Kopron - High speed doors ZH-UK

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Replay 3.0 是高浦龙设计和生产的最新快速 门。即使因突然撞击导致帘布脱离导轨,此 门也会在下一次关闭时重新复位,自动恢复 运行功能。 关注细节,高质量材料和自动控制系统,以 及将帘布和结构设计相融合的创新系统使自 动修复卷帘门成为一款高端技术产品。

Replay 3.0 is the latest fast opening door created by Kopron: after an accidental crush the fabric detaches from the side guides and at the next closing cycle it repositions itself into the guides, automatically re-establishing functioning. The care in details, the high quality of both material and automations plus the innovative system to join fabric to frame makes Replay 3.0 a highly advanced technology product.

开/关 速度: 2 m/秒 - 0,8 m/秒 控制箱:变频数字技术 限位开关:编码器 电源: 220 V 安全认证符合EN12978标准 使用寿命符合 EN 12604: 经测试达1,000,000次开闭周期 双层,抗撕裂,欧洲2级PVC面料: 总重 900克/㎡ 耐温范围: -30°C ~ +70°C 标准尺寸:最大 5.000 x 5.000mm

Opening/closing Speed: up to 2 m/sec - 0,8 m/sec Control box: Inverter digital technology Limit switch: Encoder Power supply: 220 Volts Safety edges in compliance with Standard EN 12978 Opening-closing cycles EN 12604: Tested up to 1,000,000 cycles Double layer, anti-tear, Class 2 PVC fabric: total weight 900 gr/m2 Min temperature -30°, Max temperature +70° Standard size: max. 5.000 x 5.000


CHARACTERISTICS • 结构采用环氧喷漆技术铝合金,颜色选 用RAL7016。 • 特殊导轨由具有良好耐磨性,装在铝框 支架上的自润滑聚乙烯组成。 • 固定材料采用不锈钢。侧板带有轴承特 别当运用于食品业。 • 编织材料由抗撕裂,双层,2级 PVC面 料制成。可以根据客户要求增加视窗。 • 电机频繁运行,配备有电子编程和多语 种显示的控制箱。控制箱带有上、下、 停止按钮,可调开闭速度使门体运行缓 起缓停。您可以连接各种控件:安全系 统,交通灯,自动关闭或局部开启,故 障检查测试和带有用作协助及维护的闭 锁装置的使用周期计数器。 • 由于特殊的设计,这款门可以安装在任 何狭小的空间。双重安全保护装置:光 电保护和耐撞击安全底边。同时,您可 以选择是否增加卷轴罩壳。

Larghezza 最宽/Maximum massima/Maximum width width 170 170




400 400



Altezza NET/NET height


净高/NET height Altezza massima/Maximum height


最高/Maximum height


• Structure in aluminium painted with epoxy powders, colour RAL 7016. • Special side guides in anti-wear, selflubricating polyzene assembled on special aluminium posts with swinging brackets. • The fixing kit is in stainless steel. Side plates are provided with bearings especially used in food environments. • The fabric consists of anti-tear, double layer, Class II PVC. You can insert vision panels upon request. • Motor for intensive use, complete with control box with electronic programming and multilingual display. It also has a door with up-stop-down button, opening/ closing speed regulation to allow soft openings and landings, you can connect all sorts of controls: safety systems, traffic lights, automatic shutter closing or partial opening, malfunction check tests, cycle counter with blocking device for assistance and maintenance. • Due to its special design this compact door can be installed in any place with little space available. • Double safety device: couple of photocells and anti-crush safety edge. • You can choose whether to cover the rolling shaft: or leave it uncovered.





净宽/NET Larghezza width NET/NET width




FAST-ROLL 3.0 快速卷帘门 Vertical roll door


Fast Roll 3.0 是由高浦龙设计和生产的,以取 代传统快卷的创新型快卷门。此款新门的特 点是在帘布中没有抗风杆,没有背带及任何 硬质物体。

Fast Roll 3.0 is the innovative fast roll-up door created by Kopron to replace the traditional one. No tubes inserted in the fabric, no belts, compact posts are the characteristics of this new door.

