I want to count on EFFICIENT workflows with the highest confidentiality
ThE sImplE sTEp To oPtImISEd PRocESSES Organisations in the financial industry produce an enormous amount of paperwork. Loan processors, customer service agents, bankers, creditors and auditors are challenged with managing and protecting confidential information. All in all, financial institutions face three key challenges. The first one is the permanent need for cost reduction due to the strong competition and constant fight for the best price conditions. The second challenge is closely related to this: it’s the goal to optimise processes in order to reach the highest business efficiency. The third challenge, finally, is to permanently improve the market performance. Konica Minolta solutions help to reach these key goals in the field of document management. Up-to-date multifunctional office systems with specific applications in combination with advanced copying, printing and scanning capabilities help to establish workflows that transform paper-based documents into process ready data that can be edited, stored and archived in the institution’s database. At the same time, all hardware and software compounds are designed to follow the strict security and data protection regulations financial organisations have to guarantee to their customers.
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– Getting details from documents – Making everyday work more efficient – Securing the process environment
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€ workflow: getting details from documents Opening a bank account
GEttInG dEtaIlS From doCUmENTs opening a bank account The opening of a bank account is a perfect example of how to transform a previously paper-based process into a convenient digital workflow, fulfilling essential demands: First of all, the user benefits from simple and straightforward applications that allow him to quickly index, store and retrieve electronic documents scanned directly on the MFP. Another demand concerns the security, safe distribution and storage of digitised confidential information. Built-in security features help organisations to meet compliance regulations. Furthermore, account opening demonstrates how documents can be extended with metadata, including barcode reading and form recognition techniques.
– A customer wants to open a new bank account. – He has to fill in and sign the account opening form. – The bank clerk scans the data from this form directly into the bank’s database by selecting the appropriate predefined workflow in the MFP panel. – A special application automatically searches the form for the relevant keywords, for example customer name, account number and date. – The application transmits the results to the bank’s database and even detects whether the account form has been signed correctly by the customer. If not, the document is routed to an exception folder. Additionally, the application checks if the customer has agreed to the bank’s terms and conditions.
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maKInG EvERyday woRK morE EFFICIENT automated document processing Internal and customer-oriented business processes within the financial sector depend on a maximum of confidentiality. Most of the documents that are processed contain sensitive data, for example customer IDs or loan details of companies. The best solution is to automate these processes in order to minimise manual errors and transmit sensitive data securely. It is of high importance to deal with specific challenges and requirements. On the one hand, information stored in the bank’s CRM system must be available on demand. On the other hand, strict security and protection have to be guaranteed by using authentication systems and predefined workflows based on automated processing. Thus, archiving and storage in the bank’s database should be reliably protected, with safe access only given to appropriate employees.
benefits for institutions
Opening a bank account and Automated document processing – Easy and fast operation due to intuitive user interfaces and predefined workflow profiles. – Efficient and automated document processes thanks to bar-code integration and reliable document indexing. – More secure document management and working environments through authentication and built-in security features. – Optimised customer relationship management due transformation of data into process-ready information.
making everyday work more efficient Automated document processing
– A customer needs a new credit. – The bank clerk hands him the personalised credit proposal which includes a QR code at the top of every page. This code contains the customer ID, name, document type, time of document creation and the name of the bank clerk who created the document. – The customer checks the proposal at home, fills it out, signs it and sends it back to the bank. – A bank clerk scans the signed document, the QR code activates the automated distribution into the bank’s CRM system. – It is also possible to capture multiple documents this way as the QR code provides each of them with a unique ID. – Finally, the signed proposal is stored in the customer file of the bank’s CRM system. – In a different scenario, the customer hands in his new ID. – The bank clerk selects the appropriate workflow on the MFP. – The dynamic look-up function of the MFP (connecting the MFP and the CRM system) finds the customer file in the CRM system. – The system automatically finds the customer’s documents in the database and stores the new ID as an image, updating the existing customer data. – In order to guarantee a maximum of security, every bank clerk must authenticate at the MFP before he can use the described functions.
SEcuRInG tHE PRocESS ENvIroNmENT information logging Information logging is important to ensure a secure environment and analyse business actions and processes in case of any problems. Hence, it is a solid basis for critical tasks, for example the scanning of confidential information, ID documents or other personal data. This is a vital process which takes place in the background, invisible to both customers and bank employees.
workflow: securing the process environment Information logging
– The basis is an application that records every process on the multifunctional devices of the bank. – Hence, all printed, copied, scanned and faxed pages are saved together with additional information such as the concerned employee, the job status, and the time of the operation. – The administrator can download and view the information log at any time and extract specific reports into an Excel file. – A database browser supplies the administrator with enhanced searching options making it easy to view and find the desired data. – Thus, it is possible to identify information leaks and users that hurt data protection regulations.
benefits for institutions – Protection against information leaks – Creating a secure document environment
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Key Responsibilities responsible for the environment
responsible for data security
Konica Minolta promotes sustainable strategies and integrates eco-friendly perspectives throughout the entire life cycle of products. We work towards a recycling-oriented society the prevention of pollution and the minimisation of potential risks.
Konica Minolta has taken a leading role in developing and implementing security-based information technology into its multifunctional devices. It is still one of our key goals to deliver solutions that safeguard the confidentiality of electronic information, whether data or documents.
Green Production – Our R&D department strives for green innovations, for example Konica Minolta’s own polymerised toner, Simitri HD, which is produced with 33% lower CO2 emissions compared to conventional toner manufacture
Network Security – Our standards secure the network, as well as individual access to devices and network facilities
Green Shipping – Smaller packages and intelligent logistics help to reduce transport distances, transport volume and transport waste Green Services – Tools like the Power Saver and the Eco Calculator demonstrate our contribution to contemporary environmental requirements Green Use – Enhanced functionalities at the output device, such as authentication, follow-me printing and precise previews help to save paper and avoid waste every day Green Recycling – This area includes the recycling of our devices and consumables as well as the advanced use of recycled paper without any compromises concerning the print quality Green Information – www.konicaminolta.eu/environment
Personal Security – Personal data and information processed by a Konica Minolta device is always protected from unauthorised access. Where required, restrictions of functionalities are possible – For example, authentication and follow-me printing ensure that sensitive documents exclusively reach the right hands and cannot be found in the output device unintendedly Certified Security – Konica Minolta takes the security concerns of its clients seriously. That’s why almost every multifunctional bizhub device is validated to Common Criteria (CC) EAL3 or the equivalent ISO 15408 – Unlike many other suppliers, Konica Minolta always has the complete multifunctional device certified and ensures the highest possible security levels
– All specifications relating to paper capacity refer to A4-size paper of 80-gsm quality. – All specifications relating to scanning, copying or printing speeds refer to A4-size paper that is scanned, copied or printed crosswise in multipage, simplex mode. – The support and availability of the listed specifications and functionalities varies depending on operating systems, applications and network protocols as well as network and system configurations. – The stated life expectancy of each consumable is based on specific operating conditions such as page coverage for a particular page size (5 % coverage of A4). The actual life of each consumable will vary depending on use and other printing variables including page coverage, page size, media type, continuous or intermittent printing, ambient temperature and humidity. – Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories. – Specifications and accessories are based on the information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice. – Konica Minolta does not warrant that any prices or specifications mentioned will be error-free. – Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/ or other countries. – All other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.
Your Konica Minolta Business Solutions Partner:
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH Europaallee 17 30855 Langenhagen • Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 511 74 04-0 Fax: +49 (0) 511 74 10 50 www.konicaminolta.eu