Magma Geopark Created in the past. Experienced today. Preserved for the future.
Welcome! Magma Geopark is a unique geological area in Southwest Norway. Five municipalities - Bjerkreim, Eigersund, Flekkefjord, Lund and Sokndal - with a total of 32.000 inhabitants, comprise the geopark. In the over 2.000 square kilometres of Magma Geopark there are more than 40 localities that offer exciting geological and cultural features.
Here you can enjoy a range of experiences from geology to old wooden houses. You can cycle along the old Flekkefjord railway line on a special vehicle that fits on the tracks (dresine); you can walk on moon rocks over Jibbeheja; visit fascinating old mines at Gursli and Blåfjell; enjoy magnificent views from Egerøy lighthouse; or get lost in the huge blocks of rock in Gloppedal. You don´t need a ticket to come to the geopark. You just need to draw on your own sense of discovery.
In Magma Geopark you can cycle, climb, paddle, walk in nature, visit old mines - and much more.
Address: Sokndalsveien 26, 4372 Egersund More information at Photos: Jan Ove Grastveit · Åse Hestnes · Richard Wilson · Pål Thjømøe · Sirkka Image · Mona Holte Layout: Sandra Kovacs · Produced by Viis/Are Jerstad. Tel.: 92 61 23 53. ARE OKKENHAUG JERSTAD
Go on a treasure hunt (TurfHunt) with our apps and get many other super trip tips at the same time! - Treasure Hunt Magma Geopark - Georoutes The apps are suitable for both Iphone and Android.
TURFHUNTS: Eigerøy lighthouse, Egersund, Solbjørgnipa, Gullbergtuva, Tronåsen, Jibbeheia, Blåfjell, Hellersheia, Li farm, Flekkefjord railway and many others.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark! foto:
Hess Norge er en del av et globalt energiselskap. Overalt hvor vi har aktivitet ønsker vi å være en god nabo. Her i Norge er vi spesielt opptatt av samarbeid støtte til elskap. Overalt hvorog vi har aktivitet er vibarnespesielt opptatt av samarbeid og ungdomsarbeid, danning og idrett. Heia utdanning og Viking! idrett. Heia Viking!
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GO FOR A WALK ON THE MOON! The most common rock type in Magma Geopark is the same as on the surface of the light parts of the moon – anorthosite. Anorthosite in the geopark was formed in large magma chambers about 1.000 million years ago. These chambers were in the root zone of a mountain chain similar to the Himalayas today. When the ice retreated for the last time at the end of the Ice Age the anorthosite was exposed at the surface; now it is waiting for your footprints. We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
Visste du? Da NASA forberedte landingen på månen i 1969, besøkte de Magma Geopark-området for å ta med prøver av anortositt.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
GEOLOGISK MANGFOLD Først av alt er geologien. Hjelp oss med å oppdatere kunnskap om geologiske steder som er spennende for deg. Foto: Andreas Gruhle,
UNIQUE IN EUROPE The geology of Magma Geopark is very special with rock formations that resemble moon landscapes. Many of our geological features cannot be experienced anywhere else in Europe. The Bjerkreim-Sokndal body is a huge layered intrusion that is the largest of its kind in Western Europe. This is one of the few places in the world where you can see where new magma entered a magma chamber. The intrusion consists of many rock types, including anorthosites, norites and granites that were formed about 930 million years ago.
