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Easily accessible and conveniently located on Victoria Road our friendly staff can provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your stay.
Whether you’re passing through, here for the day, or enjoying an extended trip, drop into the Revelstoke Visitor Information Centre and speak to one of our passionate counsellors to find out everything Revelstoke offers. Our counsellors are professionally trained and love to live and play in Revelstoke. They are
eager to help you have the best experience and make the most of your visit. first Lake Climb over Jade Lake Pass through treeless alpine tundra. views of Lake Revelstoke. bridge at the end. SeeRevelstoke.com @SeeRevelstoke #THEREALSTOKE 9.4 km one-way • 3-4 hrs to the A secluded uphill trail with long moss-covered, twisted, wooden 22 JADE LAKES 1 km one-way • 30 min overlooking valley views with a 7.1 km one-way • 2-3 hrs Classic Subalpine hike over gently rolling terrain. loops around the small subalpine lake. EAGLE KNOLL 14 BROKEN BRIDGE 1 km • 30 min Short walk through forest 7 BC Ministry of Forests: 250-837-7611 Emergency: 911 21 EVA LAKE Trail starts at Balsam Lake and Jump. Revelstoke Parks & Recreation: 250-837-9351 Our counsellors are constantly on the lookout for the best experiences. They will help you book accommodation and activities, provide maps (as pictured 301 Victoria Road W. 250-837-5345 / 1-800-487-1493 Parks Canada: 250-837-7500 NELS’ KNICKERS 300m one-way • 10 min Short and gentle walk to the top of the historic Nels Nelson Ski BALSAM LAKE 0.5 km loop • 10 min 13 20 6 CLEANyourgearbeforeentering &leavingtherecreationsite. STAYondesignated &trails. SUMMIT AREA MILLER LAKE 5.8 km one-way • 2-3 hrs A short side trip from the Eva Lake trail to a beautiful lake. below), offer directions and let you know about the local hot spots. In the summer months, you may also find our Roaming Visitor Centre Van located at Mount FOR MORE INFORMATION Visitor Information Centre Multi-use (hike/bike) trail through interior rainforest. SOREN SORENSON 5K 5 km loop • 1.5 hrs Multi-use (hike/bike) trail through interior rainforest. 5 LINDMARK 7.5 km one-way • 3.5 hrs uphill Steep trail from Monashee Picnic Area to Balsam Lake. Partial dog restriction in effect. 750 m loop • 30 min View First Nations art through subalpine meadows. 12 REMOVEplants,animals&mud fromboots,gear,pets&vehicle. ALPINE Revelstoke National Park or Revelstoke Mountain Resort. GET INTO THE ALPINE WITH OVER 20KM OF HIKING TRAILS revelstokemtn.com/hiking HEATHER LAKE 400 m loop • 10 min Short walk around a subalpine lake. FIRST FOOTSTEPS 18 19 SUMMIT 10 km one-way • 4-5 hrs uphill Trail from Nels Nelsen parking lot to Mount Revelstoke summit. Partial dog restriction in effect. 11 2.5 km loop • 1 hr Gentle walk through interior rainforest. SOREN SORENSON 2K 2 km loop • 30 min 4 KOO KOO SINT 700 m loop • 30 min Learn about David Thompson and the Columbia River. 17 10 NELS NELSEN SKI JUMP 400 m one-way • 30 min Explore the historic ski jump. Self guided tour pamphlet available. INSPIRATION WOODS 3 LOWER ELEVATION VISITING WITH DOGS: Ensure your dog is always on a leash and under control. Dogs are not allowed above the Columbia Viewpoint on the Meadows in the Sky Parkway, including the Eva, Miller and Jade Lakes trails. North. wetland, 27 km east on Hwy #1. at the Nels Nelsen Historic Area. Located in the heart of downtown, the Visitor Centre team is here to assist you and customize your trip. Amenities available at the Centre include: FIRE LOOKOUT 250 m one-way • 15 min Trail leads to the historic Summit Fire Lookout, with a spectacular 360 degree views. 16 UPPER SUMMIT 1 km one-way • 30 min Trail passes through subalpine forest to the summit meadows. 15 GIANT CEDARS 0.5 km loop • 15 min Boardwalk through old growth forest, 29 km east on Hwy #1. 1 SKUNK CABBAGE 1.2 km loop • 30 min Boardwalk through mountain 2 8MOUNT REVELSTOKE 1.3 km one-way • 30 min Multi-use (hike/bike) trail connecting the ski jump to the Railway Museum. 923 CONNECTOR 2.2 km one-way • 30 min Multi-use (hike/bike) trail connecting the parkway to Hwy 23 Easy Moderate Difficult HIGHWAY 1 WHEN TO VISIT: May to October, dependent on snow conditions. In the spring, the Meadows in the Sky Parkway opens gradually in elevation as the snow melts. The summit is typically accessible from June to September, showcasing peak wildflower displays in mid-summer. Parking at the summit area is often limited at this time. MEADOWS IN THE SKY PARKWAY DRIVING RESTRICTIONS: Closes to vehicle traffic in the evenings. Check the hours posted at the welcome station as you enter. Towed trailers, and buses and RVs over 26’ are not permitted on the parkway. Trailers may be parked MOUNT REVELSTOKE NATIONAL PARK A hidden gem nestled just off Hwy #1 near the City of Revelstoke, adventure awaits in old growth forests and flowering meadows. The centrepiece of the park is the Meadows in the Sky Parkway, a 26 km paved road that climbs 1600 metres to the summit of Mount Revelstoke. The parkway provides access to most trailheads in the park and features seven impressive roadside viewpoints. Use the trail difficulty ratings to choose a hike suitable for everyone in your party. For trail conditions and more information, visit pc.gc.ca/revelstoke. Please note: All persons entering Mount Revelstoke National Park require a Parks Canada entry pass. HIKING TRAIL LOCATIONS