开/关 速度:2m/秒 - 0.8m/秒 控制箱:变频数字技术 限位开关:编码器 电源:220 Volts 安全认证符合 EN12978 标准 使用寿命符合 EN 12604: 经测试使用周期达1,000,000次 双层,抗撕,欧洲2级PVC面料: 总重 900克/㎡ 耐温范围:-30°C~ 70°C 标准尺寸:最大5000X5000mm

Opening/closing Speed: up to 2 m/sec - 0,8 m/sec Control Panel: Inverter digital technology Limit switch: Encoder Power supply: 220 Volts Safety edges in compliance with Standard EN 12978 Opening-closing cycles EN 12604: Tested up to 1,000,000 cycles Double layer, anti-tear, Class 2 PVC fabric: total weight 900 gr/m2 Min temperature -30°, Max temperature +70° Standard size: max. 5.000 x 5.000


此款门具有以下特有的优势: • 框架采用环氧喷漆技术铝合金,颜色选 用 RAL7016。 • 固定材料采用不锈钢。带有轴承的侧板 特别适用于食品业。 • 编织材料由抗撕裂,双层,2级 PVC面 料制成。耐磨导轨中带有特殊的侧铰 链,这些确保了良好的抗风能力。同 时,你也可以选配透明视窗。 • 电机频繁运行,配备有电子编程和多语 种显示的控制箱。控制箱带有上、下、 停止按钮,可调开闭速度使门体运行缓 起缓停。您可以连接各种控件:安全系 统,交通灯,自动关闭或局部开启,故 障检查测试和带有用作协助及维护的闭 锁装置的使用周期计数器。 • 由于特殊的设计,这款门可以安装在任 何狭小的空间。双重安全保护装置:光 电保护和耐撞击安全底边。同时,您可 以选择是否增加卷轴罩壳。

Larghezza 最宽/Maximum massima/Maximum width width

New door with the following exclusive advantages: • Structure in aluminium painted with epoxy powders, colour RAL 7016. • The fixing kit is in stainless steel. Side plates are provided with bearings especially used in food environments. • The fabric consists of an anti-tear, double layer, Class II PVC supplied in one whole piece, provided with special side hinges sliding in exclusive anti-wear guides. This guarantees a good wind resistance. You can also insert transparent CRISTAL vision panels. • Motor for intensive use, complete with control box with electronic programming and multilingual display. It also has a door with up-stop-down button, opening/ closing speed regulation to allow soft openings and landings, you can connect all sorts of controls: safety systems, traffic lights, automatic shutter closing or partial opening, malfunction check tests, cycle counter with blocking device for assistance and maintenance. • Due to its special design this compact door can be installed in any place with little space available. Double safety device: couple of photocells and anticrush safety edge. You can choose whether to cover the rolling shaft: or leave it uncovered.

170 170



400 400




Altezza NET/NET height



净高/NET height Altezza massima/Maximum height

最高/Maximum height







净宽/NET Larghezza width NET/NET width






快速堆积门的设计和制造适用于每天开关数 百次的情况。此类门垂直折叠及展开,具有 以下特征: • 提升速度。开启/关闭速度能最大程度减少 室内外热交换。 • 节省空间。所有编织材料都被折叠在金属门 框的轨道内。 • 抗风性。带有加强筋的帘布能确保门在大风 天气也能平稳运行,即使有突发情况,也能 保证人员和货物的安全。 • 密封性。即使在大风天气,也有良好的密封 性。 • 无需维修保养。产品结构坚固,操作方便, 高品质材料的选用确保了门在不维护的情况 下依然可以长期使用。

FAST-PACK has been designed and manufactured to bear hundreds of opening/ shutting operations throughout a day. This door, which folds and disappears vertically, offers the following characteristics: • Transit speed. The opening/shutting speed, allows to minimise the thermal exchange between inside and outside of the building. • Little space taken up. All the fabric is folded within the width of the track within the metal frame. • Wind resistance. The fabric is provided with reinforcing bars which enable the door to resist against wind gusts and protect personnel and goods from an accidental break-though of the door due to wrong manoeuvres. • Dust resistance. Even in case of strong wind the door offers a good dust resistance. • Maintenance-free. The robust construction, the easy operation and the use of high quality material, guarantee a longterm use without maintenance.

