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1.2.3. Culture, Art and Sports Valley 1.3. Social Context 1.3.1. Scenarios in Taksim 1.3.2. Art in Taksim 1.3.3. Identity Studies
The TaksimMaksem and Water Cisternare particularly valuable to the square as its oldest structuresresponsible for both its name and defining boundaries. The surroundings of the Maksem buildings will be cleared of any parasitic structures, and 2 historical fountains as well as a set of cascaded pools, originally added to the front of the cistern in the ‘40s, will be restored.
To ensure that the association of these structures with water and Taksim’s name are visible, various other water features have been included in the square’s landscape.
2.3. Hagia Triada Church
The Hagia Triada Church is one of the square’s defining architectural elements with its domed mass and pedestal consisting of shops. The historical shops’ façades, signage and sunshades need to be renovated and uniform. The terrace, which forms their roof and continues along Sıraselviler Ave, can also be incorporated into public use. In order to create more visual harmony between the church and square, any unfit commercial structures creating visual pollution around the church have been redesigned with ownership statuses in mind.
2.4. AKM Opera House
The AKM Opera House is one of the square’s most important, symbolic structures. To enhance the relationship between the entrance of the Opera and the square, differences in ground level have been reconciled, bringing them back in line. The new green landscape of the square set in axial relation with the AKM building has the same width as the globe of the concert hall and creates a strong visual connection.
We have designed a dry fountain which can be used on different occasions and events in front of AKM. An artistic suggestion we think of for the area is to create a massive body of water that will constitute a figure of 1 on every May 1. As a result of the superposition of this image with the red colored spherical hall of AKM in the background, the emblem of May 1, which was previously placed on the front of the AKM during the May 1 celebration events; red earth globe and the May 1 text will be resembled.
2.5. Kazancı Hill - Osmanli Street
We are proposing an art installation and a memorial plaque in memory of the 34 people who were stuck and squeezed on the junction of Kazancı Hill at the square on May 1, 1977, and died.
Before this memorial element was put in place, as an art installation; a huge pneumatic sphere with its form and red color, referring to the earth sphere, which is the emblem of May 1 will be placed above the street, stuck in between buildings in the memory of those who died by being squeezed. This public art installation performed by an international artist, which we have taken the permission to refer. This public artwork exhibited only temporarily by the artist in different cities of the world, in different contexts as a project.
2.6. Atatürk Library
The Ataturk Library’ssurrounding walls have been removed and the empty green space beside it reclaimed with a canopy servicing the bus stop as well as a kiosk and outdoor seating. Gezi Park has been preserved in accordance with the geometrical design of its period. Care has been taken to not interfere with any existing mature trees; however severely rotten and dry plants will be removed and replaced by common varieties naturally growing in Istanbul’s climate. Moreover, deformed and unhealthy vegetation in the park will be taken into recovery programs and closely monitored for a recovery. A small number of seedlings from below the platform have been relocated within the park. Sloped landscaping has also been formed to allow for passage under the platform on the square side of the park, which has access to art gallery.
At the corner of Gezi Park where Taksim Garden and Mete Street intersect, using the existing elevation difference, a dining hall / canteen was designed under the existing terrace and a cafeteria at the upper terrace level. It is thought that this place will create a social environment for everyone who uses the square and the park, especially students, who will be able to meet their nutritional needs under appropriate conditions.
The public WC, located along the Gezi Park façade facing Taksim Garden, has been rearranged; it was enlarged and made suitable for disabled access.
Located at the corner where Gezi Park intersects with Taksim Garden and Cumhuriyet Street, the existing volume of technical services have been reorganized and transformed into a cafe that can also serve the park. A large gym was designed which can house many people, just below this cafe. This area can be reached from the study area and also from the metro station.
The area located under the two symmetrical viewing terraces within Gezi Park were also used and redesigned as cafe and kiosk areas that would serve the central area of the park. One of the kiosks also provides a passage between Cumhuriyet Street and the interior of the park.
The circular pool in Gezi Park and the flower band around it, which was added later by changing its original design, were removed. This area is considered an urban space available for use 24/7 and will create an environment for various outdoor activities. The traces of the original octagonal pool were kept and outlined with water nozzles embedded in the ground. This dry pool area can be used for concerts, artistic installations, exhibitions, collective sports, market area, meeting area, etc. whereby actively participating in the park both visually and physically while not being used as a water element. Thereby, it has gained the quality of a public space that offers a wide variety of outdoor usage alternatives. Undoubtedly, these activities will spread throughout the park. In order to allow different uses at different times, the necessary warehouse and production areas have been located in the evacuated Tunnel area, which can be accessed from the metro entrance in Taksim Garden.
Around the dry pool area, the traces of the pre-existing flower band are maintained with an artistic canopy design that defines this event area and gives the audience and participants a sense of a relatively protected and defined space. The surfaces of this canopy of artistic character designed as a steel structure rising in symmetry from the ground will be covered with corten steel.
Patch, corridor and matrix methodology is used to interconnect green spaces around the area on the upper scale. New corridors connecting small and medium size patches to large urban patches and Gezi Park has been designed. Depending on the size and width of the street, bioswales will be created along the green corridor and trees will be planted. In these corridors plant species specifically chosen among the tree that can absorb polluted gases and urban dust.