Mining activity in the geopark started in the 1700´s at Ankerhus mine near Koldal in Eigersund where titanium-rich iron ore (ilmenite) was extracted. Similar mines were later opened at Blåfjell in Sokndal. Molybdenum mines developed at Gursli in Lund and tungsten was extracted at Ørsdal in Bjerkreim. The next mining activity was at Sandbekk in Sokndal from 1916 – 1965. Today the only mining is at the open pit at Tellnes, Sokndal, where 850.000 tons of ilmenite are extracted annually.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
Norsk Bergindustri er bransjeforeningen for hele den norske mineralnæringen. Sammen skaper våre medlemsbedrifter en trygg og bærekraftig bergindustri for framtiden. Se for å lese mer
A TASTE OF GEOLOGY The geopark has beautiful cultural landscapes and untouched nature that give a distinctive fingerprint and taste to locally produced food. Wild sheep grass on unproductive soil. The brown bee, which should be conserved, gives local honey a pure and characteristic taste. Other types of bee are forbidden in Sokndal, Lund, Flekkefjord and Sirdal. Magma Geopark wishes to promote sustainable local food production and to maintain culinary traditions. We cooperate with other geoparks in Norden in the project GEOfood. We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
No GEOPARK LOCALITY DESCRIPTION FACILITIES 1 Gloppedalsura huge rock fall 2 Vinjakula mountain 907m (pending) 3 Storrsheia iron age settlement 4 Austdalen Ra moraine 5 Ørsdalen old tungsten mine (pending) 6 Gudlen / Schaanning old tungsten mine & potholes (pending) 7 Solbjørgnipa iron age remains and regional geology 8 Odlandshølen layered intrusion (pending) 9 Jærmuseet district museum 10 Åsen old house from 1740 11 Terland Klopp stone bridge from about 1840 12 Egersund Granite dimension stone quarry 13 St. Olavsormen unusual moraine (esker) 14 Storeknuten layered intrusion (pending) 15 Borgaråsen ruined castle from 500 AD MAGMA 16 Jonsokknuten layered intrusion GEOPARK 17 Solknuden (pending) 18 Wasshus (pending) 19 Tagholt (pending) 20 Geobike geological bicycle trip 21 Slettebø Dalane Folkemuseum (cultural museum) 22 Storlibu Nodland outdoor activities and anorthosite 23 Gullbergstuva layered intrusion 24 Eigerøy Fyr anorthosite and norite (lighthouse) 25 Egersund old wooden houses 26 Auglend outdoor activities and anorthosite 27 Koldal & Ankershus old ilmenite mines (pending) 28 Gaudland outdoor activities and anorthosite 29 Glerhaug anorthosite landscape (pending) 30 Gursli old molybdenum mine (pending) 31 Lund bygdemuseum district museum and cultural material og kulturbank 32 Lund (pending) 33 Tronåsen old, steep, winding road 34 Bakke bru oldest suspension bridge in Norway 35 Jibbeheia anorthosite and regional geology 36 Rossland ancient sculpture 37 Blåfjell gruver & old titanium mines (pending) large rocking stone Ruggesteinen 38 Sogndalstrand old harbour town 39 Helleren old wooden buildings and anorthosite 39 Jøssingfjordsenteret (pending) 40 Hellersheia anorthosite and Jøssingfjord 41 Tellnes active ilmenite mine 42 Brufjell jettegryter pot holes 43 Li gård farm with outdoor activities 44 Kirkehamn, Hidra harbour town on Hidra island 45 Flekkefjord banen old railway from 1904 46 Flekkefjord old wooden houses
Mainly geology Mainly culture Geology and culture
Utforsk lokalitetene til magama Geopark
ENOUGH EXPERIENCES FOR MANY VISITS! Magma Geopark has 46 localities. The beautiful landscapes and unspoiled nature invite you to take part in outdoor activities in a fascinating area with rocky hills, lakes, streams and fiords. We cooperate with the five municipalities and two counties in the area. We can help you to hire bicycles, climbing equipment, canoes and kayaks. If you want to climb you must be accompanied by an experienced guide. We have via ferrata at Jøssingfjord and at Li farm in Flekkefjord.
The highest point in the geopark – Vinjakula (907 meters above sea level) - is in Bjerkreim municiBJERKREIM pality, together with the KOMMUNE imposing jumble of rocks at Gloppedal. Between 1904 and 1954 there was mining for molybdenum and tungsten in the very steep and precipitous sides of Ørsdal valley. There were five periods of mining activity under different ownership. A total of 20 – 30 men usually worked in the mines.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
Utfordringer i dagen - løsninger i grunnen
GUIDE? GROUP? SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU? Contact us at for suggestions and prices. In Eigersund municipality you can visit Dalane Folkemuseum and at Ege you can see “St. Olav´s Serpent” EIGERSUND which winds its way through KOMMUNE the landscape for two kilometres. Eigerøy lighthouse is the oldest cast iron lighthouse in Norway (1854) and with its height of 32.9 meters it stands proudly in the rocky coastal landscape. On your way to the lighthouse you walk on anorthosite, the rock type that makes the light parts of the moon. ► We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
Better Decisions, Better Returns.
