3 KONG® Classic Sm 0 35585 11131 5 T2 KONG® Classic Md 0 35585 11121 6 T1 KONG® Classic Lg 0 35585 11111 7 KXL KONG® Classic XL 0 35585 11101 8 KK KONG® Classic XXL 0 35585 11141 4 UB1 KONG® Extreme Ball Md/Lg 0 35585 18113 4 KM2 KONG® Ring Sm/Md 0 35585 35610 5 K3 KONG® Extreme Sm 0 35585 11160 5 K2 KONG® Extreme Md 0 35585 11114 8 K1 KONG® Extreme Lg 0 35585 11112 4 UXL KONG® Extreme XL 0 35585 11102 5 UKK KONG® Extreme XXL 0 35585 11142 1 Item Description UPC KONG Universal 12 Foot POG Item Description UPC KONG Universal 12 Foot POG Item Description UPC KONG Universal 12 Foot POG EB12 KONG® Extreme Ball w/Rope Lg 0 35585 35642 6 KM1 KONG® Ring Md/Lg 0 35585 35609 9 10011 KONG® Goodie Bone® Md 6 11932 10011 1 10012 KONG® Extreme Goodie Bone® Md 6 11932 10012 8 10014 KONG® Goodie Bone® Lg 0 35585 78070 2 TGS3 KONG® Goodie Ribbon Sm 0 35585 35626 6 EGS2 KONG® Extreme Goodie Ribbon Md 0 35585 35639 6 EGS1 KONG® Extreme Goodie Ribbon Lg 0 35585 35638 9 EK1 KONG® Extreme Dental Lg 0 35585 35643 3 EK2 KONG® Extreme Dental w/Rope Md 0 35585 35641 9 EMX KONG® Extreme Ring XL 0 35585 35640 2 PLP3 Licks Sm 0 35585 52308 8 XSMC3 Meatballs Mini Chicken 4 oz 0 35585 50323 3 XSMC1 Meatballs Chicken 4 oz 0 35585 50322 6 XCP13 Marathon® 2-pk Chicken Sm 0 35585 36124 6 XCP22 Marathon® 2-pk Peanut Butter Md 0 35585 36126 0 XCP11 Marathon® 2-pk Chicken Lg 0 35585 36122 2 XNP1 Stuff'N™ All-Natural Peanut Butter 6 oz 0 35585 36155 0 XNP3 Stuff'N™ All Natural Peanut Butter Bacon Banana 6 oz 0 35585 36163 5 PLP1 Licks Lg 0 35585 52309 5 XTT32 Bites Chicken 5 oz 0 35585 36153 6 XO1 Snacks® Bacon & Cheese Lg 0 35585 21300 2 XSJ31 Jerky Chicken Sm/Md 0 35585 36160 4 XSJ12 Jerky Beef Md/Lg 0 35585 36173 4 PEPW2 Rewards Wally Md/Lg 0 35585 49827 0 XS4 Easy Treat® Puppy 8 oz 0 35585 01050 2 XS2 Easy Treat® Peanut Butter 8 oz 0 35585 01113 4 XA61 Stufferz Chicken Sm 0 35585 36178 9 XA41 Stufferz Chicken Md/Lg 0 35585 36177 2 PEG2 Goodiez™ Ring Md 0 35585 50918 1 PGY1 Gyro Lg 0 35585 03417 1 PTK1 Tikr Lg 0 35585 03440 9 XS1 Easy Treat® Liver 8 oz 0 35585 01111 0 XB5 Stuff'N™ Sweet Potato 5 oz 0 35585 19101 0 PSWP32 ChewStix Puppy Twist Heart Sm 0 35585 36345 5 PGR3 Treatster Sm 0 35585 01380 0 PGR1 Treatster Lg 0 35585 01379 4 PDB3 Dental Ball Sm 0 35585 01476 0 PDB2 Dental Ball Md 0 35585 01398 5 PSWP11 ChewStix Puppy Twist Bear Md/Lg 0 35585 36340 0 PSW15 ChewStix Puppy Curve Bone Lg 0 35585 36328 8 PSW14 ChewStix Tough Femur Lg 0 35585 36325 7 PST51 Squeezz® Dental Stick XS 0 35585 49871 3 PST31 Squeezz® Dental Roller Stick Sm 0 35585 49873 7 XVX2 Wild Antler Split XL 0 35585 31706 9 ASFB2 AirDog® Football Md 0 35585 77523 4 ASQ21 AirDog® Squeaker Knobby Ball Md 0 35585 50214 4 ASQ22 AirDog® Squeaker Paw Md 0 35585 50217 5 BMS21 Bamboo Rockerz Stick Md 0 35585 50270 0 BMR21 Bamboo Rockerz Ring Md 0 35585 50268 7 PJMYL Jaxx Mega Tug Yellow 0 35585 50272 4 AST5 SqueakAir® Balls XS 0 35585 77518 0 AST3 SqueakAir® Balls Sm 0 35585 77515 