Free parking and RV parking Accessible building and washrooms Free WiFi Electric car charger Souvenir shop and local art Year-round trip planning by email or phone
Illecillewaet Icefield. ABBOTT RIDGE 13.6 km return • 6.5 hrs Trail up to alpine tundra that ends on a narrow ridge. BEAVER VALLEY & BALD HILLSMulti-day hikes. Parks Canada reports for the first 7km of this trail up until Grizzly Creek. The remaining of the trail is unmaintained and requires advanced mountain travel skills, use at your own risk. Check Parks Canada’s website for more info. 17 Abbott Ridge Trail. GREAT GLACIER 6.4 km return • 3.5 hrs Trail up to the sloping bedrock below the Illecillewaet Glacier. BOSTOCK CREEK 15.6 km return • 7 hrs Moderate hike through the interior rainforest and into the subalpine. 8 9 19 18 Trail Ratings: REVELSTOKE VISUAL ART CENTRE. Community art gallery & creative space. Start at Visitor Information Centre 1.Revelstoke Museum & Archives 2.Revelstoke Railway Museum 3.Revelstoke Art Gallery 4.Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre 5.BC Forestry Museum & Discovery Centre 6.Nels Nelsen Ski Jump TRANS-CANADA NORDIC SKIING BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Steep hike ending at a viewpoint overlooking the Steep forested hike along the first leg of the 10.8 km return • 6 hrs 4.4 km return • 2.5 hrs
view of rock and ice. Steep trail onto a ridge providing a panoramic 11.4 km return • 6 hrs
• VISIT the art gallery for monthly exhibitions from April to December. this is a rigorous hike. • Built as a mountaineering route, Attend opening night receptions and MEET THE ARTISTS. • 10.2 km return • 5 hrsPURCHASE local & original art work at exhibitions or gift shop. • SIR DONALDJOIN our membership and immerse in Revelstoke’s local arts & 14 culture scene. • designated campsite up top.PARTICIPATE in the excitement of our annual art auction
Steep trail to alpine meadows, there is a “ANYTHING GOES!” each February. • 6.4 km return • 4 hrsENROLL in a pottery, painting, or mixed media art class. • HERMITENJOY the peacefulness of our community gardens which are 13 supporting the Revelstoke’s Local Food Initiative. and waterfalls. ASULKAN VALLEY 13.8 km return • 6 hrs Glacier views, mountain scenery, 12 HOURS OF OPERATION March - December, Tues - Sat: 12 pm - 4 pm See website for winter hours, exhibition details, membership and events registration. meadows. ADMISSION Trail through avalanche paths into alpine The community art gallery admission is by donation. 12.8 km return • 4 hrs
BALU PASS 11 320 Wilson Ave
250-814-0261 Steep trail into an alpine basin. artsrevelstoke.com 8.2 km return • 5 hrs
AVALANCHE CRESTinfo@revelstokeartgallery.ca 10
Short and steep trail down to the falls. 1 km return • 1 hr Interpretive trail along the original Canadian Pacific rail grade. BEAR CREEK FALLS 6ENTRY GATE 7.2 km return • 2 hrs
1885 5
and Illecillewaet River. Forest walk past the confluence of Asulkan Brook 1.3 km loop • 30 min
railway history. Interpretive trail on old rail grade highlighting 1.7 km return • 45 min LOOP BROOK TRAILCOLUMBIA RIVER 3 stepping stones. Interpretive trail with rock staircases and 428 m loop • 30 min
old-growth cedar & hemlock forest. Interpretive boardwalk through 350 m loop • 15 min
The Revelstoke Nordic Ski Club (RNSC), in partenership There are skate skis, classic skis, and snowshoes for rent • Ski within your ability. BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADAwith RSTBC, maintains 30 km of groomed Nordic trails for both classic and skate skiing, including a 6 km section at the day lodge. There is a wide size range of gear, but it is recommended to call ahead to confirm rental availability as • • Obey all signs. Pack out all garbage; do not litter. BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA Soar to dizzying heights. NELS NELSEN SKI JUMP. MUSEUMS &GALLERY that is lit from dusk to 9:30 pm. The Trails are located 7 km south of Revelstoke on Highway 23 South, at an elevation of 640 m. There are also 6.6 km of marked snowshoe trails. Trails are typically skiable from December to the beginning of April. The day lodge is a warm and spacious facility with a ticket and rental office, a boot changing room, washrooms, and a large common room with a fireplace. Hot beverages are available by donation. there are sometimes large groups of renters. Office hours are 9 am to 4 pm. Check the RNSC website for pricing and sizes. SKI PROGRAMS AND LESSONS RNSC offers a wide range of programming for all