Flekkefjord municipality offers south Norwegian idyll, both in Flekkefjord itself and on the island of Hidra. In FLEKKEFJORD Flekkefjord you can hire a KOMMUNE four-wheeled pedal-driven vehicle to travel for 17 kilometres along the old Flekkefjord railway with 17 tunnels on the way to Sira. On Hidra you can climb to the top of H책g책sen and enjoy wonderful views, as well as experiencing memories of the Second World War. We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
V책re geologer skaper ringvirkninger og arbeidsplasser
Lund municipality has the dangerous old road “Tronåsen” which in 1931 was part of a stage in the LUND Monte Carlo Rally. The road KOMMUNE passes through the roots of an ancient mountain chain that resembled the Himalayas about a billion years ago. You can also visit the old mines at Gursli. For four hectic years from 1915 until 1919 the molybdenum mines here employed up to 125 people. ► We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
We have one of the most exciting portfolios on the Norwegian Continental Shelf today. Our discoveries have been made in licenses where others have explored without success. We believe it is due to our teams’ use of new and innovative methods, combined with new perspectives that challenge old truths.
GUIDE? GROUP? SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU? Contact us at for suggestions and prices. Sokndal municipality offers the impressive old mines at Blåfjell and walks on anorthosite - moon rock – on Jibbeheia. SOKNDAL Jøssingfjord is known for climb- KOMMUNE ing, the old houses at Helleren and the Altmark incident. The houses at Helleren that are sheltered below overhanging rocks were built in the early 1800´s. The Altmark incident was the first action in Norway during the Second World War when 300 British prisoners were released from the German ship “Altmark”. Several Germans were killed during the action that took place while Norway was a neutral country. We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
Fugro Geotechnics AS Karenslyst Alle’ 2 0278 Oslo
OTHER GEOPARKS NEARBY The number of geoparks in the world that are members of the Global Geopark Network (GGN) is steadily increasing. GGN is supported by UNESCO. In 2015 there were a total of 64 GGN members of which five are in Norden. In addition to the GGN geoparks there are many national geoparks and geopark projects. At present there are more than 500 regions and areas in the world that call themselves a geopark. Other GGN geoparks relatively close to Magma Geopark are Gea Norvegica, Rokua, Odsherred, Katla and Shetland Geopark.
Gea Norvegica Geopark comprises eight municipalities in the southern part of Vestfold and Telemark, Norway. Many important epochs in the geological history of Norway are represented. Some highlights include larvikite and rhomb porphyry, the Fen complex that represents the roots of an old carbonatite volcano, and the landscape which was sculpted by the last Ice Age, with, for example the Ra moraine and Jomfruland. These, and many other features, are presented to inquisitive visitors.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark! www. Tlf: 46 Tlf: 44 60 469844 60 98 Dokumentasjon byggevarer iht. teknisk forskrift 10 kap. 3 DOKUMENTASJON AV BYGGEVARER IHT. TEKNISK FORSKIFT 10av KAP. 3 AKKREDITERT PRODUKTOG SYSTEMSERTIFISERING akkreDitert proDukt- og systemsertifisering
Vårt kjerneområdet er godkjenning og sertifisering Betongprodukter - tilslag og asfalt Vårt kjerneområde er godkjenningav: og sertifisering av: Betongprodukter - tilslag og asfalt
Besøk hvor du blant annet vil finne en ajourført database over alle godkjente og sertifiserte virksomheter. Mer enn 750 foretak er i dag tilsluttet våre ulike ordninger!
Vi administrerer i alt 15 ulike godkjenningviog sertifiseringer innen områdene: administrerer i alt 15 ulike godkjenning og • Fabrikkfremstilte betong- og lettbetongprodukter • Armeringsstål og sement • Kumlokk og rammer av støpejern
sertifiseringsordninger innen områdene: • • • •
• Puss- og murmørtler •Fabrikkfremstilte betong- og lettbetongprodukter Prøvingslaboratorier og byggeplasslaboratorier Armeringsstål og sement •Tilslag og asfalt Systemsertifisering iht. NS-EN ISO 9001 og 14001 Kumlokk og rammer av støpejern
Rokua Geopark in Finland has some of the oldest rocks in Europe and typical glacial landscapes. Odsherred Geopark on Zealand in Denmark has a young landscape that was sculpted by ice, wind and weather and is still changing. The area is well known for local food and has much to offer to visitors. Katla Geopark in southern Iceland has active volcanoes in a landscape formed by volcanic activity with lava flows and volcanic ash from many eruption events. Shetland Geopark has 2.700 km of coast with spectacular cliffs that are constantly being eroded. The coastline of Shetland is exposed to more energy provided by the power of nature than any other coastline in the world.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to Magma Geopark!
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