9 AST2 SqueakAir® Balls Md 0 35585 77520 3 AST1 SqueakAir® Balls Lg 0 35585 77555 5 RFL24 Reflex Ball Md 0 35585 49869 0 RFL11 Reflex Tug 0 35585 49865 2 SKSB52 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk XS 0 35585 50318 9 SKSB32 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk Sm 0 35585 50319 6 SKSB22 Signature Sport Balls 3-pk Md 0 35585 50320 2 SKB2 Signature Balls 2-pk Md 0 35585 47615 5 SKBC21 Signature Chucker Rope Assorted 0 35585 49863 8 SKM3 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Sm 0 35585 52304 0 SKM2 Signature Balls 4-pk Assorted Md 0 35585 52305 7 RRZ21 Rope Ringerz Assorted Md 0 35585 50278 6 SKT12 Signature Rope 22" Double Tug 0 35585 49818 8 RRB21 Rope Bunji Assorted Md 0 35585 50210 6 SKSR2 Signature Stick w/Rope Md 0 35585 49418 0 PRW31 Rerun Whoosh Ball Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 52300 2 PRW32 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Sm/Md 0 35585 52302 6 PSG12 Squeezz® Goomz Ball Lg 0 35585 49508 8 SHKA22 Shakers™ Acoustix Rain Stick Md 0 35585 51201 3 PCHG21 ChiChewy Zippz Ball Md 0 35585 50274 8 PCHG31 ChiChewy Zippz Ring Sm 0 35585 50277 9 PCHG12 ChiChewy Zippz Stick Lg 0 35585 50275 5 PRW12 Rerun Whoosh Bone Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 52303 3 PSB1 Squeezz® Ball Assorted Lg 0 35585 03201 6 PSS1 Squeezz® Stick Assorted Lg 0 35585 03210 8 PCT1 Squeezz® Tennis Assorted Lg 0 35585 01214 8 FTD1 Training Dummy Lg 0 35585 29900 6 PFF2 FlipStix Md 0 35585 49861 4 PF3 SafeStix Assorted Sm 0 35585 24902 5 PSXW1 SqueakStix Wigglerz Lg 0 35585 01233 9 TDD11 Dotz Circle Lg 0 35585 40103 4 TML1 Jumbler™ Flinger Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 50946 4 TMG1 Jumbler™ Tug Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 50944 0 NKRX Wild Knots Bear Assorted XL 0 35585 36500 8 ZYX1 Cozie™ Ali Alligator XL 0 35585 33808 8 ZYJX2 Cozie™ Jumbo Marvin XL 0 35585 52314 9 RLCX Comfort Kiddos Jumbo Elephant XL 0 35585 49881 2 KP15 KONG® Puppy Flyer® Sm 0 35585 13116 0 KF15 KONG® Flyer® Sm 0 35585 12917 4 KF3 KONG® Flyer® Lg 0 35585 12908 2 UF3 KONG® Extreme Flyer® Lg 0 35585 12318 9 KG1 KONG® Tug Md 0 35585 12915 0 PB1 Bounzer® Lg 0 35585 03404 1 PBX Bounzer® XL 0 35585 03405 8 PW2 Wobbler® Sm 0 35585 03401 0 PW1 Wobbler® Lg 0 35585 03400 3 PEPT11 Rewards Tinker Md/Lg 0 35585 50900 6 AST1B SqueakAir® Ball Lg Bulk 0 35585 77517 3 ASTXB SqueakAir® Ball XL Bulk 0 35585 77557 9 FA11 Flyangle Assorted Lg 0 35585 49532 3 PFT31 Twistz Ring Sm 0 35585 49407 4 TMF1 Jumbler™ Football Assorted Lg/XL 0 35585 03411 9 TMB2 Jumbler™ Ball Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 03409 6 TMB1 Jumbler™ Ball Assorted Lg/XL 0 35585 03408 9 PFT31 Twistz Ring Sm 0 35585 49407 4 TMF1 Jumbler™ Football Assorted Lg/XL 0 35585 03411 9 TMB2 Jumbler™ Ball Assorted Md/Lg 0 35585 03409 6 TMB1 Jumbler™ Ball Assorted Lg/XL 0 35585 03408 9 27
KONGcompany.com 16191 Table Mountain Parkway, Golden, CO 80403 R0423