ages, abilities, and schedules. From private lessons to weekly group sessions, there is something for everyone. • • • • • HIKINGWhen stopping, move to the side of the trail. Skiers coming downhill have the right-of-way. Slower skiers should yield to faster skiers. Be courteous if passing slower skiers. Do not walk, snowshoe, skate, or herringbone on set tracks. TRAIL AND DAY FEES For details, visit the website or contact coach@revelstokenordic.org. All trail users are required to have an annual membership or pay a day use fee. A modest fee also applies for backcountry OLE SANDBERG CABIN enthusiasts accessing the Fingers and Mt. Macpherson, and for snowshoers without annual memberships. RNSC is a not- The Ole Sandberg cabin is 2.5 km from the parking area for-profit organization, and fees contribute to maintaining at the junction of Main Loop, Log Roller, and Creek Crawl. the parking lot, facilities, and trail network. Current fees are The cabin has two wood stoves: one inside and one on the posted on the information board adjacent to the day lodge and on the RNSC website. Fees can be paid in the ticket Mount Revelstoke National Park covered porch. Visitors are welcome to use the wood and stoves. Overnight use is not permitted. office in the day lodge, or when the office is closed, in the • WALK to the historic ski jumping venue and enjoy the view of the yellow fee deposit box adjacent to the lodge. City of Revelstoke and the Monashee Mountains. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Rosie Marie Images • LEARN about Revelstoke’s ski history. SKIING WITH DOGS • PRACTICE your bike skills with the family at the Beaver LodgeYou are responsible for your own safety when using the trails. REVELSTOKE NORDIC SKI CLUB RNSC is a dog friendly club, but there are guidelines for dogs and dog owners using the trails. Dog owners must be in control of their dog at all times, and dogs are only Bike Park. • EXPLORE the rainforest trails. • STAY at the Snowforest Campground and try the new walk-in forested sites. Always be prepared: bring water, extra clothing, snacks, and a cell phone. Keep to the marked trails and tell someone where you are going. Should a situation arise where assistance is required, contact Search and Rescue (SAR) through the Box 1618, Revelstoke, BC, V0E 2S0 250-814-4264 info@revelstokenordic.org permitted on the following trails: Roadway Ramble, BCIT, RCMP by calling 911. Also contacting the RNSC ticket office www.revelstokenordic.org Short Hop, Easy Al’s, and Ellie’s. Dog owners are expected to is helpful for coordinating with SAR. While waiting for help, clean up after their pets and keep our trails clean. Orange HOURS OF OPERATION it is important to keep the injured person warm. There are trowels are located on posts along the dog friendly trails Open year-round with extended hours during snow-free months. backpacks containing insulating pads, blankets, and first aid for this purpose. Deposit trowels back on a hook when done. See website for more details. kits at the day lodge, the Ole Sandberg Hut, and the bottom The parking lot, stadium area, and first 200m of Roadway of Hydro Hill. The groomer also carries first-aid supplies. The Ramble are on-leash areas. Backcountry users can take Please note: All persons entering Glacier National Park require a Parks Canada entry pass.ADMISSION complete rescue plan is available on the RNSC website. www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca their dogs to The Fingers, but they must be on-leash when Daily or annual National Parks Pass is required. GLACIER NATIONAL PARK This glacier-studded landscape is home to steep mountains, diverse wildlife and a rich railway history. Explore century old trails ranging from gentle strolls in lush forests to challenging hikes with views that will take your breath away. Use the trail difficulty ratings to choose a hike suitable for everyone in your party. For trail conditions and more information, visit pc.gc.ca/glacier. WHEN TO VISIT: June to October, dependent on snow conditions. High elevation trails can be snowbound until July. VISITING WITH DOGS: Ensure your dog is always on a leash and under control. Dogs are not allowed on the Balu Pass trail and Connaught Creek area. SeeRevelstoke.com @SeeRevelstoke #THEREALSTOKE Camping fees apply. Mount Revelstoke National Park 250-837-7500 pc.gc.ca/revelstoke pc.mrg.information.pc@canada.caSeeRevelstoke.com @SeeRevelstoke #THEREALSTOKE on groomed trails (ascending and descending). Snowshoers must have their dogs on-leash for groomed trail crossings. Please refer to the Dog Policy posted at the lodge, on the dog hitching post beside the parking lot, and on our website for more information. For current snow and grooming conditions call our snow phone 250-837-7303 SeeRevelstoke.com @SeeRevelstoke #THEREALSTOKE
www.SeeRevelstoke.com @SeeRevelstoke | #TheRealStoke Revelstoke Visitor Information Centre visitor.ctr@revelstokechamber.com 301 Victoria Rd | +1.250.837.5345