开/关 速度:2m/秒 - 0.8m/秒 控制箱:变频数字技术 电源:380V 安全认证符合标准 EN 12978 使用寿命符合 EN 12604: 经测试使用周期达 1,000,000 次 双层,抗撕裂,欧洲 2级PVC 面料: 总重 900克/㎡ 耐温范围:-30°C, 70°C 标准尺寸:尺寸可以根据客户的需求而定

Opening/Closing speed: 0,8 m/sec - 0,8 m/sec Control Panel: Inverter digital technology Power supply: 380 Volts Safety edges in compliance with Standard EN 12978 Opening-closing cycles EN 12604: Tested up to 1,000,000 cycles Double layer, anti-tear, Class 2 PVC fabric: total weight 900 gr/m2 Min temperature -30°, Max temperature +70° Standard size: size can meet customer’s requirements


自带轴承金属框架由镀锌彩涂钢板制 成,作为框架,也作为导轨材料。 帘布由双层,防裂PVC材料制成,自熄 等级:2级。可以选配透明视窗,在产 品运输前人员能够清楚的看见厂房内外 的情况。客户可以自行选择颜色。门通 过带限位开关的自动刹车减速机运行, 由缠绕在高浦龙特质铝制圆筒上的特殊 背带提升门帘。 带数字面板的控制箱符合现行标准,同 时可连接任何安全系统和控制。控制箱 顶端有开关,还带有开启、停止、关闭 按钮。


最宽/Maximum width




最高/Maximum height


净高/NET height


发动机/ Motor


The self-bearing metal frame is made of galvanized pre-painted steel, and acts both as a frame and as a guide-track for the strong PVC sheet. The fabric consists of a double layer, tear resistant PVC, self-extinguishing to class 2, with transparent vision panels, if required, allowing personnel to see through the door before transit. You can choose among a range colours in order to match the door with the surroundings. The door is operated by means of a self-braking motoreducer with an incorporated limit switch, the fabric is lifted up with special belts which wrap around particular Kopron designed aluminium cylinders. The control box with digital board is in compliance with standards in force and can be connected to any safety system and control, it has an ON/OFF switch on the top plus an open-stop-shut push button.

LED灯 Led flashing

1. 卷轴 Rolling shaft


2. 电动减速机 Motorized reducer 30

3. 闪烁标志 Flashing 4. 牵引背带 Towing belts


净宽/NET width




自动复位 - 快卷门 - 快速堆积门


RAL 9003

其他可选颜色 Ral COLOURS upon request 白铝灰色 - White aluminium

RAL 9006

红色 - Red

RAL 3000

绿色 - Green

RAL 6037

蓝色 - Blue

RAL 5010 特殊定制: 在PVC帘布上绢印,印刷和数字标识. Personalization: Serigraphies, printings and digital logos on the PVC surface.

开启系统 OPENING SYSTEM 手机控制开启:用手机拨打电话, 门会在手机响第一声时开启。 Open Door GSM: With a simple phone call from your mobile the door will open at the first buzz!

所有堆积门或卷帘门可以通过如下自动化装 置操作:地磁环,光电感应开启,雷达,遥 控式开启,手机控制开启。 这些自动化装置也可以用于KBSE型号的碰撞 门,配有电动开启或气动开启装置。 All doors that close with package or rolling mechanisms may be operated using automatic devices: magnetic spiral, photocell, radar, remote control, Open Door GSM, K-Hands Free. These automatic mechanisms can also be applied to the KBSE model, which is a model of wing-door that has either an electric or pneumatic opening mechanism.

K-hands Free:创新开启系统。 K-hands Free: the innovative door opening system.

新一代遥控器:安全性最高。 New generation transmitters: No cloning possible for highest safety.

带有辅件的控制面板。 Control panel for operating accessories.

高浦龙保留修改和/或改进其产品的权利。因此上面给出的技术数据不具有约束力。 Kopron reserve themselves the right to modify and/or improve their products. Therefore the technical data given above are not binding.


自由碰撞门 FLEXIBLE WING-DOORS 自由碰撞门采用透明PVC帘布,处于另一侧的 人员可以有一个安全宽阔的视野。这些门由 特殊的框架构成,确保使用过程中的高抗扭 能力。为了增加门的使用寿命,应要求,可 以使用橡胶来增强结构。可以使用两种方式 操作:手动,弹簧加载结构,或者半自动, 通过气缸将门打开,随后通过弹簧装置关闭 门。 Flexibile wing-doors close by using a transparent PVC sheet, which allows a safe and wide view of what is on the other side. These doors consist of a special frame which is able to guarantee high resistance to the twisting they go through during transits. To increase door life, upon request, you can have rubber sheets to reinforce the structure. Transit is carried out in both ways and for this reason the opening/ closing system can be requested in two different versions: manual, with a spring-loaded mechanism, or semi-automatic, with cylinders pushing the door open and a spring loaded mechanism which closes it afterwards.

手动开启基本款 Basic model with manual opening

气动开启系统 Mod. supplied with a pneumatic opening system

电动气动开启系统 Mod. with an electrical-pneumatic opening system

基本款,手动开 启,橡胶加固 Basic mod. which is opened manually and is reinforced with rubber sheets

PVC门帘 STRIP DOORS 此门由单层或双层重叠的透明PVC带制成,并 带有镀锌钢或不锈钢框架。对于同一建筑,不 同部门间的流转、保温和分装问题,此门是最 实用和经济的选择。更重要的是,为了满足各 种需求,此门可以采取多种悬挂固定安装方式 (常规的,可移动的,摆动的,滑动的)。 Made out of transparent PVC strips which overlap in single or double layers, and are supported by a galvanized or stainless steel frame. These doors are a practical and economical solution to all problems of transit, thermal insulation, and division between different sectors of the same building. Moreover, these can be supplied with several different types of overhead fixing methods (normal, removable, swinging, and sliding) in order to meet all requirements.


细节/DETAILS Sormonto liste

KCSA 可移动的/ removable

KCSO 摆动/ swinging

KCSO 摆动/滑动 swinging/sliding


AND OTHER 115.000 CUSTOMERS SATISFIED Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001 Certified Factory Production Control UNI EN 1090-1 Certified Welding of Metallic Materials UNI EN ISO 3834 Certified Steel Processing Center N° 2533/13 Applicable Standard: UNI EN 13241-1



高浦龙的产品质量管理体系认证 进一步为产品有效性和 高效性提供了保证 Through certifications Kopron offers a further guarantee on efficiency and quality of their products.

LOGISTIC SOLUTIONS Kopron China 江苏省 无锡市新区城南路207号 - 214028 207, Chengnan road 214028 New district Wuxi - Jiangsu - China 电话 t +86 0510 85 36 30 50 sales@kopronchina.com www.kopronchina.com Kopron S.p.A. - Headquarters Via I Maggio s.n. 20064 Gorgonzola (Mi) Italy t +39 02 92 15 21 f +39 02 92 15 29 20 kopron@kopron.com Export Sales t +39 02 92 15 27 51 export@kopron.com Kopron SERVICE Assistenza e ricambi/ Spare parts assistenza@kopron.com www.kopron.com/service

ZH-uUK 2013

Kopron France Parc de Chavanne 817, Route des Frênes 69400 Arnas - France t +33 04 74 68 16 57 kopron@korpon.fr www.kopron.com/fr Kopron do Brasil Av. Josè Alves de Oliveira, 123 Parque Industrial III, 132013-105 Jundiaí - São Paolo - Brasil t +55 11 31 09 67 00 comercial@kopron.com www.kopron.com/pt

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